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༺ Ben ༻

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Status Updates posted by ༺ Ben ༻

  1. Run time! Yay, it's cold and dark! :P

  2. Irish people better have been watching this today! :P

  3. http://bit.ly/1aR8e5P - This should not have been locked, let players voice their opinions on his idea instead of locking it straight away.
    1. AllenTheGreat


      As I said before I locked it, we currently won't be adding new members until any changes to the VA system are finished. I also monitor the activity of those on the team, and ensure they are keeping up to the standards required of them. I am already aware of the points made in the thread, so there is no reason for it to sit in the ideas forum

    2. ༺ Ben ༻

      ༺ Ben ༻

      I'm going to have to disagree with you there. There's a Villain Application currently awaiting reference from the 20th of August, that's ridiculously unfair on that person who put time and effort into their VA. http://bit.ly/1f2FDJZ - Another which is ten days old awaiting review and there's more. It needs to be much more efficient like the AT.

  4. It was an excellent match today, unfortunately it ended it a draw. Clare better win the replay!
  5. Summer holidays are finished and I'm just about to walk to school.... Kill me :P

    1. JtPv


      You go to school at midnight? xP

    2. Trouvo


      sorry im not provoked enough to do so, and you dont seem enough of a victim to rescue XP

    3. ༺ Ben ༻

      ༺ Ben ༻

      Oi, get in my GMT time zone :P

  6. My summer holidays are finished and I have school tomorrow #Sad :P

  7. http://bit.ly/19WM4hc - Do you think I would be a good edition to the Media Team?
  8. http://bit.ly/19WM4hc - Do you think I would be a good edition to the Media Team?
  9. http://bit.ly/19WM4hc - Do you think I would be a good edition to the Media Team?
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