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Posts posted by Sambosefus

  1. *Wilfred wanders into Lenfarthing, spotting a notice board. He quickly writes a note and pins it to the board.The note reads.*


    "Hello, my fellow halflings. I am Wilfred Longtoe and am new to Lenfarthing. I am a working man, and in need of a job, and will do any labor, for reasonable pay. Send me a bird if you have something you need."

  2. Minecraft Name:Sambosefus



    Skype Name (This may alternatively be PMed to be for privacy purposes): Sambosefus


    Applicant Name: Galdor Arcamenal


    Race and Age: Elven and 358

    What position are you applying for? (Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal): Librarian


    List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department: None, but I read books often and would love to help others read them as well


    Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences): I have a great love of books. I always try to increase my knowledge by reading tomes and books. Not only will I be able to collect books, I will also be able to help others increase their knowledge. I would love to help keep the books and make sure they are not stolen, damaged, or anything else horrible. I feel this also will allow me to find books I have never read, which always excites me.


    By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?: Yes

  3. Your Name:  Durakk Irongut


    Your Age:102


    Your Race: Dwarf

    Are you wishing to join the college as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?: Student, but Pilgrim until a teacher can teach meh.


    If joining as a mage, clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is: N/A


    What affinity of magic are you skilled in? N/A


    (( OOC:


    MC Name: Sambosefus


    When did you join the server?: Around two weeks ago


    If applying as a mage, link any currently approved MAs unless grandfathered: N/A


    If applying as a mage, list your magic type and tier: N/A

  4. Given name(RP name): Durakk Irongut




    (Skype name if you have one):  Sambosefus




    True name(MC name): Sambosefus




    Race: Dwarf




    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?): Nae, ah want tah learn.




    If so what form of magic ye use?:N/A




    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: O' course.




    All applying will be apply for the applicant position. However should you pass that stage what profession might you take on? Note that if you want to learn magic you must speak to a Delver Arcanist personally:  Delver hand as ah cook.




    What combat skills have ye?  Skilled wit an axe.




    Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye

    would respond:






    1.) You come across a massive ruin of ancient design,

    strange sounds and lights emanate from within.  Durakk Irongut blinks heavily. He takes a peek inside the ruin. He runs back to the Delver Keep. "Everyone! Ah found a ruin! It's got lights an sounds common from it!" The Delvers go to the ruin and search it for artifacts.






    2.)While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures

    in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out

    what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact". Durakk Irongut eavesdrops. "This artifact is in a ruin to the north a ways." says one man. Durakk gets up and leaves. He begins heading towards where the man said the ruin was. He comes upon the ruin and begins to delve into it. Hours later Durakk finds the artifact and heads home. Once out he sees the two men, they notice he has the artifact and attack him. Durakk pulls out his axe and fights them, but since he is outnumbered he loses the fight and the artifact.






    3.)Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a

    masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a

    necromancer. Durakk Irongut walks up. "Oi, what ye harrassin' 'im about? The masked man says "This man is a necromancer, help me kill him!" The hooded man says "I am not a necromancer! I am just a mage!" Durakk shoves the masked man onto the ground. "Ye best not be attacking folks just cause they look suspicious." "Now run off." The masked man runs off. "Thank ye master dwarf, I don;t know why he thought I was a necromancer." says the hooded man. "Well, get home then." Durakk says. The hooded man runs off.

  5. MC Name:Sambosefus
    RP Name: Durakk Irongut
    How skilled are you in regards to smithing? Never smiffed before, I want tah learn.
    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice? Ahm great wif an axe.

    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): (IC) Oi always wanted to be a smif and Oi met Dormin Doomforge, who told meh to join this to b'come a 'pprentice. Oi am a moiner who always wanted to smif 'is own weapons. As well as maybe, bein' an apprentice tah Farren Starbreaker 'imself. Most of mah clan loikes magic, but Oi always liked smifin more. This seems tah be mah only way ah learnin. Oi would love tah open mah own smiff one day.
    What Will You Add to the Guild? Ah can furthah tha guild
    How active are you on the server? 3-5 hours a day.


  6. Minecraft Account Name: Sambosefus


    How old are you?: 14


    Time-Zone: Central


    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes


    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Various servers.


