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Posts posted by Uniquename111

  1. Copies of newly printed newspapers appear at the Vaerhaven Newspaper Stand








    The Google Doc Link: http://goo.gl/TsyWK



    ((Expect another issue in about a week. You can purchase an in game book of the Newspaper from the News Stand, though the IG books will be delayed a day or two, since they all need to be copied...))


    ((Of course, any feedback and suggestions will be gladly accepted and taken into consideration. +1 it if you like it!))


    Link to Issue #1: http://goo.gl/tcms2

  2. Unique, stay on topic. This is evolution vs. creationism. Not marriage equality. Listen to what Song Druid said.


    *facepalm... You can't discuss topics like this without getting into a place where it's religion vs. science, and truthfully marriage equality is somewhat similar (more like religion vs. modern ideas).

  3. ...in the new testament it clearly states that marriage is between one man and one woman... not one man and one man.... or woman and woman...


    Once again, you sound like these FINE gentlemen/women...


    Also, in the Bible it says to not mix fabrics (meaning you can't wear clothing that's part cotton and part polyester). Let me ask you this, do YOU wear mixed fabrics? Unless you're Amish and wear only wool clothing, but you can't be since you have a computer, so who says that people can't adapt to modern times (ie. accept gay marriage as a legitament thing)? Also, it's not like making gay marriage illegal will stop gays, they'll still exist, but without a marriage certificate.

  4. ((Sorry for just not editing... I wanted a WHOLE new post for this))


    "Challenges are never simple or impossible, they just require a new solution."

    -Sil Iyat


    "Your stomach is the most selfish part of your body, no matter how  much you give it, it always needs more"

    -Sil Iyat


    "No, I'm not afraid of Death, just the Dying part"

    -Sil Iyat


    "My goal is to be a book, abundant with knowledge and open to everyone."

    -Sil Iyat

  5. Ehhh, I'm sure there are a few. Like, say you are competing with someone in RP, that is out of the loop, for lets say, a girl. If you and they girl have already decided that you two should get married, even though the other guy is a better pick for the girl by the girl's RP standard, it would be wrong and unRP for her to pick you, in RP.

    Not sure how much sense that made, buttt okay.


    Okay, got it.

  6. It's perfectly fine to do that. I mean, this server is about fun RP, and if you are dissatisfied with the RP you currently have, or just think the __ RP will be better, go for it. The only thing I would say is, even if you make a plan, RP as if you hadn't. If someone tried to kidnap you, resist. I mean, you don't have to resist and get away, maybe your character is fatigue from training or something, things happen, and you lose. And now you are enslaved or whatever.

    Some of my best RP comes from previous OOC planning. Not scripting, but planning. Remember that they are different, and often, scripted RP isn't nearly as fun a general-idea-planned RP is.


    Alright, thought so, though are there any situations where general pre-planned RP is wrong?

  7. Just a quick question, is it ethical if I were to pre-plan RP on the server (and is it okay for others to do this)? For example, if I really wanted to get kidnapped for some reason, could I ask a kidnapper OOC to kidnap me? Or, another scenario, if I know someone IRL and for some reason we decided our characters should marry, is that okay? Also, is it ethical and alright for people to start wars on their own through OOC (just wondering, not naming names)? Please respond with an answer, preferably if it is alright and in what scenarios/situations.

  8. -A letter is left at the entry of the brothel-


    Brothel Keeper,

    I would like to seek employment at your fine establishment. Is there an appropriate time we may meet to discuss such an employment or would you simply like to communicate through way of letter?


    Thank you,

    Tahjeet Mubdee


    ((A man working at the Vaerhaven Brothel, either it's just plain weird or the Brothel is opening itself to a whole new client-base! XD))

  9. I'll take 64 logs.



    First, specify the type of log you sell, if many, list the price for the corresponding wood type

    Second, If possible try listing quantities based on powers of 2, how minecraft items work, 64 to a stack

    Third, try including a price deduction for larger quantities, if it's already included, I didn't actually check, try increasing the savings

    Lastly, I'd try and find a catchier name like Sander's Logs - since Sonn Ander is close to Sander))

  10. Sil Iyat ((Uniquename111))


    1 Ticket: 13, 15,18, 29


    Edit- ((If the lottery is over, this ticket can be used for the next one. (and how about instead of paying tickets 3 days after "signing up", allow people to pay for their tickets anytime before the next roll, since you have everyone's name listed somewhere.))

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