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Posts posted by Pancakehz

  1. 2 minutes ago, Agamm Crag-Climber said:



    MC Name: SteamedSushi

    Character Name: Agamm “Crag-Climber” Ireheart

    Character Age: 446

    Profession: mercenary (smith before)

    Appearance: scarred, tall (5”6)

    Bloodline - Feel free to contact Gror (MCPancakes)for help: Igor

    Define who you shall be related to inside the bloodline (E.g, Son of ___, grandson of ___ etc):Brother of Tormund

    Do you agree to follow the Clan Tenets OOC’ly and IC’ly and face the consequences for their breaking?: aye

    Do you have Teamspeak?: No

    Do you have Skype? (If yes put in your skype name or send it to me through a pm): Alexyoshi3

    Image of the skin you intend to use: http://imgur.com/a/K6Nda

    Accepted, Welcome to the Clan.

  2. 1 minute ago, Putrarch90 said:

    MC Name: Putrarch90

    Character Name: Ljornostr

    Character Age: 156

    Profession: Lumberjack

    Appearance: Brown eyes, jet-black hair, long black beard, outdoors outfit

    Bloodline - Feel free to contact Velwyn (JVQ) for help: Dreek

    Define who you shall be related to inside the bloodline (E.g, Son of ___, grandson of ___ etc): Son of Runi Ireheart, brother of Balmore Ireheart

    Do you agree to follow the Clan Tenets OOC’ly and IC’ly and face the consequences for their breaking?: Yes

    Do you have Teamspeak?: No

    Do you have Skype? (If yes put in your skype name or send it to me through a pm): Not yet

    Image of the skin you intend to use:

    Accepted, I will work out the Teamspeak and Skype with you personally.

  3. Clan Ireheart




    The Ireheart Clan are a Mountain Dwarf Clan whom are one of the eight elder clans of Urguan, hailing directly from him. The Ireheart Dwed are legendary in Dwarven Culture for their ferocity in battle, their successful line of Kings and their battle-smart tacticians.

    Founded by Yavok Ireheart and reborn by Kjell Ireheart during the Aegisian era, the Irehearts follow Dungrimm as their patron god. The Clan have remained ever constant in all forms of Modern Dwarven society and most likely since it’s inception close to 1600 years ago.


    Clan Appearance

    Men within the clan typically wear pelts and warpaint as a way of worshipping Dungrimm, it is not uncommon to see them without outerwear even in extreme conditions. This being said, Irehearts are not required to follow in this image. As devout followers of Kjell, many Irehearts show traits of imperialistic behavior and will stay true to the Throne of Urguan and whomever may sit there. Their beards are generally unkempt and left to grow naturally, as to honor the gift Yemekar granted their race. Women within the Clan although rare, are generally adorned with hides and pelts of exotic animals and their hair is ceremonially braided and pushed back.

    The sigil of the Ireheart’s depicts a black Dragon on green and gray colours. The emblem was adopted in recognition of the Dragons slain by Kjell and acts as a permanent homage to the Paragon.


    The Founding


    Third Age

    The clan was first conceived under the alias “The Grim Brotherhood” during the third age when the Dwedmar suffered from de-unified numbers. During such relentless times, Clans fought and conflicted amongst one another in a consistent power struggle. These events prompted the Grim Brotherhood to be formed during the reign of King Hiebe Irongut, whom was at the time believed by some Dwarves to be conspiring with the other races to form a dictatorship over the Dwed. Due to these claims a revolution was born.

    Beginning with only three Dwarves, each were rumored to be blessed by the Brathmordakin after they discovered ancient relics with unexplained power.  These three Dwarves; Gorum and Goruk Frostbeard along with the Paragon Kjell Ireheart, combined their efforts to fuel a revolution. Kjell began to aim his efforts to further fuel his uprising, slandering openly the King's folk, the Ironguts.

    The feuding between King and Paragon was brought to the halls of the city and council. Tensions reached a boiling point within the court, outbursts of rage and slander coming from both sides in heated discussion. After King Hiebe attempted to arrest Kjell for treason, an agreement was made by both parties that the King and Paragon would answer for their crimes towards one another.

    This did not come to fruition as the nearing end of the third age was closed by a darkness that not many Dwedmar understood. It was accepted by both Kjell and Hiebe that they should unite to face a greater enemy. The evil forces of Khorvad pushed the people of Asulon from their home, Kjell and Hiebe both working in coalition to save the Dwed from their demise.


    Fourth Age

    During the Fourth age the Clan Stormhammer was created as a sub clan for unblooded Irehearts. King Hiebe stepped down from Kingship in order to return the Crown to the first Grand King Thorik Grandaxe, after he was recovered from a volcano in Urguan.  Thorik was believed to have been assassinated by the Grimhall clan's Dwarves, a Clan of architects who for reasons unknown to the Kingdom, went Stark Raving Mad.

    The clan lived strong for many years, becoming one of the most powerful clans in the Kingdom. After the death of Igor Ireheart, the first heir, and Kjell Ireheart, the emperor Paragon dragon slayer, the clan was lead by Aldal Ireheart until he went missing. Under Lord Onar Ireheart the clan was reformed back to it’s former state as an Elder Clan, with all members bearing the name ‘Ireheart’.

    Onar eventually was discharged as Thane under Midgor, handing the title to Odin Ireheart. Shortly after, he stepped down as Clan Father for Lori Ireheart who led for a brief period. Lori gave Clan Father to Vorstag Ireheart and then rose to Thane status. Vorstag Ireheart rose to Grand King of the Dwarves but shortly died afterwards reclaiming Urguan's armour from the undead. Clan Father was then handed over to Odin Ireheart and Thaneship was appointed to Onar once again.

    However many Irehearts had disappeared or left the Kingdom. Bastion Ireheart returned and became Clan Father in an attempt to revive a then nearly extinct clan. Bastion, along with Drynn Ireheart became Senators on the Senate of Hammers and ushered in a new era of the Clan. Eventually more and more Irehearts were being found using the Book of Lineages and the Clan began to grow in numbers once more. This continued until the Irehearts abandoned the Realm of Athera with their dwarven kin. Their numbers shook, but the Irehearts have preserved over time and defended the docks of Kal’Akash for many years, using their hold as a tactical hub of which attacks on the Kraken were launched. Towards the end of Vailor, Drynn Ireheart returned from his long exodus and rose to the ranks of Grand King within Urguan.

