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Major Dom

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Posts posted by Major Dom

  1. are you afraid that when in the future you run for president of the united states people will search through your skype logs and internet history and see all your racist comments, drug deals, porn tastes, and the fact that u played on a minecraft fantasy roleplaying server and then u will be humiliated in front of everyone and will not win the presidency of the united states that u so desire and deserve <name redacted!!>

  2. Request Form:
    Mc name/character name: snowshovel / Gerald of Rosemoor
    Skin/ reference picture: http://i.gyazo.com/933f1b3feccdc481ea87c035682fbec4.png
    Any specific detail (Jewelry, scars, chubby, etc): Looks as he does in the picture, if theres any way you could draw him preaching to a congregation that would be dope. Could be simplistic or detailed, up to you.
    Anything else?: Thanks, your picture of all the races is cool 2 !

  3. 10th of Deep Cold, the Year of His Falling 1501

    First Priest: Father Gerald of Rosemoor

    Sermon: Sermon on the Importance of Prayer

    Location: Petrus

    Other Clergy in Attendance: N/A


    Summary: A reading from the Scroll of Gospels, from the Book of Owyn, on how the Kingdom of Haense and their neglect of prayer in favor or war. The sermon was on how fighting for one's nation is a good and holy deed, but it must not lead to the neglect of prayer. Spoke about how a lack of God's grace in one's life leads to sadness and unfulfillment and how we must not lose focus on our life in the Seven Skies. Large mass, approximately 20 in attendance. Collection was held for Abbey construction.



  4. 8th of Deep Cold, the Year of His Falling 1501

    First Priest: Father Gerald of Rosemoor

    Sermon: Sermon on Duty to God

    Location: Petrus

    Other Clergy in Attendance: N/A


    Summary: Following a reading from the Canticle of Diligence, a sermon on man's duty to serve the Will of God above our own wills was given. Sermon included how though we do not always understand God's plan, one is always in place and will be carried out regardless, so we must do our best as good canonites to work towards it. Approximately 4 in attendance. Collection was held for the future construction of an Abbey.

  5. 10th of Great Harvest, the Year of His Falling 1501

    First Priest: Father Gerald of Rosemoor

    Sermon: Sermon on Charity

    Location: Petrus

    Other Clergy in Attendance: N/A


    Summary:Congregation of about five Knights of Saint Aymas. Reading and Sermon on how all men have a duty to care for the less fortunate because all men rich or poor are God's chosen people.

  6. While this isn't related to plugins, i'm certainly curious.


    How long have most (or whom answers) been, coding, working, scripting in ... (java?)


    and do you get furious when people confuse Java with Javascript and viceversa?


    I've been coding Java for nearly 5 years Bukkit API for 4. And no it doesn't really bother me I honestly don't care.

  7. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123915-nexus-foods-dont-become-compost/

    I'd like to see this adressed. either here or on the thread.


    and this, this is a higher priority since weapons were made for bonuses.


    I'll look into the first bug you listed in the coming weeks. As for the second, I'll leave that to someone who wasn't banned when weapon bonuses were added...

  8. Character Name: Meldur the Blue
    Other Names: Mannanan the Mad, Jake son of Simon, Mecanto the Magnificent, Warden of the West
    Age : Between 110 and 120
    Gender: Male
    Race: Heartlander
    Status: Alive

    Height: 5'5''
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Body Type: Elderly and frail
    Eyes: Dark grey 
    Hair: Light grey
    Skin: Light tan 
    Markings/Tattoos: None
    Health: Healthy
    Personality: Wise, cheerful
    Inventory:  Staff of Meldur, various tomes, steamed babalouche

    Life Style
    Alignment*: Neutral good
    Deity*: The Creator
    Religion: Church of Oren
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Lands of the West/Arkovia/Meldur's Tower
    Job/Class: Wizard
    Profession(s): Wizardry, Enchanting
    Special Skill(s): Magic

    Fighting Style: He isn't very strong physically, so he usually relies on his skill in Magic
    Trained Weapon: Staves, Swords
    Favored Weapon: Staff of Meldur
    Archery: N/A

    Parents: Simon of the Dreadlands
    Siblings: Unknown
    Pet(s): N/A





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