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  1. This new magic application thing isn't going to work, mark my words, this is the most.. I don't even know what makes them think its going work, they comepletely screwed over the people that hav put in months of RP to learn magic, and become strong, then they are just going to undo all that and claim "Magic is going to be equal to a bow and a sword" it's not, like people can try to RP as equal as they can, but it's magic, it's not equal.

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    2. tnoy23


      Shift, it really was wroking. I see no way it was not. If you do feel you have someway it was not working, I would love to hear it and discuss it with you.

    3. Hobolympic
    4. Wretched


      One side thinks this, one side thinks that. Why not just see? We're just a minecraft server at the end of the day. If it doesn't work, it can be changed.

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