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Posts posted by Pancakehz

  1. The Oath

    MC Name: Sinzu123

    RP Name: Torgar

    Skype (optional): kaaprohiiri

    Why do you wish to join the Hammerfist Clan?: For honor and Valor

    Do you swear to uphold the Hammerfist ideals and values?: Yes, of course.

    Time Zone (optional): EET I think

    Accepted to Clan Hammerfist, welcome to the clan!

  2. OOC

    MC Name: Sinzu123

    Skype Username: kaaprohiiri

    Do you have Teamspeak: On my other computer yes.



    Name: Torgar

    Age: 26

    Race: Dwarf

    Warband: None currently

    Prior Merits and Services: Fighting, Blacksmithing and Mining i guess.

    You are accepted into The Legion of Urguan.

     GrudgeBeard Duren Hammerfist

  3. The Oath

    MC Name: o_daxton_o

    RP Name: Liroken

    Skype (optional): (blank)

    Why do you wish to join the Hammerfist Clan?: I was invited and i also would like to enjoy some good rp

    Do you swear to uphold the Hammerfist ideals and values?: I swear

    Time Zone (optional): Eastern Standard

    Accepted to Clan Hammerfist, welcome to the clan!

  4. MC name: MCPancakes

    Character's name and age: Duren Hammerfist, 359



    Character’s Race: Dwarf

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/130044-student-fire-evocation/

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Fire Evocation


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic: Fire Evocation is the summoning of fire from the void. This particular form of evocation, while mainly used for combat, is also used outside of combat. Some mages may use it to keep themselves warm or to heat up water. Fire Evocation, as stated in the Fire Evocation Guide, is the most simplistic form of Arcane Magic. While the fire summoned from the void appears as a real fire, it is in fact a 'fake' fire. This also means that the mage wielding Fire Evocation has no control over elements in the real world. It is important however that the mage using Fire Evocation has a basic understanding of the element before attempting to summon it. How does it feel? What does it do? How is it made? What does it look or smell like? These are all aspects that go into the summoning of fire from the void. As studies and practice of the evocation progresses, the use of it becomes easier. One who is not experienced in the type of evocation may feel fatigue or sometimes fall unconscious. While a master of that evocation would feel little more then a slight fatigue, depending on how strenuous the task performed is. Mages that use Fire Evocation must also be careful when doing so, as the mage can feel the heat of the fire, therefore putting them at risk for burns. One must learn to control the element before trying to summon it. A mage must stay concentrated to continue evocating the flame as well as have a line of sight to evocate and keep his evocated flame. Without this line of sight, no flame can be evocated and losing the line of sight will cause the flame to dissipate.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):

    Red = Duren
    Yellow = Student

    Duren would enter the city of Kal'Akash to meet his student, arriving he sees them waiting by The Dancing Igor

    "G'day lad, ets yer first day o' trainin', suh weh will begin wif the basics."

    The student nods as they prepare to follow Duren

    The pair would exit the city and head for the mountain path. They would begin the treacherous path up to the peak of the mountain. As they traveled up the mountain, snow would fall on their heads, Duren then pulls his hood over his head as they near the peak.

    "Ah've brought yeh up 'ere for uhn reason lad."

    "And that is?"

    "Listen." said Duren as he stood at the peak staring out over the horizon

    "I don't hear anything..."

    "Exactleh!! Ets the perfect place tuh meditate."

    Duren sits for a moment in complete silence. His left hand is twitching slightly and he winces for a moment as if he were in pain. A few moments later, a small ball of fire appears before Duren

    The flame is bright and red in color. It lets off a faint smell of charcoal and the heat felt from it is very hot. The student sits and observes the flame in awe as the fire dissipates and returns to the void.

    "That was amazing!"

    "Dat was nothin' lad, onleh the basics o' Fire Evocation. Dere are a few steps yeh must take before summonin' fire from the void. The first o' which, es meditation. Fire Evocation is a dangerous tool, suh yeh must beh properleh prepared fer et."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Meditation es used fer t'ree t'ings. Et expands yer mana pool, prepares your mind and body fer enterin' teh void, an' et builds yer concentration. Mana es teh energy used tuh summon fire from teh void. The more mana yeh 'ave, teh longeh yeh can use teh evocation. The more mana yeh use the more fatigue yuh will feel."

    "When do I begin meditation?"

    "Yeh will start now... ah want yeh tuh concentrate, clear yer moind."

