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A Spooky Witch

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Posts posted by A Spooky Witch

  1. Lucinda Willow

    ((Her theme, it fits her brain))




    Late last night, somewhere, a child was laughing... For what goes on in the mind of a child, is for those with the biggest of hearts, and the greatest imaginations to behold...



            On the eve of her 8th birthday, Lucinda was laying underneath a birch tree between the edges of Fiandria and Leyulin, humming a happy little song and making a crown out of flowers. Staring up at the fireflies that congregated in the leaves, Luci sighed with a pouty frown. 


            "Why can't you talk... I wanna talk with you like people do." She stared up at them with big, deep green eyes, her messy brown hair tangling in her flower crown. Luci bent over, pushing her small self up from the grass, and started to pick up some sticks and leaves from the ground. 


            Suddenly, a firefly lingered in front of her eyes, it's abdominal light pulsing. Luci giggled, blowing on it. As the insect moved, something slipped into view... Little sounds of what would be tiny gusts of wind, and metal chimes could be heard, making the young mali'ame's eyes grow wide and her mouth hang open.


            ~Hi~ Said the wispy voice, it sounded female and small, her voice carrying like the song of wind itself. ~I can talk, I promise!~ The creature chimed, it's mouth unmoving as it spoke, a grin on it's beautiful little face.


            Lucinda stared at the little thing flying in front of her. The creatures skin seemed to be made of glimmering quartz, shining in some invisible light that shone from nowhere, and yet everywhere. The wings adorning its back moved so fast that it sounded like a hummingbird in the summer breeze. It's clothes were simple, she looked like a tulip flower was growing on her very skin!


           "W-.. You're like a firefly! Like a fae!" She exclaimed, elation bubbling up in the child. "Well what are you called? What's your name?" She asked quickly.


            The creature laughed, it sounded wonderful, like singing birds and twinkling stars. ~I am named Cala, and what about you? You have to have a name!~ The little thing fluttered up and around Luci's head in a graceful dance.


            Lucinda's head ducked a little, her laughter becoming more and more joyful. "I'm Luciiinda, sometimes I think Luci is a good name too, or Lulu, or Cinda!" She rambled.


            Another bout of beautiful laughter could be heard. ~So many names! I shall pick one... I will call you Luci! I want to be the best of friends!~ Cala flew to Lucinda's face and gently clung to her little nose, giggling with the sound of a thousand chimes. ~You'll have to meet everyone, Mago and Shuri and Cora and Kur! All of our friends!~


            "Friends... Friends!!!" Lucinda exclaimed, bouncing around and throwing her hands up as her laughter rang throughout the trees. Skipping into the forest, Lucinda followed her imagination, her happiness, and her friend. 




    ((So this is a new character that I came up with recently, very much so based on a character from a game I play. Please keep in mind that all of what was RP'd by my character is ALL IN HER HEAD!! She 'sees' these fairies and fae-folk in her imagination. I hope to play her often as playing with the mind of a child is probably my favorite thing to do. I hope this character brings as much joy to other people as she does to me when i play her!! I hope you enjoyed the read!!))

  2. Name: Poppy Roatan Evocress Carteret (Or Loté Aeth'ahern)

    Sub-Race: High Elf

    Birth Date: "If you don't know the IG date put the actual and we'll sort it out.": 21st of Snow's Maiden, 1432

    Death Date: Still Living

    Mother: Kalin'dra Aeth'ahern

    Father: Evark Evocress

    Grandparents: Unknown

    Children: "Please include adopted children, and note the adoption": None

    Grandchildren: None

    Other relatives: Adopted relations with the following families





    Points of Interests, Accomplishments: Nothing to date..

    Do you wish for this to be made public?: Yeahsurewhynot




    Name: Kahlan Maehr'Tayna

    Sub-Race: High Elf

    Birth Date: "If you don't know the IG date put the actual and we'll sort it out.": 1st of Malin's Welcome, 1298

    Death Date: Still Living

    Mother: Cyrilla Maehr

    Father: Wyborn Tayna

    Grandparents: Unknown

    Children: "Please include adopted children, and note the adoption": Dante Aldrin Ventis II, Calia Maehr'Tayna [TWINS]

    Grandchildren: None

    Other relatives: Relations to the Ventis Family, married relations to the Dracaena family though since cut, possible distant relations to the Maehr name though it has yet to be determined or known.

    Points of Interests, Accomplishments: Kahlan is quite handy with knives, though she felt her only accomplishments were bearing her two children.

    Do you wish for this to be made public?: Yeahsurewhynot

  3. That and well, those people on youtube that make these animations probably have computers to run countries. Zero is using a laptop XD And kind of a crappy one. Naturally his aren't going to come out as good and will take a considerably longer amount of time to make.


