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Posts posted by H

  1. Lore seems pretty cool, and an arcanism return would be nice. The Flat version of the shield spell seems a little strong - one emote once connected to deflect an attack is basically the same speed as Air Evocation's Redirect, except it works on any attack and not just projectiles. It would probably make sense to add an emote to the cast time, or further reduce the number of charges and force the caster to remain stationary for the turn when using the spell. 

  2. Human lifetimes have always seemed short - but now, after so many centuries, it's begun to feel as though they pass in the blink of an eye. Children grow into adults, live fulfilling lives, grow sick, and die almost before Ayche can react. 

    When the news reaches him, Ayche is quiet. He'd never known the queen well, but he'd known the impact she'd made, and he'd been proud to fight alongside her. He'd had misgivings initially - privately, of course - about sending the magi of Hohkmat to follow a child with a crown into battle. Over the course of the war, those misgivings faded. He'd seen the strength of her leadership, and the effect it had.

    Perhaps, he decides, it's a uniquely human strength. How brightly they burn, despite - or maybe because of - their limited time in the world. His moment of silence for the fallen queen stretches into a minute of silence. Then ten.

    Maybe more. It's easier for him to lose track of time nowadays.

  3. Bows probably need a change, but I don't think rolling/DnDifying the server is the solution. Even with a stat modifier, I feel like rolling every emote would get clunky (and stats like stealth or investigation would realistically very rarely be used outside of ST events, if at all). IMO projectile effectiveness vs plate armor should be buffed, and within a certain range (or maybe a certain minimum/maximum range band) arrows should just hit or have some sort of effect reliably. 

    Not sure about a specific system for tracking/recognizing skill in archery. The same arguments apply to swordfighting, other forms of martial combat, or really any skill in general. It might feel frustrating to do sparring/target practice/other training RP without your character becoming any more mechanically effective than someone whose character has done all that offscreen, but the RP itself is the reward. 

  4. Ayche sits by his tent, somewhere in the wilderness. It's not entirely clear how the letter got to him - it's not as though he has an address these days, and he's sure that letter wasn't there a few moments ago, when he'd turned away to start a fire. He would've noticed a courier slipping into his campsite.

    He reads the letter over once, then twice. He's done his duty, he's received recognition - and now, once again, he's free. Part of him wonders if things would have turned out differently, if he'd never left Hohkmat. But a general without a war to fight is just a politician, and he's never been much of a politician. 

    Still, he wishes he'd been there at the end. 

  5. Ayche sits by a river somewhere, fishing rod in hand. His warhammer's propped up against his camping supplies nearby. He's lived a fairly peaceful existence in the years since the end of the war and his retirement. His visit to Hohkmat the previous day was the first visit in many years. 

    He's still deciding how he feels about it, truth be told. He'd known, at some level, that Hohkmat's system of conflict was unsustainable. You can't build a government based on infighting and dueling for positions and plotting - you just can't. Not one that lasts, anyway. The Age of Knowledge will bring stability. Stability will make Hohkmat a better place to live. 

    But it might make things less interesting, too. In the centuries before Hohkmat, Ayche avoided any sort of involvement in government. He's never been the sort of mage who was content to sit in a tower, a library, a laboratory. There's one kind of life that appeals to him, and he realized he'd be able to find it in Hohkmat the first time he fought Lanre to a standstill in the dueling arena, all those years ago.

    Well, he's a wanderer now, and the war is over. Hohkmat isn't home for him anymore. Maybe it hasn't been since the war ended. It's home to plenty of others, though, and those people are in good hands with Faeryel. That will have to be enough. 

    There's a tug on the line, a splash in the water. Ayche sets his thoughts aside. Dinner first.

    And then, maybe, he'll go find some trouble.

  6. I have a clarification question - Scions are limited to 6m spells. With this amendment, would a brisk step with a focus look like this?

    6m base > focus doubles to 12m > subtract 4m as T3 brisk step has an 8m range. Final range is 8m.

