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Posts posted by ℤ∃ʁ∅

  1. Well I was driving home and i was thinking about this on a good beat. So yeah I did a rhyme of my life and where I grew up to how its different now. Enjoy 




    Yo, check it out
    I want you to pay attention to this
    Know what I'm saying, listen up, alright?

    You bust lead? So do I, except mine impregnates the page
    Giving birth to thoughts that unify
    You do little girls, I make love to women
    My words uplift, yours are poisonous like venom
    I'm an emcee, you're a rapper
    I'm as real as they come
    While half the guys you idolize are just actors
    You run from commitment, I remain loyal
    You call women b**ches
    I call them queens because they're royal
    You make rap songs, I make soul music
    When God speaks through rhythm, will you go to it
    I save my cash; yours, you blow through it
    I say your child's special, you say he's so stupid
    I'm pouring my heart out in everything written
    You're scared you'll look soft, heart remains hidden
    On touchy subjects nerves I stay hittin'
    But I ain't better than you, I just think different

    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    It's based on your perspective quite simply
    We're the same and we're not, know what I'm saying? Listen
    So I ain't better than you, I just think different

    My fam run things, while you run your jewelry
    My people pop lock, you tough guys pop toolies
    You rock gems, I drop gems
    You Xerox copying while I originate material to stimulate
    Positive thought patterns when the chosen start gathering
    We bar none
    Yo I got jokes, you are one
    I'm out doing it while you talk about it
    I'm constantly in the mix while you walk around it
    You try, I do
    I'm wise, you're clueless
    I get the job done, you fail and make excuses
    I'm a gentleman, your behavior's abusive
    I'm patient, you're jumping the gun, false start
    You're caught up in dress codes, I'll shop at Wal-Mart
    Sucker, I'm all heart and you're half-hearted
    You suckas are vandals, we graf artist
    Thought you had the last laugh but we laugh hardest

    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    It's based on your perspective quite simply
    We're the same and we're not, know what I'm saying? Listen
    So I ain't better than you, I just think different

    You fall in love with body parts, I connect mentally
    With my female counterpart before we bond physically
    Cats I chill with rap about revolution
    While you rap about drug abuse and distribution
    You wanna be like Mike, yo I wanna be me
    My queen's hard to obtain while yours is easy
    We both from Maryland but be reppin' D.C.
    We all front sometimes, that's how emcees be

    My word is bond and yours is worthless
    You're mainstream, I'm beneath the surface
    I stay working hard while you're hardly workin'
    All you want is money and your **** sucked, are you certain?
    I want a better world for our seeds to live in
    I put faith in myself, not the system
    Yo, we trying to travel so why you making pit stops?
    You cats is rap and I'm hip-hop

    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    It's based on your perspective quite simply
    We're the same and we're not, know what I'm saying? Listen
    So I ain't better than you, I just think different

  2. Yes~ And considering there was a little snow fairy in New Malinor with her snow tower, i think it's high time to introduce them into some kind of lore. +1

    Fiend XD that was so adorable. +1

    On the long warm night at The Conclave by the water fall, Ramza Mantisuku finishes taking a nice swim and decides to mediate under the moonlight. As he remains shirtless to feel the relaxing winds of the nature. He speaks to himself thinking over his life and the loved ones he's lost. 
    When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
    The Aenguls descends from the sky
    Wings of light and dark spread afar
    She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting
    Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Aenguls
    We seek it thus, and take to the sky
    Ripples form on the water's surface
    The wandering soul knows no rest.
    There is no hate, only joy
    For you are beloved by the Aenguls
    Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds
    Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
    Pride is lost
    Wings stripped away, the end is nigh
    My friend, do you fly away now?
    To a world that abhors you and I?
    All that awaits you is a somber morrow
    No matter where the winds may blow
    My friend, your desire
    Is the bringer of life, the gift of the Aenguls
    Even if the morrow is barren of promises
    Nothing shall forestall my return
    My friend, the fates are cruel
    There are no dreams, no honor remains
    The arrow has left, the bow of the Aenguls
    My soul, corrupted by vengeance
    Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
    In my own salvation
    And your eternal slumber
    Legend shall speak
    Of sacrifice at world's end
    The wind sails over the water's surface
    Quietly, but surely
    Even if the morrow is barren of promises
    Nothing shall forestall my return
    To become the dew that quenches the land
    To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
    I offer thee this silent sacrifice
    As he finishes his poetic moment, he notices that it is already day and its time to head to the Mantisuku Keep and to soon Write his literature down walking into the sunset , writing it down.
    ((So hopes some gets the reference)) 
  4. Ramza steps up to the stand with a piece of paper. "I knew Rosso for some time...I had a feeling he did not like me for my lack of words or knowledge..I am most grateful of his work and ways of taking care of my dearest sister..Rest her soul..I was told she called him father once...Coming from an adult brings joy to me.. Now you and my sister can be together...You were a great man.."


