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Posts posted by H


    MC Name - Jtheo2016
    Character Name - Sentoric
    Profession - Chef
    Profession Level - Adequate
    Combat Or Magic Training - Combat
    Skype Username - stealersfan1997



    "Your qualifications have been deemed adequate - welcome aboard! A crewman will be sent to contact you shortly, or you may send a bird to us directly for information."


    MC Name -  samler

    Character Name -  Seth Calith

    Profession - Breeder

    Profession Level -  I would call myself an adept.

    Combat Or Magic Training - Magical

    Skype Username - PMing you IG.



    "Accepted, welcome aboard. We'll call upon you the next time a bounty or a voyage is started."


    MC Name -  Whimsycal

    Character Name - Salendys

    Profession - Enchanter

    Profession Level - Legendary

    Combat Or Magic Training - Skilled Arcane evocationist / adept mental mage / Decent at Arcane shielding

    Skype Username - you know it



    Ayche would nod as he is handed the paper. "I'll add you to the roster - you already know where our ship is. Let me know if you need anything else."

  4. ((

    If you want this rp situation go sign my charter application so we can all continue this rp...

    (( I suggest you find a group that'll support you in RP rather than try to run or hold your own plot of land. Eastin Dia had to ask for permission from Praetor Tristin to build our ships, and similarly, we're setting up our headquarters thanks to an invite from the Adunians. Talk to people, find investors or supporters, it's good rp. It's unrealistic and much more boring to run a company or build ships without help.
  5. ((there hasn't been a naval battle for years, mainly because people like said Eastin Dia company look up ship designs on google and are acclaimed master ship builders and sailors... hazzaaaaaaah. Too much meta for an actual rp ship battle. They never researched or apprenticed carpentry, but build top end 10 sail, 30 man ships.

    When I RP my ships i've basically lost every battle due to meta gaming... :P ... I do it for RP, but people take it oocly as an insult so this is another reason why I'm delaying my rp... I've been here since 1.0 and maybe won 10% of my conflicts, yet I'm a bad rp'r and player. What d I know I just try to give people like the Eastin dia company an enemy to rp against and enjoy some rp events...

    [!] A cool breeze washes over the poster and the cloud temple docks, carrying with it a faint spray of saltwater.

    : ^ )

    (( If you're try to give us an enemy to RP against, please do that. Don't go into hiding 6 IRL hours after you declare hostilities, that's not fun for anybody. We're not taking it OOCly as an insult. We take it ICly as an insult. Be scared in RP, don't OOCly decide to go into hiding. Keep the insults IC. Y'know?

    (( If you are a bad RPer and player, which I don't remember anyone ever claiming - from Eastin Dia, at least, it wouldn't be because of some supposed meta or that you won too many battles. I'd wager that it'd be because you couldn't keep IC hostilities separated from your OOC feelings.

    (( Oh, and every last one of our buildings or ships are designed from scratch by FlowUster and BathRugMan, who /do/ have RP building experience. Don't OOCly insult our builders. <3


    (( Side note: It doesn't matter how skilled you RPly are at building ships - you can't man an entire ship with three people. If you're going to do this, make sure you have enough people following you.


    MC Name


    Character Name

    Irhamir Siil'crux 


    Aengulic Woodwoorker

    Legendary Enchanter

    Combat Or Magic Training

    Rather talented with archery, but considering I have spent most of my time trapped in books it is not up to par with many.

    Skype Username 




    A response would be promptly delivered by bird. "Your qualifications have been deemed very satisfactory - welcome aboard. A crewmember will be dispatched to you shortly, or you may directly send us another bird for information."


    MC Name -  Darkdragon274

    Character Name - Relgard Sintel

    Profession - Doing things.

    Profession Level - Doing things very well.

    Combat Or Magic Training - Of course!

    Skype Username - Already in the chat



    "Your skills in 'doing things' and 'doing things very well' are exactly what we need here at the Eastin Dia Trading Company, where we do lots of things. Welcome aboard!"


    MC Name - OperationFuego
    Character Name - Elluna Koortova
    Profession - Chef
    Profession Level - Adept 
    Combat Or Magic Training - Electrical Evocationist, in the process of learning Arcane Evocation.
    Skype Username - xXShyShadowsXx



    A response would be sent back via bird.


    "Welcome aboard! Electrical evocation is one of our most sought-after subtypes, and we're glad to have you. Thanks for making it official - you may send us a bird directly for more information, or a crewmember will be sent to contact you."


