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Rayna Star

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Posts posted by Rayna Star

  1. 1 hour ago, The Elfen Lie said:

    I read A'daragon as "A Dragon" then stop myself and pronounce the second a.
    Was thinking of getting a new character. I'll think on this and come back if the spots havent been filled yet. 
    Would it be fine if I join the discord to learn more?


    Ditto to all said here.

  2. What is your name?:

    Emma Rose Brae


    What is your age?:
    Sixty... something. Honestly, I hardly keep track anymore.

    What is your race?:



    Where do you reside?:

    Wherever I can find a bed, at the moment.


    Do you have sorcery?:
    Of course.


    Are you currently in a political affiliation with any nation?:

    Sympathetic? Maybe... Maybe not. Affiliated? Absolutely not.


    In a few words, please explain what ‘fun’ means:

    Surpassing the power and knowledge of the bloodlines before me so that my name may be forever etched onto the scripts of eternity.


    In a few words, tell us the most ‘evil’ thing you have done:
    I willingly gave myself over in service to a creature of darkness for a time, becoming the catalyst of its ritual.

  3. 13 hours ago, un-w said:

    for me, most of my friendships form as a result of roleplay interaction as opposed to the other way around


    As someone with social anxiety, this is key. I've found that it helps me to make a character whose natural personality is to not care what others think or be sort of brash (I try to feel out vibes if people aren't liking it though!). That way, I can easily find reasons to "force" myself into others rp. For example...


    See someone sitting at a tavern? Offer to buy them a drink. Or try to get them to buy you one! Ask about their life story and maybe they'll start asking about yours. Don't have a life story? Try talking about something interesting you saw... rumors of war, bandits on the road, a strange clown fellow wandering the city... Getting their opinion on something that's actually happening in the overarching story of LotC is a great way to create conversation from nothing.

    Join groups/guilds like you're taking free samples from the grocery store. Then find which one appeals to you and stick with it. Friendships occur from multiple positive interactions with the same people over time. It doesn't happen right away, so be patient!


    Honestly, focusing on having good roleplay with others is going to lead to a lot more friendships than worrying too much about the irl person behind the character at first. If you work on improving your roleplay, people are naturally going to want to be around your character, and from there they'll naturally want to be around you as they slowly get to know you/recognize you ooc as well. Good luck out there! :D

  4. Rayna's LotC Merch Shop???


    So I'm making this post as a sort of interest-gathering poll/commission form (if the Sky Gods allow it). I've recently started working with perler beads as a hobby/small-business and I realized that the pixel-like nature of them is perfect for Minecraft. Therefore, if people are interested, I'm offering to make custom items based on characters, noble houses, nations, etc. Below I'll link some photo examples of  finished items I've made and prototype (i.e. not yet melted) designs. I'll also put a list of what things I'm able to make and suggested prices. Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions below. :)





    Completed Banner and Character Magnets (featuring Celestine Herbert and the coat of arms/banner of House Stafyr):



    Prototype Decor/Large Magnet:



    Prototype Small Keychain:



    Items & Pricing



    (All prices below are in USD. Heads/Banners will usually be in the ~2x2 inch (~5x5cm) range. Custom item sizing/item type requests will have negotiable prices. Due to the nature of hat layers, some pixel placement may not be 100% accurate, but I will work hard to make it as close as possible and no payment is required until the prototype design is agreed upon!)


    • Plain Character Head/Banner: $3
    • Head/Banner Magnet: $5
    • Head/Banner Keychain, Cell Phone Charm, Ornament, or Rear View Mirror Accessory: $7
    • Head/Banner Drop Earrings: $8
    • Plain Full Character Body: $9


    Didn't see the item you were looking for? Wondering if I have the right color beads for your character? Leave a comment and I'll see what I can do!



    Want one?


