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A Spooky Witch

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Posts posted by A Spooky Witch

  1. My high elf character Kahlan is having twins with her husband Apollo Ventis! We are in need of a boy and a girl to play the part! (preferably two separate people please)


    Currently Kahlan is only 6 months pregnant so you won't have to start right away.


    TAKEN Boy: Dante Aldrin Ventis

    • He has black hair with blue eyes like Apollo's.


    TAKEN Girl: Calia Rose Ventis

    • She has blackish brown hair with aqua blue eyes like Kahlan's.

    The first two people who are interested will gain the positions! If required I will send skins for references of Apollo and Kahlan's appearances unless you know what they look like already. Come come people and step up! And thanks for reading!

    Name(Rp Name): Chaus Latue
    (Skype if you own one): Madning25
    (McName): Madning
    Race: Dark Elf
    Why do you wish to join: I am seeking I was told that by joining this..
    group I would be able to receive the networking, companionship and means to
    destroy my enemies. In this case the Wolvenguard.
    (Do You Have A Va?and what types): My VA is WIP.
    What Skills do ye have? Trained as a hunter, I am

    good with a sword, agile and cunning. I know how to stick to the shadows,

    tracking, maneuvering trough forests, and I have a good understanding of plants

    and other fauna types. My greatest skill is the skill of gathering knowledge

    and information. That is documentation and map creation.


    -Kahlan looks over the slip of paper and ponders for a while. She grabs a new slip of parchment and her quill and begins writing.


    "You have been accepted. Be aware, however, that we work towards group goals, we will try to accommodate your wishes through your further training. And most important of all, be wary of whom you make enemies with. 


    We look forward to having you, await a meeting and orders from Midnight... -K"


    Kahlan sends off her raven and watches it fly off bearing the note. 'This one will be most interesting..' She thought to herself.-

  3. Name(Rp Name): Carter Leanbrow

    (Skype if you own one): None.

    (McName): zach211w

    Race: Human

    Why do you wish to join: To join my old OOC friends, also to find a community to relate to, and a home to sleep in.

    (Do You Have A Va?and what types): Working on a 2a.

    What Skills do ye have? I am able to shoot hard and good with a 'Long Bow' and also I know my way around most places and forests.


    -Kahlan looks over the slip of paper and then moves across the room, grabbing her quill and starts scribbling on her parchment. She signs the bottom of the paper and then folds it, addressing it to Carter and sending it off on her raven. The note reads:


    "You have been accepted and welcomed into the order, await a meeting and orders from Midnight. We look forward to having you... -K"


    She pushed back from her desk, watching her raven fly with the paper and smiles. Another joins the family.. She thought idly.-

  4. Hi guys, Emily here, or as most people on the server know me as, Kahlan ^_^ This is an intro forum so I will start off with myself I suppose.


    The names Emily, turned twenty this past week (woot!) and I am moving next week (double woot!!). I'm not sure what else to say other than I am a friendly college student with a whacky sense of humor.


    BUT NOW TO THE FUN PART! I am going to be a renaissance wench for Halloween this year! (Or as wiccans call it Samhain). What are you guys going to be for Halloween?


    Feel free to post your costumes here! And if you're not comfortable with your own pic just post a picture like it so we get the idea!



  5. Kahlan stops at the message board, browsing absently. As soon as she sees the logo her eye is caught. A wide grin spreads on her face and she almost jumps with joy; now she can continue the education her parents started!


    "I should tell Maximus..." She thinks aloud, turning and going off to find her brother, smiling all the way with joy.

  6. -Kahlan lifted her chin some, peering over the many letters to be sent out and thinks of Apollo briefly. A small smile creeping on her lips as she prides herself in being part of something. "And now the fun begins..." She speaks with a mixture of anticipation and sincere happiness. Her eyes move over to her notebook, her stare growing cold as she looks over the smudges that were names scribbled clumsily on paper. "Oh yes, it does truly begin.." Kahlan pushed herself away from her desk and moved to Apollo, putting a hand on his back and her head on his shoulder.-

  7. Kahlan Maehr'Tayna 


    Nicknames: None currently.
    Age: 94 Elven Years
    Gender: Female
    Race: Elf, High Elf

    Height: 5'4, Slightly shorter for an elf.
    Weight: 135lbs
    Body Type: Slender, some definition in her arms and legs, lean muscle.