    Velwyn Ireheart son of Vorstag became Clan Father following Kalviin Ireheart.


    It is believed by the Irehearts that the Emperor, Paragon and Dragon Slayer Kjell Ireheart, was chosen by Dungrimm for being his most loyal follower, and therefore ascended in a blaze of fire and explosions to godship among those of the Brathmordakin bearing the new name of Kjellos. Kjellos is the God of Justice and guardian of the Legion. Although not a member of the Brathmordahkin, Kjellos is considered a Daemon amongst the realm and assists Dungrimm in guiding the dead souls to his plain. Whilst also enacting justice as a spirit acting against those who commit crimes against Dwarf kind.




    The Blooding Trials

    The Blooding Trials were initially a series of challenges that came from the traditions of the Founding Paragon. These challenges were to prove that one is worthy of taking the blood oath, and to be eligible to become a clan elder. Until becoming a fully blooded Ireheart, a clan member is known as an Ireheart Beardling.

    With the change in Dwarven foreign relations, the trials were altered as to halt Dwed killing Uruk allies.

    Current Trials

    The current trials are divided into a test of Courage, Strength, Knowledge and Honor.

    -Bring back the head of an Ice troll or a similar wicked creature that dwells in the Mountain to find their courage.

    -Unrooting an Ire tree from the frozen ground of a Dwarven Mountain to tempt their strength.

    -Finish a small writing on a topic pertaining to the Irehearts, the topic would be specified by the Clan Father.

    -Duel a Clan Elder to prove their honor.

    Upon the successful completion of these tribulations celebrations will ensue and the Ireheart will be blooded into the Clan in ceremony. The Dwed will then climb the highest Mountains in Urguan and recover an Ire feather.

    Former Trials





    -Claiming the fingers of 3 humans.

    -Challenging 3 Elves to a duel, not to the death, and claim their belt or weapon as a trophy.

    - Claiming the bark of a Druid's life tree, or a Dryad's tree.



    Ire Blooding


    The Ire Blooding is a tradition that involves the creation of a bond between an blooded and unblooded member. This occurs after the completion of the Ireheart Trial. Once he/she has completed the trial, the elected clan father will announce that the ceremony is to happen, and preparation will begin.

    The ceremony starts with the clan father addressing the Beardling as such:


    "You are here today to partake in an the formation of an oath, bound by blood, you shall in essence join your mortal spirit. Like those before us, you will promise by a blood oath that you shall follow the tenets of the Irehearts or be banished from the Dwarves, do you choose to take this honor?"


    The Beardling will then deliver his answer to the Clan Father. Upon saying no, the Beardling does not take the honor of becoming an Ireheart and is asked to leave. Upon saying yes the Clan Father will cut the palm of his right hand with a Dragon Bone dagger, the Beardling will be asked to commit the same act with the same hand. This is then followed by the clan father and Beardling joining their bloodied hands as the Beardling binds his/her blood with the clan father which in turn symbolizes the adoption of the new Ireheart as he/she has bound his/her mortal spirit with the blood of an Ireheart.


    The Clan Father will recite the final stanza of the Dwarven anthem.


    "And may yer honor and yer heart

    shine bright like the forge

    ye'll be remembered as always

    Brother (or Sister) O' the Dwarves"

    The Beardling will then become a true initiated Ireheart, a blooded Clan member.




    Religion - The Ireheart clan are ardent followers of the Brathmordahkin, mostly favourably to their patron god Dungrimm and Kjellos. They are known to be zealous, dubbing themselves the protectorates of the Clergy. Many blooded have served the Brathmordakin, with Lori Ireheart holding High Prophet for may years. Similarly, Vorstag Ireheart founded Dungrimm’s Folk in Athera, a guild dedicated to upholding the views of the Brathmordakin.

    Honour - Honour is the pillar on which a Dwarf builds his moral compass, Irehearts greatly exaggerate this ideal. In conflict and politics, the Clan holds to oaths and shows great honor.

    Loyalty - The Irehearts are known to have been loyal to Throne and Kingdom since their creation. They believe whomever sits there earns the right to rule unless they break the articles, in which case the King is not fit to wear the crown.

    Devotion - The clan has worked tirelessly for their Kingdom and have built many fortified vantage structures for the Kingdom in the past. Many members have held high positions in dwarven society and are praised for their often successful reform and progress.

    Bravery - The Irehearts are a benchmark in Dwarven society in regards to their heroism and prowess in conflict. Many blooded Ire’s are fabled for their deeds in many of the Great War, some considered the greatest combatants in modern society. Kragor, Urir, Igor  and Dreek just to name a few.

    Respect - Ireheart culture is true in the belief of Brotherhood and mutual respect. Almost all actions taken and words spoken by a Blooded is in the ambition to better society's perception and respect of the Clan.


    • The skinning of Orcs and Kharajyr was a long and valued tradition within the Irehearts. Beardlings were taught the ways of skinning in their formative years in order to facilitate the Old trials.  


    • The cutting of Elf ears was a popular tradition within the Ireheart clan, while doing the Ireheart trials you needed three different elf ears from each type of elf, usually elf ears are used to make necklaces or bracelets.


    • After a beardling is blooded, he becomes a full Ireheart and must journey to the highest peaks of the dwarven mountains with the other Ireheart newlings and collect a feather from the rare Ire Raven.


    • Painting of one’s body for war and or any other militaristic event is a popular tradition among the Irehearts. Painting one’s body is a religious practice in Ireheart culture but is also to conjure fear in their enemies.


    • The Irehearts host many honour duels amongst themselves and between other dwarves in the Kingdom. They do this to prove who is a more capable fighter and to show their Honour.


    • The Irehearts are known for breeding Dire Wolves for war purposes and mounts. Throughout time, Irehearts have learned how to control the beasts and have come to earn their trust. They usually reside in the Snowy Dwarven mountains, the Irehearts raise them from pups.



    Clan Holds





    These are settlements held by the Irehearts throughout their history in the Kingdom of Urguan.






    Kal’Mugdor was a city built by Kjell Ireheart during his reign as Emperor. It was one of the main Dwarven settlements and spearheaded the Empires trade. It was lost to the many natural disasters that forced Dwarves to flee Asulon.


    Mount Ire



    This city was constructed by Kjell Ireheart during his reign and was made the capital of the Empire but construction was never finished. The city had great obsidian walls that could fend off the undead and the gate resembled Kjell in statue form. It also was lost to the many natural disasters that led to the Dwarves fleeing Asulon.