    Simply comment with your Discord name, item type, and a skin/banner picture or small description of what you're looking for. If I'm able to take the request, I'll contact you on Discord for more details. Thank you for your interest! <3

  5. IGN: RaynaStar

    Category: Music Creation / Singing

    Artwork: I've linked an a cappella song below that I originally composed in 2013 (at 12 years old, my goodness...), before I had even been whitelisted on the server. In my excitement at the thought of joining a world as expansive as LotC, I had taken to religiously studying the elven language. Although I now recognize that my elven is... less than grammatically correct, to put it delicately, this song still holds a special place in my heart because of how it's tied to my beginnings on the server. The song is a comforting sort-of lullaby that you're meant to awaken children with rather than send them off to sleep with. Loosely translated, it talks about the rising sun bringing a peace to the forests that can't be dispelled by the nightmares that may plague us, and how the new day will protect elves until night brings sleep again.


    Song Link


    (Also I was singing this from memory so if I missed a word or mispronounced something please forgive me)

  6. 18 hours ago, monkeypoacher said:

    wrong. you're all wrong. 



    the world of lord of the craft live is a hollow sphere. below the bedrock is the the Otherworld, a land of inversion, where mortals toil under the 1,000,000 year tyranny of the Mori'Quessir Empress and her legion of bald eunuch slave soldiers. Dark Elven noblesse of the Zoren Empire bathe in milk waited on by fawning human and dwarven attendants, while halfling warbands stalk the outskirts on massive lizard warmounts, living a benighted and painful existence unaware of their cheerful cousins in the sunlit world above.


    Far above the perpetually dark and starless sky, past the clouds of boiling mercury spins the Other Otherworld, a foreign isekai vista bathed in the perpetual light and warmth of the Demiurge, ever smiling upon his proudest creation. This is a land of endless pleasure, where all human travails are temporary punctuations in a neverending and immutable Elysium of human potential.





    Some say it is possible to reach this paradise by travelling to the far North or the far South of the world, to the great Hole in the Earth, the invisible axis upon which all things in LoTC turn. Thus the Story Team have concealed the precise geographic orientation of every map, anxiously urging the Admins to switch to a new map before any player can venture too far out and reach the abode of the Demiurge himself. But with enough effort, anything is possible. Start walking now.






    Finally! It all makes perfect sense now!

  7. Chirr Calliban-Sintel, Head of NGS Security, huffs in frustration as she hears the news. "This is why I never wanted the meetings to take place in Providence. Of all the bloody times for me to be out of the country..."

  8. As I'm in the process of making a new DnD character, I wanted to ask what everyone's favorite resources are for fleshing out character personalities/traits. Do you have a list of quirks you like to pick from? A multiple-choice psychology quiz? An article on writing characters well? Drop me some links. :)

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Emma Rose Brae


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self-teaching book


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self-teaching book


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Emma Rose Brae


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Eliza Wittenbach


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  11. On 8/25/2021 at 12:18 AM, camocat9 said:

    The main issue I see with this is trying to meet up with friends for casual roleplay. Got someone in a completely different city who you want to ask to come by for a simple conversation? Sure, you could try going to their home, but who spends time there? Or, you could leave a letter in their mailbox, but this wouldn't get you a response for hours if you just wanted to have a quick bit of roleplay before you had to log off for work.

    All in all, these are just new obstacles, and not particularly fun ones either. All I want to do is get a friend to meet me to talk about a new product in my shop, not play minecraft manhunt for 3 hours just to have a 5 minute conversation when you finally do manage to track them down.


    Birds, though, should be disallowed from a combat standpoint (crp or pvp to rally new players), but should still be allowed for the sending of basic messages outside of this.


    ^This. The truth is, birds are far too convenient for organizing non-combat rp to consider fully getting rid of them. As much as I love the idea of a courier system in the sense of it promoting rp, I know that it would just make what should be quick rp meetings incredibly difficult to schedule.


    I'm not online often because of my job, so when I do get online, I need to knock out several conversations as quickly as possible in order to make the most of my free time and still get a good night's sleep. As an example, I recently was on my one character and she needed to speak to her husband, so I sent a bird. I had no clue where he was, but this was an important conversation that needed to happen that night because it had already been put off too long due to our login/irl schedules not lining up. If there were a courier/aviary system in place, he might not have received that message until it was already time for me to log off to go to bed.


