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Posts posted by Mephistophelian

  1. Spoiler


    Claimed and Pending for the following reason(s):


    Ghosts cannot immediately start out as Revenants. Please edit this out or provide suitable reasoning as to why this ghost would be a Revenant.


    Please make these edits and comment confirming them within the next 24 hours.



    Accepted! Enjoy your RP!

  2. 1 hour ago, ski_king3 said:

    I won't lie, if I were still involved with the paladins, I would really dislike this change in direction or the change in the lore. I know I once meant to take them in a dragon-hunting direction, but this seems too far, and the changes to the magic deviate sharply from what they were meant to be. If most of the current paladins prefer it, then so be it, but as the original writer I wouldn't feel any connection to it whatsoever. The paladins already have super solid lore, and some of which is currently totally unused, and I much prefer that to this mess.


    Likewise, this takes a step away from the very interesting dynamic the clerics and paladins have had over time of being thematically similar, with certain key differences that could lead them to be diametrically opposed. I just think this hurts the dynamic of those two holy groups and rewrites the paladins in a pretty negative way.


    Sorry Tsu, I know you worked hard on it, but I just... really dislike this.


    Read the following in a calm and relaxed voice; I'm not angry or irate or even mildly upset, I'm just speaking my mind.


    Ski, I'm pretty certain Tsu worked with the current Xan mages to make this lore (i.e. Taking their input and more). Additionally, I think it's not really yours to decide if this rewrite is suitable or not. Simply put, Xan was revived by Tsu when it was becoming almost entirely inactive (it even had a moment where no one practiced the magic), and so far he has done a stellar job of it. Whilst I can't put myself in Tsu's shoes, I could imagine a scenario where the original writer of Thahium or Shade lore comes up to me and tells me my rewrite is terrible simply because it is not the same as before. In that scenario, it only ever seems that the complainer has nothing to do with the lore anymore and just complains for the sake of complaining.


    Change is good, Ski. I don't see how this change will remove RP or even break the dynamic (Tah/Xan dynamic) of before.

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