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Posts posted by Cjmate

  1. xFO_ua8PkqcUjSkMU6eq3asTmXaC5ZnRrPEm_9-ZVBDZ4gQ5myzLmmXAXumpujbofh2qy9sP-KZNCJery-TWq09_ObqLiSWaou9tjww2lvm_ZkxkRcHha6LESX1MaIR7dAywLdG2pXutDHS8g20


    Balian Office of Civil Affairs 

    9th of Sun's Smile- Year 18 of Balian's Age




    "Civilization is built on community. It's our job to assess and start the building process." -Kristofer de Rosius





    A massive, brown Orc approaches you on the streets of Balian and says, "Ug, mi wub told for lat to fill dis out!" He hands you a census:

    ((Form for Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2a35dArqvfTIziYzrU0LLedlHgv2hku6Zwj7UCB_RhR7Clw/viewform?usp=sf_link))




  2. xFO_ua8PkqcUjSkMU6eq3asTmXaC5ZnRrPEm_9-ZVBDZ4gQ5myzLmmXAXumpujbofh2qy9sP-KZNCJery-TWq09_ObqLiSWaou9tjww2lvm_ZkxkRcHha6LESX1MaIR7dAywLdG2pXutDHS8g20


    Balian Office of Civil Affairs 

    3rd of Sun's Smile- Year 87 of the Second Age




    "Civilization is built on community. It's our job to assess and start the building process." -Kristofer de Rosius




    Letters written prior to the death of Kristofer de Rosius are mailed out, intended for delivery prior to his death.


    To the Immigration Officer, Franziska Starling

    The censor's office requests that you begin an outreach program to any refugees fleeing Oren. Funds will be sent to help fund projects as needed. Your saint's week pay will be set to 10 minas, and will increase as you complete projects. 



    To the Human Resources Officer, Seraphina Darkwood

    The censor's office requests that you conduct a survey on civilian interest in events. We request that you begin planning a ball, galla or festival sometime within the next two saint's weeks, preferably at a time where no battles are taking place. Your saint's week pay will be set to 10 minas, and will increase as you complete projects.



    To the Scribe, Diane Ophelie Malenos de Rosius

    The censor's office requests that you chronicle the ongoing civil war in Oren. Please research information regarding the war and conduct interviews as needed to inform the public of transpiring events. Look for information regarding why the civil war is being fought, what has happened, what's at stake, and any personal stories from citizens caught up in the war. Your saint's week pay will be set to 10 minas, and will increase as you complete projects.




    The following is posted on Balian's bulletin board.


    To the Public,

    The Office of Civil Affairs is still looking for an elections officer. This person would oversee and plan elections. Starting pay is 10 minas.





  3. Civil Affairs Postings

    Effectively immediately, the following decisions have been made:


    1. Seraphina Darkwood is assigned as the head human resources officer.

    2. Diane Ophelie Maelnos de Rosius is assigned as the head notary.

    3. Franziska Starling is assigned as the head immigration officer.

  4. 6 minutes ago, sergisala said:

    "God, I hate feudalism. Feudal rivalries are extremely boring" said a random Orenian aristocrat "Why can't all of us work together? Whilst we, the humans, keep fighting each other the dwarves and the other major races are laughing at us from their lands." he made a pause before adding "Pax Orenia, peace amongst men. We are stronger together, united, as brothers."


    "The kingdom of Oren," A peasant exclaims with emphasis on kingdom, "lost its peace when they murdered the rightful Emperor Peter in the most craven of ways. There won't be peace in our time." 

  5. xFO_ua8PkqcUjSkMU6eq3asTmXaC5ZnRrPEm_9-ZVBDZ4gQ5myzLmmXAXumpujbofh2qy9sP-KZNCJery-TWq09_ObqLiSWaou9tjww2lvm_ZkxkRcHha6LESX1MaIR7dAywLdG2pXutDHS8g20


    As He Lay Dying


    Who Were Valkyries? - BaviPower Blog


    As he lay dying, Kristofer recalls his life with regret:


    I was never a fighter; I wasn't very good at it, an oddity in my family: a kind child. But I was always very loved. That's my pride: to be loved by so many. I spent my youth planning, building and operating businesses. I remember fleecing Haensers out of their money for cheap, shaved-ice. I travelled with Uncle Duncan, and I baked with Aunt Ravn. When I grew up, I helped father, Rev, in the vineyard vineyard, and as a teenager I became a business mogul, earning my first 10,000 minas. 