    (Basically, can a focus be used to get up to the range listed in lore, if the spell would normally have a shorter range than the one in lore?)

  7. Ayche sits in a dark room alone, staring at nothing. Once the adrenaline has faded, and he's no longer in the midst of combat, he's left to contemplate his actions. He's left to contemplate what he was forced to do after.

    "I wish there had been another way," he murmurs to nobody in particular. They're the first words he's said since before the event, and nobody is around to hear them.

    "Whatever else happened - you were strong in a way many magi weren't. In another world, we would have fought together."

    An hour later - maybe two - he rises with shaking hands and goes to burn his bloodstained robes and mask. They've already served the one purpose they were made for, anyway.

  8. Name of the Artifact:

             Arcanic Agility [Spellforge]


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):



    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):



    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:


    TBD on acceptance.



    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    N/A [Spellforge/Magnum Opus]



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    Note: This will be restated below and in redlines, but this spell is primarily for flavor and for RP. Balance-wise, it does not allow a Scion to do anything that the existing Redirect spell or the Tawkins Heightened Dexterity mutation does not allow, and in fact is arguably worse than Redirect because it can’t be cast at range and still sets off combative potions in the Scion’s face. I think it’s pretty cool as far as flavor and non-combat RP potential goes, though, and I feel like the potential overlap with Redirect for the combative portion is no more than the overlap between certain existing spells in different voidal magics. Arcanic Agility doesn’t overlap with any existing Scion spells. 

    [T2] Arcane Scion - Arcanic Agility



    [1 Connect + 1 Cast]

    An Arcane Scion that has learned this spell can react much more quickly in short bursts. This allows them to catch an incoming projectile that is traveling at arrow speed or less, bat it away with a weapon or vambraces, or dodge it.

    Can be used to catch or bat away a projectile headed for an ally, if the Scion is close enough to their ally or the path of the projectile to do so. Does not grant extra movement in order to do this, and in fact reduces movement to 4 blocks when cast.

    Temporarily exposes the Scion’s lagging soul, as for a moment the body’s moving faster than the soul is. This will appear in the same way as a Scion’s standard lagging soul, but will be even briefer (only for the duration of the action). The lagging soul will appear to overlap with the Scion as an after-image for the duration of the action. This lagging soul cannot be used to carry out any actions (either combative or non combative) as it’s so brief, and is effectively for flavor only

    Non-Combative Variant: Outside of combat, this spell can be quickly cast in one emote [1 connect/cast] for fun flavor to accomplish things that require quick reactions or muscle memory, such as catching a fast-moving ball or cork from a bottle, winning carnival games, sleight of hand, etc. And yes, it can be used to catch a fly between two chopsticks. The idea is that Scions who learn this spell will be able to use their Spellforge/Magnum Opus slot to lean further into the theme of physicality alongside magic.




