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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by excited

  1. Talis is sick of reading tons of stuff that makes not one inch of sense, a single leader would cause issues! So he pulls out his paper as he tends to do pretty often when around Malinor, and begins to write once more. 
    "Peoples of Malinor, many of you have wanted single leaders, princes, and many other things for the fit of government rule, but do you not forget? The High-councils still around, and even though I want reform, I believe that we shan't cause a civil-war over it, yet, I do believe we can achieve this without fighting, all we have to do is make a government where the majority wins! Not a Higher or Lower council, but just a single council of people chosen by the peoples of Malinor to lead, but it shan't be them who lead, it will be us the people, telling them what we want or need to prevent our well loved nation from falling apart, many of the men voted as a single leader are my friends, or people I know, and yet, I don't support them because of this new belief, we're all equal whether we're Mali'aheral or Mali'ame, we're all free and independent and choose what we shall do for it's our lives! We should be able to choose who we tell to keep order, we shall not have corruption in our midst much longer! We must fix our issues for reform, and be ready for the Hell of a war Oren brings upon us! Be ready, these next few years may be our last. 

    Happy with what he wrote, Talis starts to write copies and puts them all around Malinor, sharing his idea with the nation from which they may once more bring peace to this unstable, in war nation.  

  2. Finds the note pinned nearby, he smirks and then smiles, knowing his opinion to be different than most, he begins to write a letter.

    "I find that single leaders become corrupt, I appoint who the people vote in, and by people not the wealthy only! Every soul in Malinor should vote! And decide upon members for a council, from which appoint new laws at the hands of the people, the people choose whether it may be used or not used.

    Happy he let his opinion out to the general public, he leaves, heading out for Kastoria.

  3. Reads the note, when he reads of the murder he pulls out a quill and paper and begins to write.
    "Citizens of Malinor, this is what I had striven to remove, as you read the prince commited murder! Does his name as 'the butcher' not count for anything? This is why we made some of the council leave! This is unjust! And shall be avenged! Band together! War is upon us, and we cannot stop it! We must remove this tyrant of a prince, we must kill him, it is time we unite! We cannot have idiotic power hungry, elves who act like Vallah! Especially those with power! Talis signed hugely.  

    ~Talis, wanderer.

  4. Looks at the departure with uneasiness. "Are they really doing this?" He wonders, thinking that their just giving up, his cloak's hood droops even more over his face. "They didn't even fight back against those horrid Vallah!?" He says getting angrier, and losing more respect for those leaving each minute, and as they board the boats he shouts. "Van'ayla! Be at peace! For you leaving creates none here!" Believing his point is made, he walks away, angrier than he was when they started the labor for a home system.....

  5. **Reads it and laughs, but with not a inch of humor in his voice, he thinks.** "Oh great! More of their friends in the bunch, now just even more labor! Maybe I should leave this place and join the Delvers and forget about Malinor."  It turns out he said it out loud and people look at him, some understanding and others with the "I'm gonna f--kin kill you!" look!


  6. Reads the poster, and disgusted, begins to write a note.

    "You should be ashamed to force your views upon us in this form! Perhaps they are corrupt, but there's not a clue of it yet! And it's not like their our government! This is a stupid way of informing  us of your opinions!
    Ps: Arrows are week! Their god damn wood!

  7.  *******************************You look on the wall to see a poster.*******************************************************
             Hello whether you be Mali'aheral or Mali'ame! We're all of one race! Time to treat it that way! For years we've been separated from each other  I talk to all Elves not just the two listed! We've fought over superiority while Vallah traversed our lands harming our people! We're all descendants of Malin! We've all got roots in Aegis, whether it be hard to trace, for years criminals came to our lands thinking we're weak, and easy to pick on, simply because of our love of peace! But no longer! We shall unite! Leading members of the High-Council have left us, though sadly it is what we need! For even if they were kind men and women! They either furthered their goals, or messed up! We had to work labor! Get payed currency with no value, and be treated terrible by each other for sub-racial difference, and this is what will be our downfall, if we don't act now! We must unite! Form a government from which is so strong we can be counted as a power once more! We have our liberty but we shall have no one put above others! We mustn't act hastily to put a single ruler up, or anything similar or else we progress future generations to revolt, we shall build a land so strong that we will not be harmed by those Vallah who are now at war with us! We must defend our lands! We must defend our loved ones! We mustn't give up for, much relies on our success, if not our culture shall die, and we'll all be dead, or enslaved, or refugees running from a legion of seasoned Vallah soldiers, I've met good Vallah,  but I've met many bad ones too, we must not give in! Save your nation from which many now ask you to fight for! Or die for! Do not give up! Keep hope! And we may get though these terrible times! 
    ~ A elf who knows your troubles.

