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Jared Frisner

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    Jared Frisner
  1. OOC: MC Name: Bostonfan7754 Age: 14 Country: USA Time-Zone: EST How much time can you be online per day?: 4-6 How long have you been playing on the server?: A few months. What past guilds have you been apart of?: None. Have you ever held a leadership role before?: Not in LoTC, but I can lead. How would you describe yourself?: Funny, optimistic, can put a good mood on terrible things. Do you have a Skype? If so what is your name?:Freezemizer Do you have a VA?: Nope. IC: Name: Jessica Gladethorn Race: Human Age: 24 Past Experience: None. What are your skills?: Bluffing, hatchet throwing, dagger throwing, swordsmanship, What weapon do you prefer?: My trusty throwing hatchet. Why do you wish to join the Order?: As a woman, I have gone to countless guilds asking to join, but have been turned down. I wish to be a part of something. I want to use my skills to help people. I want to make a difference and show men that women are just as capable of doing things as them. What is your personality like?: My personality is firm and serious when necessary, but gentle, kind, and funny when I need to be. I am a caring person and my beliefs are final, if not, very hard to change. I believe that if you want something, you need to work for it. What are some strengths of yours?: Some of my strengths are my combat ability, my belief in that if you want it, you need to work for it, and my "big things come in small packages" appearance. What makes you different from others?: The things that make me different from everyone else is my idea of "I want to do this, so I'm going to do it now. I believe in my own opinions, not letting others decide for me. Why should we accept you into the Order?: You should accept me because I feel that I would be a good addition to the Order. I can help expand the ideal that women are just as capable as men, and that I can make the world a better place. What position do you wish to achieve in the Order?: I wish to achieve as high as I can go. Tell us more about yourself (Biography): I grew up with both my parents working in the Guard. My father was killed in action and after that my mother retired. My father's armor went to me and I kept it until I was finally able to fit in it.. Until I could fit in it, I trained my hardest. I did my best to master as many concepts as I could. I was given four hatchets by my mother. I still have these today.
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