    Storm’s Peak



    Storm’s peak was a mountain fortress built atop the Dwarven Mountains of Anthos, it oversees the the harbor city of Vaerhaven. It was owned by the Irehearts until King Thorin seized it from them and renamed it Drake’s Peak.


    Storm's Crossing




    Storm’s Crossing was a former Orcish fort conquered by the legion shortly after the four races arrived in Anthos. It was taken by the Grand Marshal Kjell Ireheart and built into the dwarves first line of defence. Eventually it was taken off the Irehearts by King Dizzy Irongrinder so that it could be turned into the city of Kal’Ithrun. Ithrun meaning “Storm” in Dwarven. Kjell Ireheart was made the Lord Protectorate of Kal’Ithrun.






    Khaz'A'Daar was a Fringe hold originally made as a mining camp by Vorstag Ireheart in the Fringe. When Vorstag obtained Kingship, ownership was transferred to Bastion Ireheart, who then made it an official Clan Hold for the Irehearts. It was originally named "Rasterly Cock", at a meeting of the Clan Elders, Odin Ireheart thought of its current name. It had undergone many renovations under Roggar Ireheart, and was a key fort for the Kingdom during Khorvad's Plague of 1461.




    Gutbuster Mail




    Gutbuster Mail is a form of spiked armor forged by Lord Farren Starbreaker, it was given to five different Irehearts by Dreek. The armor is spiked and sharpened so whomever wears it deploys a berserker tactic.


    Paragon Kjell's Belt




    This is the golden belt that was put onto the statue of Kjell Ireheart that stood at the entrance of Mount Ire.. The belt is lined with gold and adorned with other precious gems.


    Kjell’s Dagger




    This is a dagger made with the bone of a dragon killed by Paragon Kjell. The dagger is used during the Ireheart blooding ceremony to cut the beardling’s hand and to join blood with the clan father so a Beardling can become a full Ireheart.


    Dragon Tooth




    The tooth of one of the dragons that Paragon Kjell slew. The tooth is the size of four Dwarves and is often held within the armory of the Ireheart. It has been kept in safe possession by the Irehearts as they have done the hard task of continually carrying it to each new land they venture to.


    Claws of Gem




    The Claws of Gem are golden claws gifted by Paragon Kjell Ireheart to the Tlatlanni’s wife, Miian. Kjell had given her the nickname “Gem”. He made the claws for her as she had her previous ones ripped out. The claws are gold and obsidian encrusted with dwarven runes along the side of it. It was taken back after Miian passed away in Elysium.






    "DragonRazz", better known as "Dragon Insult" was crafted by Kjell from the bones of the first Dragon he slew. Since then, the axe has taken on a new form. The Frozen Core of Ondnarch's champion dissolved to envelop the weapon, giving it an Icy coat. Upon it the following inscription was written.


    "When Injustice mocks the heavens he shall rise

    When the axe vanishes he shall rise

    When the foe of the the Dwarves meets in battle he shall rise

    He the aengul Kjellos shall rise"


    The Book of Lineages


    The Book of Lineages is an ancient Ireheart book that details the line back to Yavok Ireheart. The Book has recorded every Ireheart since the first age and is used in finding the lineages of lost dwarves. It is passed down to each Clan Father.

    Yavok's Waraxe



    Found by Odin Ireheart within the Ironborn vault in Athera, wielded by Yavok in the first age. It was once a formidable weapon, but lay untended to for over a thousand years, meaning much of it’s sharpness has faded.

    Notable Irehearts

    These Irehearts are written into history and whose legacy has stood the test of time.


    Clan Founder, Paragon Kjell Ireheart

    Kjell, practically a God amongst the Clan, was the Emperor and founder of the modern embodiment of the Irehearts. Kjell won countless battles and built many cities, he slayed dragons and rose to become one of the most celebrated leaders in Dwarven history. He perished against the Aengul Ondnarch, giving his son Igor the chance to deal the final blow and avenge both his father Kjell and his brother Dreek. There are theories which suggest he was the manifestation of the Aengul of Justice, Kjellos.

    Paragon Urir Ireheart

    Urir is amongst the most revered Dwed in modern history. Urir sacrificed himself to save all mortal races from the Undead, locking himself in the Nether and allowing Valen Grandaxe and Kjell to escape. Along with Kragor, the two are widely considered the greatest fighters in Dwarven society and arguably the entire realm.


    Igor Ireheart

    A major figure in the Clan, Igor was a well known commander and a Lord in the Kingdom of Urguan. He was proven and dedicated member of the clan who was capable of dismantling foe. He perished by slaying the Aengul Ondnarch with the Hammer of Barradin, avenging the death of his brother Dreek. Following this, he was named a Paragon by the Aengul Wyvryn, yet the Brathmordakin recognize him only as a Hero.


    Dreek Ireheart

    A major figure in the Clan during it's creation, he was slain by the Aengul Ondnarch while defending Kal'Azgoth. While the Irehearts spent their time in Kal'Azgoth, Dreek purchased both of the clan's Clan Halls and maintained their commerce - making the clan the richest in the Kingdom. During his life he was a Lord twice a Grand Marshal once, as well as Clan Father for a brief time. After death, Dreek was inducted into the Hall of Heroes for his service to the Kingdom as well as the Brathmordakin. He completed the trial with the likes of a red, black, and green hide along with claiming the ears of three elves, eye of the war mistress, and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree. After his death much of his line went into hiding, and seemed to almost become wiped out from existence.  

    Aldal Ireheart

    A known figure in the Clan during its dominance in the Kingdom of Urguan, he is well known as a master axeman and an Ironbreaker in the legion. Aldal eventually rose to High Prophet and nurtured a scholarly side when he had felt he was finished with conflict. He completed the trial with the likes of a dark green, light green, and white hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree.

    Clan Father Odin Ireheart

    A well known figure in the clan Ireheart during the time of it's dominance in the Kingdom of Urguan, he was a Longbeard in the legion. Odin was greatly respected for his unyielding loyalty towards the Clan as well as being one of it’s senior members. He completed the trial with the likes of a light green, dark green and black hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree. Odin reclaimed the long lost axe of Yavok upon entering a Ironborn's vault in Athera.