    Me: "Hey Zero you want to play L4D tonight?"
    Zero: "Naw I can't I'm still doing my render."
    Me: "Didn't you start that like 4 days ago.."

    Zero: "Yeah, it takes forever."


    ^^ Literally had this conversation, albeit with a little bit of attitude towards Zero, but you get the picture. His renders take forever, no ifs ands or buts about it.

  4.        Sitting on a windowsill in a library whose location was unbeknownst to those other than kin, Poppy stared outside blankly. The heavyset bags under her eyes betray her fatigue from lights of recent events in the Moores, even her demeanor seeming physically crushed by some invisible weight. 


           She looked over to see her husband Eren reading a book in his own little world. She tried to smile, though it faded, unable to hold a smile for more than a few moments. Looking back out the window, Poppy started to hum a song, an ache forming in her chest. Oh how she had longed to be a child again, to be someone young and unaware of the evils and problems with the world that she was so dutifully living in. 


           Thinking back, Poppy longed silently for the forests she grew up in, in a world that seemed so far in history that it's like it never even existed at all. Slowly she started to put words to her humming, staring out the window with a solemn expression.


    ((So.. Every time I listen to this song I think of Malinor, I revised the words to fit, please please I strongly suggest you listen to the song while reading, I think it would really immerse the longing that not only my character feels for the acres of forests back 'home', but to all the elves and people who lived there. Enjoy. Oh and Peter Hollens master race))




    Oh Malinor, I long to see you
    'Way, your rolling forest 
    Oh Malinor I long to see you
    'Way, I'm bound away
    'Cross the wide Athera


    Oh Malinor I love your daughter
    'Way, your rolling forest 
    For her I cross your roaming acres 
    I'm bound away
    'Cross the wide Athera 


    'Tis fourty long years since last I've seen you
    And hear your roaming acres 
    'Tis fourty long years since last I've seen you
    We're bound away
    'Cross the wide Athera




    Oh Malinor's my native valley
    'Way, your rolling forest
    Oh Malinor's my native valley
    We're bound away
    'Cross the wide Athera

  5. Laying in the cell she was thrown in, sore and tired from her own experiences within the compound, Poppy weakly watched the door as such a battle took place, unable to say anything, her voice worn raw. As the noise quieted, a single tear rolled down her face and she wept silently, alone in the dark and dank room.  


    No... D-.. don't leave...

  6. On this rare occasion I agree with the Waldian. That said, I personally think the system we've had with zero va's or blacklists of the sort worked fine for months all through summer and before that as well. If it isn't broken or lacking I really don't see the point in even trying to fix something that is fine to start off with. Furthermore if you wanted to regulate it in the first place this should have been started then, rather then now, why sit on something for months, realize it works, then once again re-lay restrictions after a small minority of the community demands it?. Yet another issue with this is that it goes against the players freedoms to non-nonchalantly rp what they wish, assuming proposed rules are as black and white as they appear. 


    Discuss this stuff with the community, as I for one was kind of blindsided by this as it seems to have come from nowhere


    It was broken, and it isn't a "small minority" of the server that cries for change. It's the loudest ones that fight against it. Ever since the removal of VA's yeah it's been a bit more free, but it's also been on a slow (mind you slow) and steady decline.


    If their alt accounts are found doing this, expect their temporary Blacklisting to become much more permanent, just like ban evading on alt accounts extends the duration of your ban.


    I am in agreement.  We are not a RP server like we claim, we are RPG-PVP and I believe we have lost sight of the fact that we are degrading the RP experience.  Our plugins focus on improving either RPG or PVP, or both, but we have very little that supports improving RP itself, it's just shiney fancy things we don't REALLY need.  Even the magic plugin is just to facilitate PVP on a supposedly RP server, so I have to ask if RP is really what some people have come to this server for?


    That's why I joined..



    Yeah sure this MIGHT restrict things, but I mean if people don't read up on guides and just go around trolling, then this'll be a surefire way to help fix that issue. As for those who think just everyone will call for a blacklist on a villain, I'm sure that the GM's and such know when to hand out the BL and when it's just a silly butthurt player :/



    Just shut the **** up.


    Holy f*cking shyte you lot can philosophize, banter, and sh*t on each others' laps quicker than dogs with the runs.


    First off, quit sitting here philosophizing as if you are Immanuel Kant about 'roleplay quality!' when half of you fail to understand that the only method in improving roleplay is becoming better at writing and fleshing out fiction. I might just do an Amazon competition where one lucky cat gets a book from Penguin Classics, be it Brothers Karamazov or 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Stop complaining about blacklists and food plugins that 'f-f-focus on RPG or PvP elements!' and learn to write integrating and immersive stories.


