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Posts posted by Sambosefus

  1. My apologies, the two languages I excell in are Dutch & Serbian. English is not my native tongue.


    And I know that the Halflings provide good RP, but lately there has been quite an overload of this fact spread around and advertised in a quite inconvenient way. Though don't get me wrong, I enjoy Halfling RP, but I find its constant promotion quite unnecessary.


    Quite alright, though you wouldn't know if the promotion is necessary due to your lack of playing a halfing. We constantly suffer from inactivity and try to increase our numbers so that we can enjoy roleplay. I also was not promoting halflings just to promote them. The OP stumbled upon the halfling village and was apparently astonished by the beauty as many are. As I noticed he/she was interested in the village I was telling him of who lived there, and that if he/she wanted to make a halfling character he could enjoy the village and the RP it entailed. As far as I know there is nothing wrong with trying to increase the experience of the OP.

  2. If you need to desperatly advertise like that there some things in your reply may not be that true..



    Please clarify friend, for everything in my reply was true in my own opinion, and I have a halfling, so I feel as if I would be more educated on how we RP than you. Oh and you spelled desperately incorrectly.


  3. Aye friend, that be the work o' the halflings. You should make a halfling if you are impressed. We have very little PvP and are a purely rp community. If you like farming, fishing, eating, and drinking, and just overall good RP head over to the halfling RP section and read up on what we are about.

  4. ((Be patient, there hasn't been loads of activity in the druids during 3.75, but guides will come on usually once a day, so just wait it out, it may take until 4.0 but hey, that's life.))

  5. Twas a normal day in Shortwood, when just as Pongo Willowbottom was finishing his new burrow, he heard a knock at the door. He answered it to no avail, noone was there save for a box. A box labeled "Willowbottom Child Delivery Service." He looked at the box and carried it into his home "Wha's this?" He asks. It seems that a night in Ivybend filled with debauchery in the inn with a young maiden, had led to a new Willowbottom family member. He opened the box to find a young child, with a note attached. The note read "Take your stupid child! His name's Grumble." So after reading this Pongo shrugged and lifted the child and set him in his home. "Yer a Willerbo'om now!" He said happily.

  6. I tested this plugin when the crafting plug'in when they first made that beta for it and I have one concern. At first it was cool, original, innovative and fun to play with, but I feel like it will get quickly annoying to use. I remember in the beta, you had to create hinges before creating a door, which is cool and all, but after a while, I don't want to be sitting there for 10mins trying to make doors for a large build. It's a cool plugin, but I think its gonna get annoying fast (I hope they change the 1hr per armor piece),

    Can't please everyone, some want realism and for it to take time to do things, others want ease, and quick stuff.

  7. *A sign is attached to the notice board*


    "Hello friends! A new Willowbottom is in town and in need of residence. If you have any burrows to spare, I would love to own one, because sleeping in the grass gets cold! Thanks in advance!" - Pongo Willowbottom

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