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Major Tom

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Posts posted by Major Tom

  1. Halflings don't seem like the type to become big business owners, and keeping an invention race specific is a bit silly. 


    What we could do is host some more festivals (like Knoxmas fest), make a few player run events (like the cake cave), branch out a little more (like a Halfling field trip or sum'in'), and just keep doing our light hearted/odd/enjoyable/kind-of-adorable RP.


    Or we could just launch the nukes and obliterate the rest of Anthos forcing all the plebs of the land to flock to Lenfarthing. 

  2. With a big smile on his face, Ex-commander Posco Bramble begins wrapping up all sorts of different presents. Neatly writing a small Knoxmas card and attaching it to each colorful present, he gathers them all up and places them in his study for safe keeping. After counting up all the presents he throws on his winter coat and waddles out of his burrow singing to himself a traditional Knoxmas tune.

    "♫Knoxmas young un, slip a sable under te tree, fer me. I've been an pre'y good 'Alflin'. Knoxmas young un, jus' 'urry down te chimney tonigh'.♫"

  3. The still sensational Commander Bramble looks down to the young Halfling from his (portable) throne of ice and snow. Raising his eyebrow as the child offers his allegiance.

    "Alrigh' 'en! Ye can s'ay a' Cas'le Von 'Alflin'stine Two poin' zero, so lon' as ye don' try nothin' funny!"

    Giving a nod to one of his banner men, preparations for Fumble's stay at Castle Von Halflingstine 2.0 are made.

  4. The always alluring Commander Bramble turns at the precise moment at which (the filthy urchin) Fumble fires his slingshot, this however only gave Commander Bramble a good view of the snow ball that slammed against his face moments after. The illustrious Commander Bramble stumbles and spits out snow before dramatically falling to the ground in a  true vaudevillian sense. The attackers had won the attack on Commander Bramble, but not the war on Castle Von Halflingstine 2.0.

  5. Yes, it was true that Castle Von Halflingstine (defaced) had crumbled upon the icey snow it was birthed on. But the bodacious Commander Bramble and his right hand man Yokey Fatroot had nothing but high hopes and excitement in their hearts, as they knew what they had to do. Castle Von Halflingstine 2.0


    They sat out to work stacking snow, piling snow, dumping snow, and shaping snow! Pumpkins were placed, ladders were set, and the signs hammered into the snow. Then finally, after a good long while of working, the castle was completed!







    Castle Von Halflingstine 2.0, and what a site to see it is. A great leap in Halfling snow fort building technology.  And now here's something we hope you'll really like, a rule thingy to make this look official and edicty:


    Any and all snowball fights, battles, skirmishes, or sieges pertaining to Castle Von Halflingstine (defaced) or any of the men of Castle Von Halflingstine (defaced), are still to occur but will instead occur at Castle Von Halflingstine 2.0.  

  6. The enraged (and sexy) Commander Bramble lets out a mighty roar as he discovers his pride and joy, Castle Von Halflingstine, swaying and crumbling on the separated ice.


    Not long after the discovery of Castle Von Halflingstine's defacing can the pitter patter of tiny feet skidding across the ice be heard. The men of Castle Von Halflingstine (defaced) were up to something. With piles of snow in their arms the banner men of Castle Von Halflingstine (defaced) slid to Fort Rox, and began to dump the tons of snow piles they carried with them. After almost a night of dumping the banner men of Castle Von Halflingstine (defaced) stood back and admired their dumping skills. 



  7. On one of Commander Bramble's many walks around the Lighthouse Lane burrow he was, much to his surprise, ambushed by the banner men of The 'Ugly' Fort! A short snowball fight was had atop the 1 Lighthouse Lane burrow until the majestic Commander Bramble was stricken directly across his beautifully proportioned face. He stumbles back, the attackers spot their chance and continue the barrage of snowballs until Commander Bramble falls right in front of the door of 1 Lighthouse Lane. Out of ammunition and mildly perturbed, he snatches up Fredegar's note crumbles it up and uses it as ammunition against the attackers. 

  8. Commander Bramble snickers as he and his men defaces the walls of The 'Ugly' Fort.




    However to the horror of the fantastically fanciful first-rate Commander Bramble, upon returning to Castle Von Halflingstine, he is greeted by slander in the form of a ghastly sign!



    Surely this horrendous remark shan't go unpunished! Expect retaliation, 'Ugly' Fort, expect it!

  9. Commander Bramble lets out a booming laugh "HAR HAR HAR!" as the filthy plebs from The Hideous Snow Fort attempt to damage the impenetrable walls of Castle Von Halflingstine. 

    "MEN! Man te snowtillery, we 'ave some snow to melt!"

    The (beautiful) Commander Bramble shouts from the top of the big un sized walls of Castle Von Halflingstine, the banner men of the snow fort (consisting of a small cat, a grumpy old man, and a snow angel) scrambling as they gathered the snowballs.





    ((You can't attack till we get the Halfling snowball plug-in implemented, as half of our banner men use snowballs))

  10. Halflings provide a ton of fun RP and are pretty good about keeping away from conflict RP (though occasionally a band of Orcs might stop by Lenfarthing for a quick snack!), the only really bad thing bout being a Halfling is that Lenfarthing is usually empty. Low playerbase, but when you can find RP it tends to be fantastically zany.


    Course it's really different from playing a Human so it might take a bit of getting used to.

  11. Posco Bramble, not knowing any better, reads the original notice and shouts to no one in particular.

    "I knew i'! I 'old 'em all bu' 'ey didn' believe me! Delvers be as ro'en as me uncle's corpse!"

    Plonking a cookpot over his big head and snatching up his trusty iron shovel Posco runs over to the edge of The Witch Woods and stays on the look out for any o' dem filthy Delvers,  grumbling to himself occasionally. 

    "Bloody Delvers ... hrm .. livin' in 'ha' ugly rock ... bein' all evil-like .... blinkin' big uns ..."

    ​Eventually growing tired and forgetting why he was out there in the first place, Posco trots back off to his burrow for a mid day nap.

  12. After watching Lavimellia re-write the note and pin it back up, Posco Bramble runs up to the note tears it down, rips it up, and stomps on the little bits of paper left over. As he mashes the rest of the note into the mud with his hairy feet he shouts to himself.

    "Ain' no proper 'Alflin' sposed 'o learn any wa'er magic!"

    Suddenly Posco stops.


    He mutters to no one in particular.

    "If wa'er is a type o' liquid ... and so is ale .. OH BLOODY BRAMBLE BUSH! I've jus' deprived some 'Alflin' from learning' 'ow 'o conjure up ale!"

    Posco quickly tries to recover what's left of the note but to no avail. After a quick glance about the area he slowly backs away, then breaking out into a mad dash  hoping that no one saw him commit his crime against ale magic.

  13. After, so rudely, being told to put his bottle of brandy down. Posco Bramble finishes construction on his lousy barricade, then climbing atop it and beginning to drunkenly sing something about the color red and the color black.








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