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Posts posted by yopplwasupxxx

  1. Brandon Marsh looks at the new grave for Eoghan in the wilds camp, bowing his head slightly, saying a small prayer. He looks back up towards the grave, before saying:


    "May 'is soul 'ind peace. Ye 'ill be missed, Eoghan"

  2. OOC

    Mc Name:
    Age: 15
    Skype Name: You have it already

    Gender: Male

    The desired Marsh: Brandon Marsh
    Character age: 6
    Skills: Loves to play games with the other kids, and loves to play with his toy sword
    Short Bio: Brandon was born from Thordin Marsh. He had a first few years, under the guidance of his kind father. He has dreams of being a strong warrior, maybe even to become a knight. He loves to explore, and ask many questions. He looks up to Gideon Marsh the most, and sees Caln McHarnish as a second father to him. He moved with Gideon after he called them here, and has lived with Gideon ever since.

  3. You see a note attached to the already existing poster


    "We request any and all students to report to the Ishikawa Manor located in Yamamoto County as soon as possible. If unsure of the location, please send bird to me, Satomi Shimazu (/msg Yopplwasupxxx). Also,if you are interested, you may wish take up arms into the Ishikawa military after your training, however this is not required, only recommended by the Ishikawa Family and by me. May the creator bless your path and have a pleasant day"


    -Satomi Shimazu, Baron of Yamamoto and Marshal of the Ishikawan Military

  4. Toruug looks at the board, smiling "Mi ruunger! Mi bubhosh strongz bruddah!" he smiles, clapping hands in excitement. "Mi shuwz pinkzkinz mi strongz, agh latz bi weukz!" Toruug then commences to walk away from the board, keeping his smile and excitement.

  5. Satomi Shimazu at the scroll, reading it over and over again. He takes a deep breath, running his hands through his hair. "Brother... how...?" He feels tears begin to swell  in his eyes, but brush them away. "Stay strong... he is a traitor.." he reminds himself, putting the scroll down. "My brother is a traitor... he is not... by the creator... how..." he leans back into the chair, looking out onto the Ishikawa Manor, thinking of what his brother must think of this. "He is a trai-.. no... yes... he is my brother..."


    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible,
    and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: Yopplwasupxxx

    How old are you?: 16

    Time-Zone: EST

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: My main
    Roleplaying knowledge comes from table-top DND, however, I have played on other
    minecraft Roleplaying servers, such as Gildorym, Uthrandir, and the Bashcraft Server

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: From a group of

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not,
    then please do so (link

    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of
    it and follow it in your biography?: Yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any
    definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: The art of acting as a non-fictional/fictional
    character who is not you

    Meta-gaming: Using knowledge from a OOC inside the Roleplaying but
    your character should not know the OOC Info.

    Power-emoting: Doing a emotion/action that you determine the
    outcome of before the other reactant can react.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Daeruim Doran

    Current Age: 20

    Sub-race (if any): None

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+
    paragraphs long): Born to a middle-class family in Arethor, Daeruim lived a
    normal life. Father was a merchant, and would constantly leave the city,
    leaving Daeruim's mother to be his main influence in life. Daeruim has three
    siblings, two older brothers and one younger. His brothers were loud, and
    constantly talked of knights and would sword-fight in the house or plaza, but
    Daeruim was quite different. He subjected himself to his room most of his
    childhood, keeping himself in books and stories. Daeruim grew quite intelligent,
    however, traded for his social abilities. He grew shy around other people, and
    would stutter infront of others.

    However, one day his father's trading caravan was hit by bandits,
    killing Daerium's father in the process. His mother, now a widow, was crushed
    by the loss, and they left the city for a small village. This made Daeruim
    quite depressed, part of his father's death, but mainly the now lack of
    knowledge from the books of the city, replaced by the three books he could take
    before leaving. He was forced into outdoor work, and became quite fond of
    gardening. He grew older, and more restless, wanting to return to the main city
    and quench his knowledge. He left the village at age 20, and ventures out into
    the world.

    Ambitions for the Future: Wants to become a scholar of a kind,
    and mayhaps a scribe.

    Personality: Very shy. However, is very nice to those he
    trusts, and is very intelligent in many knowledge areas.