    Later, I spent my money helping father build a town. It wasn't very much, but I enjoyed that very much, even if we were in the middle of nowhere. It was peaceful, and those were good times. It was there I met my first love and became engaged to Chlo. We had two wonderful girls, Diane and Eryane. I never got to see them very much, though... I think I regret that. I wish I could've been with them more. I worked so much.... Why did I work so much? I could have done more.


    A tear rolls down his cheek. 


    I became estranged from my father after the Brother's War. He never approved my marriage. That is my second regret. I tried to speak to him, but there was never a right moment. I took a lance to the leg in the Brother's Civil War, and I limped for the rest of my life. I think that made me bitter. As I walked the scorching deserts, an exile of my homeland, I stewed in sadness. If I had only made more money, I could've done so much more. Maybe I could have bought the war. I threw away so much money. 


    He watches as the bastard, Mervyn Mudd, carry Seraphina Darkwood away.


    I can't even do this right: protect some little girl in my very own city. I wish I could go back home. I wish I could be a child again, when things were simple. When Oren was good, and they protected little boys and girls. When there was justice and peace and order.


    Kristofer coughs up blood. His eyes grow dim, and his sword falls limp as the goblin Bunk pierces him through the chest. Soon after, he was carried away to the clinic, the guards arriving too late. In his coat pocket was his will, pinned to his inner pocket and stained with blood. The wills are on separate sheets of paper, intended only to be read by the recipients.




    In the Event of my Untimely Demise


    To my Wife, Chloe de Rosius, 


    I'm sorry I wasn't there in the difficult years. It seems I was only around when things were easy. I should have been there to raise the girls, and I'm sorry for that; when I came around, we were both so old. Enjoy your life: don't squander the few years we are bless with. 


    To my Daughters, Eryane and Diane, 


    I wasn't there for you when I was little. I worked so often. I think working reminded me of my childhood, and if I just worked hard enough everything would fix itself. I'm old now, and I know that to be wrong. I tried to spend more time with you both, but there just wasn't enough to go around, and I didn't know how to interact with you both after so long. I wish you both a long life and all the happiness this world allows. 


    To Diane, as the future head of our family, I leave all my worldly possessions. 



    To my Father, Rev Vuiller,  


    We didn't talk much after my marriage. I didn't know what you thought of me. I wanted to talk to you so, so many times. It just wasn't easy. I'm sorry Kristian died. I know you were hurting, but I didn't know what to say. I locked myself in my piano room and just played, played played. I miss when I was child. We had so much fun. I still remember boating on the lake, and picking grapes. Do you remember when Stor gave me cactus green? Ravn was so furious! HA! 


    I wish we could go back to those times. I miss Oren. Things were simple back then. 


    I hope I get around to talking to you, and this isn't the last thing you hear of me. I wish I could have been a better son. You deserved more.


    Take care, Father. I love you.


    To my Brother, Ledicort Vuiller,  


    I never spoke with you much, Brother. I regret that. Take care of Father, won't you Old Sport? 












  6. xFO_ua8PkqcUjSkMU6eq3asTmXaC5ZnRrPEm_9-ZVBDZ4gQ5myzLmmXAXumpujbofh2qy9sP-KZNCJery-TWq09_ObqLiSWaou9tjww2lvm_ZkxkRcHha6LESX1MaIR7dAywLdG2pXutDHS8g20


    Balian Office of Civil Affairs 

    3rd of Sun's Smile- Year 87 of the Second Age




    "Civilization is built on community. It's our job to assess and start the building process." -Kristofer de Rosius





    The purpose of Civil Affair's Office is to bridge the gap between government and the civilian population. As a member, you will coordinate and organize events, assist new citizens, assist with immigration and create outreach programs to other realms. 