    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    • Due to the taxing nature of using this spell, it can only be used two times per combat scenario.
    • Movement is restricted to four blocks on the emote that the spell is used.
    • After each cast of this spell, it cannot be cast again for two emotes in order to allow the body to recover.
    • Can only be learned or used by an Arcane Scion. Access to the spell should be marked on one’s Arcane Scion FA and a character must maintain their Arcane Scion FA to be able to use it.
    • CANNOT be used in melee combat or to dodge, block, or deflect melee attacks that the Scion wouldn’t have been able to react to without spells. Only useful in order to react to incoming projectiles.
    • Not an offensive spell. Cannot be used to make a quick attack.
    • Can only be used to react to one projectile at a time. Cannot be used to react, dodge, or deflect multiple projectiles at once (for example, cannot be used to avoid a spray of sand or multiple-projectile evocation spells).
    • Cannot be used to catch projectiles from spells, though it can be used to bat them away or dodge them.
    • Can only be used to deflect or catch solid projectiles, not gaseous/flame/etc, and cannot be used to deflect, catch, or dodge continuous attacks (like a flamethrower or some sort of beam spell). 
    • Does not allow one to react to projectiles moving faster than an arrow (or low-powered crossbow bolt - crossbows that take three or less emotes to use). This means that it cannot be used to dodge, deflect, or catch very high speed projectiles like those from an arbalest or ballista.
    • Does not allow the Scion to move further than normal to respond to a projectile. Limits movement to four blocks when being cast. Does not make the Scion physically stronger
    • Cannot be used to catch or bat away combative potions - they will explode and take effect anyway at the Scion's location if this is attempted. Special projectiles besides combative potions that take effect on impact would also take effect anyway if caught or deflected.
    • Cannot be used to deflect or redirect projectiles at anyone specific. Caught projectiles (like thrown knives) can technically be thrown at others after catching, but standard throwing rules apply, and this process cannot start until after the Arcanic Agility emote (this means one additional preparation emote + one throw emote).
    • Does NOT lend the Scion’s weapon or armor any sort of enhanced durability when batting away projectiles. 
    • Cannot be used to quickly gather information (for example, reading a page that’s only visible for a fraction of a second). 
    • Uses the same amount of mana as other T2 spells. Cannot be used to react to projectiles without spending mana
    • Cannot be used while the Scion is actively charging another spell without interrupting it (this should be implied by voidal lore, but restating here for clarity).



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):




    The path of a standard mage, in many ways, eschews mundane forms of combat. The path of the Scion does not. A Scion fights on the front lines, knowing that a blade can be as deadly as a spell in the right scenario - and that physical prowess still has its place on the battlefield. 

    In combat, quick reactions separate the victorious from the dead. Conscious thought gives way to training and muscle memory - but even well-honed reflexes only go so far. The conscious mind still plays a role, introducing a delay.

    A Scion, however, is used to acting on natural instinct. To walk the path of the Scion is to suffer a lagging soul. In recent times, an ancient Scion has discovered that this phenomenon can be utilized in ways beyond the standard Limb Lag or Soul Lag - by expending a small amount of mana, a Scion can push their body to temporarily respond as fast as physically possible, without waiting for the conscious mind or Soul to catch up. 



    Existing Scion lore talks about how a Scion's soul can be partially out of sync with their body, and how it can lag behind their bodies. It mentions that 'natural instinct would come [a] moment before what true psyche would yield', and that Scions may sometimes not even be sure if their thoughts are their own, or just their natural instincts.

    This spellforge/magnum opus extends upon that idea, and is effectively a way for a Scion to temporarily hand control of their body to their muscle memory/their subconsciousness alone, without waiting for their slower conscious mind to catch up. 

    Balance-wise, it's quite similar to Redirect (with the tradeoff of shorter range/setting off combative potions in one's face, but allowing the user to catch thrown weapons), but it has unique applications for flavor and noncombat scenarios outside of CRP. My hope is that the potential overlap between Arcanic Agility and Redirect won't be considered any greater than the overlap between existing voidal spells of different evocations (Ice shields and earth shields, ice projectiles/earth projectiles/solid air projectiles, etc). Scions do not currently have any sort of similar spell.


    Lore-wise, existing spells like Redirect, Air Shield, or Brisk Step show that it's possible for a mage to consciously react to an incoming projectile moving at arrow speeds or slower - I'm hoping for this spellforge to be a way for Scions to do the same by leaning into their theme of physicality, for those who are willing to give up a valuable Spellforge/Magnum Opus slot.




    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9. I'm ambivalent on the idea of fire evocation becoming a two slot magic. This seems like a well-written rewrite, but I'm not sure why fire evocation needs a rewrite in the first place. It looks like one of the biggest issues with the old lore, the Flamethrower spell, hasn't been addressed in this one, either - where an eminent with Incanter's Flow up can cast Flamethrower within two emotes if connected.