    Second off, thank you Rittsy for taking the player feedback. Lord of the Craft has always had an experimental streak within itself. This is on a test run as Rittsy hisself bloody well said and hopefully it proves fruitful! I do agree that raid leader VAs should be introduced as it puts a heavy burden on a specific player for responsibility for his crew, but this is a start and a good one at that.


    Third off, translating 'minas or die' into 'orcish blah' is pretty petty of a lowblow. I mean, if you want to trade lowblows, are you willing to actually stomach the Roger Ebert-like critique that any one of us can throw at you and your folks? Stop lobbing and start understanding each other. The blacklist will make short order of folks that are truly abusive, so sit back and let the moderators moderate.



    This. A little intensely worded, but this.




    All agreements aside though, I'm honestly relieved that they finally listened to a good size of the server and implemented something like this. For me it isn't about how well someone can roleplay (i.e type and come up with stuff), it's about the way I feel as my character while something terrible is happening like a robbery. How am I supposed to take villiany seriously when someone just comes up to me and spouts off the usual you-know-what in an obviously trolly manner? Don't get me wrong, I don't call out bad villian RP like I should, but I swear the minas or die crap would have had me walking away if it wasn't for the PVP default. But this isn't about that I guess. I suppose I just want to be able to take the person seriously at the other end of their keyboard. I take mine moderately seriously, it'd be nice if others did the same as well and with this system, maybe they will.

  7. Hi, my name is Poppy, and this is my tale..


    My story began in the city of New Malinor in Anthos when I was six years old when my Haelun left me there by the big bridge to the Silver City. I have curly white hair like my Haelun, though my eyes are lighter green than hers. I am a Mali'aheral, and I have difficulty connecting with my kin because of my life and who I am related to. Though I was an Evocress by blood, I was raised by human Pherak Roatan, and a Necromancer no less. I won't lie.. I kind of picked Pherak rather than him picking me, I mean I did follow him around New Malinor a lot until the day he asked if I wanted a place to stay heh... It changed my life forever, mostly for the better, and kept me shunned from my own kind. I never knew what that meant until I first set foot in the Silver City in the Fringe, I was impure, I wasn't right with my kinds society; it hurt me to know this. Though I wasn't harmed in the city, merely told to leave, I carried this thought with me for many years as I made sure to avoid any of my Aheral kin for fear I would either offend them or be hurt. I never knew who I was, or where I belonged.


    In the Fringe I was married to my lifelong companion and best friend Eren Carteret, until then I had never had a name to call my own until we were wed. I had no claim to a surname as I had renounced any desire to hold the Evocress name and I was uncertain about my claim to my adoptive father Pherak's name, Roatan. After I took on Eren's name, I told him my given name in Elvish, Loté Aeth'ahern. Loté, meaning flower to my Haelun in Elvish, and Aeth'ahern, which was my mothers maiden name that means Aether Blessing. Only she ever called me that, but then Eren did afterwards and although I was confused on who I was before... It all started to make sense now. I wasn't someone defined by who I was related to or where my place was in a society that was never mine, I was just Poppy.


    I never really accepted much about my life until we entered the mysterious realm of Athera and we finally found a home to settle in. It took me many years to learn where I belonged, and that was my broken and homemade family. Though I am afraid of where my life will lead me... I'm not afraid of the darkness as long as those I hold dear are close to me.


    I am Poppy, I am the delicate flower in a sea of darkness, my light shines fiercely, and this is my Lord of The Craft.

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ArO4b27KBA


    On a rainy day, shadowing the kitchen table with paper and ink, Poppy stared at the parchment in front of her with a heavy heart. Her delicately pointed ears were lowered slightly in a mixture of sadness and uncertainty. "I'm no good at writing letters..." Poppy mumbled sadly to herself as she stared at the parchment.


    Listening to Eren working in the basement, Poppy took up her quill finally, and started to write, her expression staying solemn.


    ~@~The envelope would be marked on the outside, 'Pherak and Company' and would go on to read...~@~




    It's me, Poppy, I mean I s'pose you already knew that... How are you? It's been so long since you left with everyone, a lot has gone on since and... Well it's just different not having you here. How is Ryn and Baden and their children? I hope everything is well and that you're taking care of yourselves.


    Well where to start... So much has been going on these past few months, it's hard to keep up. Iblees came back rumor has it... I spoke to people who were there that it happened. Papa.. I don't know if I should be scared or happy... After what happened with mister Adorellan and the people who were in charge of you came to me in the Grove in the Fringe... I'm afraid to seem even a little intrigued. I am keeping it secret just like you told me.