    Several people suggested a notification system for when you have mail in your aviary, but I don't see how this is less immersion-breaking than a torpedo bird. Rather, I can only see it becoming an added headache, especially if you're on the road at the time, because with the size of the map, both parties will still end up having to wait X amount of minutes until the person can get to an aviary. This detracts from time that could've been spent in rp on an rp server, which seems like it would only irritate players.


    I think the simplest solution to this is to simply make the bird rules more specific. Don't allow birds to be sent/received in combat due to the heat of battle, don't allow them to be received in jails/dungeons/rooms without windows, etc.


    Perhaps adding a rule about first confirming that a player is in a position to be able to receive a bird would be helpful as well. For instance, emoting "[!] A bird flaps its wings on the morning breeze, seeking a place to land" or some such thing through msg before just launching into your letter. Then the receiving player has a chance to deny the bird, following the rules above. This could still be inconvenient for rp that needs to happen quickly, but it at least makes ic sense while cutting down on some of the headaches of a static bird-receiving area. Or, perhaps, when a bird is denied, this is where a static aviary/courier's office could enter into the picture, giving players a chance to catch up on mail that was unable to be received previously. Don't ask me how that would all work, but it's just a thought. Honestly though, I think just sticking with the addition of a "no birds in combat" rule is going to be the simplest and best bet, because it seems like most of the issue here is related to metarally.


    Obviously people are still going to find ways to meta around rules like this, but that's just life. Not everyone follows the law, but we still put laws in place to at least try to prevent things. All in all, I just really don't think that fully removing the bird system is going to improve quality of life for anyone, especially for players with limited time on the server. Apologies for the length of the post and if there's any circular logic, but there's a lot to consider with this issue, and I'm not sure if there's going to be one solution that will solve everything.

  12. 2 hours ago, Shorsand said:

    why are you still here after 8 torturous years


      Reveal hidden contents

    i got a year on you, zoomer



    Addiction is a scary thing... Seriously though, because this is where I've found the best roleplay over the years. This is a place where I can get deep into the mind of my character and fully live out their story in a way other roleplaying avenues just can't compare to. It has its ups and downs, but I think my experience has been positive overall. Also, I've made a lot of great friends here along the way.

    (Ew, look, a boomer.)


    1 hour ago, GMRO said:

    whats your best and worst memory after eight years?


    Whose your favourite character over that and why?


    Who is someone who you looked up to over the period?


    Best memory is a hard one because I've had loads of awesome moments, but they're all great for vastly different reasons. If I had to pick one, though, I'd say being in voice chat with one of my old guilds (back in the TeamSpeak/Skype era) and just running around Anthos together. For a kid with few friends at the time, that was one of the happiest moments of that time of my life. Looking back on those times always make me feel nostalgic for the early days of my involvement with roleplay and online gaming in general. Worst memory is an easy one, lol. It was one of my first days on the server. I was finishing up some rp and I had to log off, so I asked the person I was with if we could "ftb." My stupid brain thought that ftb just meant that we'd end the scene, like in the movies, and agree to stop the rp there for the night. I will never get over how mortified I felt when I learned what that actually meant... haha.


    My favorite character (if you were meaning one of my own) is definitely my dark elf, Chirr. She's also my longest running character (I believe she's only four-ish months shy of being eight irl years old herself). Having played her for so long, she's really built up a lot of depth (especially after I made some much-needed changes to her backstory). I find her gruff/sarcastic personality really easy to slip into, despite it being so different from my real personality. I've always loved an antihero, and I guess that's how I see her. Also, I find it easy to rp with literally anyone when I'm on her, which is not an easy feat for someone as shy as me, so there's that.


    Someone I looked up to would be Darez14. When I was freshly whitelisted, I wandered around the map shouting to ask if anyone had work they would hire me to do (cringe, I know, haha). Darez was the first one to really help me out and roleplay with me. He taught me the basics of how to navigate the server. Our characters eventually ended up getting married in the end, too. Honestly, I find it inspiring how open he was to rping with a noob like me, and I try to help other new players where I can because I know how great it feels when you're on the other end.


    1 hour ago, Urara said:





    Teehee <3

    (No rly, that made my day. You're the best!)


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