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Status Updates posted by Mad_As_A_Hatter

  1. Good lord. I had forgotten how difficult it is to function in this server with no contacts. That's one of the thing i love about LOTC, but it can make leaving for a long time and returning very difficult. So begins the grind of finding players and characters I can interact with. 

    1. Privet


      If you play human characters speak with EddyTheBrave

      If you play a dwarf speak with JavaWizard

      If you play an Orc speak with Travista

      JavaWizard usually helps anyone, the other two are just depending on if they like you.

    2. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      If you play an Elf, speak to LeoWarrior14 or  FEARDAJEW

    3. Mrlollytime


      Come to the Sutican brawl fight to meet some new people. You can fight or watch, it's up to you but the rp is there for the taking. :) 


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