    The duties of the Office of Civil Affairs as as follow:


    • The duty to administer free, open elections and maintain a voting register. 
    • The duty to chronicle the history and lineage of nobility within Balian and ensure the authenticity of their status and degree. 
    • The duty to keep record of noteworthy events within the realm.  
    • The duty to organize, control and integrate immigrants into and within the realm. 
    • The duty to reach out and cooperate in civilian events with friendly realms.
    • The duty to create and sponsor local events. 


    Office Positions

    Censor: Kristofer de Rosius

    -Heads and maintains the Office of Civil Affairs. In charge of hiring, maintaining and organizing the office. 



    Immigration Officer: Franziska Starling

    -Organizes and records immigration within Balian. Creates outreach programs to increase immigration. 


    Events Officer: Seraphina Darkwood

    -Maintains human resources: sponsors and creates events.


    Elections Officer: Empty

    -Organizes and keeps elections safe and timely.


    Notary: Diane Ophelie Malenos de Rosius

    -Keeps and organizes information pertaining to Balian's nobility. Records noteworthy events. 


    Intern: Drako Darkwood

    -Entry-level position. Assists other members as needed.



    In-Game Name:


    Current Occupation (if any): 

    Do you live in Balian?:

    Desired Position:

    How would you increase productivity of your desired office position?: 



    ((Mc Name)): 

    ((Discord Name)):



  7. The Prodigal Son

    Tuman Zhumabaev, 1962 ~ Impressionist painter | Motherhood painting, Mother  and child painting, Tuman


            On the 6th of Lothar's Gift, the 15th year of Our Lord, Lord Godric Ivan Vuiller, the prodigal son, was born. He came upon this world, a golden beam of radiance, born of an honorable father and most radiant mother of impeccable upbringing: a union of great houses and noble blood. 


            Upon the boy’s head was flaxen hair, the shade of mid-summer wheat. He sported the daring green eyes of his forefathers, and the giddy demeanor of a young colt. Upon the eve of his birth, many a housemaid did gawk in awe at the healthy, fat child before their chattering turned to shock as an eagle descended upon the windowsill of the child’s nursery, flexing its bronze wings before bellowing a piercing cry and ascending to the clouds.

  8. The Murder Dance








    Several days ago, a troop of adventurers set forth into the sewers of Balian: Emir de Rosius, Ardad Rashul, Livia Vuiller, Roxana, and Apollyon. After stumbling into the entrance to the ruins, the group came upon a blind goblin wielding a golden sword and a pack of rats, which the group slew with relative ease with Emir de Rosius taking the creature's head. There, the adventurer Livia Vuiller suffered a bit wound to the neck, and the adventurer Emir de Rosius was stabbed multiple times in the chest.


    After dispatching the goblin, the group recovered the sword and an undecipherable book; however, upon entering the next room, a library, Livia Vuiller began to suffer from hallucinations, which the others did not see. Livia was quickly beaten unconscious by Emir de Rosius, who, with the aid of his companions, retreated from the dungeon to a clinic where the ordeal seemed over.





    Several days later, the corpse of a minor priest would be found in the cathedral, his bloodied body flayed to the bone.






    OOC: This is a response to the group that raided the entrance of the dungeon today. A follow-up can be requested, otherwise I will schedule something for Saturday.

  9. 10 hours ago, The King Of The Moon said:

    I'm glad you set this up for your events, and am personally a proponent of ST trying to adopt something similar for large scale events to streamline occasional 100 man CRPs. But in terms of player-versus-player combat LotD&D sadly doesn't work. By and large because our world and lore isn't written around stats and modifiers, or really numbers in any sense. I commend your effort, though.


    Yeah, this is specifically for my player events. Not trying to make it into something bigger than that.

