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Status Updates posted by magister

  1.  God I'm so out of my depth after my hiatus. I don't even know where to start  :O

  2. If someone happens to be a relatively high ranked enchanter, and wants to teach me for a LOT of minas, let me know....

    1. Rissing


      Find out rply, mate. ;)

    2. magister


      Tried for many hours yesterday. Even made a forum thread. Zero replies. Hard to reach who you need when they may be offline, or online but lost in the 100's of players.

    3. Rissing


      Well that's pretty much how it's in real life as well. ;) You don't find a job, school, ... in a day. Especially not when looking for Niche-stuff. Just my thought about it. But oocly trying to find contact is, for as far as I consider and remember, still a form of metagaming.
      But forum posts(rp) are indeed a good way to get some attention to it. Just try to throw one online during one of the primetimes (hours).

  3. Riders go in with 8, kill 20, leave with 5. Easy peasy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. magister


      Dunamis hired us, the Riders of the Mark. 

    3. Archbishop
    4. magister


      8 on the push, rest were skirmishing with bows.

      And the last two weren't full riders so I wasn't really counting them as part of the "actual" rider group.

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