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Status Updates posted by Dizzy771

  1. *plays worlds smallest violin*

  2. Dwarven Antag event, most fun I have had in a while

  3. Ok, so if Mr Chippers is a black dragon and the Horen mascot, and emporer Horen was called the black dragon........ Horen is Mr Chippers. Case closed.

  4. Dwarves party hard. Break the server. Woops :P

  5. Dwarves party so hard, crashed server 2 times :P This is why we dont have weddings much

  6. *plays worlds smallest violin*

  7. I need admin help D:

  8. what to do, what to do.......

  9. Stuff..... thats about it

  10. I guess I havent done this.... So here it is, if you think I am a fun roleplayer please check my ET app out. I would love to organize and preform events for the server! Feedback is much appreciated! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/92809-dizzy771s-et-app-actor/

  11. Finally decided to write another VA, posted it..... and now we wait..... Woooo......

  12. Congratulations me for ET...... who am I kidding, no body checks my ET app XD

  13. *Commences mourning*

  14. Dat suspense......

  15. I never thought I would laugh that hard from media team work

  16. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/96928-skin-request-contest-win-big-prizes/ I want a skin and you could win big prizes, including large sums of minas! Whats to lose?
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