  10. Roll-Play 

    General Information

    Roll-Play is a roll-based combat system designed for Lord of the Craft loosely based off of DnD. I designed this system for my player events in order to create consistency in combat and give players meaningful character development. The rules are still being worked on, and I'm posting this here for feedback and suggestions.

    Player Stats

    Players use the following stats to modify their rolls. This allows players to customize their character to suit their playstyle. 10 is considered “average”.


    Strength- How often and hard you hit.

    • Modifies melee and bow damage rolls: Add your strength to your damage rolls.
    • Modifies melee hit rolls: Add your strength to your hit rolls.
    • Assists in strength-related skill checks, such as moving heavy objects. 


    Dexterity- How good you are at shooting, moving and avoiding.

    • Modifies ranged hit rolls: add your dexterity to your hit rolls. 

    • Modifies movement: Add 1 movement for every 2 points above 10. Subtract 2 movement for every 2 points below 10. 

    • Mitigates physical damage: Add 2 armor for every 2 points above 10. Subtract 2 armor for every 2 points below 10. 

    • Assists in dexterity related skill checks, such as running.


    Toughness- How much damage you can take.

    • Modifies health: Health = Toughness X player level.

    • Toughness can never go below 1. 

    • Assists in toughness related skill checks, such as resisting diseases.


    Mana- How many spells you can cast before tiring.

    • Modifies mana: Add 1 mana per level. Mana recharges after resting or consuming certain drugs. 

    • Assists in magical related skill checks, such as detecting magical devices or resisting magical effects. 

    • If mana is reduced to 0, the player becomes unconscious.


    Support- Life skills and diplomacy

    • Modifies first aid: Add 1 to amount healed by field kills for every point above 10. 

    • Assists in support related skill checks, such as bargaining, gathering diplomacy. 


    1. Initiative: Whichever side engages first, goes first. Players choose when who gets to go in what order or their party.

    2. Movement: You can move 1 tile per 2 dexterity. After moving, you may attack if you moved half or less of your total movement and are within range to attack (2 tiles for melee, 20 tiles for ranged).

    Example- If you have 2 dexterity, you move 1 tile. If you have 20 dexterity, you move 10 tiles. 

    1. Attacking: Attacking costs half of your movement. Roll a d20. If you’re using melee, add your strength; if you’re using magic or ranged, add your dexterity. 20+ is a hit. 

    2. Wounding: Roll your weapon’s damage and add your strength to it. Subtract your opponent’s armor value from the roll and deal that much damage. 

    Example- If you roll 12 on your weapon damage, and you’re strength is 10, your damage is 22. If your opponent’s armor is 10, 12 damage goes through. 

    1. Magic: Magic ignores armor altogether, but players can only cast so many spells before they run out of mana. If your mana reaches 0, you pass out unconscious. 

    2. First aid: First aid can be administered by anyone with a field kit. First aid can only be administered if the person applying first aid and the person receiving first aid are outside of combat. First aid takes both player’s attacking action if used in an encounter, but it can be used as much as needed outside of combat. Each player

    3. Movement: After attacking, you may move again if you have any movement left. If you move out of combat, your opponent may choose to follow you 


    Starting Your Character

    1. New players start with the following stats:


    Strength: 5

    Dexterity: 5

    Toughness: 5

    Mana: 5

    Support: 5


    1. You may distribute up 25 points between your stats. Adding any points after 12 costs double points. 

    -10 is the average, and anything below that will impact your character negatively; however, certain stats, such as mana, may not be useful if your character doesn’t use magic.

    Choosing Your Race

    Bonuses for races. Stat increases are applied after you make your starting stats.




    Humans are the descendants of Horen. Although short-lived, their ability to work together and maneuver the battlefield is second to none. 


    • +2 support 

    • Racial bonus: Horen’s Legacy- +1 to rolls for every human within 1 tile of you. 




    Elves are the descendants of Malin. They aren’t used to the hardships of neverending warfare like the other races, but this allows them to focus on more important things. Their long lives and ancestry protects them from illness. 


