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Imam Faiz Kharadeen

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About Imam Faiz Kharadeen

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/18/1995

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  • Minecraft Username

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  • Character Name
    Faiz Kharadeen, Ashruf Kaneen, Faragram Irongrinder, Goobly Fancyhat

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  1. Faiz wake up

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Get UUUuuuuuUuuuuUuuuuup

  2. yo faiz you got an early vailor map download?

  3. faiz its tristanx7 habibi pls add on discord

  4. hi, its Fristy#9077

    1. BathRugMan


      it don't work sir


  5. pm me your discord name pls

  6. thank you for coming back, hide the squirrels

  7. link doesn’t take me anywhere besides a error 404 page 😞
  8. hello, if anyone has a world download of Vailor that contains the city of al-wakhrah, ill pay you 10$ another 5$ if you have a download of athera that has al-dirahk on it thank you
  9. https://files.lordofthecraft.net/maps/ you might be able to find Vailor in here, not sure if it’s the version with al-wakrah


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FlemishSupremacy


      Yeah it seems to be down, maybe something to do with the recent forum troubles... 😞 this is kinda a pain for me, too.

    3. CrazyBigSpiders


      It looks like they killed the old machine that forums + misc stuff used to run on. Forums got migrated but they might not have migrated the other services.

      Edited by CrazyBigSpiders
    4. Your Stepdad

      Your Stepdad

      I got the map bro. Message me on discord Boom#0009

  10. Hi everyone Does anyone have a download to vailor map? More specifically the version that has al wakhrah in it? Thank you
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