    Eyes: Aquamarine
    Hair: Long and brown, her getting a recessive dark haired gene.
    Skin: Pale
    Markings/Tattoos: Elven ears, though no tattoos.
    Health: Healthy.
    Personality: Though Kahlan can be a quiet person she is ferocious when her or one she loves life is in danger. She can be outspoken, if quietly, and respects others despite any assumptions made upon herself or the other. She can snap easily at her companions if something goes too far.
    Inventory: Mainly bread, a couple of daggers, a quiver of arrows and an Elven bow, a dagger at her belt and two concealed in her boots.
    Further Details: Kahlan can be more commonly seen in her traveling clothing, if she is wanting to present herself in front of someone she deems important she will be wearing her blue gown.


    Skin Screenshot~


    Life Style 

    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Deity: Though she follows no organized religion, she often makes references to the spirits of her supposed dead parents.
    Religion: No Affiliation.
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Allied with many races because of her friendships with many, from the nation of Malinor, and her home resides in the Wilds.
    Job/Class: Traveling Merchant, Working Class, bounty hunter.
    Title(s): None currently.
    Profession(s): Bounty Hunter.
    Special Skill(s): Farming, shooting a stationary target from long ranges, very good people skills.
    Flaw(s): Is easily startled and manipulated emotionally, this makes her very wary of strangers.

    Fighting Style: Archery and knives, more commonly throwing knives.
    Trained WeaponThe bow and her daggers, has been instructed on swordsmanship briefly.
    Favored Weapon: Her dagger.
    Archery: Trained by her father.


    • Mother: Cyrilla Maehr
    Father: Wyborn Tayna



    • Maximus Maehr'Tayna

    Children: None currently.

    Extended Family: N/A

    Pet(s): None currently.



    Born into the society of the High Elves, Kahlan's family was not much to mingle with others of their kind, choosing to live within the deeper forests away from the city of Malinor. Kahlan's mother was a dressmaker, renowned for her fine detail in the closeness to nature in her gowns. Her father was a high esteemed trader among those of the other races, bringing goods, and even some of his wives dresses, from many lands to others. The family of three lived comfortably and Kahlan's parents spent every minute of their spare time educating their daughter about the world and the different races that were roaming the lands.


    When Kahlan turned 20 (Elven years) she had gone out to get spider silk for her mothers dresses to make, her parents were preparing for dinner. Kahlan came to discover her house torn apart and her parents missing. All that was left were some dress materials, her bow and arrows, and some of her books on the different races.


    For a time Kahlan tried searching for her parents, going to the Elven towns and even so far as the Human territories to ask anyone who knew them if they had been seen, and in those 73 years nothing had come to pass. Starting anew when she had turned 80 she decided to carry on her education about the lands and those that dwell in it, striving to become a great merchant like her father and a better archer.


    As time passed she came to know that she was more sheltered by her parents than she had first come to believe. Orders ravaged the lands that sought to destroy her kind and made her fearful of the short-lived humans. Until, that is, she met her love; Corvo Dracaena. 


    After she was married Kahlan took on Corvo's name and strove to stand by his side no matter what direction he went in. Even when he decided to try and become a White Rose. Though that happiness faded, shortly after Kahlan came home to find Corvo with another woman. Kahlan left Corvo (for a short while on good terms). When Kahlan was kidnapped and tortured by the Flays, she was released by payment from Corvo who got word of her imprisonment. Shortly afterwords Kahlan learned from Corvo's brother Tavon that he had committed suicide.


