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Posts posted by Uniquename111

  1. Would you happen to know where I could get a job, I might try a teacher position, but just in case I want to know how to get a job at the Hall of Labor, how would I go about doing that (there's never anyone there or near there). Also, would I find you and other Lower and Higher Councilmen (if there are any, I heard many left) in the "Quarters" or whatever it's called?

  2. I'm new to the Lord of The Craft Role-playing Server, and when I get on the server, I learned from looking around (and from a friend, forum name: ThePrrroman), that the market closed and there's no real way to get a house. Fortunately, my character is a traveling writer who's used to sleeping in the wilderness under trees (Saving my roleplay from getting very weird.. Sil being "homeless" and all), but he wants to settle in Malinor... and this isn't possible right now. I need a way of buying housing (actually getting a house, because right now there's no way to make money to actually buy it or pay rent). Please respond/reply if you can help me or if you've found a solution, I'd appreciate this very much.


    IC name - Sil Iyat


    Game username - Uniquename111

  3. My character, Sil Iyat, is a traveling writer and I saw your forum post on needing books for the Library (as well as ingame signs). I'm just starting out on this server and still need a Book and Quill (to actually write a book). I'd really appreciate it if you could somehow get one to me ingame (I've been looking for someone at the library who has one/some but couldn't find anyone), my IC name is Sil Iyat, Username:Uniquename111. Please respond because if my character doesn't write any books, the roleplay will get a little weird. Thank you so much in advance.

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