    Onar Ireheart

    A figure in the clan during the time of  dominance in the Kingdom, he was a long serving Lord Chamberlain of Urguan, and for a long time a member of the Clan Counci. He completed the trial with the likes of black, green and white hides along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree. He acted as Clan Father after Aldal, then passed it on to his nephew Lori to focus on clan politics on the Council rather than internal clan affairs. He had gone absent for many years, returning recently with stories of dragon slaying, claiming to have killed three in his adventures.

    Bastion Ireheart

    Son of Igor, Bastion was present during the time of its dominance in the Kingdom of Urguan, he is well known as a promising young smith who is very capable at wielding a blade. He completed the trial with the likes of a purple, green, and grey hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree.

    Roggar Ireheart

    A well known figure in the clan Ireheart during the time of blooming, he is well known as the Grand Marshal of the legion. He had proven to be a dedicated member of the clan who can decapitate elves in a matter of seconds. He completed the trial with the likes of a dark green, brown, and light green hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree.

    Olaf Ireheart

    A major figure in the clan Ireheart during the time of it's creation, he holds a great respect for Dungrimm and has often thrown fits of rage. Olaf is loved by his brothers for his humor and friendship. He completed the trial with the likes of a black, red, and green hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree.

    Vorstag Ireheart

    Formally a Grandaxe, Vorstag was known for leading his troops into battle as King, he was an accomplished military commander. After being shunned by the Kingdom, he travelled to find himself, tracing his lineage he found that he was more Ireheart than Grandaxe and thus chose the path of Kjellos. Eventually, he ascended to become Clan Father. Vorstag became Grand King once more yet his reign was short as he died reclaiming Urguan's armor from a corrupted Urir Ireheart. He completed his trials with the likes of green, red and blue orc skins along with claiming three elf ears and the bark of a dryad's tree.

    Spriggar Ireheart

    A known figure in the clan Ireheart during the time of it's dominance in the Kingdom of Urguan, he is well known as a master merchant and an Ironbreaker in the legion. He completed the trial with the likes of a  green, black, and yellow hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree.

    Falent Ireheart

    A very well known figure in the Ireheart clan during it's productive era, he is well known as a master bowman which is quite uncommon amongst dwarves as well as being the previous Yemekar's Pick. He completed the trial with the likes of a red, light green and dark green hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree. He served as clan elder before sacrificing his life to defeat a very powerful dark evil and save the world from absolute destruction.

    Dain Ireheart

    A minor figure in the clan Ireheart during the time of it's reformatting, he is well known as the Grand Champion of the Dwarves and a Stoneguard in the legion. He completed the trial with the likes of a black, light green, and dark green hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree.

    Kragor Ireheart

    A known figure in the clan Ireheart during the time of it's dominance in the Kingdom of Urguan, he is regarded to be amongst the greatest combatants in Dwarven history. He completed the trial with the likes of a dark green, green, and light green hide along with claiming the ears of three elves and obtaining the bark of a dryad's tree.

    Clan Elder Drynn Ireheart

    A current figure in the Clan, Drynn is one of the most capable warriors in the Kingdom. After Drynn's reemergence within the kingdom Drynn he quickly rose to power after creating a vast amount of cultural activities. Due to his accomplishments, he became the Grand King of Urguan. He completed his trial by claiming three elf ears along with light green, dark green and red orc skins, as well as cutting the bark of a druid's tree.

    Midgor Ireheart

    Midgor, was a Clan Elder during modern history, like his father Kjell he rose to the title of Grand King but was impeached after feuds within the Kingdom. He rose a second time and endured another tribulus reign, eventually getting removed once again.  

    Thorgrim Ireheart

    A known figure in the clan Ireheart during the time of its rebirth in the Kingdom. He is known as being a skilled warrior and a loyal follower of the Clan. He is well regarded for helping the Ireheart Clan survive when it’s depleting numbers almost wiped it out. He completed his trial by claiming three elf ears along with light green, dark green and purple orc skins, as well as cutting the bark of a druid's tree.

    Durac Ireheart

    A known figure in the clan Ireheart during the time of it's rebirth in the Kingdom of Urguan. He is known as the Forgemaster of the Smithing Guild and is also a very capable warrior, his skills at breeding Dire Wolves are unmatched and is the clan Beastmaster. He completed his trial by claiming three elf ears along with light green, dark green and brown orc skins, as well as cutting the bark of a druid's tree.

    Thereon Ireheart

    A fresh dwarf discovering his Ireheart roots in Vailor. Thereon quickly completed the trial with three orcish hides and the ears of each respective elven subrace, along with the bark of a druid's tree. He is known for often disappearing for days but returning to his clan every time.

    Thorgran Ireheart

    A dwarf dating back to the times of Asulon. Thorgran returned to his kin during Vailor and showed his strong capability as a warrior. He completed the trial with the likes of black, green, and red orcish hides along with the ears of a wood elf, high elf, and dark elf, and obtained the bark of a druid's tree. Fromer Clan Father


    Throughout the Ireheart's time in history, four dominant lines have existed.

    Line of Igor

    Skin tone: Light

    Eyes: Black

    Hair: Brown

    Beard style: Natural, occasionally decorated with dual orange bands

    Other: Long beards and hair are common.


    Line of Roggar

    Skin Tone: Light

    Eyes: Amber

    Hair: Bald, ones who are lucky enough to have hair have very little

    Beard style: Natural, undecorated

    Other: Baldness is very common.


    Line of Dreek

    Skin tone: Light

    Eyes: Brown

    Hair: Jet Black

    Beard style: Undecorated, natural, very bushy.

    Other: Beards are often bushy enough so that they may be used as a storage device.

    Line of Olaf

    Skin tone: Light

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair: Reddish ginger

    Beard style: Natural, braided, bushy

    Other: Beards are bushy yet braided.