    The level of power Flamethrower offers with Incanter's Flow seems a little high given the emote count, since it's almost always a fight-ending spell against a standard combatant (given the pain and burns will disorient someone enough to prevent them from effectively avoiding the continuous flames), and since Incanter's Flow can be reached almost immediately after a fight begins with the following steps:



    Start a fight with Summon Weapon (which also connects you) for 1 spellcast, Sand Blast or other one emote spell for 2 spellcasts, Sand Blast or one other emote spell to reach Incanter's Flow two emotes after connection. From this point on you can Flamethrower in two emotes, casting on the second.

    Given your emote counts for this lore, the same would still be possible under the new lore - I'd advise potentially changing the T4 variant of Flamethrower to T5 but keeping the same emote count (so that Incanter's Flow won't interact with it) or specifically specifying that Incanter's Flow won't work on Flamethrower.(Edit: This will be much less of an issue if sam's Incanter's Flow amendment passes, so this doesn't necessarily need to be changed.)

    Also, I'm a bit confused by Flame Implement - Enwreathe can be cast on an ally's weapon, can the Flame Implement be handed off, or does that count as 'losing grip'? Also, if it maintains the current connection guidelines that Enwreathe has, then it would mostly only be usable by Eminents (once Incanter's Flow is up) and Scions. However, since it's T4, Scions wouldn't have access to it - Is this intended to be an Eminent-only spell?

    All that being said, I do like the new modifiers, and they look pretty interesting. 

  10. Ayche is in the Vizier's office beneath the Chamber of Fire, making preparations for the next battle, when the news comes. 

    Peace has been achieved. The war is won. 

    He pushes his paperwork aside - it's redundant now, anyway. He's proud of the work the Hohkmati battlemagi under his command have done for Petra, and proud to have fought alongside the Covenant.

    "Victory," he murmurs to himself. A smile crosses his face as he heads upstairs to join the other magi celebrating in the streets.

  11. Ayche’s armor is stained with black powder residue when he rejoins his Chamber’s magi, shortly after the ceasefire command is first given. He finds Faeryel in the crowd and grins.

    The other Hohkmati magi have been slinging spells towards Drusco Keep. Ayche has not. The ritual that has returned his strength has also crippled his magic, and the most powerful of voidal spells are now beyond him. So he’d put his muscles to work moving ammunition for cannons instead.


    He’d left his Chamber’s magi in good hands. Faeryel's been invaluable ever since he was appointed to the Chamber of Fire, and he’s decided - one day, when this war is over - that she’ll take his place as Vizier when he decides to retire.

    But until then, there’s still work to be done. 

    His magic is no good at range, anymore. His mana pool is too small for a proper fireball. But a blast of sand to the eyes can be just as deadly as a boulder, given the right circumstances. A jet of air to redirect an incoming arrow can make just as much of a difference as a compression spell, if it saves the right person.

    And, of course, steel can be as deadly as mana. It's a philosophy he's tried to drill into the men and women of the Chamber of Fire; never underestimate the danger of a blade. Never let your magic blind you to the value of mundane tools. Never use a fireball when a blast of sand to the eyes and a quick jab with a spear will do. 

    It's a philosophy the battlemagi under his command have learned well.


    “CHARGE!” Someone calls. Ayche's grip tightens on his warhammer.

    And the rest, from there, is easy.





  12. Ayche stands amongst the ruins of Drusco. His cuirass is stained with blood and black powder residue. The Covenant forces are picking over the battlefield now, sorting the dying defenders from the dead - and sending the former to the latter. His longsword vanishes into a voidal pocket as he stops to catch his breath. 

    His gaze is drawn back across the valley. The magical city of Hohkmat is clearly visible from here. The siege camp he'd spent the first hours of the battle in is just meters away from the newest district of the city.


    It's a good reminder of why he fights. It's a good reminder of home. 

    In the distance, he spots one of his Chamber's members, engaged in a sudden duel with a surviving defender. He watches as she teleports out of the way of an orcish spear.

    The air around him crackles with static. Sparks fly as a new weapon falls into his hands, summoned from thin air - a warhammer, this time. He charges to aid her.