    When her companion Miles Lionheart came into her life, he introduced her to Apollo Ventis of the Ventis family. He was the leader of a guild called the Crimson Brotherhood, a group of bounty hunters, in which she was welcome to join. She did. As relations with the Brotherhood turned sour with their human alliances, the Brotherhood went into hiding, Kahlan taking it upon herself to communicate with her allies about any possible jobs her and her guild mates could accomplish to get their relations back. The Brotherhood has since changed it's name and have become more discreet. 


    After a couple of years with the guild, a new member joined, his name was Maximus, soon after Kahlan learned this man, this young elf, to be her brother. Her parents, it turned out, had fled to the human lands to escape humans who were persecuting them for harboring a fugitive they believed to be innocent. While they were in Oren, they had a son. Soon after they were killed when soldiers came to their house and executed them in front of Maximus, who was hiding under their bed.


    Now as Kahlan lives with her new life and deals with her own demons she weighs that sometimes doing the right thing means going against what you believe to get answer.



    Beautiful-Elf-magical-creatures-25299019This artwork is not my own and will take down upon request~

  8. I find it a little ridiculous that people harp on the staff for doing their job and communicating with people on what they're trying to take care of. I mean I get that it can be tiring hearing things over and over but speaking from experience on being staff I can understand why a lot of things don't get done. People have lives shocking to popular belief and on a server like this where hundreds of people get on everyday can be a hassle. I really think that people should be glad they're telling us this crap at all because if anything we're lucky they even have the kindness to even talk to us and let know what's happening. This stuff doesn't happen over night.


    But other than my rant I'm glad this kind of stuff is happening (regardless of if it happens), it'll be a nice change.

  9. ((Personally OOC I see more of the "guards" and other citizens provoking said edgy people, I think it's the security that needs edicts, anywho as for an IC response...)


    -Kahlan looks up at a paper she noticed pinned up to a notice board and reaches up, grasping the paper and pulling it down so she could read it better. As her eyes skimmed the page she looked down at herself, her red and black robes draping over her form. She sighed.-

    "Well... I suppose I will have to modify my clothing then.." She said as she reached around, pulling on her hood to reveal the small skull house sigil woven into the hood.

  10. Kahlan Maehr Tayna (Married Dracaena)


    Nicknames: None currently.
    Age: 93 Elven Years
    Gender: Female
    Race: Elf, High Elf
    Status: Living

    Height: 5'6, Slightly shorter for an elf.
    Weight: 135lbs
    Body Type: Slender, some definition in her arms and legs, lean muscle.

    Eyes: Aquamarine
    Hair: Long and brown, her getting a recessive dark haired gene.
    Skin: Pale
    Markings/Tattoos: Elven ears, though no tattoos.
    Health: Healthy.
    Personality: Though Kahlan can be a quiet person she is ferocious when her or one she loves life is in danger. She can be outspoken, if quietly, and respects others despite any assumptions made upon herself or the other.
    InventoryMainly bread, a couple of daggers, a quiver of arrows and an Elven bow.

    Further Details: Kahlan can be more commonly seen in her traveling clothing, if she is wanting to present herself in front of someone she deems important she will be wearing her blue gown.


    Skin Screenshot~


    Life Style 

    AlignmentNeutral/Neutral Good.
    DeityThough she follows no organized religion, she often makes references to the spirits of her supposed dead/missing parents.
    ReligionNo Affiliation.
    Alliance/Nation/HomeAllied with many races because of her friendships with many, from the nation of Malinor, and her home resides in the Wilds.
    Job/ClassTraveling Merchant, Working Class/ Peasant.
    Title(s)None currently.
    Profession(s)No hired profession currently.
    Special Skill(s)Farming, shooting a stationary target from long ranges, very good people skills.
    Flaw(s)Is easily startled and manipulated emotionally, this makes her very wary of strangers.

    Fighting StyleArchery but will fight with her knives if she must.
    Trained WeaponThe bow and her daggers, has been instructed on swordsmanship briefly.
    Favored WeaponThe Bow.
    ArcheryTrained by her father.


    • Mother: Cyrilla Maehr
    • Father: Wyborn Tayna


    SiblingsNone that she knows of.
    ChildrenNone currently.