    Clan Members

    Clan Father:

    Gror Ireheart (Line: Roggar) (MCPancakes)


    Aldal Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Soggy365)

    Midgor Ireheart (Line: Kjell) (Charles_Grimlie)

    Kalviin Ireheart (Line: ?) (z3m0s)


    Onar Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Kowameme)

    Grark Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Jocuur)

    Gothum Ireheart (Line: Igor) (bov61)

    Agnar Ireheart (Line: Igor) (legoboy7984)

    Brummiir Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (NTE_Killer4Life)

    Grovik Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Terriblegecko80)

    Aggam Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Agamm)

    Harvak Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Goldie_locks)

    Gloin Ireheart (Line:Igor) (Glockytarianism)

    Gladund Ireheart (Line: Kjell) (XMPX_Deadshot)

    Zedgar Ireheart (Line: Kjell) (Mcdooglemcdoogle)

    Axel Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Lefty_Bojengles)

    Farddak Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Dragonayr)

    Thorgran Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Yemekar)

    Drynn Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (Gorgemel)






    Odin Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (greener161)

    Tormund Ireheart (Line: Igor) (__PJ)

    Olaf Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (MuckyD121)

    Runi Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (terriblegecko80)

    Kevay Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Rella101)

    Thorgrim Ireheart (Line: Igor) (GMRO)

    Thromkor Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Oddysean)

    Willy Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Willy_Wanak55)

    Harvak Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Goldie_locks)

    Belegar Ireheart (Line: Kjell) (Sir_Niccum)

    Durac Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (thor92299)

    Patricius Ireheart (Line: Igor) (fitzdepl_)

    Gurad Ireheart (Line: Igor) (legoface123)

    Grorik Ireheart (Line: Igor) (18acobb)

    Thorgarn Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (hoss665)

    Dimgi Ireheart (Line: Igor) (BreezyBuster)

    Jorn'rak Ireheart (Line: Igor) (PlagueKail)

    Thorrak Ireheart (Line: Kragor) (ww2buff99)

    Kimli Ireheart (Line: Spriggar) (InfamousGerman)

    Storum Ireheart (Line: Igor) (North_)

    Kalle Ireheart (Line: Roggar) (bordianutudor)

    Roggar Ireheart (Line: Roggar) (lcflaherty97)

    Spriggar Ireheart (Line: Spriggar) (homijoe)

    Deverril Ireheart (Line: Igor) (jcbeno)

    Rhorik Ireheart (Line : Igor) (Alakabam)

    Galmir Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Asterish)

    Svala Ireheart (Line: Kragor) (BootyPirate)

    Lorohn Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (Rhewen)

    Tagrim Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Graoully)

    Khordum Ireheart (Line: Igor) (AGiantPie)

    Ober Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Toastersaurus)

    Ignas Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Symbiote_)

    Tormund Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Marcitos123)

    Korinth Ireheart (Line: Igor) (DwarfGuy45187)

    Darzian Ireheart (Line: Igor) (rickyjctv)

    Koldor Ireheart (Line: Igor) (IceBurgers)

    Loruhz Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (lpji)

    Sheamus Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Vladamire)

    Flora Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Muslimpotato)

    Volgrath Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Zeeman_)

    Akvar Ireheart (Line : Igor) (Vekrus)

    Vorgon Ireheart (Line : Olaf) (ADDB_98)

    Dwalorn Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (1234onyou)

    Kragor Ireheart (Line: Kragor) (Kahzo)

    Korin Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (armyandrew)

    Parathak Ireheart (Line: Roggar) (WheatleyLabs777)

    Brokkr Ireheart (Line: Igor) (RyanRisk)

    Gavyn Ireheart (Line: Igor) (CookieSycthe)

    Rikken Ireheart (Line: Roggar) (lcflaherty97)

    Ovhak Ireheart (Line: Dreek)  (Ripper101)

    Eode Ireheart (Line:Igor) (mririshboys)

    Faranger Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (eviltoaster48625)

    Brihg Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (CubeCrusher99)

    Dorgrof Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (tubacowboy)

    Aldrick Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (Valkrae)

    Eileen Ireheart (Line: Igor) (lionkopa99)

    Dain Ireheart (Line: Igor) (ggteixeira)

    Elnar Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Bockhead)

    Thrakan Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (Honey_view)

    Borkatek Ireheart (Line: Kragor) (moocow987)

    Frikal Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Firenoah12)

    Rion Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Akiriza)

    Gilkas Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (CastorODeath)

    Shael Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (Shaeles)

    Falent Ireheart (Line: Roggar) (Bungo_)

    Eirik Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (223hero7)

    Ljornostr Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (putrarch90)

    Kagnar Ireheart (Line: Igor) (XBinxX)

    Balmore Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (Terriblegecko80)




    Donaafr Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (greener161)

    Vorstag Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Sgt_Kipples)

    Oratus Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (Ikea17)

    Thrain Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Frott)

    Dreek Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (30326)

    Igor Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Lefty_Bojengles)

    Kjell Ireheart (Line: Kjell) (Charles_Grimlie)

    Derenf Ireheart (Line:Dreek) (Ikea17)

    Vorstag Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Sgt_Kipples)

    Urir Ireheart (Line: Urir) (Goldrim)

    Vanyra Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (JameiG)

    Helgret Ireheart (Line: Igor) (bov61)

    Krator Ireheart (Line: Dreek) (sneakyclownz1)

    Bugbum Ireheart (Line: Olaf) (_XI_)

    Yef Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Yefok)

    Lynette Ireheart (Line: Valia) (Themeparkkid)

    Skarg Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Aquilian_Ranger)

    Kelgrim "Killjoy" Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Fitermon)

    Rorlar Ireheart (Line: Igor) (5ftmidget)

    Rurik Ireheart (Line: Igor) (JameiG)

    Grunmundwingimdukr Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Cpt_Noobman)

    Harek Ireheart (Line: Igor) (Raomir)

    Wall of the Shamed


    The wall of the Shamed are those who have gone against the tenets and have broken their ties with the Clan. Dwarves who have done these acts are dubbed Heretics to the way of the Irehearts and are executed in most cases.



    Abandoned the clan in attempt to join a clan of cave dwarves. Executed.




    MC Name:

    Character Name:

    Character Age:



    Bloodline - Feel free to contact Gror (MCPancakes)for help:

    Define who you shall be related to inside the bloodline (E.g, Son of ___, grandson of ___ etc):

    Do you agree to follow the Clan Tenets OOC’ly and IC’ly and face the consequences for their breaking?:

    Do you have Teamspeak?:

    Do you have Skype? (If yes put in your skype name or send it to me through a pm):

    Image of the skin you intend to use:


  4. Gror Ireheart watches from behind a bush in front of Johannesburg. He watches as the Grand King is dragged through the mud, his royal clothes being grossly defiled by the Orenian dogs. Gror rises from behind the bush, he approaches the gate as if to sneak in but is quickly shut out. Desperate to find another way in, he makes his way to the rear of the palace in time to hear Algoda's final words, "This changes nothing." the Dwed hears. Gror listens intently to the following silence until it is interrupted by a thud, followed by screaming. Algoda's cries of agony were like nails across a chalkboard to Gror. He falls against the wall, his hand on his chest as he listens to the thuds smash against Algoda's person until they cease. All the while, the screams echoing in his head.

