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Imam Faiz Kharadeen

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Status Updates posted by Imam Faiz Kharadeen

  1. Nikas wouldn't make it on this side, im nooooott new to this

  2. The forums get shittier and shittier.

  3. that was fun, i was last man standing!!! i wouldve lived forever if it wouldve let me equip my armor, sad face

  4. New Caliph of Khalestine, woooo

  5. im ready 2 *** that ass and goto jail

  6. oh i think that ive found myself a cheerleader

  7. shes always right there when i need her

  8. the status box sidebar thing has been conquered in the name of allah!!!

  9. glorious victory, this is why a jihad wins everything. stupid crusaders

  10. best appeal for using hacks tbh

  11. vote yes on proposition

  12. every ****** is a starrrr

  13. alright onslaughted, im bout to beat that ass like a turkey on christmas day in africa u candy cane lookin ass cupcake

  14. my youtube acc has a total accumulation of 1.4mil views and 3k subs, can i have special treatment pls

  15. are having a serious convo on lotc ts. join in

  16. help, im being abused for being black

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