    The student closes their eyes and attempts to enter a state of meditation. ((At this time the student can /roll to see if its a success, if the roll is a 15/20 or higher they succeed. In this scenario the student will roll an 18/20 and succeed))

    Duren nods as the student enters a state of meditation. He stands and makes his way to the other side of the student. He kneels down and places his hands by their head. With one swift motion, Duren claps his hands together, attempting to wake the student. ((At this time the student may roll again, the same rules apply. Do note that the /roll is simply used to determine success as a beginner. When the student reaches an adequate skill level, they may stop rolling. Rolling also allows for something interesting to happen in the lesson instead of a simple 'enter meditation' emote. In this scenario, the student will succeed in maintaining a stable meditation with a 16/20 roll.))

    Duren waits for the student to awake

    Soon after, the student would snap out of meditation

    "Well done lad, next toime weh meet, ah will present yuh wif different examples o' fire an' yuh will explain each one tuh meh. Yeh will describe 'ow et looks, feels, and smells."

    The two would make there way down the mountain and back to Kal'Akash

  5. Name: Duren Hammerfist

    Age: 359

    Race: Dwarf

    Previous Positions: Former Owner of The Flying Scott, Former Manager of The Dancing Igor, Worker in the Dancing Igor, Former Owner of A Roadside Shop

    Why should you be chosen: Based on my previous positions and experience I feel as if I can do well in this position. With ideas that I have I could bring more RP to the tavern and I have had good advice from successful tavern owners (Pikel). I have some events that I think could bring good RP to the city and I for one am a fan of good tavern RP and it irritates me when it isn't good.

    Previous Experience: I have worked and run a few taverns in my time on LOTC. I also have had experience in events for taverns considering I made posts for all of the former tavern managers events.

  6. By order of Clan Father Duren Hammerfist,

    Dimlin Hammerfist shall be honorably banished from Clan Hammerfist.

    He shall not inherit the name of Hammerfist.

    He shall no longer be permitted within the Clan Hall of the Hammerfists.

    He shall no longer be known as Dimlin Hammerfist, but as simply Dimlin.

    He shall be stripped of his title of Senator of Clan Hammerfist.

    His Elder status shall be revoked from him.


    Duren Hammerfist
    Farin Hammerfist
     Magar Hammerfist
    Hathrid Hammerfist

  7. OOC

    MC Name: MCPancakes

    Skype Username: you got it

    Do you have TeamSpeak: Yus



    Name: Duren Hammerfist

    Age: 358

    Race: Dwarf

    Warband: King's Warband (Hammerfist)

    Prior Merits and Services: Former Commander, Former Grand Marshal,  Legionnaire under Grand Marshal Jorik Grandaxe and Grand Marshal Belegar Ireheart, Former Officer in Da Khro Akvel

  8. Name: Duren Hammerfist

    Age: 358

    Race: Dwarf

    Previous Positions: Former Commander, Former Grand Marshal, Current Senator of Clan Hammerfist

    Why should you be chosen: I wish to help Urguan in any way I can, including economically. I also feel as if I can do a great job in this position and really help others around the kingdom. I also enjoy trade and other things involving the economy. I have run two shops and both have successfully brought in minas. I have run two taverns which have also brought in lots of money. I have experience with leadership positions as well which means I could put that to use when dealing with certain matters involving this job. I can connect with people to allow for bargaining in trades and such. I feel as if I could do a lot to help the Grand Kingdom.

    Previous Experience: I previously owned a tavern and I currently help manage The Dancing Igor. I have owned two shops before and both have been profitable.

  9. Duren Hammerfist receives news of Lakhram Minek and immediately begins writing.

    After a few hours he would send out letters calling forth the members of Clan Hammerfist to attend this celebration.

    Not long after, the sound of tables and chairs being moved is heard within the Hammerfist Clan Hall.

  10. The Oath

    MC Name:GastricPanda

    RP Name:Kuzmem Bristlebeard

    Skype (optional):gastricpenguin355

    Why do you wish to join the Hammerfist Clan?: Seems like a good clan, got a friend already in here.

    Do you swear to uphold the Hammerfist ideals and values?: Of course

    Time Zone (optional):Central Standard Time.

    Accepted, Welcome to Clan Hammerfist!!

  11. By order of the Senate of Hammers of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, this edict is hereby deemed unlawful by the Articles of Urguan and is therefore null and void. We also suggest that Gauldrim Irongut refer to the following: 


    Zahrer Irongrinder, Clan Father and Representative of Clan Irongrinder

    Duren Hammerfist, Clan Father and Representative of Clan Hammerfist

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