  5. Minecraft name(s): MCPancakes


    • Skype ID: you got it


    • Timezone: PST


    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? No


    • Where do you grab inspiration from? Elder Scrolls Series, Fallout Series, Witcher Series, Dragon Age Series, Mass Effect Series, SW:TOR, World of Warcraft


    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a event team member? My current characters are Duren and Gror. I would be willing to sacrifice time with any of my characters to bring events to the community.


    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain. The events I produce would have a wide spectrum when it comes to the audience. I have experience in playing all of the races at least once and I believe I am equipped to handle any races events. If I had to pick one race than I would likely select Dwarves simply because I see a lack of consistent events there and I feel as though it'd be an interesting experience as an ET.


    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event? Events must be carefully thought out, making the key factors somewhat difficult to put your finger on. The event must capture the players attention and retain it and it must actively involve everybody in the event area. Event lines must consistently flow and make sense to the people participating in it. A successful event isn't always a large one either, smaller events can still hold some amazing RP experiences for the group of players. It is also important to take the players opinions/ideas into consideration so its more enjoyable for them. Events must also incorporate lore in an efficient way. It should introduce players to things they might not have seen before and allow them to learn more about the lore.


    • What strengths could you contribute to the event department? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? I consider myself to be very good at organizing things due to previous experiences that required I be good at that sort of thing. I consider myself to be a good roleplayer as well as being fair while taking part in roleplay. I also take an interest in the lore of the server and consider myself to  rather knowledgeable on certain topics. If accepted into the ET, I realize that I may have to sacrifice time on my own characters, which is something I am willing to do.


    • Why do you want to be part of the ED? I want to enhance players experiences on the server and make it a better one. I believe that events are a very big part of what makes this server so enjoyable at times and it is important to create quality events for the playerbase to enjoy. I hope to encourage players to focus on the RP aspect of this server not just the PvP.


    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the managers and the lead, not to the community. Note: not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.


      Hide contents

    Event for 3-6 Players


    " Bird of Many Feathers "


    A small group of players is approached by a man claiming to have spotted a large bird in the area. After brief conversation with the man, he reveals to them a feather from the bird. The feather appears to be very colorful. The man claims he attained the feather when I fell as the bird flew by him. After revealing the feather to them, the man would take out a map of the area and mark down where he sighted the bird. He tells the group that he will stay here and wait for them to return. The group gathers their things and heads out to find the bird. As they make their way down the road, they begin to hear screeching echoing around them. Upon arrival at the scene, they discover the bird has attacked and killed a young man. Should the players decide to inspect the body they would find that the injuries sustained are brutal. Talons and a sharp, hooked beak appear to have completely ripped the man apart. While the players are busy inspecting the body, a loud screech is heard nearby. The large Simorgh flies over the area, its large wingspan creating shadows over the group. Due to the birds aggressive nature it immediately identifies the group as a threat near its nesting area. The Simorgh swoops in to attack, its talons outstretched. The group would attempt to fight off the bird. After a while the Simorgh would attempt to escape by flying away. Should the group succeed in killing the bird they would return to find the man no longer where they left him. If the group fails, the Simorgh will escape and could possibly lead to another event.


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    Event for 6-12 Players


    " The Minotaur and the Thief " (Optimal experience with two ET members)


    A cloaked man approaches a group of 12 in Johannesburg. He informs them of a bounty that they might want to take up. The bounty is for a known thief who has caused strife in Oren for years now. The cloaked stranger also tells them that the thief was hiding out in a cave near Johannesburg. The group is led out into the swamps in Orenian lands in search of the thief. The group stumbles upon the cave where the criminal is suspected to have taken refuge. It is under the trunk of a large tree. Six members of the party successfully enter however their entrance triggers a trap, causing the dirt to fall and block the entrance. With the group separated, they now face different circumstances. (Group 1 will represent the group inside and Group 2 will represent the ones outside) Group 1 may try to escape the cave and dig themselves out however they would be unsuccessful do to the abundance of dirt and rocks covering the entrance. Group 2 is now left to face the horrors of the swamp. Group 1 ventures deeper into the cave and is met with bones and skulls that seem to be organized like trophies. They would have the opportunity to search the area. Upon further inspection of the room, they would find that one body is actually still alive. The thief they were searching for lies in the pile of bones, bleeding heavily from a gash on his torso. He tells them not to go further but before he can explain he passes out from exhaustion and bleeds out. Group 1 may continue further into the cave and discover that it is inhabited by a minotaur, a creature that kills for sport. The minotaur senses them due to its incredibly reliable sense of smell and hearing. He turns towards the group and looks around, not able to see them directly due to poor eyesight. The minotaur clicks his hoof against the ground, it appears he is using echolocation to find the members of the party. A battle ensues and the group will fight off the minotaur. Meanwhile, Group 2 sits outside the cave. They begin to hear noises around them in the dark of the swamps. They are then ambushed by spiders that have discovered their location. Group two fights the spiders and may have to venture into the swamp to find the source of the spiders and destroy it. Group 1 has now likely defeated the Minotaur, but they are still stuck inside the cave. Minotaurs are known to lay traps around their homes to defend against intruders. They find a hidden door at the rear of the cave, a way out! Yet when it is activated the cave begins to collapse in on itself. The players must quickly exit and make their way back above ground. They meet up with the other group as they are fighting off the spiders and they help them destroy the source.


      Hide contents

    Event for 15+ Players


    " Death's Door Part I "


    A group of players is informed about a mysterious house in the hills. Having been tasked with investigating the area they venture to find the location. On their way there, they discover a body on the road. Upon inspection of the corpse, they discover a note. A group member will read the letter aloud. The letter would inform the party that many people have been going missing in the area and it will give them the location of the house. Upon arrival, an eerie feeling would overcome the group. Should the group choose to enter the house, they would find it empty except for a single book on a table. The group decides to read the book and after muttering a few words a 'secret' door would open. The group continues downstairs into an underground cave where they find a necromancer in the middle of creating a ghoul. The group confronts the necromancer and asks him what he is doing etc. After a while the necromancer decides that he cannot allow them to leave. The necromancer orders his ghouls to attack he party in which the group would prepare to defend themselves. Zombies would be spawned to act as ghouls and the players would participate in a PvE battle. Should they succeed they find that the necromancer has escaped during the chaos but left behind his staff.