    There's still work to be done. For Hohkmat, for Petra, for the Covenant.

    For home.





  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Extremely Old


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Air Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Air Evocation is a voidal magic that allows a mage to conjure either gusts of wind or more solid projectiles formed from conjured air. At higher tiers, air evocation can even be used to create sounds - these sounds can be loud enough to even disorient enemy combatants. A mage can manipulate the temperature or humidity of conjured air to an extent - however, conjured air will never be hot enough to burn or cold enough to cause damage, nor will it be humid enough to put out a fire. Through these manipulations, air evocation spells can carry mist or even snow. However, these manipulations do not give the spells any combative advantage - they are mainly for aesthetic. 



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Air Evocation spells, for the most part, all revolve around using gusts of wind or air in different ways. Two spells use some form of compressed air as a projectile, one uses air to create a disorienting sound, and one uses compressed air to launch targets upward. The divisions between these methods of conjuring air aren’t necessarily distinct enough to call them true subcategories, but I’ll go over each spell in turn.

    Conjure Air is a way for a mage to conjure air in nearly any form. Like other Conjure spells in other Evocations, this spell is noncombative and doesn’t necessarily have a strict emote count outside of common sense (larger or more complex emotes take longer). At tier four, the mage has more precise control, and can begin to use this spell to conjure sounds - but as this spell is noncombative, these sounds cannot be used to stun or cause harm. A tier five mage can conjure up to fifty cubic meters of air. 

    Gust is an extremely simple spell that takes three emotes to cast - it simply involves summoning a gust of wind to push back a target. At tier five, this spell can knock those affected back five meters, or cause them to fall over if aimed at their feet. Gust’s power scales with the mastery of the mage, and each tier the mage gains in Air Evocation increases the power of this spell. At tier one, this spell doesn’t do much more than blow away light objects and will barely affect a descendant. 

    Redirect is a defensive spell that uses a small jet of air to redirect a single projectile. It’s fairly quick to cast - just two emotes - and can cast an incoming projectile off to the side and prevent it from hitting its target. It is only reliable against small projectiles (about the size of two fists). Gaseous substances smaller than this size will simply dissipate when redirected. If a projectile is larger than this, Redirect will only slow the projectile down. If a projectile is moving faster than a bolt from a hand crossbow, this spell will also only slow it down or even fail to affect it. Redirect cannot be used to redirect an incoming projectile at another target.

    Air Sweep is another spell that involves a gust of wind in some way - this spell takes three emotes to cast, and causes a jet of air to explode outward from the mage’s feet in a three meter radius. This can knock over those caught in the spell, and those knocked over must take at least one emote to get back up. The mage is unaffected by their own Air Sweep, but their allies are not - this spell can affect everyone in its radius. 

    Air Shield is a spell that conjures a wall of air - this takes just two emotes to cast and can be sustained for up to four. It can be conjured in the form of a two meter tall, three meter long barrier. At tier four or above, it can be conjured in the form of a dome with a three meter radius centered on the mage (this takes an extra emote, three total). This dome can be sustained for up to five emotes. These barriers affect projectiles, but do not block melee attacks or prevent opponents from walking through said barrier. At tier five, an air evocationist can conjure an air dome which will deflect projectiles moving at crossbow bolt speed or lower. 

    Air Blast is a projectile spell that uses compressed and compact air. This takes three emotes, and up to three can be conjured at one time - each additional projectile takes another emote. Like other projectile spells, these projectiles must all be fired in the same direction if conjured at the same time. These compact air projectiles are strong enough to bruise a target or cause minor fractures. It might dent plate, or cause the target to stumble back by a meter. 

    Launch is a spell where the Air Evocationist conjures a pocket of air beneath a target - this pocket then explodes upward and launches the target into the air. This takes three emotes, and those affected will be launched a meter and a half into the air. This will take at least one emote to recover from and may result in a sprained ankle. This spell can also be charged as a sort of ‘trap’ in a three by three meter area, which can be activated once a target steps on it. This trap can only be maintained for up to five emotes. When cast as a trap, the spell cannot be moved. Large targets, like ologs, golems, or others of similar weight, are unaffected. 

