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Imam Faiz Kharadeen

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Status Updates posted by Imam Faiz Kharadeen

  1. hello darkness my old friend

  2. mathic cycle lore, i thought it was a meme but turns out to be accepted lore. why??

  3. free my ****** pito444


  5. anyone have the lore post on southerons? (not farfolk)

  6. Everything in alwakhrah is unlocked, HAVE AT IT ALREADY

  7. gf, i got ganked hard today

  8. Oh, freedom, oh, freedom
    Oh, freedom over me
    And before Id be a slave
    Id be buried in my grave
    And go home to my Lord and be free

  9. guess the hummus are prepared to take their civil war one step further! those crazy orenian hummus! harharhar

  10. FREE MY N WORD PITO444!!!

  11. my weenie is way too small for MTV

  12. ready 4 the flame war

  13. **** the cavs, stupid as ****

  14. if these walls could talk

  15. some say i'm possessed, thats why allah's on my chest, im from southside so i throw up the S

  16. im coming home, im coming home, tell the world that im coming home

  17. i love it when things go boom

  18. kk so can staff remove 1.9 timer/pvp and do something? its literally obvious 1.9 pvp is the reason for all the lag

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