    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Looked up an RP server.


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: 


    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Yes


    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: yes






    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:




    Role-playing: Taking the role of a fictional person/character in a fictional world and acting as they would.


    Meta-gaming: Taking information gathered OOC and using it IC. Example: Someone inside a building and you hear them (Which is impossible) and they say they are going to kill you, and then you kill them first, even though your character has no reason.


    Power-emoting: Doing something in role-play that doesn't allow a person to react, and instantly kills them or something of the sort. Example: Durakk lunges at the bandit and stabs him through the heart and kills him instantly.




    In-Character Information:


    Complete the following biography on your character:




    Full Name: Durakk Irongut




    Current Age: 40




    Sub-race (if any): Cavern Dwarf




    Clan (if any): Irongut 




    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):  Durakk was born into the Irongut clan in Kal' Azgoth. He was born to Thonar Irongut. Son of Skippy, Son of Algrim. His father was a blacksmith, although not a very accomplished one. He loved his son though and taught him, from the day he was born to the day he died, to cherish gold, and money. When Durakk was young he asked his father in a note where he got all of the things he smelted into tools and weapons. His father told him that there were people deep underground called miners. He said that they dug up minerals and gemstones, for him to make things out of. Durakk thought this was interesting. He told his father in another note that he wanted to be a miner and that he was going to mine supplies for his father. His father was proud that he showed such ambition from such an early age. His father encouraged him no matter what.        When Durakk was in adolescence his father gave him his first pickaxe made of stone. He told Durakk to go down to the mines and mine some stone to get some practice. He mined stone and stone only for months, when he decided he would mine coal. He mined coal rather well, he was happy that he now mined something other than stone. He showed his father that he mined some coal. His father told him that if he cold mine coal that he could mine iron. This excited Durakk. He rushed to the mine. He mined every bit of iron he could find. He came back and his father made him an iron pickaxe. He loved the pickaxe, it was his favorite and he never let it break.        Years passed, and Durakk was mining gold, lapis lazuli, and redstone. He mined everyday hoping that he would find diamond. They eluded him no matter how much he searched. When one day when he was 34 he found diamonds. He jumped for joy and rushed over to mine them. He came back and showed his father. His father told him that he was now a full miner. Durakk enjoyed this and left a note to his father that he would go traveling for a small while. He went to some human cities and some elven cities. He decided to come back when he was 40. He packed his things and began heading for Kal' Azgoth. Thats where our story leaves off, Durakk on his way home.




    Ambitions for the future: Durakk wants to become the richest man in Kal'Azgoth, as long as he doesn't dishonor his clan.




    Personality: He is a simple dwarf. He just wants to honor his clan, while getting as rich as possible. He is kind, but rude at times. He has a lot of pride, and will never take a handout. He loves drinking and eating with his clan. The clan is the most important part of his life. He is a gruff man and grunts instead of speaking due to being mute. If he finds gold or diamonds whilst mining he will go for them no matter the danger. He wants to marry a good lass to continue the family line. He isn't proud of being a descendant of Heron, the betrayer who tried to raise the undead Dwain, but he cannot help his blood. He doesn't like talking about that part of his blood line. Why he couldn't have been a descendant of Draco, he doesn't know, but he accepts it.




    Skills: He is a great miner, and can drink any man under the table, considering he is an Irongut. He is also good with an axe and will serve the dwarven army in the name of the Ironguts.




    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):post-61361-0-07278600-1373972546_thumb.p


    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He is mute, so he cannot speak. He must communicate with notes, and nods.






    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.






    1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds of Kalos you see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are on. There is a very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but it is the only way to access the deposit. What do you do?




