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Posts posted by Watty_Banker

  1. Bardel stands at his balcony looking down at the walkways of Kal'Arkon bellow. The solitary Dwarf steps inside and begins to jot a letter. He later attaches it to a chicken and drops it from the cliff-side down to the people bellow.


    The letter reads as follows


    "To which ever lord this gets to.


    The Solitary Alchemist's require Alchemical supplies to continue brewing and experimenting.

    As a Guild under the Kingdom's protection we ask that this is sent to us as our Guild supplies.

    Many of our stocks can be resupplied by my hand alone but there are a few items that I cannot gather and they are what we are out of supply on.

    The list is as follows:


    - Goblin's Ivy (Cactus)

    - Swamp Blossom (Poisonous potato) ~ We are desperate for this.

    - Night Sap (Glistening Melon)

    - Dwarf's Pumpkin (Cocoa Beans)


    I do hope you can comply and send us the supplies we need to continue our work.


    Yours Faithfully


    Bardel Irongut"

  2. blue-flower-wallpaper---jpg.jpg




    The Springbane. A flower that is detested by many locals due to the fact that it signals that winter is here. This flower is very odd to many other flowers. It blossoms into a beautiful blue and white flower in the winter and wilts in the spring. Many wander in awe at how this flower survives in the harsh winter but they must all understand that this flower does not feed off of the nutrients of the soil. This plant is a carnivore and feasts off of small mammals who may be desperate for food or water in this cold environment. That is what the Springbane shows to provide. It lies in wait in the cold for one to come along and attempt to drink the pool of nectar within it. As the Mammal gets to close the plant folds its, oddly strong, petals in and drowns the mammal. It then slowly digests it over a long period of time. 


    This cunning plant is not known or used by Alchemist's as a symbol of Earth and death. But as a symbol of air, knowledge and balance. Due to its whit and cunning as well as its odd season.


    ((I noticed there were actually no Air regeants that didn't symbolise speed. So I decided to make a rather different one.))

  3. A Dwarf in green robes with a red hood stands up on the pedestal. Looking over at the gathering crowd of Dwarves bellow. He holds his hand high, signaling he is about to speak. He lowers the hood to reveal a beardless, white face with glowing yellow eyes. To some he may have been recognised as Kardel but to the people who really knew him he was Bardel.


    "Moiy fellow Dwarves! I 'ave come to you todai to speak of my fadder and the Alchemis' guild. As many uf you know the Alchemis' guild 'as disbanded and my father has retired tu sum plec else. The reasoning of the disbanding is due to dark-forces attacking our keep, destroying many of our ingredients causing us to lose much of our money, trust an' students. Weh culdnae go on! I will nut speak any further of the dark energies that attacked that day fur my breath shud nut be wasted."


    Bardel straightens himself out


    "I come today to tell you nut to wurreh! Fur I will assume the role of Ogradhad's Alchemis' an' oversee the Alchemeh uf the Kingdom. The Legion will have their Alchemical foire tuh burn our foes with. There is no nee' tuh threat. I an' a few others are here to serve you, an' the comin' king. In loife an' death. Let's hope that with me in tha position of Ogradhad's Olchemis' we shall have a toime of Alchemical prosperity. Peace and knowledge beh upon ye all!"


    Bardel waves and the now larger crowd before turning back and standing off the pedestal.

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