  8. *Talis looks at the note that's on the tree, and grimly thinks "No wonder I left, my idotic bretheren are becoming High-princes." he says with utter disgust, he then pulls out a piece of paper and a quill and sits down and writes on the paper  "Talis supports this! Complain to him! In fact try to arrest him!" Talis than snickers walking away.after putting it next to the note.

  9. *****A note is pinned to the tree or house you're near.*********  Aegian Knights; the warriors of Aegis.

    We're shrouded in secrets.....those who do good in this world are shunned, many do not know their place in this world....they think we can be stomped out, the honest men and women, the ones who fight for Light against those of Darkness.We're called heretics, crazy, goody goodies, but no longer, we shall pave the path of Light in blood, for to remove one life may save a thousand, we're no longer worthless, crazy, wandering people, we're now a true force, stopping Darkness in our wake, we shall smoothen the the rough edges of this land, we will rid people of what is not now Iblee's taint, but that of greedy, powerful men, who can never get enough, we won't be stomped out! It's our time! Our goal! To rid this world of greedy worthless men! We shall stomp out the heart of evil! We take any who join! Whether they be Elf or Dwarf, or even a Orc! We shall have our victory! We shall never be called heretics again! We shall prove ourselves to be noble! To all the descendants of Aegian people, and even those outside it! We shall serve justice to thieving power hungry governments!  Join our fight, more info is bellow!


    Whether it be a huge castle, or the White Roses who are committing major genocides we'll never give in, we will remain strong!  we're not going to base ourselves to helping one race or town or city, we shall spread it, we will help those in need, we will prove ourselves victorious in our glorious struggle for the good of the land! Join us in our fight, we don't turn corrupt, we're truly good, and the base of the good that can be caused to help our lands of Anthos! Today we fight! Send a application to our base! ((Reply to this thread)) 


                OOC: Role-play name:

                         Mc username:

                      Alignment: ((Chaotic good, things like that)) 

                        Favorite weapon:


                      Why should we let you join?

                        Will you follow our laws when you are initiated? 



  10. OOC
    MC Name: PiercingDarkness

    Reasons you wish to join?: I believe it to be the right path for my High-Elven character to dedicate to something having to do with the lore and learning new things for him to perhaps help me find a style of role-play suitable for him.

    Do you believe you can provide enjoyable and interesting RP to the community as well as the Association?:
    Yes I believe I can, my character is dedicated to most forms of learning new things and I believe I can role-play being a scholar because of my skills at amusing, interesting weird characters.

    Character Name: Alexander Ardere is his name.

    Character details(race, age, gender, etc.):

    Alexander is tall and wears a black cloak for traveling, his hood is almost always on his head drooping down his face making him seem strange to most, he is one of the High-Elves and is known to be a strange, funny, amusing character. When his cloaks not on he is tall even for a elf and stands at 7,3 in hight and he has fire orange eyes, when his hood is not on he has silver colored hair which he is usually denied by people of his sub-race for seeming like a Wood-Elf, they usually ask him to take off his hood always expecting it to be dark so they would have a excuse not to let such a absurd looking High-Elf in to the Silver-city. He is male and like I said already pretty tall standing at 7.3 high, he is around four hundred but he might be older because of the fact he almost never checks, and he always has plenty of theories about why Elves live long for scientific reasons more than the legend of the Curse of Iblee's.

  11. color="#FF8C00"]

    Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name:PiercingDarkness
    How old are you?:I am 14 years of age.
    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Mountain time, United-States.
    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?:Yes I do, I am considered adult like to my friends.
    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?:Yes I used to play on a couple of em'.
    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?:Yes I fully agree.
    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?:I heard from my friends who were playing here.
    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft:I have none and I hope not to.


