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Posts posted by Kitten

  1. When you don't draw for a while, you loose skill, I over the years have gained, and lost skill, as you have.  You where doing worse at the time, you have bettered.  


    Try not to put words in my mouth, it was as your art had decayed, since you didn't draw often.

  2. For any one living, working or with a shop up in Atgaard.

    If you need help filling this ask for help, if your accepted in RP you don't need to fill this in they will do it for you.



    MC name:

    RP name:



    Occupation: (( if you want))

    House size: (( leave blank or ask if you need help.

    WIll you abide by our laws:


    Shop owner

    MC name:

    RP name:

    Are you living in the city:

    Shop number: (( leave blank or ask if you need help.

    WIll you abide by our laws:


    Applying Shop owner

    MC name:

    RP name:

    Are you living in the city:

    Shop number you desire: (( leave blank or ask if you need help.

    WIll you abide by our laws:

  3. 2014-12-29_211214_zpsce5b988e.png




    Just past the city of Droods there is a large plateau on top of the plateau there is Atgaard.  




    No killing on our lands, slavery, torture thievery etc.

    Respect the lands and the animals that live on our land and those that look after them.

    Children are young and still have much to learn so have a slight bit more leniency but can be punished if they need to.


    Housing & shops/business


    If you need a house or a shop talk to one of the council or apply on the notice board (( link to registry post. ))

    For now you do not need to pay rent on houses/shops but that may change

    Depends on where you chose to live we have three sizes of house, A small house for one person a medium for two to three and large houses for families.




    On our land we have farms for all to use. We also train and look after the native Wyrssa so if one comes to take a liking to you they can be trained on our land. A growing library and public bath houses.  

    Native animals of


    The Karin is a two tailed 6 foot long 3 foot high cat light creature with crystal horns


    The Wyrssa is a Large elk like creature with crystal guarding their joins and large crystal antlers


    What we strive to do


    We wish to give a more nature felt lifestyle to those who seek it, to help those who need help, and to provide safety for those who are hunted without reason.  


    We offer a six strike policy that will give people the best chance to turn a new leaf, and unlike most places we do not persecute due to religion, looks, or gender preference.


    If you seek a place where you are welcome, as long as you obey the very few rules we have outlined, then our city is the right place for you!

    Who runs the city?
    Vanadis and Karim are the two current councilors however we are seeking new members to help us make Atgaard a better place.
  4. OH!  Thats right I meant to say yes, the crystals can come in different colors, forgot to answer that.  The crystals can be worn away after long periods of time, but its why they prefer to stay in Atgaard so if it begins to fade they can replenish by eating the flowers.

  5. Edited the lore a bit.


    I forgot to remove the cat bit as I said I edited my old lore.  


    As for the crystals, they are hard because they are dense.  However its not valuable because its just extremely dense salt.  


    The horns are shed yes, but are rapidly regrown, no eating them does nothing, as the crystals don't hold the same exact composition as the plant when they are eaten its pretty much useless but if crushed it can make a healthy supplement!  


    I based the name Wyrssa off of a Mercedes lackey creature and they are called Daemon Deer because they are very strange, and may once or twice have accidentally impaled people when first found.  However they also eat meat, so that itself throws people off.


    No Deco I've never read that series, or even seen it, when I was drawing the creature i was like should I do scales?  NO!  Crystals, crystals would be prettier.


    The horns are hard because they are encased on top of the bone.


    As they are animals yes a druid can talk to them, but a druid isn't guarenteed to get it to ride, as they can be rather proud.  


    If you read the lore on the flower you will see it will change things to a salty/calcium crystal.

  6. What are they?  Karin (Crystaline Kittens)




    How do they get this way?  They eat the Crystal Flowers, just like the Wyrssa.  They safely defuse the crystal’s chemicals by depositing it into their skin.  This causes the many large crystal’s on their fur.  However if one was to remove them, the crystals are all but worthless.  


    Do the crystals help them at all?  Yes, for their natural predators it makes them back off, because of the solid crystals that can cause teeth to easily chip, or the overly salty taste will overload the senses of the animals trying to eat upon these creatures.


    Why do they like Atgaard?  They stay there because its near a plant that helps them digest meat, and also gives them the large sodium and calcium boost, they mainly eat them for the calcium, as their food usually has a low balance of calcium.


    Are they aggressive?  Being rather leopard like, these creatures are known for being hissy and more than happy to growl at you, but they are rather friendly for the most part, they are loyal and will always follow after their chosen friends.  They have sharp claws and can accidently hurt someone in play.


    How hard are their horns?  Their horns are extremely hard but they just go over the back and point backwards, the purpose of this is to protect their sensitive necks.


    What size are they?  Look at a puma, aka a cougar.


    They are 7 feet long


    How much do they weight? About 200lbs.


    Can you get one?  Sure, you can get one, halfling can even use them as mounts.


    What does it eat?  These creatures prefer meat, but they eat the flowers to help digest it, and get a larger amount of salt in their system.


    How many babies does it have?  7-8


    How often do they breed? Once every three years, so three elven weeks.


    How would you represent it in MC?  An ocelot.   


    Can you ride it?  Sure, if you’re a halfling or a really young child.


    What happens if it doesn’t have access to these flowers?  Well if its already eaten from it, it keeps its crystalline chunks and horn, if not then similar to the Wyrssa they look just normal, two tailed pale cat with deer horns protecting their neck.


    What types of group do they live in?  They don’t live in large groups, they may run in small groups of 2-3 others but thats about the worse it is.