    Sound Blast is the only Air Evocation spell that uses sound offensively. It creates a bubble of sound that explodes outward, causing temporary stunning or deafness. It can be cast around the mage or fired towards a target location. It takes three emotes to perform, and expands outward in a two meter radius around where it activates. At tier four, it stuns those affected for one emote, and at tier five, it stuns those affected for two emotes. It also causes temporary deafness for three emotes at tier five. Those stunned cannot attack or move great distances, and connected mages will have their concentration broken and be disconnected once stunned. The casting mage is not immune to the effects of their own Sound Blast if caught inside.

    Windstorm is a spell that can create a powerful torrent of wind in front of them - it takes five emotes to cast and can be maintained for up to six. This torrent of wind is either eight or twelve meters long and three or five meters wide. Those caught within the torrent may be pushed backwards and will find it difficult, though not impossible to move. Objects thrown into the gust will be blown out of it, though large objects will be moved more slowly. The mage cannot move while casting or maintaining a windstorm.

    Compression is a more powerful form of Air Blast using compressed air that explodes outward on contact. It takes five emotes to cast and has a range of twenty meters. It has two variants - Slam and Burst. Slam targets a single individual - when the Compression spell hits, it can blast the target back and cause broken bones. Armored foes may be bruised and will be thrown back five meters. Burst is a less targeted version that explodes outwards in a three meter radius - those affected are pushed back as if they’d been hit by a tier four Gust spell. This spell cannot be easily canceled after it has been charged for two emotes - if the mage’s concentration is disrupted, the spell will explode in their face. This spell is never invisible.

    The Whirlwind spell allows a master Air Evocationist to conjure a tornado - this takes eight emotes, and is cast on the sixth. The focal point of the tornado has a radius of one meter, but the highest portion of the tornado can have up to a five meter radius. This spell can be maintained for up to six emotes and prevents a mage from casting any other spells until the encounter ends. Those within eight meters of the focal point will be slowly pulled towards the whirlwind, but can resist the pull. Those within five meters will find it even more difficult to resist the pull. Those within three will find it extremely difficult to escape the whirlwind. The whirlwind will suck up small objects and can become dangerous if sharp objects are caught inside the tornado. 



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The following is a list of emotes for a Redirect spell.

    [!] Ayche’s eyes glow with a crackling electric light as he connects to the void. Then he steps into the doorway.

    [!] The enemy combatant, having prepared for him to peek around the doorway again, flings his knife at Ayche.

    [!] Ayche snaps his hand closed into a fist. A jet of air strikes the incoming knife, causing it to fly into the corner of the room harmlessly.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    It’s a warm, sunny afternoon, and Ayche is making the most of it. He’s sitting under a tree and snacking on a bag of sunflower seeds when his student arrives.  “You’re-.” 

    His student puffs out his chest. “On time. Don’t you dare say I’m late. I’m half an hour early today.”

    Ayche shrugs. “You’re still early in your air evocation education, but I think it’s time to teach you one of your most important defensive spells. Connect to the void.”

    His student grins - he's finally won. This time, there's no way for Ayche to claim he was late. His eyes begin to glow with an ethereal purple light as he connects. 

    “I want you to conjure a jet of air to deflect an incoming projectile. It’s the same sort of thing you’ve been practicing - just faster, and you’ll have to hit a moving target.” Ayche picks up a nearby pouch - there’s a large pile of them on the ground beside him. Each pouch is tied shut and filled to bursting with sunflower seeds.

    “When do we begin?”

    “Now. Think fast.” Ayche hurls the pouch at his student’s face.

    His student doesn’t react in time - he’s hit in the face, and he stumbles back. The purple glow in his eyes fades. “Hey!”

    “You were late.” Ayche picks up another pouch. 

    His student glowers. “I wasn’t ready.” He brushes a stray sunflower seed off his face and reconnects to the void. His eyes flare with purple light.

