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Status Updates posted by Dizzy771

  1. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/132603-your-view-war-and-lag/ Read up and leave your opinions here! We currently have 4 possible solutions.
  2. Trying to decide if I should make a LOTC youtube series for my channel. Only thing is sometimes its hard to get some good RP

  3. Still need one more reference for my VA.... Anyone out there like me enough? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/88168-dizzys-va-for-1b-2a-and-2c/

  4. War, necromancer, expedition, oren politics, legion duties, engineering duties, smithing duties and of course delver duties. Lot to think about for one character eh?

  5. Killed some folks and made it out alive. Good day

  6. So..... stuff

  7. Thinking about applying for the event team. Thoughts anyone?

  8. Does everyone remember that Expedition to the North a while ago? Want to know what happened? Well..... take a look here! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/89892-the-official-dizzy771-lotc-lets-play-thread/

  9. Part 2 of the Northern expedition is up! Ever wondered what the North is like? ITS TERRIFYING IS WHAT IT IS http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/89892-the-official-dizzy771-lotc-lets-play-thread/

  10. (/•_•)/ _|__|_

  11. Back from mah camp. Hi

  12. Congratulations to the new FM's! Now all we need is for more open spots on the ET to trim off all those apps! (like mine :P)

  13. Any idea how long it takes for your media team app to be reviewed? I hate waiting :3

  14. Waiting..... I hate it

  15. Something came up with the ET helping me with an event in an hour or two..... I hope I can get another one soon! if not, rescheduling time!

  16. I'm not leaving........ not that many people care........ hi........

  17. Still think this is a joke, call me skeptical

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