    " Death's Door Part II "



    A few days after the initial events that transpired in the event above, the group would receive news and find a possible lead on the necromancer. Deciding to follow it, they would set off into the nearby terrain in search of it. The lead they received told of a camp around the area that harbored bandits, criminals and refugees alike. The group decides to look into it further and upon arrival they would discover these rumors to be true. As the group overlooks the camp they are met by a patrol of soldiers heading into the camp. They may choose to try and talk their way in or fight them and use these bodies to their advantage. (The decisions here will effect the outcome of the event) For the sake of this example, we will assume they chose to talk their way inside. The patrol leads them in to meet with the camp leader who appears tall in stature and to be a seasoned warrior. He asks them what they want, obviously they wanted something as they were sneaking around his camp. He informs them that he in fact was in search of a necromancer that had been raising the corpses of his deceased soldiers. The camp leader suggests that they may be looking for the same necromancer and hints that they might want to work together. He takes them around the camp and reveals to them that his party has been tracking the necromancer for weeks now and that their trail finds them here. After touring the camp, the group is interrupted by a scream from the front gate, followed by ringing bells and shouting. The camp leader rushes to the gate, weapon in hand and asks the group to follow him. As they arrive at the gate, they would find that the necrotic beings created by the necromancer have attacked a few guards. The group will then engage in an RP fight with whatever weapons they have at their disposal; magic, sword, bow, etc. After killing off the necrotic creatures, they return to the camp. The camp leader thanks them for their help and informs them that he will contact them should he find anything new on the necromancer. The group returns to their native city and awaits contact from the camp leader.

    • How long do you plan to stay on the ED? As long as I am able to.


    • Tell me a joke! What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef

  6. Name: Gror Ireheart

    Subrace: Mountain Dwarf

    Age: 181

    Prefered Weapon: War Axe

    Profession: Blacksmith, Enchanter, Woodworker and Leatherworker

    Patron God: Dungrimm



    Skype: you got it

    Do you have TS: Yes

  7. Application


    What is ye name? Gror Ireheart

    How active are you in the kingdom? ((How long you are online each day/week))- Lots

    What god do ye worship the most? (( Who is your patron god? Please read up on the relevant information under "The Brathmordakin".)) Dungrimm


    ((What is your skype name? This is not required however if you give it you'll be added to the eventual Dwarven clergy chat.)) You got it

  8. Word reaches Duren while on his vacation. He chuckles and quickly begins writing a letter home.


    "My dearest friend Kerwyr, I did after all honor the honor duel without hesitation. You claim to love Frostbeards yet you talk **** and slander to the public. You have before said that you will never raise blade against another Frostbeard. You used those words to gain the support of Dewlox. Yet here you claim to hesitate to spare me. Funny how your claims and promises fall apart when you aren't using them to snake people. However it is indisputable that you have won and I have done nothing but give you the title and artifacts as promised. Not with hate but with a show of undeniable peace. Yet I receive news that you slander me to everyone? A strange thing to do to someone you practically begged to stay and requested I convince my kinsmen to stay as well. If this job is so hard as you claim, allow me to alleviate some stress. Attached you should find many banishment notices that I have written for you, when I heard that it would be so hard for you, I decided to do my part and help out."


    [!] As mentioned in the letter notices are written for Duren, Dimlin  Darek, Rorry, Khordaldrum, Azkel, Galdryn, and a few others. Also attached is a postcard from Haria. The painting would depict the group of black haired Dwarves with their thumbs up.

  9. Duren chuckles lightly as the Frostslavs gather outside.


    "You would have me put a traitor on the throne simply because he is your relative. Kerwyr took away half of the clans votes because they would've supported my claim. We shall see what happens lads."


    With his final words, Duren rises and calls to his side the loyalists and the Frostbeards who were deprived of their votes in the election, now making themselves the majority of Clan Frostbeard.


  10.                                                                                rdpCdNf.png



    Clan Father Duren Frostbeard stands before the majority of Frostbeard dwedmar. He clears his throat before speaking. "My kinsmen, this vote concerning Kerwyr challenging my Clan Fathership is now called off. I was not in my right midnset when I said I would do this. Kerwyr entered my clan hall today and pranced around spewing nonsense about me not being a true Frostbeard. Yet here I stand holding the Axe of Kazulrah, unharmed by its enchantments. This axe causes damage to the hands of anyone not of Frostbeard blood. He sat his heretical ass on my throne and threw about claims of being Clan Father and how Wyvrunn would select the true Clan Father. He threatened me and attempted to usurp my place as Clan Father. This act of treason against the Clan and Clan Father cannot go unpunished. My question to myself is why I would let a traitor run against me as Clan Father. After conferring with the Clan Elders... a majority of them have agreed with my findings. I realize some of you supported Kerwyr but this act may not go unpunished. When we sat down to talk about a vote, I wanted the entire clan to have a say. Immediately he started to scratch off names of dwedmar that would dare to support my claim. That is when I began to question why this was considered. He betrayed his Clan Father and the Clan, therefore he should not be permitted to be nominated for the position of Clan Father. Some may be disappointed but I assure you I will not allow treason against this Clan." With his final words Duren seats himself on his throne. He gazes into the fire before him and sighs, "I will not tolerate betrayal of kin. I cannot believe I even considered this after Rhewen disowned him, I should've known."



    From this day forward Kerwyr Frostbeard is banished from Clan Frostbeard. He is stripped of all his "titles" and he will no longer hold the name Frostbeard. He forfeits any claim to the name Frostbeard. He has disgraced our clans values and has thrown away reason in an attempt to usurp the Clan Father. Let this be a sign to all that the proud clan of Frostbeard will not tolerate treacherous behavior.


    ((Written in common for ease of reading))

  11. On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 11:14 PM, z3m0s said:

    After many days of Grojak's return and little to no sign of Clan father Tarron in the forest dwarf city Grojak had now brought to life, he wondered of Tarron's capabilities, whether he was capable of Clan father or if Grojak, as his father did before him, must take the place of Clan father and serve his people as their leader...