    “Be ready.” Ayche flings the second pouch at his student - but slower, this time.

    This time, his student reacts in time. He takes a half-step back and gestures at the incoming projectile. The purple glow in his eyes intensifies as a jet of air strikes the pouch and sends it flying off into the grass. 

    “Excellent work. Now, go bring that back - we’re going to eat those seeds when we’re done.” 



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    As always - If my student accidentally powergamed during teaching, depending on the way in which they’ve powergamed, I would gently remind them of the proper limits and redlines of the magic, and of the proper emote counts required for whatever spell they’ve just cast. Then, I would give them a chance to re-emote properly. 

    If they powergamed after teaching, that would be more of a concern, as it would mean that they either did not fully understand the magic, or that they were intentionally powergaming. In this case, as soon as I heard about potential powergaming, I would reach out about the situation, and if it seemed unintentional, would remind them of the proper limits and redlines and would clarify any questions they may have had. I would then prompt them to reach out to those affected by the RP to allow them to void it, if it had already happened, or to re-emote following the proper guidelines, if the RP was in progress. If they did not do so, or the powergaming seemed intentional, it would be time to reach out to staff and reconsider teaching the student. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  14. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Extremely Old


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Earth Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Earth Evocation is a voidal magic that allows magi to conjure rocks, sand, dirt and gems from the Void. It has four subsections - Conjure Earth, which is the noncombat, freeform manifestation of earth, Sand Offensive, which encompasses sand spells meant to blind their targets, Earthen Offensive, which contains projectile spells from pebbles to boulders, and Earthen Defensive, which conjures earthen walls and domes that can withstand a predetermined amount of blows before they crumble and daze the mage.


    Like other voidal magics, Earth Evocation requires line of sight, a voidal connection, and cannot manipulate existing material (meaning it can’t manipulate existing earth). It cannot be used to lift objects or support weight.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Conjure Earth is the freeform evocation of earth. It has no emote count beyond common sense, with larger spells requiring more emotes. The mage’s tier determines how much earth they can conjure. Tier five mages are able to conjure twenty cubic meters of earth. Conjure Earth spells vanish when combat begins. 

    Sand Offensive contains Sand Blasts and Sandstorm. Sandblasts are quickly-cast blasts (two emotes) of sand which blind their targets for two emotes, unless the target is covering their eyes or wearing eye protection. Sandstorms require three emotes to cast. They produce a sandstorm within a five meter diameter of where they’re casted, blinding those within and lightly scratching skin.


    Most Earth Evocation spells fall into the Earthen Offensive subcategory. The simplest and fastest spell is the Pebble, which can be cast in the same emote as connection; it causes minor bruises at most, and may disrupt a mage’s concentration. Summoning more than two pebbles at once requires an extra emote. Rocks and Spikes can also be conjured with three and four emotes, respectively. Rocks will fracture the bones of unarmored targets or cause concussions, but will only cause light bruising and slightly denting the plate of armored ones. Spikes act as a heavy hammer blow on armored targets, and skewer flesh to the bone on unarmored ones. Boulders are six meters in diameter, require five emotes to cast, move at the speed of an arrow, and will knock the wind out of targets and bash them to the ground. If it crushes a target against a wall, those wounds may be fatal. Earthen Cyclone, Earth Evocation’s only T5 spell, creates a storm of rocks and spikes in a ten meter diameter. These will pierce flesh and terribly dent armor. It takes seven emotes to cast and requires unmoving focus.  