    Ramza sighs as he closes his eyes, looking up to the sky speaking. 

    My friend, do you fly away now?
    To a world that abhors you and I?
    All that awaits you is a somber morrow
    No matter where the winds may blow
    My friend, your desire
    Is the bringer of life, the gift of the Creator
    Even if the morrow is barren of promises
    Nothing shall forestall your return
    Ramza walks off the stand after those words and takes a sit next to Sherria/Carver checking on them with eyes of sorrow.
  5. 5431662783_6aed8dca1b_z.jpg







    On The 13th Malin's Welcome 1455,  Ramza Mantisuku and his daughter Aveaan Mantisuku would be wandering around Anthos around the Dwarven Lands. Ramza wonders what is a better way to bond with his daughter. So what better way than to carve art into a tree. As the two continue to wander in the lands, Aveaan spots a weird looking tree that neither her or Ramza have seen before. Ramza looks around as no one can be seen around the two. 












    As Ramza and Aveaan examined the unknown tree. Ramza still had the idea of it being special craving there names and making art on a strange tree would be very special for the father and daughter time. Unknowing how to use a dagger other than attacking and defending herself. Unsure of what or how to carve in a tree she asked Ramza for an demonstration. Glad to help and needed from his daughter, he keeps the dagger and starts to make a first insertion to carving in the tree as he looks at her to show how easy it is. Moments later, Aveaan notices there is a white pasty liquid coming out out of the tree as the blade was in the tree. The liquid was slowly running on the blade. She pointed out to Ramza there was something coming from tree. He looked down to the liquid , ever so confused yet intrigued with such a discovery of this paste. As he takes the dagger out of the tree , more of the liquids comes out. He takes a bucket he carried for fishing but was empty and clean. As the white liquid comes out the tree , he puts the bucket down and peels the tree letting more of the liquid pour out to fill the bucket.


    Ramza smiles at the new discovery of the tree and paste and told Aveaan to hold the bucket as he took out his shovel and dug around the tree searching for some seeds of the tree and was able to find some of the seeds and placing them into his coat.


    "Step back" he says to Aveaan , holding flint n steel as he starts to spark a flame burning the tree down into ashes. 


    After the tree burns down, Ramza puts the ashes in the hole to hide the remains of the tree. Shortly the snow starts to fall, Aveaan starts to shiver from the cold climate as she is not use to living there. Ramza offers him his coat to keep her warm as they make their way deep inside the Dwarven lands into the Mantisuku Keep((Still hidden from lots of people and unable to be entered unless they knew the secret way)).



    As the two enter the Mantisuku Keep, they make their way to Ramza's forge to test the new liquid and maybe future resource that the Mantisuku family come and give the family a great title to Anthos with Ramza's new discovery.


    Ramza and Aveaan start to set up testing the new discovery. Ramza ask for her to get him some buckets to test if it is stable with other liquids such as water. She retrieves the buckets other empty and one with water.


    Ramza claps his hands and smiles as he is ready to start the testing.






    "Latex" is the creation








    Ramza grew tired of not knowing the name of the liquid, so he volunteered his daughter to come up a name. As time passed thinking of a name, Aveaan came up with the name Latex. Happpy from how simple and easy the name can be said he approves of the name of the liquid. 


    "Latex..? short..simple.. I like it.. easy to say." he smiles as he speaks in approval ready to continue the work.





    Creation of new Paste 





    After naming the paste Latex, Ramza and Aveaan wonder what will happen mixing the latex and water together. So Ramza told his daughter to pour some water into a empty bucket as he would pour the latex into the bucket as well. 


    As they mixed the two liquid waiting for a chemical reaction, Ramza wondered and seemed to be more interested of the result so he asked Aveaan to stir the mixture as a test. Aveaan stirred the mixture of the water and latex and the results came very well: Nonlethal and harmless to the skin. 


    Ramza smiled to the safety of his daughter. He ask for her to fetch some straw from a hay bale so he can put over an empty bucket. As she retrieves the straw , he ask for her to pour the new made paste into the empty bucket as he uses the straw as a filter out the paste from what ever could be in the paste.


    Seeming curious of the paste, he would examine the thick paste of  the latex which had the a new texture and appearance of the latex. 









    Creation of Elastic








    Ramza and Aveaan wondered what  are the limits of the "Elastic" so they tested out is stretching ability. 


    The two took each sides of the elastic and spread it. Amazed by the elastic's stretching ability of it, Ramza and Aveaan were pleased by it's outcome and hung the elastic back on the rack for later testing. As the two took a few days of rest in the Mantisuku Keep.