    Extended FamilyHouse of Dracaena.

    • Husband: Corvo Dracaena.

    Pet(s)None currently.



    Born into the society of the High Elves, Kahlan's family was not much to mingle with others of their kind, choosing to live within the deeper forests away from the city of Malinor. Kahlan's mother was a dressmaker, renowned for her fine detail in the closeness to nature in her gowns. Her father was a high esteemed trader among those of the other races, bringing goods, and even some of his wives dresses, from many lands to others. The family of three lived comfortably and Kahlan's parents spent every minute of their spare time educating their daughter about the world and the different races that were roaming the lands.

    When Kahlan turned 20 (Elven years) she had gone out to get spider silk for her mothers dresses to make, her parents were preparing for dinner. Kahlan came to discover her house torn apart and her parents missing. All that was left were some dress materials, her bow and arrows, and some of her books on the different races.


    For a time Kahlan tried searching for her parents, going to the Elven towns and even so far as the Human territories to ask anyone who knew them if they had been seen, and in those 73 years nothing had come to pass. Starting anew when she had turned 80 she decided to carry on her education about the lands and those that dwell in it, striving to become a great merchant like her father and a better archer.


    As time passed she came to know that she was more sheltered by her parents than she had first come to believe. Orders ravaged the lands that sought to destroy her kind and made her fearful of the short-lived humans. Until, that is, she met her love; Corvo Dracaena. 


    After she was married Kahlan took on Corvo's name and strove to stand by his side no matter what direction he went in. Even when he decided to try and become a White Rose.


    Kahlan is now currently living in the Wilds and tending her farms, selling what she can to make ends-meet for both herself and Corvo. She has of late been trying to become a hand-maiden in the palace of Salvus, the city in which she frequents, to try and make more money on the side.




    Beautiful-Elf-magical-creatures-25299019This artwork is not my own and will take down upon request~



    Thank you to Hunwald for providing this outline to start my character biography! I looked at many but liked yours the most! Thank you!

  11. Kahlan goes about Malinor and the surrounding countryside, tacking up little fancy pieces of parchment with a smile on her face. The paper is emblazoned with little golden swirls in the corner and bold black handwriting on each paper. It says the following:


    To those who chance upon this fortune!

    The wedding of two lovers brings the community together in the time of despair.

    Kahlan Maehr'Tayna and Corvo Dracaena are to be wed on Saturday evening.

    To those who wish to attend just go to the Malinorian Auditorium for the ceremony.

    May the Spirits guide you~



    ((If any wish to attend it will be at 10:30 Eastern time, Use New York time as a reference!)).

  12. Kahlan walked through the Gate of Malinor towards the commotion after reading a post upon a tree, and spies the source of the commotion. She smiled at a human passerby walking away from the city, then slowly frowned to herself as she passed him wondering what a human would be doing in Malinor. She quickly pushed it away as she realized that people were shouting at one another. She hung back, listening with growing anxiety at the mood of the crowd.


    This is getting out of our hands..


    She wrung her slight hands as she watched.

  13. Kahlan stopped in front of a tree, lightly taking a note down with a worried glance, and thought of the Wood Elf who had spoken with her the previous day of such aspirations.


    Oh dear... It's really going to happen isn't it...


    She began to understand how High Elves such as herself were regarded coldly and frowned sadly. Kahlan dropped the note on the ground with anxiousness and fled into the woods to be alone.