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying to me is to step out of your mind, and put into your mind the thoughts of your character not you and have fun in doing so, I also see it as acting as the character you created or are acting like.
    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is:Meta-gaming is to bring outside information from real life into the Roleplay that does not exist there.
    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is:Power-emoting is to force actions on to another like *Dark kills Bob with his fists <--- Not possible
    *Dark aims a strike at Bob and aims downward to strike. <--- Correct.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:Alexander Ardere
    Character Race:High-Elf
    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary: Alexander Ardere was born normal, nothing not respectable came of his family.But he was not like the other High-Elf children.People called him weird,mad,strange for he unlike his parents and brothers did not make fun of humans and other races and fellows of his race, for he believed that they have done smart things too.He knew that he was going to be forced out if he did not leave on his own accord.So he packed his bags and left, soo after the Drakes and Iblee's flattened
    his home in Aegis and he found his brothers on the boats he left and went along with the course of time, but after a long time he found him self in Elysium and started job hunting and looking for a place to build a home, and that is where the story of the character begins.
    What are your characters ambitions?:His ambition is to look into the many deep ways of magic and learn about it, his other ambition is to stop the racism going around and help unite all the elves to act like the same race instead of a bunch of different ones.
    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/812065/high-elf-outcast/
    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:He wears a hood all the time and his cloack but when he pulls down his hood he has short silver/white hair.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?Alexander walks through the city he see's a dwarf selling things trying to make a living, the dwarf had long hair but was less big than a average dwarf. Alexander knew the moment he saw the dwarf he was most likely a dwarf who left his clan or was born in the human city. Alexander walks over to the dwarf and says "Hello kind Dwarf, what items do you sell?" The dwarf reply's "I sell food rations and anteques." "What kind of anteques?" Alexander asks.The dwarf grins and says "Not many I do have this silver Sword-Sheathe." "How much is it?" Asks Alexander.The dwarf reply's "One hundred mina's." Alexander says
    "Thats a good deal!I'll buy it kind Dwarf, thank you!" THe dwarf simply says in good feeling "No issue" than he grins.
    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?
    Alex walks over to the scene, it had been a long time since he had seen Orc's on the roads.Alex hears the Dwarf say "Please! I don't have any of that gold ye' talkin' of!" The Orc snorts and says "Yoog beta' gib ma glomb of ut' or I'lm tak ot byy force!"Shouts the Orc. Alex walks over and keeps his hand on the sheathe holding his blade and acts confident to make the dwarf have at least a little fear from it. Alex says "Leave the dwarf alone I have Elven troops in back of me by a mile." Alex was obviously lying but the Orc did not know that.The Orc reply's "Yug ve' lyin'!" Alex responds saying "Nigh, please leave the archers are already near firing arrows out of their short attention span." The Orc gets a scared look on his face "Okey i'l leev, then the Orc smacks the dwarf hard in the stomach!Alex draws his sword and points the slender blade at the Orc "Last chance." He said grinning wickedly.The Orc roared! And how loud it did it aimed a hit at Alex! Alex dodges and slashs the Orc on the leg, some blood flows but the Orc was obviously not harmed more then a bee would cause if stinging him.Then the Orc smacked Alex hard under his ribcage and Alex flys and lands on the gravel path about a couple meters away! The Orc goes in for the final attack then there was the sound of a long high pitched sound of war coming from a horn.Archers slungout from behind the tree wearing helmets that hid their faces there were about eight of them the talled one fired a arrow at the Orc and it hits him and he roares "Poiny ered' scumb!" and starts to run but then a arrow hits him in his other leg and then one of them walked over ripped the arrows out and said "You are in the roads of Oren I don't care if your drunk or not but that is the offence of a person, the dwarf does not deserve that.Then the man pointed at Alex and said "Leave now Elf scum there's no proof but I know that you were in league with this villain, since I have no proof you are banished off of all of Orens city lands, leave and do not return." Alex thought for a minute he was fuming! Oh how he wished he could slash the guard but instead he continued his walk down the road and kept traveling.
    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:Alex feels exited he's almost at the home and center of his race Malinor he walks past a tree then sees a old Valahs walking stick break right under him and he goes tumbling Alex sees the mans coins fall out and quickly goes to grab it for the man.The man says "No please! Please no! My daughter needs that!" Alex says "Don't worry I'm picking it up for you." The man says "I hope so if not I'll be damned ta' hell!" Alex picks up the coins picks the mans satchel up and places them in it.The man says "Thank ye' I had ta' pick up old horse droppings for those damn elves to get dat'." Alex quicly hides his ears and says "Umm, I know right?Anyway I need to keep on the road." The man says "Thanks to ye' lad." Alex keeps walking nodding his head and starts to continue his journey.
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