    Are they loyal?  EXTREMELY,  these creatures tend to choose people to run around with, as they are drawn to affection and love.


    What is their behavior like?  Playful and cat like these creatures are quite often seen eating animals, roughing around, or following their chosen friend.  



    Ok, so I’m an orc and I want one as a pet, can I?  Sure, just make sure not to sit on it.


    Now theres something special about these creatures, if they realize that their companion is stressed they will do about anything they can do to curl up around them and provide comfort.  If it was an orc stressed they may try to curl up on their shoulders to purr soothinly, if its a dwarf they may just knock it over and curl up, a halfling they may run off with to a quiet area to love on the halfling, a human it just may pester them, and an elf, take them down with a pounce!  But these actions are easily mixed up or changed, its only examples.  They also have a good nose for diseases and any off levels in the blood, if it senses something they would pester the companion to try and solve the issue.  


    These you don’t need to train to be therapy pets, they are naturally like that, being able to live about 30-60 years they make great companions and great defenders.


    HOWEVER these creatures WILL NOT kill, they may bite, claw, scratch, maul, but it will never kill, if someone goes to attack it, it will disable the person, it will never go for the throat and crush it, unless its some sort of food item.

    Will it eat other livestock, sure if you don’t store it properly, or its hungry.  They don’t kill prey for pleasure.

  7. What are they?  Wyrssa, also called the Crystal daemon deer.




    How do they get this way?  They eat the Crystal Flowers.  They safely defuse the crystal’s chemicals by depositing it into their skin.  This causes the many large crystal’s on their fur.  However if one was to remove them, the crystals are all but worthless.  


    Do the crystals help them at all?  Yes, for their natural predators it makes them back off, because of the solid crystals that can cause teeth to easily chip, or the overly salty taste will overload the senses of the animals trying to eat upon these creatures.


    Why do they like Atgaard?  They stay there because its near a plant that helps them digest meat, and also gives them the large sodium boost they need.  They can live without it, but they only can eat plants if they don’t get that.  Which makes it hard for them to eat in the winter.


    Are they aggressive?  Not towards people, but towards other animals they can be when provoked.  They are generally passive and loving, preferring to curl up against their riders and loving on them.  Will they attack someone, they will run if attacked, they prefer being non confrontational.  So No.


    How hard are their horns?  The horns are actually covered in crystal, so they are extremely hard, however it is mainly used to fight for dominance in their herds.


    What size are they?  Let me show you.  




    They are the size of a moose being  6’8 feet at the shoulder.


    How much do they weight? About 760 for a female, and 1020lbs for a male.


    Can you get one?  Sure, you can get one, however anyone thats not an elf or a halfling can’t ride them.


    Why can only elves ride them?  They have semi weak bones, dwarves, human, orcs, and Kha are all to heavy for them.  


    What if the elf is in armor, and its not light weight?  Then it makes it extremely hard for the Wyrssa and their bones MAY snap.  They are meant for speed and being light weight.


    What does it eat?  It eats really anything it can get, being a scavenger they find life easy when bonded to someone else, due to being fed daily that way.


    How many babies does it have?  1-2.


    How often do they breed? Once every two years, so two elven weeks.


    How would you represent it in MC?  A grey horse, or a white horse if someone requires the beast to be there.   


    Can you ride it?  Yes, its big enough to have a saddle.


    What happens if it doesn’t have access to these flowers?  Well if its already eaten from it, it keeps its crystalline chunks and horn, if not then it just has a regular deer horn, and no crystals on is body, making it just pretty much a plain deer, with a tail similar to that of an arabian and cloven hooves.  So I guess you could mistaken it for a strange antlered unicorn.  


    What types of group do they live in?  The Wyrssa are in a pack system when they aren’t domesticated.  Being extremely playful at a young age it takes several of them to take care of a baby.  The leader is always the largest, and the ones of its pack will obey it, of course unless a larger one comes around and wins.


    Are they loyal?  EXTREMELY, being pack creatures, if one is domesticated by you, they will obey you similar to as if you where the alpha.


    What is their behavior like?  Docile and playful, they are quite often seen loping around the fields, and walking up to socialize with those around.  They are rather skittish when people make extremely loud noises, back stepping sometimes running.  To avoid this you must have the full trust.  Of course don’t forget to eat meat they do have teeth similar to ours, and that can make it rather painful to be bitten if you do attack one.


    Ok, so I’m an orc and I want one as a pet, can I?  Sure, just don’t ride it, you WILL kill it if you do.  


    Why won't they accept other's?  Now these creatures also are semi repusled by other races, the smell of them is quite different from the almost nature scent.  A human would smell more of war, a dwarf of stone, an orc of blood and sand, but halfling and elves to them they naturally smell like plants, trees, fields.  This is a scent that animals can pick up, and its why humans, and other races though if you get one light enough, the Wyrssa would most likely reject.

  8. Located outside of Petrus is the new Shilo stables, with over 20 horses to choose from we strive to meet standards!  




    We will offer a protection fee of one free horse for a month for 500 extra mina, if the server kills your horse, come back and get a new one! 


    Any horses in our rental stables are protected if they disappear in our stable, we will refund them!  


    Horse prices have been lowered to 500 mina, saddles and leads if required are included in the price as well as vet visits and training! 


    We offer free horse lessons as well!


    So stop by, come talk to Lily and lets see if we can get a horse that suits you!


    Pictures of you on your new steed are given on request as well!

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