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  1. 2 hours ago, z3m0s said:

    "Scum" comments Kalviin as he reads over the parchment before setting it alight, watching it burn he waited for the embers to calm before spitting on the ashes.



    Rodrick stops the flames and clocks Kalviin in the mouth. "**** you and your lethargic boys, weasels!!!"

  2. 5 hours ago, dr.gandalf said:


    Atandt smacks his head image.png.caff164dbc0677708c4d3e11282dc950.png


    "Dese bloodeh Frostbeards always some'ow 'earin me through walls, Bu' in reality, Dey did swear fealty to Oren ah do believe, 'ere let meh pull oot dis document from deh court reporter en Haense dat day. SsAZwqb.png

    Woi fank yeh Court Reporter, Now et seems pretteh strange dat deh Frostbeards keep crawlin' back t' Urguan, HAR HAR, wot 'as et been, THREE REBELLIONS? did they win even one? NO! Wot? O' dats roight, Der ah shoite clan dat 'as lost evereh rebellion, Dis 'Kingdom uf Kaz'Ulrah' as nae roight to call a honor grudge, Because they don't have honor. Wot? dey've been banished from the faith? TWICE? O' thats roight both High Prophets Darid Irongrinder and then High Prophet Tharggus Irongut banished all Frostbeards from the faith. WOTS THIS? Kal'Ulrah wos said t' be a brother of Urguan accordin' t' deh liar Kerwyr? Oh yeah thats right I guess we are just propagandists who hid some fake brother that doesn't exist Commander Charles! Wait wot? You, Are telling me that its impossible for the Four Brothers to have a FIFTH BROTHER? Oh i'm forgetting that there Kingdom was built solely on a lie and oh yeah... that we didn't execute them all when they surrendered for the fourth time."  Atandt Irongrinder states to commander charles and king zahrer in the palace in urguan but somehow a Frostbeard will hear anyways.



    Elotec Isgeh clenches his fists. "The Kingdom of Urguan has always rewarded incompetence with blind loyalty. It is by far the most incompetent nation in the history of nations. Biggest waste of potential, better off dying and letting something else grow"

  3. 5 months ago you busted my kneecaps, made me crawl and beg and it impacted me so much that i felt the pain in real life. You and your friend ruined my life that day, the mental trauma caused me to never walk again


    i crawled and i crawled and i crawled and you kept kickin me and kickin me down but you know what man i fight like a mexican

  4. 55 minutes ago, L0rdB0rd said:

    Well friend, you want to throw **** even though me and rocky talked about this stuff and came to an understanding. And no, not every chest was discovered. Two weeks ago, way after this went down, the staff found logs of a player giving diamond blocks to wud from a large stockpile that traces back to gorum. So tell me again how the staff was right on top of this when this **** is still floating around.


    I was told all 1000 D blocks were tracked down and dealt with. And hey man, no way of me knowing you worked it out. I just saw a ridiculous statement and responded. Either way, I'm sure you're making it a bigger issue than it is. If they were able to find the main stockpile (which they have), they have all the tools they need to track anything stemming from it.

  5. On 7/27/2017 at 10:04 PM, arockstar28 said:

    "Arockstar and co forgetting to collect every chest from Gorums fun." This is simply not true! Cablam was the one who discovered it for me, and took care of the situation. I didn't have access to the logging plugin, so I could not look for it. However, as soon as I learned of Gorum's abuse - he was immediately banned.


    "Every chest". Wolfkite, they were completely on top of their **** and tracked everything down in literally hours. Hop off your high horse for a second there boy, there isn't some grand conspiracy out there.


    On 7/27/2017 at 10:14 PM, L0rdB0rd said:

    3. The ET are under the ET Lead's supervision. If an ET can do this without you realizing it occured, there's something wrong with that. Ain't there.


    You're clearly desperate to get some shots in on the ET leads for no reason here lol. This isn't a fkin daycare, or a real life workplace. Individual actions aren't his responsibility. The duping wasn't done with ET pex, and the ET Pex abuse he caught within a day, so he definitely did realize it had occurred. I guess he should have a 2 hr abuse response time to satisfy your needs.

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