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Posts posted by Lima

  1. Nature of the bug:

    Crafting persistency is not currently happening, and all crafting is being deleted over restarts.

    Honestly speaking you already know about this bug, I won't continue to write a full explination when its no different from the other occurrences. I just thought you should know its not fixed after your last crack at it since you told us to report such. 

    The crafting failed somewhere between 12pm and 6am GMT, either at the 1am restart or the 5am restart. 

  2. Nature of the bug: All bread and pancakes produced within the cooking stands in nexus appears to occupy one non-stackable slot, quickly occupying your inventory. All food produced is wrotten upon crafting.
    First occurrence: Today, 21:45 GMT.
    Describe exactly all the actions you took leading up to the bug: Producing dough through wheat, going into the nexus crafting menu to the dough section and producing bread. I then did the ''craft more'' options to produce a stack, instead it filled every slot in my inventory with bread, failed to produce past that amount and all bread produced was rotten.
    What messages are/aren't you getting that you would/wouldn't get normally : All messages are normal. 
    Frequency of occurrence: Every time. Other people were invited to test the bug in my vicinity with the same result. 
    Are you able to reproduce the bug: Yes. 100% of the time. I am starving to death help. 

  3. you_nero.jpg


    The proud Istriot Male, Vespasian de Sola would be perched within the keep he had been making progress on restoring, having just commissioned the removal of the hovels that the Falkenraths erected and called 'homes' ten years prior. With the announcement that Lord Roswell would rise to be the duke he had no quarrels with the matter, and indeed quite openly supported it.

    The trueborn de Sola was a young man and had an eye for business and industry, not the stewarding tracts of land. It would be no small statement to declare he was not prepared for a Ducal title while still young in his years. Never the less, the meeting a week earlier that established Roswell as the duke of Istria had declared Vespasian his inheritor; Dour Watch was a education for the young de Sola.

    So when it came to the discussions in the later hours of the night, after the service seeing off his younger cousins, Vespasian loudly cheered at the appointment of Arthur Roswell. 

    He knew next he would cleanse the repugnant filth the Falkenraths scarred Istria with; all in preparation for his greater, grander purpose.

  4. 1 hour ago, EPICBEAST6209 said:

    Here's the thing. The runesmiths are bound by a ritual before they even begin to learn the art of it (Which I'm sure you're aware of) This ritual binds you to the Aengul who is currently almost dead and is using the last of it's very existence to keep the magic available. The ritual binds your soul to a pair of runic tools. This means that half of your soul is no longer part of you. Take for example the Ascended. At the cost of giving Ariel their lives they can perform Ascended magic but at the cost of no longer being able to perform void magic. This was something that was laid out in Runesmithing from the very start. And we wrote the lore around that fact. Imagine how powerful something like earth evocation and runesmithing would be. slapping runes into stone on the fly and suddenly activating it withing a matter of seconds. It's not something that the magic was written for. Weeks of thinking and writing went into this lore in order to perfect it. And I'd appreciate it if the lore would remain the way it was intended to be.



    ~Epicbeast6209 (Yeulf Oathcast)

    Thats no longer technically true after 501's lore. 

  5. 6 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:

    The question is does it provide enough roleplay to justify inhibiting the ability to use the void? With druidism, clericalism and fi (maybe more) you have a lot to roleplay about your magic. Does runesmithing do that same thing or does it leave the user with the magic and an empty pocket of what they should be doing with it.


    druids use it for worship and healing taint, maintaining nature.

    clerics are sought out for healing, cleansing lands, worship, fighting the dark beings.

    fi are purifying things while hunting dark mages and entities, using their own souls to hunt and capture other dark beings to fuel their magic.


    What does runesmithing accomplish? Totally playing devil's advocate here but I don't know much about it. Is it equal to the guild-locked subtypes or is it like golemancy that while doing a lot is still open for various character builds and personality types.

    We have a very clear objective set IC, at least within certain communities of Runesmiths. The issue we faced for the most part was... well, our ill reputation with the Grand Kingdom after a certain series of tragedies. The Runesmiths (atleast the Oathcast affiliated) had very set in stone beliefs they were components of a ''clean world'' where no aenguldaemonic presence was truly meant to be there.  They strove to achieve such, and in general our interactions with such groups often pressed a deal with debilitating their presence. (Note: Our last interaction with the clerics saw us making tricky bargaining and information searching that left the Caliphate Clergy of clerics in a very awkward spot.)

    In general we lost a lot of purpose after the murder and discontinuation of all dwarven lore events and the like at the end of Athera. When the magic was last produced we saw ourselves again with a Pyrrhic victory because in reality we had no implementation event and the Hall of Urguan was never going to be completed. We would never find the history of the Empire of Khorvad (It had been lost OOC aparrently, I was in a chat with a few LT consulting me on how the dwarves even existed at the time because they didn't know and I only knew from lore books.)

