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Posts posted by Porko

  1. Creaking would be heard from the floorboards of Castle Geldern as Veryn paces down it's grand halls. He comes upon a window, and glances through to observe the Vindicators training within the yard. The ringing of savoyard steel echoes from the stone walls, and Veryn allows a simple smirk to cross his face at the sound of progress.

  2. Why bother trying to code and create a plugin when there is a chance that no one will want to use it. You're going to anger yourself when you find out that most of the community would rather stick with the current system.

    This reminds me of what happened with MATs/VATs a while back. Ask the community whether they want a nexus regions redux before you actually make it.

  3. REMOVE HORSE remove horse
    you are worst staff. you are the tech idiot you are the staff smell. return to biasland. to our staff cousins you may come our server. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,staff we will never forgeve you. technician rascal **** but **** ******* tech stink GM team sqhipere shqipare..staff pugsy best day of my life. take a bath of dead staff..ahahahahahSTAFF WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget csalzz.. we kill Urasept , techs return to your precious staff….hahahahaha idiot staff and tech smell so bad..wow i can smell it.REMOVE HORSE FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught... gms+et+At=mt=kill players…you will ww2/ csalzz alive in server, csalzz making album of server . fast rap csalzz serveria. we are rich and have pixels now hahahaha ha because of csalzz… you are ppoor stink staff… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt


  4. GawHu7V.png


    My favorite moment on the premium roleplay server that this is was deposing the POWERful despot Starryy and claiming the throne of Drusco for myself, forcing all the peasants to vow loyalty to their new ruler.

  5. OOC:


    Do you have skype/can you get skype?: I have skype.

    Do you have teamspeak/can you get teamspeak?: Got that too :)

    OOC/IGN name?: cookedporkchops_




    Name?: Emery of Felsen

    Age?: 13

    Are you of noble lineage?: I am peasant-born, Ser.

    Any special skills/traits?: 'Fraid not.

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