    Answer: I stare at the diamonds. My eyes go wide. My jaw drops to the floor. I start jumping up and down. I keep jumping until I notice my only way over. My joy is quickly ended. I am a bit worried, but diamonds are diamonds. I can't just pass them up. I walk over to the rocky bridge, and dropped some gear. I needed to be light if I were to cross the bridge. I slide across the bridge on my stomach as to spread out my weight. I got halfway across, when I looked back. The bridge was coming down from behind me. I stood up and ran to the diamonds. I dove to the edge. I made it to the diamonds and collected them. I looked back and realized I had no way across to my things, or even back home. I sat down with my diamonds, and stared at the bottom of the ravine wondering if I would ever get home. I sat there for hours when I heard my father coming. I stood and jumped up and down to get his attention. He saw me and asked me "How did ye get 'ere?" I looked at him with a somewhat sarcastic look, considering I couldn't answer. "Roight", he said. "Well, I'll get ye some 'elp." He came back with Dominic. "Wha' is he doin o'er thur?", he asked my father. "I haven't the sligh'est.", said my father. "Well, I guess I'll get em." So Dominic came and got me and when they got me home they asked me what happened, and I wrote that I found diamonds but the bridge collapsed. My father and Dominic chuckled. "I guess 'at's a respectable reason to get stuck on a ledge!" said Dominic. Well, you're probably knackered." said my father."You should git to bed." I went to sleep and got up the next morning and went a mined some more.




    2. You are sitting in the local tavern with a large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby you is a rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad time. He is crying to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer toy. In the other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand up, one with a small dagger in his hand and begin to approach the young dwarf. What do you do?




    Answer: I look at the two men I realize that the young dwarf is one of our allies. I get the attention of one of my kinsmen and point out the two men. He says "Hey 'ey look like they gonna  'tack 'im." then we stand up. I follow his lead. He confronts the two men, about what they are doing. "Oi, ye be'er not be tryin to 'urt 'im." "'Ats none o' your business." they say. "I believe it is." says my kinsmen.  I nod. The man with a knife grabs me and holds the knife to my throat. My kinsmen grabs the man and throws the knife to the ground. The man punches him in the jaw and a fight breaks out. I hold my ground against one but my kinsmen is having trouble. I knockout the one I was fighting but my friend is still getting beaten. I step in and help him but the man dodges my punch and I hit a man behind him. All of his kinsmen jump in and we have an all out bar brawl on our hands. I wake up the next morning, everyone in the bar is battered and bruised. I didn't remember who won or who lost, I just knew that I was in serious pain. I stir my friend and he gets up. "Who won?" he asks. I shrug and we limp back to the clan hall.




    3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you hear a voice call out to you; “Oi, ye’! C’mere n’ get ye’rself an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily bearded bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his face, and a mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?




    Answer: I smile. I recognize the man as the owner of the Kal'Azgoth Tavern. I walk over to him and take the mug out of his hand. We walk on over to the tavern. "Ye' know, I had a reason for findin ye." he says. "I need a favor." He explains. "I need ye to get me some iron, I'm runnin a bit low." he told me. "There was a bar fight last night, many of me mugs were broken, I need the iron to brace the new mugs." I asked him why pick me when there were many miners in the city. "I owe your family a favor, and I figured you could use the business. Look I'll pay you 100 minas per ingot, alroight?. I agreed to the deal. I wandered down to the mine and in no time I found a vein of ore. I mined it and got it smelted into ingots. I brought it to the man and he paid me in full. I took the money and went back to clan hall and counted my minas.


    Any other details you wish to share about your character:

  7. Minecraft Account Name: Sambosefus


    How old are you?: 14


    Time-Zone: Central


    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes


    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Various servers.


    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Looked up an RP server.


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: 


    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Yes


    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: yes






    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:




    Role-playing: Taking the role of a fictional person/character in a fictional world and acting as they would.


    Meta-gaming: Taking information gathered OOC and using it IC. Example: Someone inside a building and you hear them (Which is impossible) and they say they are going to kill you, and then you kill them first, even though your character has no reason.


    Power-emoting: Doing something in role-play that doesn't allow a person to react, and instantly kills them or something of the sort. Example: Durakk lunges at the bandit and stabs him through the heart and kills him instantly.