  14. I was given permission by Fabian to post an hour early because of Daylight Savings time.


    Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: EmilyBlackheart
    How old are you?: 19
    Time-Zone: Eastern or New York time.
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes I Have.
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Lots of experience, I used to participate in role playing in chatrooms a couple of years back, I really enjoyed it.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I saw a Let's Play about it on YouTube.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: 
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): ~
    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Acting as another to live in a world that is not your own.
    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming is when you take information about something out of character, or O.O.C., and use that information in character. Say I were to learn something about another person's character on a forum post, i could use that information in character to either form a relationship or gain an enemy.
    Power-emoting: Power-emoting is when you are in a role-play situation and you post an action without waiting for the other participant to respond. If I were in a fighting situation for example, I would post something like this: -She swung her blade down at an angle, slicing her opponent from shoulder to hip creating a fatal gash across his abdomen- This would be meta-gaming because of the finality of the action, it leaves the situation successful in my favor because of the "fatality" of the other character and leaves them unable to react to the action.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Kahlan Maehr-Tayna
    Current Age: 93 human years.
    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past /History(include childhood, major-events, etc.2+ paragraphs long):

    Born into the society of the High Elves, Kahlan's family was not that of the high society, choosing to live within the deeper forests away from society. Some of their kin thought her parents strange because of their compassion towards other as High Elves are more seen as cold, but her parents paid no heed, telling Kahlan that it was their travels that made them tolerant of other races. Kahlan's mother was a dressmaker, renowned for her fine detail in the closeness to nature in her gowns. Her father was an Okarir'Acaln, or a trader among those of the other races, and although he wasn't as esteemed as the Treasurer on the Silver Council, Kahlan knew that he deserved the title in her heart. He brought exotic goods and even some of his wives dresses from many lands and then pass them on to others. The family of three lived comfortably and Kahlan's parents spent every minute of their spare time educating their daughter about the world and the different races that were roaming the lands.


    Kahlan's parents made sure that she was informed on the world and society she was growing up in, and that includes the creed of the High Elves: Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya. This means Progress and Health and is used as a blessing among the Elves. Kahlan was told it was a respectful way to greet one of her kind, and although it is used among the High Elves she always saw her parents saying it to everyone and anyone, even those outside of the High Elves.

    When Kahlan turned 20 (human years)she had gone out to get spider silk for her mothers dresses to make, her parents were preparing for dinner. Kahlan came to discover her house torn apart and her parents missing. All that was left were some dress materials, her bow and arrows, and some of her books on the different races. For a time Kahlan tried searching for her parents, going to the Elven towns and even so far as the Human territories to ask anyone who knew them if they had been seen, and in those 73 years nothing had come to pass. Starting anew when she had turned 80 she decided to carry on her education about the lands and those that dwell in it, striving to become an ambassador of the elves and a master of the bow.

    Ambitions for the Future: To become an international trader like her father and a master of the bow.

    Quiet, enjoys educating herself about others and the world around her, can be a fighter if provoked with a strong sense of justice.

    Skills: Staying hidden or being stealthy, skills with a bow at long range.

    Appearance(this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):
    Long brown hair and blue eyes with pale skin and small pointed ears, dark green clothing to blend in with the background on her travels, and gold fringe on her sleeve to keep the grandeur of the High Elves in her clothing.


    This is my character skin, I'm sorry it's not an in-game screenshot, I couldn't get a good shot with her ears!

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: She is always eager to learn and takes her unusually kind nature after her parents, this makes her stand out from other High Elves.


    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full.Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1.As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering.Upon inspection you realize that a group of High Elves are mocking a small Wood Elf child. How do you react?


    Kahlan came around the corner of an old oak and cleared her throat as she looked upon the group of elves. The three turned and looked at her, surprised. "Can we help you?" A tall one at the front crossed his arms with a disdained look. "As a matter of fact you can, what're you doing with this child? Haven't you got better things to do than belittle one of our kin?" Kahlan's patience was wavering and she let it show on her face. The tall elf looked at the others and laughed. "What's it matter to you anyway? You're just the same as us." Kahlan took a step forward putting a hand on her bow. "Do not compare me to intolerant oak worms like yourself, all Mali are children of the wood and to single this child out is a disgrace to Malin and his legacy, you should be ashamed of yourself." The trio all glowered at her for a moment, then looked off in different directions scratching their heads. One of the elves prodded the tall one on the shoulder. "Let's just get out of here ilir she's right." "Fine," The tall elf snapped, turning again to glare at Kahlan. "It's people like you that keep us from putting THEM in their place." He had motioned to the Wood Elf then promptly stalked off with his friends. Kahlan frowned as they walked off then turned to the Wood Elf child with a small smile. "I apologize for my kin, most of us do not know where our own place is in this world, are you okay? Why are you here alone?" "My mother and I were gathering herbs for her books and she told me to stay here, I know she's going to be a while... Thank you for making them go away, they said mean things.." "You are very welcome, would you like me to keep you company until she comes back for you?"  When the child nodded she smiled and sat next to him in the sun, smiling and talking until his mother returned.