    Regardless; as a rune smith you can maintain a very active role. Apart from the ability to produce feats of architecture (though thats in the ropes because we're still trying to understand if the construct dialect was voided by the LT.) You may have remembered my dwarf's very active role in Haelun'or utilising Anbella contract runes. The magic's interesting and can provide a large array of utility for those that seek to use it effectively, plenty capable of many many feats and doing so in a active manner and not just a ''I produce shiny items here you go see you next month for a MAT discussion about how you're using it.'' 

    It ultimately isn't to be paired with void magic, or indeed any other type of magic. It had never intended to be so to any extent, and I can see producing some incredibly over powered characters if a caster is able to pair it with other magics and repeatedly utilise runes on the fly for themselves. The magic had been written to orientate towards dwarves; who traditionally shy away from voidal in all but one clan. This is also paired that we thought this was a factual basis that people knew, and should have known and set in stone. We've never said that someone can use void magic (or any other type of caster magic) with our magic before.  

    As for the Yemekar rune, its only fair to place it on hammers. Trust me, putting it on a sword makes the sword a bit stupidly good. We had considered this a OOC convention because most of runesmithing is based on OOC convention for power discussion between us as a fair and friendly group co-operating as a community of magic users; since this may not be the case any more we're going to need to restrict ourselves more heavily in a stronger and more formal manner as we had done so before in a informal manner through skype chats. 

  6. I just found out that through all the confusion reguarding the runesmithing lore aproval, nothing was written about learning other magics. This thread was made to try and correct that and other issues.

    The following piece of lore is specifically designed to limit and stop over powered characters or items from being created through Runesmithing. The magic is already plenty powerful; I wrote it with the full knowledge that used well it could be a potent magic to say the least.

    • No other magic but golemancy can be learned with the magic. 
    • The Yemekar rune can not be applied on any man portable devices but a hammer. 


    I had thought of this as factual, and all pre-exiting Runesmiths had treated this as absolute and undeniable fact. Both issues address major imbalances that can be heavily exploited in a manner that makes ''god characters'' something that I woefully do not want to exist. 

    I as the chief writer, and I can amass 4 other contributors in the production of the magic to confirm, this was always intended to be in the writeup. When the magic was re-written it was seen as a direct inheritor to 501warheads writeup where no other magics but golemancy could be learned. This was lost, though still treated as factual due to apparent failures in the writeup process. 

    These are being Fixed now.

  7. but writing things that reach back prior to the server's beginning ages (dating around 1300-something, which was like 2011 or 4 years ago) should remain in the hands of the Lore Team. 

    Issue: The Lore team has very often proved completely unwilling (or downright against) to work with player bases to even a minimal extent when their lore is in tatters with no functional components. (Even when their own failings in their own team produced such.) [Re: Runesmithing/Dwarven Lore in general]. 

    Its very clear that the lore team as it has been structured for about one year has not be capable of handling racial/subracial lore. We can all clearly remember when the lore team quite literally dwarven history and its racial magics with massive failures to implement even a single dungeon past novermber 2014, ultimately leaving the throne of Urguan himself destroyed and the build never even completed.

    Ultimately, the dwarves just had to rely upon what Dizzy did at the time as a ET manager (and eventually just a GM.)

    As such,  its my firm belief that player bases themselves should get a say in their own histories and contribute the ''communal storytelling'' that is role playing. Indeed, the focus of the lore team should be writing lore relevant to the player bases themselves rather than of pandering to smaller magic groups.

    Instead of expanding the original lore the team just focuses on progressing a story like its some sort of book about the next cool character individual character (that will invevitably be played by a GM.) I'm fairly sure a lot of people are tired of you just making stuff specifically relating to the new flavor of aenguldaemon/dark nasty.

    They would prefer to have lore relevant to their characters own histories and stories. Many nations have large player bases who would love to contribute and interact with their own histories but are forced to just go "Oh look, Gazardiel/Xan/Taharie/The Wraiths/The blood mages did some magical achievement/defeated a bad guy/good guy." or "This person gained x magical ability because their aenguldaemon said they needed it to fight the big bad guy." 

    And where do the nations stand in that? "Turn up to this pve event and watch our cool magical group we pander to do some rp while you click mobs."

  8. While I understand I shouldn't post as a nation leader I do have a point to make as a member of the privy of Oren.

    Narthok's dwarven aligned group do not maintain the initiative in the war, as the Orenian forces have won all battles before hand. As such, they shouldn't be able to warclaim the empire until they do win the initiative.

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