    In-Character Information:


    Complete the following biography on your character:




    Full Name: Durakk Irongut




    Current Age: 40




    Sub-race (if any): Cavern Dwarf




    Clan (if any): Irongut 




    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):  Durakk was born into the Irongut clan in Kal' Azgoth. He was born to Thonar Irongut. Son of Skippy, Son of Algrim. His father was a blacksmith, although not a very accomplished one. He loved his son though and taught him, from the day he was born to the day he died, to cherish gold, and money. When Durakk was young he asked his father in a note where he got all of the things he smelted into tools and weapons. His father told him that there were people deep underground called miners. He said that they dug up minerals and gemstones, for him to make things out of. Durakk thought this was interesting. He told his father in another note that he wanted to be a miner and that he was going to mine supplies for his father. His father was proud that he showed such ambition from such an early age. His father encouraged him no matter what.        When Durakk was in adolescence his father gave him his first pickaxe made of stone. He told Durakk to go down to the mines and mine some stone to get some practice. He mined stone and stone only for months, when he decided he would mine coal. He mined coal rather well, he was happy that he now mined something other than stone. He showed his father that he mined some coal. His father told him that if he cold mine coal that he could mine iron. This excited Durakk. He rushed to the mine. He mined every bit of iron he could find. He came back and his father made him an iron pickaxe. He loved the pickaxe, it was his favorite and he never let it break.        Years passed, and Durakk was mining gold, lapis lazuli, and redstone. He mined everyday hoping that he would find diamond. They eluded him no matter how much he searched. When one day when he was 34 he found diamonds. He jumped for joy and rushed over to mine them. He came back and showed his father. His father told him that he was now a full miner. Durakk enjoyed this and left a note to his father that he would go traveling for a small while. He went to some human cities and some elven cities. He decided to come back when he was 40. He packed his things and began heading for Kal' Azgoth. Thats where our story leaves off, Durakk on his way home.




    Ambitions for the future: Durakk wants to become the richest man in Kal'Azgoth, as long as he doesn't dishonor his clan.




    Personality: He is a simple dwarf. He just wants to honor his clan, while getting as rich as possible. He is kind, but rude at times. He has a lot of pride, and will never take a handout. He loves drinking and eating with his clan. The clan is the most important part of his life. He is a gruff man and grunts instead of speaking due to being mute. If he finds gold or diamonds whilst mining he will go for them no matter the danger. He wants to marry a good lass to continue the family line. He isn't proud of being a descendant of Heron, the betrayer who tried to raise the undead Dwain, but he cannot help his blood. He doesn't like talking about that part of his blood line. Why he couldn't have been a descendant of Draco, he doesn't know, but he accepts it.




    Skills: He is a great miner, and can drink any man under the table, considering he is an Irongut. He is also good with an axe and will serve the dwarven army in the name of the Ironguts.




    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):


    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He is mute, so he cannot speak. He must communicate with notes, and nods.






    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.






    1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds of Kalos you see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are on. There is a very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but it is the only way to access the deposit. What do you do?




    Answer: I stare at the diamonds. My eyes go wide. My jaw drops to the floor. I start jumping up and down. I keep jumping until I notice my only way over. My joy is quickly ended. I am a bit worried, but diamonds are diamonds. I can't just pass them up. I walk over to the rocky bridge, and dropped some gear. I needed to be light if I were to cross the bridge. I slide across the bridge on my stomach as to spread out my weight. I got halfway across, when I looked back. The bridge was coming down from behind me. I stood up and ran to the diamonds. I dove to the edge. I made it to the diamonds and collected them. I looked back and realized I had no way across to my things, or even back home. I sat down with my diamonds, and stared at the bottom of the ravine wondering if I would ever get home. I sat there for hours when I heard my father coming. I stood and jumped up and down to get his attention. He saw me and went to get help. He came back with Dominic and they rescued me. They asked me what happened, and I wrote that I found diamonds but the bridge collapsed. My father and Dominic chuckled. They brought me back to clan hall and I put my diamonds in my chest.




    2. You are sitting in the local tavern with a large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby you is a rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad time. He is crying to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer toy. In the other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand up, one with a small dagger in his hand and begin to approach the young dwarf. What do you do?




    Answer: I look at the two men I realize that the young dwarf is one of our allies. I get the attention of one of my kinsmen and point out the two men. He nods to me and stands up. I follow his lead. He confronts the two men, about what they are doing. They said that it was none of our business. My kinsmen says that he believes that it is. I nod. The man with a knife grabs me and holds the knife to my throat. My kinsmen grabs the man and throws the knife to the ground. The man punches him in the jaw and a fight breaks out. I hold my ground against one but my kinsmen is having trouble. I knockout the one I was fighting but my friend is still getting beaten. I step in a help him but the man dodges my punch and I hit a man behind him. All of his kinsmen jump in and we have an all out bar brawl on our hands. I wake up the next morning, everyone in the bar is battered and bruised. I didn't remember who won or who lost, I just knew that I was in serious pain. I stir my friend and he gets up and asks who won. I shrug and we limp back to the clan hall.