    16 hours ago, sullincollivan said:

    "Oi've got tah agree with Grojak, I 'aven't seen much of Tarron.  Grojak's got my favor fer Clan Father"


    On ‎10‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 8:48 AM, Idlesoul said:

    Thorano, while working on the farms nearby is able to the see the booming activity of the reconstructed forest dwarf city, as the months went by  he saw an unforgetable figure, Grojak, one day he got tired of watching from the farm, left his hoe on a table and started going down the hill. He introduced himself and he heard a whole lot of stories of Grojak's adventures. He noticed that the old abandoned tower had turned into a sanctuary for all forest dwarfs, elfs, kha's and perhaps some druids could come some day too!

    Grojak has Thorano's favor on his claim to the "Clan Father" tittle he rightfullly deserves. 



    Duren Frostbeard sits wondering how these few dwed have somehow known what Grojak was wondering. They must have somehow read his mind with dark magic! Heretical acts will not be tolerated!

  12.                                                                 OOC


    MC Name: MCPancakes

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged):




    Your Name: Mulduir

    Your Race: Wood Elf

    Your Age: 158

    Do you own a home in Norseth’onn?: No


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?: No


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Axios?: Yes

  13. 19 hours ago, Jaeden said:

    The application looks good, and I like the event ideas. However, I'm hoping that you'd be open-minded to expanding your events to groups other than the Dwarves. We already have quite a few ET fairly involved with them, and unless that changes, I'd like some other races to have a go too.


    19 hours ago, Sky said:

    You have a decent idea, and as long as you venture away from specifically just dwarf events, I can see you as a good addition.


    Thank you both for the feedback! You bring up a valid point and as I stated in the application I do have some prior experience with other races and would be more than interested in branching out to give them events they enjoy.

  14. Minecraft name(s): MCPancakes


    • Skype ID: will provide over PMs


    • Timezone: PST


    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? No


    • What MMORPG/video games have you/do you play (past and present)? Elder Scrolls Series, Fallout Series, Witcher Series, Dragon Age Series, Mass Effect Series, SW:TOR, World of Warcraft


    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a event team member? My current character is Duren Frostbeard... I have two other slots that I would be willing to sacrifice for the purpose of an event.


    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain. The events I produce would have a wide spectrum when it comes to the audience. I have experience in playing all of the races at least once and I believe I am equipped to handle any races events.


    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event? The key factors to any event are rather simple. The event must capture the players attention and retain it and it must actively involve everybody in the event area. Event lines must consistently flow and make sense to the people participating in it. A successful event isn't always a large one either, smaller events can still hold some amazing RP experiences for the group of players. It is also important to take the players opinions/ideas into consideration so its more enjoyable for them.


    • What strengths could you contribute to the event department? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? I consider myself to be very good at organizing things due to previous experiences that required I be good at that sort of thing. I also read a lot about the lore before doing something involving it. If it happens to be something I dont know much about I make it a priority to read up on it before hand. I have also experienced bad events. I think from the perspective of the average player


    • Why do you want to be part of the ED? I want to enhance peoples experience on the server and make it a better one. I believe that events are a very big part of what makes this server so enjoyable at times and it is important to create quality events for the playerbase to enjoy.


    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the managers and the lead, not to the community. Note: not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.



    Event for 3-6 Players


    A small group of players is approached by a man claiming to have spotted a large bird in the area. After brief conversation with the man, he reveals to them a feather from the bird. The feather appears to be very colorful. The man claims he attained the feather when I fell as the bird flew by him. After revealing the feather to them, the man would take out a map of the area and mark down where he sighted the bird. He tells the group that he will stay here and wait for them to return. The group gathers their things and heads out to find the bird. As they make their way down the road, they begin to hear screeching echoing around them. Upon arrival at the scene, they discover the bird has attacked and killed a young man. Should the players decide to inspect the body they would find that the injuries sustained are brutal. Talons and a sharp, hooked beak appear to have completely ripped the man apart. While the players are busy inspecting the body, a loud screech is heard nearby. The large Simorgh flies over the area, its large wingspan creating shadows over the group. Due to the birds aggressive nature it immediately identifies the group as a threat near its nesting area. The Simorgh swoops in to attack, its talons outstretched. The group would attempt to fight off the bird. After a while the Simorgh would attempt to escape by flying away. Should the group succeed in killing the bird they would return to find the man no longer where they left him. If the group fails, the Simorgh will escape and could possibly lead to another event.



    Event for 6-12 Players


    Some Dwarves are sitting in the tavern enjoying a few ales and talking when all of the sudden a farmer frantically rushes in. The farmer explains to the Dwarves that something has been stealing his sheep at night. He claims that every night a few sheep disappear and now he has hardly any left on his farm. The group agrees to help the farmer so he leads them to the farm. Upon arrival, the farmer would find his house caved in. It would appear it was smashed inwards. The farmer runs to his home, he digs through the rubble and appears upset at the destruction of his farm. Upon further inspection of the area, the Dwarves would find very large footprints leading into the nearby mountains. The Dwarves follow the tracks for a while before they come to a small camp. The coals are still hot and bones and sheep remains are scattered around the area. The footprints lead further into the mountains until they reach a cave. The stench of the cave is nearly unbearable and the heat from it is extremely uncomfortable. Should the group choose to enter the cave they would find the sheep and a troll. The troll would question why they are in his cave and the group is faced with either fighting the troll head on or trying to trick it. After defeating the troll one way or the other, the group will have the option to take the sheep back to the farmer. The farmer thanks them and gives them a token of his gratitude.



    Event for 15+ Players


    A group of players is informed about a mysterious house in the hills. Having been tasked with investigating the area they venture to find the location. On their way there, they discover a body on the road. Upon inspection of the corpse, they discover a note. A group member will read the letter aloud. The letter would inform the party that many people have been going missing in the area and it will give them the location of the house. Upon arrival, an eerie feeling would overcome the group. Should the group choose to enter the house, they would find it empty except for a single book on a table. The group decides to read the book and after muttering a few words a 'secret' door would open. The group continues downstairs into an underground cave where they find a necromancer in the middle of creating a ghoul. The group confronts the necromancer and asks him what he is doing etc. After a while the necromancer decides that he cannot allow them to leave. The necromancer orders his ghouls to attack he party in which the group would prepare to defend themselves. Zombies would be spawned to act as ghouls and the players would participate in a PvE battle. Should they succeed they find that the necromancer has escaped during the chaos but left behind his staff.

    • How long do you plan to stay on the ED? As long as I can or until an IRL conflict causes me to be unable to continue or hinders others.


    • Tell me a joke! What did the fish say when he swam into a wall? Dam.

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