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- Pastry

Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by - Pastry

  1. Counter Strike: Global Offensive is nice if you prefer trying to git gud over progressing and getting cool stuff.

    On the flip side, any of the Battlefields are cool if you like having a weapon to really call -yours-, and also doing really cool stuff.


    Arma 3's cool if you've ever wanted to be tacticool and do tacticool things.

    Planetside 2's also nice for being tacticool, but it's for being tacticool in purple tights.

  2. Minecraft name: Magicpastry

    Skype name (can be PMed if you want): Magicpastry

    Will you be dedicated?: Yeah, man.




    Name: Pikt

    Why do you want to become Ublu?: Pikt enjoys the idea of independence very much, but would still like a clan to call his kin.

    What race are you? Goblin

    Will you be loyal?: Pikt would be loyal to a fault.

    Will you take the trial?: Pikt certainly will.

  3. MC name: Magicpastry

    Character's name and age: Ikur Seregon, 102 years old.


    Character’s Race: High Elf

    What magic/s did you learn?: Fi'hiiran'tanya, both subtypes.


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Ikur was taught by Yulnii Elibar'acal, played by Crayfishchris, one or two weeks after the MT was disbanded. Sacrifices are Sirius, formerly played by MrJoshy, and The First, formerly played by SupremacyOps. (Please do not metagame, those who read this.) A villain app had been made/accepted before the first sacrifice in order to kill Sirius. Both sacrificed characters' roleplayers OOCly consented and permakilled their characters, as required.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Fi'hiiran'tanya manifests in the form of a smoke/light, in Ikur's case colored gray, and is gained initially by placing a sacrificed soul in limbo in order to connect to the void. This mist can be cast with either the properties of Fi'hiiran'seth or Fi'hiiran'tanya, though both must be taught separately as, while on the surface they may seem similar, they are quite different in how they work. Fi'hiiran'seth siphons mana back into the void as a vacuum cleaner siphons dust off the floor. This can be done by removing mana from the caster targeted directly, or by nullifying the spell. Fi'hiiran'seth also carries the ability to sever a void connection on a more permanent basis, a day without permission OOCly, or forever with permission OOCly. The same can be done with Fi'hiiran'acalae to sever a connection to a deity. Fi'hiiran'acalae works by disrupting a connection to a deity or outside, non-voidal influence. This is traditionally, even exclusively, done by using the mist upon the one connected to the deity. Fi'hiiran'seth can cancel Fi'hiiran'acalae and Fi'hiiran'seth, but Fi'hiiran'acalae cannot cancel Fi'hiiran'seth or Fi'hiiran'acalae.

    Exceptions to Fi'hiiran'tanya are limited to necromancy and shade magic, with the latter's corrupted aura immune to Fi'hiiran'seth draining, but not their uncorrupted aura. A shade affected by Fi'hiiran'seth's influence cannot draw more aura to corrupt from the void, either, until the mist is gone. Necromancy cannot be affected, period. No disruption, no siphoning. Nothing. YOU LOSE, GOOD DAY SIR.

  4. This guy's my go-to guy for everything Orc related. He's an absolute darling, and even better to work with.

    Accept him accept him accept him accept him accept him


    And might I add he does quite a bit of mentor work already! Just take a look in WS and you'll likely see Potts doling out the assistance to any who need it!

  5. MCname: Magicpastry


    Forum Name: Magicpastry


    Skype Name: Magicpastry


    Timezone: EST


    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and understanding of the standards we have for applications? You betcha.


    What race(s) do you play most and are comfortable with? I play a High Elf, a Halfling and a Wood Elf, but I'm most comfortable with the High Elf. The latter two less so, and the last the least. 


    Why do you want to be a Mentor and do you have the ability to work with others? I enjoy helping new players, and have done things similar to this in the past! There's no better feeling than seeing a new player blossom in a new RP environment.


    Do you recognize that you will be expected to work with many different types of players and must keep unbiased, and friendly at all times? Absolutely.


    Will you be willing to take on extra responsibilities, such as working with the Wiki, assisting the AT, and helping new players in WS? Mhmm. It's all part of the job, and therefore part of the fun!

    Is there anything else you would like to add? I suppose I worked on the trial Mentor team, so if that earns me bonus points...

  6. Ikur pauses for a moment after reading the treatise. A mild frown takes his lips as he sets the scroll aside. For a few moments he puzzles over what he had read before finally emitting an exasperated sigh. He begins a short verbal commentary of the work to those who would listen within the Haelun'or inn.

    "I suppose the old Prince would have a vested interest in denouncing Haelun'or: if we were to finally cede our grasp upon Elven politics and allow the chaos that constituted Malinor to rise once more, he would rise alongside it. If anything this is a preparation for more obvious political maneuvers, a ploy to gain support among those who are 'affected' by Haelun'or. We have never committed genocide, nor do we plan on such things, and the remainder of our crimes are small in comparison to the horrors inflicted by more recent, 'ame rulers. However, we are marvelous scapegoats for the plights of the other elves, and their own crises of identity and leadership can easily, and erroneously, be blamed on our own vocal leaders.

    In other words, cease the beating of the deceased mount, Ebs, you're silly."

  7. Username: Magicpastry

    Skype: Magicpastry

    Testing experience: I actively beta tested for Halo: Reach and Warframe. I know how to spot a bug and report it, I suppose.

    How long have you played LOTC: Since September 2013. 

    How familiar are you with our plugins (Nexus Craft, Claimable Regions, Professions): I'm pretty darn familiar with the ones I've used, at least on the user level. (Would you look at that menu-navigation pro go? What a stud.)

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