    Earthen Defensive spells revolve around forming walls or domes of earth to shield oneself or others. There are two spells in this category - Earthen Barrier and Earthen Dome. Earthen Barrier takes three emotes to cast, and can be maintained for up to seven emotes (though each strike against the barrier reduces that emote count by one). Spells that strike the barrier remove emotes equal to the tier of the spell. Earthen Barriers can be up to a meter thick, and either seven by two meters or four by three meters. Earthen Dome is a variation of this spell, which takes one additional emote (four total) and forms a dome centered around the mage with a three meter radius. Like Earthen Barrier, it can last up to seven emotes. The same rules for weakening the Barrier (strikes remove one emote of duration, spells remove emotes equivalent to the tier of the spell) apply to the Dome. When either Earthen Barrier and Earthen Dome are broken or interrupted (even voluntarily) the mage will be disoriented for at least one emote. In the case of Earthen Dome, this becomes two emotes if the dome is broken by an attacker rather than dropped voluntarily. It takes six direct hits with a pickaxe, broadsword, or heavy weapon to shatter a Dome - it takes seven to shatter a Barrier. Neither of these spells form instantly - they take time to do so and will form over the course of the casting emotes. 



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The following is a list of emotes for a spike without spending an extra emote to produce another.
    [!] Ayche’s eyes flare with a pale, electric light as he connects to the Void. 

    [!] He raises his hand. Chunks of rock clatter, crackle and crunch as they pop into existence above his palm, and coalesce into a larger mass of earth.

    [!] Ayche’s eyes narrow in focus as the rock before him lengthens and thins into an angular, conical shape. The end of the projectile forms into a point.


    [!] Ayche snaps his hand into a fist. The earthen spike jolts forward, spiraling towards its target at the speed of an arrow. It hits the wall before him with the harsh crack of stone on stone. 



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    It’s sunrise when Ayche’s wait comes to an end, and the light on the mountaintop is still cold and gray. He’s rolling a coin along his knuckles - it flashes with silver light now and then as the sun catches it - but when his student arrives, the coin vanishes into his sleeve with a bit of legerdemain. “Late again.” 

    His student climbs the last few feet up to the peak, and leans against a rock to catch his breath. “...I know. But, really, a mountain? I get the rock symbolism, but you know that the weakness is starting to set in, and I get tired more easily-”

    Ayche holds up a hand to stop him. “We’ve done enough work offensively. Today we’re moving on to earthen walls.”

    His student sighs, but otherwise falls silent, letting Ayche speak interrupted. He’s used to this by now.

    “A meter thick, two tall, seven long.”  Ayche idly traces the shape of the spell with a finger as he talks.   “Immune to swords, but picks and the like will get through it eventually - you’ll be disoriented when it breaks, so be prepared for that. Connect.”

    His student closes his eyes; when he opens them again, they glow with an ethereal purple light.

    “Envision stone like you’re used to. Picture the shape I’ve described in your head, and drag it from the Void. It will likely form more quickly than you’re expecting.”
    His student exhales, raising a hand, focusing on a strip of mountainous land in front of him. About three meters out, a nascent mass of stone begins to emerge, crumbling and cracking as it pulls itself from nothing. It lengthens and widens, forming the base of an earthen wall. 

    Ayche almost smiles. “Nearly there. Keep at it.”

    His student lets out a harsh breath, his eyes narrowing in focus, sweat beading along his hairline. The stone rises into a full-on wall, seven meters long, one thick, and two high; he pants as he maintains his focus on it, brow furrowed.

    “Well done. Now let’s see how long you can maintain it…”



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    As always - If my student accidentally powergamed during teaching, depending on the way in which they’ve powergamed, I would gently remind them of the proper limits and redlines of the magic, and of the proper emote counts required for whatever spell they’ve just cast. Then, I would give them a chance to re-emote properly. 

    If they powergamed after teaching, that would be more of a concern, as it would mean that they either did not fully understand the magic, or that they were intentionally powergaming. In this case, as soon as I heard about potential powergaming, I would reach out about the situation, and if it seemed unintentional, would remind them of the proper limits and redlines and would clarify any questions they may have had. I would then prompt them to reach out to those affected by the RP to allow them to void it, if it had already happened, or to re-emote following the proper guidelines, if the RP was in progress. If they did not do so, or the powergaming seemed intentional, it would be time to reach out to staff and reconsider teaching the student. 



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    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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