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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Cjmate

  1. Hard to enjoy lotc. None of my peeples play anymore.

  2. Last night was chaos for Oren. It's all so confusing. 


    1. Notic


      tell me about it


      LotC is caving in on itself rn its wild

  3. Just passed my application.

  4. I miss building. 

  5. Cuz you got class. *wink

  6. Ohaider. You've stumbled across this post, I see.

  7. So many useless posts. Time to get my reputation/post ratio above 1.0.

  8. So many useless posts. Time to get my reputation/post ratio above 1.0.

  9. American T18 Puppy Smasher too strong. German Waffle too stronk, ='{

  10. Hours and hours of time lost....I dislike rebuilding what I already built. ='{

  11. Daenerys Targaryen too edgy for me.

  12. "This is MY PIE, Russia! And nobody but me is going to eat it..." Said Japan never.

  13. Kalamoot is quality player. What happened?

  14. When war is declared, pocket gm becomes comodity.

  15. Horen should have been placed in the Golden Throne.

  16. Many Dark Elves.

  17. Not a huge fan of the layout.

  18. I build so much nature: trees, swamps and bushes. I should be a druid.

  19. mc.lotc.co is not working for me, login.lordofthecraft.net is if anyone gets same problem.

  20. New forum still sucks, lost my post and can't edit.

  21. Docks is so messy and not in a good way.

  22. Damn. Two week old ban appeals still ain't being picked up. Oldest appeal is 15 days. No response.

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