    Testing the Elasitc








    On the 27th of Malin's welcome 1455


     After a few days of rest, Ramza and Aveaan went back to Ramza's forge to the dry elastic. Ramza worried of how much the dried elastic would test out being a solid paste form. 


    Ramza thought it was a good idea to cut the elastic in half to test it on the different elements. As Ramza takes his dagger and lightly cuts the elastic,leaving them with two halves of the elastic, one for him and the other for Aveaan to hold.







    Testing with Fire





    As the two continued their testing the elastic with fire, as a result the elastic was a failure resistance against fire and cause the elastic to quickly burn and melt the elastic. Luckily, Ramza was able to save the half and put it into water to be used for later purposes. 







    Testing with water






    With the failure result of the fire with the elastic, Ramza decided to go with a different approach to the elastic and taking the opponent way. So they got water and pour a bucket of water on it to see how resist to it and to see if it would rip or tear. 


    As a result, the elastic was very strong and resist against the pressure of water and the amount poured on it.










    Testing with cold.




     After the water testing, Ramza and Aveaan took the good elastic out in a cold environment to see the results of elastic in a colder place. As they went outside in the snow, Ramza being adaptive to living in the cold, unlike Aveaan he was unaffected by it. He asked if she would keep the elastic up and in the air as the cold wind and climate would change the form. Moments later, Aveaan started to freeze in the climate as well as the elastic causing her to drop the elastic and shattering some of it on the frozen lake. 



    Seeming to understand the logic behind the limitations of the elastic. Ramza gives his daughter is coat to Aveaan to keep her warm as he picks up every piece of the broken elastic taking it back to the keep to burn the broken pieces. 









    Testing with Electricity 




    As a last trail of the experimenting with the elastics of the elements, Ramza informed his daughter to trying to use what little electric evocation he could use, even though he is mainly a water mage.


    Ramza ask his daughter to hold the remaining of the other elastic, and she agrees to do so. As she proceeds to holding the elastic, he tells her that he is going to shoot electricity at the elastic she holds.


    Understanding the risk of success or being shocked with the electricity she decides to stay and help him with the experiment. Ramza dwindles and doubts as he worries on if he fails, he could hit and hurt his daughter and ruin the experiment. Moments later, Ramza makes the choice of doing it. Taking time to connect to the void and summon a small static and voltage so it can not be lethal to him or his daughter. Ramza gathers the courage and focus to use the electric spell to aim at the elastic. As the spell was ready, Ramza shoot the weak of electric and was able to hit the elastic and not his daughter. Giving the result of relief of the safety of his daughter and the elastic being resist of the electric came to an success with a warm hug. 






    Success of a Family Disovery






    As Ramza and Aveaan come to the conclusion of their research and experimenting of the new soon to be resource, they make a family agreement to not let their discovery leave the seal Mantisuku Keep. 





    As Ramza continues his research on what to make with his new resource. He starts to think and make blueprints of his next work with his new invention. As his daughter goes to her room to sleep from experimenting.



    ((Please don't make any inappropriate comments or jokes.. this is my first time making a lore/ invention... and this took more than 4 hours to type up... so I'm trying to get this looked at and approved...))

  6. Alllllllllllrighty, where do I start?


    Zer0, you're a great guy, and nice to talk to OOCly. I have watched you improve in RP, OOC, and all that in my short time here, and I do believe you are ready to take on a staff position like this.


    Thing is, I'm worried you won't be as involved in the MT if you were a GM. It sucks up a lot of RP time if you're a GM, and I know you to be one of the more active Media Team members. Considering the general inactivity of the Media Team as a whole, I have to say that we can't really lose an active member.


    I shall +1 this app, yes. But really, think about it a little. Would you rather bring new players to the server with media footage, or help out with the moderation of the server? In my honest opinion, you cannot do both at the same time and expect it to be effective. It's up to you in the end, but know you have my whole-hearted support.

    You really do make a good point to be honest i will have to take MORE thought on it..

  7. Zero is a great person!

    I don't hang out as much now with him, but when I did... Man was it great! His RP is wonderful, he is always active, he strives to better the server (just take a look at the animation series he's working on :D), and his happy/cheery attitude just tops it all.

    Zero for GM +1 .... good luck mate ;)

    Thanks dude we did have fun on Zer0craft and CraftedFantasy XD 

    He's awesome!


    Zer0 is very hard working and dedicating to achieving his goal on what ever he's working on. He has excellent experience with servers and they're commands and he is always willing to help anyone at anytime of the day! I think he would be a fantastic GM!


    Awww <3

  8. This guy is kulz. +1


    He knows how to handle his stuff. Is already a part of a LOTC development team and is currently organizing an animation. I think him becoming a GM will prove useful to the rest of the community. 

    If yoi need help on Animations I'll teach you :)

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