    MC Name - vortigonade

    Character Name - Evelangéline

    Profession - Chef

    Profession Level - Adept

    Combat Or Magic Training - Uses Long staff like a staff, T3 Fire Evocationist 

    Skype Username - vortigonade



    "...Accepted because of your involvement in the Devourer hunt. Keep the random fires to a minimum, please. Our ships are made of wood."

  10. MC Name - DiscoLiquid

    Character Name - Diana Fogbranch.

    Profession - Breeder.

    Profession Level - Adept.

    Combat Or Magic Training - I am trained with a blade and minor household magic.

    Skype Username - Jacob Batty.


    "Welcome aboard! We're pleased to have you, and thank you for your service in past hunts as an independent contractor."


    "A crewman will be sent to contact you shortly, or you may send a bird directly to us for further information."

  11. Ayche sifts through a pile of paperwork, detailing a new headquarters, several new ships, and recruiting practices. He picks up one document in particular, titled "Threat: Orei War Industries", and stamps it completed before the ink's even had a chance to dry.

  12. "Huh. How odd. It seems the return of Orei War Industries lasted about six elven hours. A weapons manufacturer pushed back into hiding by a trading company? Without a single shot fired?"


    "When you come back, be sure to recruit and build ships /before/ making your threats."


    Ayche shrugs, then signs the documents authorizing the recruitment of new crewmen and the construction of a headquarters and new ships anyway, just in case.


    (( Oh, that's no fun....

  13. *you get a letter in return


    "Sorry Son, no high elves allowed, I don't want to be around one for several days at a time.

    -Sincerely Orei"


    Ayche arches a brow as Relgard is denied.


    "Hmm. You think he'd take anyone and everyone, at this rate."


    He pins another note up.


    "Let it be known that this man has threatened a trading company without provocation and will attempt to murder innocent sailors to showcase his weapon designs."

  14. A formal reply would be posted next to the additional note.




    "You eliminated any possibility of a friendly skirmish when you decided to showcase your designs by openly threatening a trading company. A trading company that had never even interacted with you, let alone provoked you."


    "You openly insulted our employees, and called our designers and shipwrights simpletons."


    Here is your warning now, once these ships are complete we will not grant mercy to your vessel. I urge your crew members to resign now, because you will not stand a chance.


    "You claim that you will not 'grant mercy' to a company which, again, has never provoked or even interacted with you. You would sink ships and murder innocent employees to showcase your weapons, and you claim you're neither a pirate nor a criminal."


    "This ends one of two ways. You declare bankruptcy, if you haven't already, terminate your employees, if you've managed to find anyone airheaded enough to follow you, scuttle your ships, and offer a formal apology to the Eastin Dia Trading Company and her supporters."


    "Or you burn."


    Sincerely yours,


    Ayche Raven'kor


  15. Ayche frowns. "Wait, does he know the Tailor isn't our only ship?"

    He strides out of the captain's quarters, moving to speak with Beltran and Alugor immediately.

    "We're going to need ten more frigates by the end of the elven week. Six to eight ballista each, minimum."

    "Raise the crew - mages are a priority. Contact Art for freeze and flame oil."

    "Quicklime, too. Why the hell not."

    "See if you can call in any favors. We never set sail with only our own employees - why stop now?"

    He pauses on the deck. "Oh, and it's /Eastin/ Dia. Not East Dia, not Eastern Dia."


    MC Name -  Sythan

    Character Name -  Art

    Profession -  Miner, Enchanter, Alchemist

    Profession Level -  Legendary, Legendary, Adept (Respectively)

    Combat Or Magic Training - Alchemy Altered Combat

    Skype Username -  You've got it



    A response would be personally hand-delivered. "Welcome aboard! We're glad you decided to make it official."

  17. It's not that people are too dumb to understand, or that they're not reading it correctly. Whether it's because it wasn't organized properly, because you used binary instead of thinking of a code, because it looked unprofessional, because it wasn't properly advertised, or because the only person who seemed interested in decoding your message properly was a new account that hadn't even applied to the server yet, people were not interested enough to follow your vague hints, and I doubt they would have even if they knew exactly what they meant.

    that is because you don't understand the way i think. Everything i was saying made total sense and you would have realised that as you progressed through the game.

    It may have been my fault that the game did not work out, or maybe it is your fault but my point remains that you are not yet ready and i must prepare you more for the journey ahead of you.

    I don't mean to be rude, but I've gotta be blunt here. The community can be harsh, but this one's on you.
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