    Some people have been trying to do work to fight against the Inferno you hate so much, asking me questions and offering to keep me safe while they do it. They said that they'd get Haelun out.. I know what you're thinking, she isn't my Haelun but... I know she is Papa, there isn't any doubt, she looks just like me, she looks exactly how I remember her, she knows everything about me, things that even Evark doesn't know, things I remember from before you took me in.. They're going to get her away from him and then everything will be okay again. I'm not getting involved so you don't have to worry about my safety. I'm getting better at worrying about my own safety now, Eren is making sure of that. And Papa.. I found out things about my birth.. things I'd rather not say but-...."

    Poppy halted her writing as she sat at the table, her eyes had finally started to water as she wrote, her hand shaking and getting a few drops of ink both on the table and the parchment. Sniffing and forcing herself to go on, Poppy held down the paper, leaving the drop of ink there.


    "-... maybe I'll tell you some other time. I don't have the stomach to write it, and I don't want to think about it. I would go to others to counsel about it but I only have so few that I can go to.. I learned that Caedwen had children.. and that he has forgotten everything about Eren and myself. I have no family left to speak of, none that are truly here except Eren. The ones that remain are too far away for a hug.


    Oh how I miss you all every day I truly do Papa. It seems like the days are darker now that you all aren't here. I keep your necklace safe, the heart shaped bone one that you gave me so long ago. It's my reminder that you have a heart, no matter what.


    I hope that one day we can all go to the beach together... just like Ryn wanted, we can have fun and peace.. I love you, ito nae'mayilu.


                                                             ~Your Flower"


    ~@~At the end of the letter, there would be a somewhat detailed drawing. The drawing would entail people on it, Pherak in the back depicted as he was when he was human, Ryn in the front standing in front of Baden who would have a smile on his face, then there would be Laurira next to them both, and then Eren and Poppy in the middle sitting on the ground~@~


    Poppy put down her quill, rubbing the wetness from her eyes and just looking at the picture before folding up the parchment and setting it inside the envelope. Sending off the bird, Poppy watched from the window as it carried off her message in the rain, tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes and cascading down her cheeks.


    ((Yay 200 posts!!))

  9. Poppy's eyes flew open with a gasp, the image of her birth father Evark burning into the back of her mind like the fire that consumed the background of the dream. Sitting upright with a start, Poppy winced as her ribs ached and she hugged her torso, shaking the images from her mind. 


    Turning and laying back down on her side, Poppy curled up besides Eren under the covers, her eyes wide as she was wide awake now, shaken slightly by the images of the dream, or in her case nightmare. "He never leaves... he never leaves... he never ever leaves..." She repeated to herself quietly, shakily as she squeezed her eyes shut and covered her ears to the phantom words from the message.

  10. Poppy, having been strolling by one of the little shops in the Elven city, peered at one of the posters. Her head tilted as a delicate "v" formed between her brows, the result of a frown. Turning her head to the two speaking with one another about politics, Poppy slowly and casually moved behind a stall to listen. Her ears perked up at Kalameet's signature and she peeked around the corner to him. Swallowing slightly, she looked at him warily before continuing on her ways.


    "Scary man he is..." She murmured to herself, remembering what her little brother had told her about him and tucking a curly white lock of hair behind her ear. "... I should follow the politics more..." Her ears lowered slightly at the thought and she reached over, taking one of the notices from the wall.

  11. Personally I think I play fear a little too much with my characters, but then again it isn't always a bad thing. I understand the problem being outlined that people don't portray fear as well as they should and I can't really help but agree. I mean to any being, there are always primal fears. Something bigger and scary looking than yourself, that's scary. Of course after a few years you do get used to such gruesome sights but at the same time there is still that twinge of hesitation that comes with the territory. 


    I do think people should play up fear a little more. No one is invincible, and the attitude of "I can do anything and nothing can stop me" has to be played down. In character, we have to live with the fear of death every day, just as we do it our real lifes. You only die once (until the monks revive you of course) but no one relies on them to bring us back. It's the unknown of not coming back that haunts everyone in their roleplay (i.e "what if they don't bring me back.. what if I die forever...?")

  12. Poppy, standing next to Eren as he read the note, held it in her hands for a long time. Slowly her ears wilted as she read on, and she sat down next to Eren under the tree, leaning on him and burying her face in his shoulder. "Me too..." She said quietly, Katie and Pherak leaving was tearing a void in her heart, and she felt it as the note slowly slipped from her fingertips.

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