    • +2 mana

    • Racial bonus: Malin’s Wisdom- When you fail to hit, make an armor save or cast a spell, you may spend mana up to the difference to force the roll to suceed.

    -Example, if you roll a 19 and need a 20 to hit, you can spend 1 mana to succeed.

    • Racial bonus: Boon of Longevity- +4 to saves against curses and illnesses. 




    Orcs are the descendants of Krug. No race is as adaptive to harsh conditions and warfare as an Orc is, but their harsh lifestyle often leads to short lives. 


    • +2 strength

    • Racial Bonus: Krug’s Fury: After taking damage that would otherwise take your health to 0, your health is reduced to 1 and you can’t take anymore damage for the rest of the turn. You have first initiative for the rest of the encounter. One use per event.  




    Dwarves are the descendants of Urguan. They are a stout, hardy people who hold their ground: and a grudge. 


    • +2 toughness

    • Racial Bonus: Urguan’s Greed: +2 to rolls against a target that has dealt damage to you before.

  11. The Balian Incident








    Deep within the expansive sewer system of Balian, several new corridors had been opened by the local excavation crew. It was good money, paid for by the local government, and foreign workers flocked to the city for work opportunity. After several weeks, new causeways were made in the sewers to extend waterflow out to the sea and progress moved at a steady rate.


    However... lately there had been several reports of strange occurrences: several miners have reported hearing odd noises within the walls, fungus and mildew began growing at an unnatural rate, and then there was the incident: A large rock had fell, bludgeoning one of the miners. Most of the miners, not wanting to curse themselves and already flush with money, disregarded the events as odd and tragic, then moved on as the sewers were finished.


    One of the miners, though, could not leave it alone. He would be seen ranting and raving in the local taverns, claiming to have seen some shadowy figure lurking in the depths of Balian. 




    OOC: Teaser for a dungeon event. Further updates will be posted, as well as mini-events leading up to a reveal. Thanks to Animewolf0080 for screenshots.





  12. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    I requested it


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I asked to be banned because I thought my account was hacked.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?




    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I got my account back


    Attach other relevant information.



  13. 17 hours ago, EmiliainWonderland said:

    Upon hearing the news, Eryane sighed. Her favorite uncle had passed after she had only seen him a few saint's days ago. She already missed him, they had been growing closer. It's a shame she'd never really know him now. Chloe de Rosius sighed hearing the news, she looked to her husband @Cjmate

    "We will be ok, cheri. It seems it's time to mourn the loss of a wonderful man." Chloe hardly knew Kristian, but she knew his daughter and admired Johanne, Johanne reminded her of her favorite aunt of Kristofer's with whom she shared the structure of her arms.  


    Kristofer, having never spared the time to better know his brother, returned home with regret to play the piano in quiet solace and solitude late into that fiery night. He remained there, alone for several days in quiet contemplation. 



  14. Player(s) Involved




    My account was stolen. Can you please ban me, Cjmate, until I am able to recover the account. 


    Relevant Material




    (x, y, z)



    Evidence of uncooperative conduct.


    None provided.




    Before posting on this thread, please review the Report Rules.

  15. crown-1.png


    Theft in the Camps








    Throughout the Imperial Remnant's tents, various odds and ends would be missing, especially food. Nothing particularly expensive seemed to be gone, mostly food and the odd bits of clothing. In particular, though, an entire barrel of biscuit rations would be missing. Little footprints lead out the back of the tent, where the tent was ripped. Mud lines the tent, leading up to the palisades where the thief would have escaped. 

  16. As Kristofer Vuiller sat on a wagon with his family, fleeing oren, visions of corpses pervade his mind, strewn across the countryside. 


    For many, it should seem that the land was now at peace, and Oren would mend itself; but between the countless deaths, and the mass exodus of citizens from the countryside, Kristofer Vuiller wondered what would become of Oren, once a bastion of might, with its population nearly halved. And then, he shed a tear: what was the point of fighting Haense and the Dwarves for 15 years, only for Oren to destroy itself at the end of it?


    Wasted years, he thought, missing his childhood when Oren was stronger. 

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