    3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you hear a voice call out to you; “Oi, ye’! C’mere n’ get ye’rself an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily bearded bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his face, and a mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?




    Answer: I smile. I recognize the man as the owner of the Kal'Azgoth Tavern. I walk over to him and take the mug out of his hand. We walk on over to the tavern and he tells me that he had a reason for finding me. He told me that he needed a favor. He told me that he needed me to go down into the mines and fetch him some iron. He needed iron to make some new mugs that were broken in a bar fight. I asked him why pick me when there were many miners in the city. He told me that he owed the Ironguts a favor, and he figured I could use the business. He told me that he could pay me 100 minas for three ingots of iron. I agreed to the deal. I wandered down to the mine and in no time I found a vein of ore. I mined it and got it smelted into ingots. I brought it to the man and he paid me in full. I took the money and went back to clan hall and counted my minas.


    Any other details you wish to share about your character:

  8. [ MC Name: ]




    Wut be yer name: Durakk Irongut




    Where do ya live: Kal'Azgoth




    Wut be yer primary skills: Mining, Drinking, and Fighting




    Short biography about yourself (5+ sentences): I am a stubborn dwarf. I love riches. My goal is to be rich, without dishonoring the clan. I can drink any man under the table. Then get up and fight his friend. I would serve in a war had one arise. I am also mute, and have to communicate with letters notes and nods.




    How de ya be related to te Irongut Clan (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Hiebe): Thonar Irongut




    De ya swear loyalty to te Irongut Clan Lord: Aye








    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan? Yes




    Skype name? (we have a clan chat) sambosefus

  9. Minecraft Account Name: Sambosefus
    How old are you?: 14
    Time-Zone: Central
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Various servers.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Looked up a RP server.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: 
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Yes
    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?:
    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:
    Role-playing: Taking the role of a fictional person/character in a fictional world and actin as they would.
    Meta-gaming: Taking information gathered OOC and using it IC
    Power-emoting: Doing something in role-play that doesn't allow a person to react, and instantly kills them or something of the sort.
    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:
    Full Name: Durakk Irongut (If accepted)
    Current Age: 40
    Sub-race (if any): Cavern Dwarf
    Clan (if any): Irongut (If accepted)
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): (Made prematurely will complete when accepted into clan
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):
    Any other details you wish to share about your character:
    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.
    1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds of Kalos you see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are on. There is a very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but it is the only way to access the deposit. What do you do?
    Answer: I stare at the diamonds. "Oh, oh my." I say giggling with joy. "I'm rich!" I exclaim until I notice my only way across. I stare at the rock bridge intently. I think to myself, "I can cross that." I walk over to the bridge and when I get there I drop some of my gear, as to reduce weight. I begin crawling across the bridge, very, very slowly. When I get halfway across the bridge I turn around to see the bridge giving way behind me. I made the mistake of getting up and running to the diamonds. The bridge then dropped out from underneath me and I fall to my doom.
    2. You are sitting in the local tavern with a large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby you is a rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad time. He is crying to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer toy. In the other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand up, one with a small dagger in his hand and begin to approach the young dwarf. What do you do?
    Answer: I survey the situation. I am outnumbered and they have a weapon. I wish I could help the young dwarf, but I don't want to risk it. I drink down my pint of ale, order another for the road, and stand up. The two men stare me down. I look at them, they obviously have ill intent. I bow my head and walk out. I go back home thinking what might have happened.
    3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you hear a voice call out to you; “Oi, ye’! C’mere n’ get ye’rself an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily bearded bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his face, and a mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?
    Answer: I look at him with joy. "Gladly."I say with a grin. I walk on over to the friendly man, and take the mug out of his hand. He explains who he is, and tells me that he needs me for a job. He tells me that if I find him three pounds of diamond, that he will give me 300 minas. I accept the job with great vigor. We shake hands and he wanders off. I rush to the mine and try to find some diamond.
    Any other details you wish to share about your character:
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