    2.Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick.He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud.Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway.The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?


    As soon as the man hit the ground, his items laying askew across the dirt, Kahlan ran over and grabbed his walking stick. "Let me help you, are you alright?" "Thank you young one, I am fine it just slipped from my grip that's all." He smiled and gratefully took his cane from her hands, then he frowned. "Those blasted coins get everywhere." Kahlan laughed and bent over picking up the half empty pouch and slipping the coins in one by one until holding the pouch out to the man. "I know how you feel, coins can be very messy." "Thank you again young one, very much, how can I repay you?" He had begun rummaging through the pouch she had just given him. Kahlan quickly put a hand on his with a smile. "I need no reward, I help for others benefit not my own." The old man smiled as her and put his pouch in his pocket. "You are a rare person young one, a rare person indeed." He patted her on the cheek and continued hobbling down the path.

    3.Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares.He points out that his carriage sells just about everything,and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).


    Kahlan put a finger over her mouth and tapped it against her lips with a smile at his pricing. "Okay I'll shoot, I will go for 300 minas on the urn and throw in 250 more for the tome on Orc lore first edition."  The trader laughed and shoot his head. "Ma'am I am willing to take 300 but the tome is a little more valuable that 250 minas."  "Alright, I'll raise the tome up to 450 and that is as far as I'll go." Kahlan eyed the tome longingly thinking what she could learn about the Orc's and their stories of old. The trader sat and thought for a long moment before he stuck his hand out and shook her hand. "750 minas for the lot it is, where did you learn to haggle so well?" Kahlan got a bitter sweet look on her face as she smiled. "My father was an international trader, he brought goods between the different races, he was very good at what he did.. Taught me everything I know." "Smart man he is." The trader pointed out as he wrapped her things in a cloth. "Yeah." Kahlan smiled again a little sadly. "He was."

  15. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: EmilyBlackheart
    How old are you?: 19
    Time-Zone: Eastern or New York time.
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes I Have.
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Lots of experience, I used to participate in role playing in chatrooms a couple of years back, I really enjoyed it.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I saw a Let's Play about it on YouTube.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: ~
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): ~
    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Acting as another to live in a world that is not your own.
    Meta-gaming: Gaming done by strategy outside of a set of rules, Minecraft is basically meta-gaming because it has no rules, only strategy.
    Power-emoting: This is like expressing an emotion or an action in words, if I were to say I was walking I would say *Emily starts walking down the street briskly to avoid unwanted attention*

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Kahlan Maehr-Tayna
    Current Age: 93 human years.
    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past /History(include childhood, major-events, etc.2+ paragraphs long):

    Born into the society of the High Elves, Kahlan's family was not that of the high society, choosing to live within the deeper forests away from society. Kahlan's mother was a dressmaker, renowned for her fine detail in the closeness to nature in her gowns. Her father was a high esteemed trader among those of the other races, bringing goods, and even some of his wives dresses, from many lands to others. The family of three lived comfortably and Kahlan's parents spent every minute of their spare time educating their daughter about the world and the different races that were roaming the lands.

    When Kahlan turned 20 (human years)she had gone out to get spider silk for her mothers dresses to make, her parents were preparing for dinner. Kahlan came to discover her house torn apart and her parents missing. All that was left were some dress materials, her bow and arrows, and some of her books on the different races. For a time Kahlan tried searching for her parents, going to the Elven towns and even so far as the Human territories to ask anyone who knew them if they had been seen, and in those 73 years nothing had come to pass. Starting anew when she had turned 80 she decided to carry on her education about the lands and those that dwell in it, striving to become an ambassador of the elves and a master of the bow.