    Skills: Smart, Factual, Farmer

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your
    skin): Hair is brown. Has green eyes, and is middle height. Wears commoner
    clothes. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/stephen-graham/

    Any other details you wish to share about your character:


    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum
    of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as
    descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.


    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed
    figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly
    up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?

    Answer: Daeruim walking around the city notices the dark clothed
    man he thinks to himself ‘This man reeks of ill intent but what should I do I
    just have a book and my trusty dagger.’ Looking around he notices a few guards
    in the background that could stop the man Daerium yells towards the guards
    “Guards! Guards! there is a man of suspicion heading towards our noble
    Emperor’s Palace” the guards look at me in intrigue “What makes you think he
    has ill intent?” one of the guards say Daerium responds “He is clothed in
    clothing darker than the night and on the side bulged a hidden sword” the
    guards nod to Daerium and start walking towards the dark clothed man. “Halt in
    the name of the Emperor!” one guard says the dark clothed man looks to the
    guards and begins to run down a dark alleyway with the guards in hot pursuit.
    Daeruim did not follow them but a few days later there was a schedule execution
    for a man that look like the person he saw that day.

    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a
    large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable
    old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits
    - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armor and an
    iron longsword, how do you react?

    Answer: Gulping at the sight of them, Daeruim froze into place. He
    sees the two men, interrogating man, and stares for a good two minutes at them,
    hearing their rude remarks towards the grizzled, old man. The old man was
    shaking, almost sweating at the look of it. One of the bandits pulls out a
    sword and marches to the old man. The old man tries to steady his sword, but
    fails to stop shaking. This pushes Daeruim over the edge, “Hey! Stop that”
    Daeruim yells towards the two bandits, already regretting what he just did.
    Both look back towards him, and the closest to him snickers, “We got some
    want-to-be hero here!” The second one laughs, “Hey, Visgoth, this is our lucky
    day! Two in one bargain!” They both began to laugh hysterically, and this made
    Daeruim pulls out his longsword. “This kid thinks he’s all tough! Visgoth,
    handle him, and I’ll get the old geyser.” The bandit closest to him comes
    forward, pulling his mace out. “Sorry kid, lets just hope you have something
    good on you...” The bandit lunges forwards toward Daeruim, only slightly away
    from hitting him. Daeruim then tries to lunge back, only to get blocked and
    Daeruim’s sword flown the other direction. The bandit laughs, kicking Daeruim
    in the chest to the ground, still laughing. Daeruim, now faced down on the
    ground, tries to get up, but is stepped on by the bandit on his back. “See,
    kid? Being hero ain’t so easy. You’ll be lucky to live if you beg now. Who
    knows? I sure do need a slave for...” The bandit rants on, as Daeruim clenches
    dirt and a rock into his palm of his hand. Daeruim quickly turns onto his back,
    knocking the bandit off of him and tripping backwards. Daeruim then throws the
    rock and dirt towards the band, blinding him. “My eyes!” The bandit screams, as
    he drops his mace. Daeruim quickly goes for it, then stands before the bandit,
    the bandit being unarmed. “Give me that back!” The bandit yells, itching his
    now red eyes. Daeruim does not respond, but trusts towards the bandit’s head,
    shattering the skull. Now, with his shirt stained in blood, he looks towards
    the other bandit, who is a on top of the old man, yelling at him. The other
    bandit looks back, seeing his buddy dead, jumps up and runs towards Daerium. “I
    will kill you! I will ki-” He stops in mid sentence, as Daeruim sees a small
    blade poking through the bandit’s chest. The bandit falls down onto the ground,
    bleeding out. The old man walks towards Daeruim, weary looking and slouching.
    “Thanks kid... Want a drink?” Daeruim, confused, responds, “I guess?”

    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you
    notice a small man standing behind a colorful stall. You approach the stall and
    notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is
    selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to
    allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling,
    items of choice and the discussion that happens).

