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Status Updates posted by z3m0s

  1. I just spent a day wondering why my skin wouldn’t update when I realized I setup a preset like a year ago and had to turn it off.

  2. If you do anything today, it should be to watch this.


  3. For christmas I asked for my lore items. . . Fk you santa

  4. Hope you party at Prom for eternity brother, rest easy.

  5. aPpLy FoR mOd 🤪


  6. Looking for 1.18.2 mods? Check out my post here for the easiest modding experience ever 👍


  7. Ornamentry - Ornamental and Elementary. Usually used as an insult - "This craft is Ornamentry."

  8. Aww sadge, I wanted to play Kong not George in the Jungle 😪

  9. Psst, take this


  10. Post it, coward! I need more! @Qizu

  11. Maaaan, that's craaazy.


  12. Josh3738 for Modmin (nothing against Khaldun)

  13. Good looking out, take this. . .


  14. Null Arcana? More like Null btches

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