    Ambitionsfor the Future: To become an ambassador between the elves and other races of the land.

    Quiet, enjoys educating herself about others and the world around her, can be a fighter if provoked with a strong sense of justice.

    Skills: Staying hidden or being stealthy, skills with a bow at long range.

    Appearance(this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):
    Long brown hair and blue eyes with pale skin, dark green clothing to blend in with the background.


    This is my character skin, I'm sorry it's not an in-game screenshot, I couldn't get a good shot with her ears!

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: ---


    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full.Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1.As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering.Upon inspection you realize that a group of High Elves are mocking a small Wood Elf child. How do you react?


    Kahlan came around the corner of an old oak and cleared her throat as she looked upon the group of elves. The three turned and looked at her, surprised."Can we help you?" A tall one at the front crossed his arms with a disdained look."As a matter of fact you can, what're you doing with this child? Haven't you got better things to do than belittle one of our kin?" Kahlan's patience was wavering and she let it show on her face.The tall elf looked at the others and laughed. "What's it matter to you anyway? You're just the same as us."Kahlan took a step forward putting a hand on her bow. "Do not compare me to intolerant oak worms like yourself, all Mali are children of the wood and to single this child out is a disgrace to Malin and his legacy, you should be ashamed of yourself."The trio all glowered at her for a moment, then looked off in different directions scratching their heads. One of the elves prodded the tall one on the shoulder. "Let's just get out of here ilir she's right.""Fine," The tall elf snapped, turning again to glare at Kahlan. "It's people like you that keep us from putting THEM in their place." He had motioned to the Wood Elf then promptly stalked off with his friends.Kahlan frowned as they walked off then turned to the Wood Elf child with a small smile. "I apologize for my kin, some of us do not know where our own place is in this world, are you okay? Why are you here alone?""My mother and I were gathering herbs for her books and she told me to stay here, I know she's going to be a while... Thank you for making them go away, they said mean things..""You are very welcome, would you like me to keep you company until she comes back for you?" When the child nodded she smiled and sat next to him in the sun, smiling and talking until his mother returned.

    2.Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick.He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud.Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway.The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?


    As soon as the man hit the ground, his items laying askew across the dirt, Kahlan ran over and grabbed his walking stick. "Let me help you, are you alright?""Thank you young one, I am fine it just slipped from my grip that's all." He smiled and gratefully took his cane from her hands, then he frowned. "Those blasted coins get everywhere."Kahlan laughed and bent over picking up the half empty pouch and slipping the coins in one by one until holding the pouch out to the man. "I know how you feel, coins can be very messy.""Thank you again young one, very much, how can I repay you?" He had begun rummaging through the pouch she had just given him. Kahlan quickly put a hand on his with a smile."I need no reward, I help for others benefit not my own." The old man smiled as her and put his pouch in his pocket."You are a rare person young one, a rare person indeed." He patted her on the cheek and continued hobbling down the path.

    3.Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares.He points out that his carriage sells just about everything,and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).


    Kahlan put a finger over her mouth and tapped it against her lips with a smile at his pricing. "Okay I'll shoot, I will go for 300 minas on the urn and throw in 250 more for the tome on Orc lore first edition." The trader laughed and shoot his head. "Ma'am I am willing to take 300 but the tome is a little more valuable that 250 minas." "Alright, I'll raise the tome up to 450 and that is as far as I'll go." Kahlan eyed the tome longingly thinking what she could learn about the Orc's and their stories of old. The trader sat and thought for a long moment before he stuck his hand out and shook her hand. "750 minas for the lot it is, where did you learn to haggle so well?" Kahlan got a bitter sweet look on her face as she smiled. "My father was an international trader, he brought goods between the different races, he was very good at what he did.. Taught me everything I know." "Smart man he is." The trader pointed out as he wrapped her things in a cloth. "Yeah." Kahlan smiled again a little sadly. "He was."

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