    Answer: Daeruim sees the man and his store full of different items
    then he notices a book on the book it’s title is “Aegis: Before the Tide.”
    Daeruim eyes opened, seeing this and thought ‘Yes! I have finally found it!’ he
    looks into his Minas pouch and sees he has only 50 Minas he looks to the books
    price and it is set to around 100-150 Minas ‘Blast well let see if he is
    willing to haggle.’ He begins to walk towards the man and, reaching his stall,
    calls to him, “Good sir I have a question on one of these books you have” the
    salesman walks towards Daeruim and smiles “Aye? What be your question milord?”
    he asks. Daeruim points towards the book and queries “That price is too high
    for my budget have you a heart to haggle for it?” The salesman laughs and nods
    saying, “By all means milord”. He then grabs the book and walks back to the
    counter and continues to talk “Now milord, this book is a relic from the old
    days. But since you seem like a good fellow I’ll lower the price to 75 Minas
    would that be a fair price?” Daeruim shakes his head and asks “Is there any
    chance to lower it to 35 Minas and I’ll trade you my old book about the Undead
    of Aegis?” The salesman smiles “Milord that be a mighty fine trade ye be
    dealing there I say we have a deal!” they shake hands and hand each other the
    items in the deal “Have a pleasant day milord!” Daeruim nods while smiling he
    finally got the book he was looking for.


  7. [b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: Yopplwasupxxx
    How old are you?: 16
    Time-Zone: EST
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: My main Roleplaying knowledge comes from table-top DND, however, I have played on other minecraft Roleplaying servers, such as Gildorym, Uthrandir, and the Bashcraft Server
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: From a group of friends
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):
    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: The art of acting as a non-fictional/fictional character who is not you
    Meta-gaming: Using powers and hacking abilities to use powers that your character does not have and creates havic in the Roleplaying
    Power-emoting: Doing a emotion/action that you determine the outcome of before the other reactant can react.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Daeruim Doran
    Current Age: 20
    Sub-race (if any): None
    Past /
    History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): Born to a middle-class family in Arethor, Daeruim lived a normal life. Father was a merchant, and would constatly leave the city, leaving Daeruim's mother to be his main influence in life. Daeruim has three siblings, two older brothers and one younger. His brothers were loud, and constantly talked of knights and would sword-fight in the house or plaza, but Daeruim was quite different. He subjected himself to his room most of his childhood, keeping himself in books and stories. Daeruim grew quite intelligent, however, traded for his social abilities. He grew shy around other people, and would stutter infront of others.


    However, one day his father's trading caravan was hit by bandits, killing Daerium's father in the process. His mother, now a widow, was crushed by the loss, and they left the city for a small village. This made Daeruim quite depressed, part of his father's death, but mainly the now lack of knowledge from the books of the city, replaced by the three books he could take before leaving. He was forced into outdoor work, and became quite found of gardening. He grew older, and more restless, wanting to return to the main city and quench his knowledge. He left the village at age 20, and ventures out into the world.
    Ambitions for the Future:[/b] Wants to become a scholar of a kind, and mayhaps a scribe.
    Personality:[/b] Very shy. However, is very nice to those he trusts, and is very intelligent in many knowledge areas.
    Skills:[/b] Smart, Factual, Farmer
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):[/b] Hair is brown, with a beard growing from the lack of shaving. Has green eyes, and is middle height. Wears commoner clothes. Link
    Any other details you wish to share about your character:[/b]

    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]

    [b]1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperors palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?[/b]

    Answer: I would become frightened, and yell for the guards frantically. I would explain of the man sneaking into the building, but in a scarred tone. However, if the guards would not believe me, I would think they had something apart of it, and leave the city as quickly as I could.

    [b]2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armor and an iron longsword, how do you react?[/b]

    Answer: I would gulp, and try to walk away from the fight. However, as I started to walk away, I would feel guilt, and walk towards the armed bandits. I then would freeze up as I got too close to them, scared from the chance of dying, but scared of knowing if I did not help, he would die. Keeping my best not to stutter, I would ask them to stop.

    [b]3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colorful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).[/b]

    Answer: I would ask for any books they might have, and see if they had anything I did not. I would cross my fingers, hoping to find something interesting. If I found a rare book from times long gone, I would give a generous price, as my knowledge of haggling is limited, thanks to my shyness. He asks if I collect these types of books, and I would say yes.

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