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Posts posted by Sambosefus

  1. MC name: sambosefus


    Character's name and age: Gildun Treebeard 307


    Character’s Race: Forest Dwarf


    Link to your accepted magic application:Sambosefus' MA


    What magics do you desire to teach?:Nature's Control and Nature's Communion


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    The Druids gain their magic which they call the gifts by being attuned to The Aspects. This allows them to have an empathetic bond with all life around them. This allows for the type of magic known as Nature's Communion in which the druid connects to parts of nature and communes with it. This also causes what is called Control of Nature, but it is more like gifts of nature. In this style of magic the Druid communes with a specific thing and requests it to do something for him be it asking wheat to grow or a vine to coil around a person. Both of these gifts grow stronger as the Druid strengthens his connection to The Aspects. After attunement, communion is nearly impossible but later the Druid can commune with things without meditation and all animals will comply with his requests while a young druid might have trouble convincing a rather ornery crow to do something for him. As he progresses more he can even commune and make requests of seeds to spontaneously sprout a tree, although it would physically drain the druid from sheer effort. 


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    Communion: Gildun takes a seat next to a pond and instructs his student to do the same. "Take a deep breath and clear yer mind. Ye must begin meditation in order tae commune with the world around ye." he says watching the student do as he asks. "Now focus on the heartbeat of the world. Hear its drumbeat and listen tae its song. Ye will hear the whispers of the land grow louder as ye focus. Louder and clearer will they get until all is one and yer mind is in tune with nature's. Revel in this oneness as ye commune with the land around ye. Yer thoughts are its thoughts and its thoughts are yers. Yer desires and dreams and wishes are the same and yer mind becomes another blade o' grass or beetle scuttering around."


    Control: "Yer connection tae The Aspects is stronger now and ye can refine yer focus tae one living soul. Begin communing with nature and quickly now ah've not got all day! Now listen tae the harmonies and focus all o' yer mind on one song within the infinite chorus; the quietest song o' a lone seed within the grass. Commune with this seed and share yer mind and soul with it. Ask it tae grow, grow intae a beautiful and healthy flower. Share yer thoughts as though ye were trying tae grow yerself. Fantastic! Feel it grow before ye! The flower has grown strong and happy, and now ye understand the ways o' requesting nature tae assist ye in yer endless duties o' preserving the balance. Do not abuse yer gifts fer they are not toys tae be played with. Use them tae do yer duties and not fer cheap tricks."

  2. MC name: Sambosefus

    Character's name and age: Gildun Treebeard-300 Years Old


    Character’s Race: Forest Dwarf

    What magic/s did you learn?: Druidism( Nature's Communion and Control of Nature)


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: I was attuned in Thales so I have been a druid for a year and have been both self-taught through practice and taught by several others including various archdruids throughout my time.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Nature's Communion is the druid's way of connecting to all of the life around him. It gives him the ability to communicate with plants and animals. Without Communion there are no other druid magics. It is the connection to nature that allows the druid to heal with nature and control it. Control of Nature is the druid's ability to connect to nature and make requests such as rapidly growing a tree or crops, or asking an animal to help them in some way.

  3. I would prefer the downgrading of the undead and maybe having their appearance changed so that the more well known wouldn't be hunted down at every turn. I like the idea of them becoming less of an antagonist and more of a group of insane Iblees worshippers. If the decision is ultimately to eradicate them then perhaps you could do it gradually as the strongholds are removed until the final one is all that is left. That could provide some interesting rp. Oh and maybe make some new minions for him that do things differently.

  4. I agree with Geo, if the person you are (insert crime) isn't enjoying the roleplay and feels forced into it, then you need to rethink your techniques. Bad villains are ones that are only villains for themselves. There is someone behind that minecraft avatar that likes to have fun just as much as you do. Don't force them to grow bitter because of you.

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