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About Lima

  • Rank
    Ouity's Drowned Dwarf
  • Birthday 06/09/1969

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  1. britbong

    1. Heero


      hold me tight, vulcus. theres another war

    2. calculusdesola


      7th times a charm tbh

      hope zion wins

  2. Can we please make a section on the wiki that actually provides lore relevant to the people applying to the server. So many people get denied from their applications because they have to blunder through 8 maps worth of realms and towns.

    The majority of our

    1. Jistuma


      Join the wiki and make those changes yourself.

      PS: Something like it is already half done, https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=New_Player_Guide

  3. I am just happy the elves are better than malinor tbh. Its all I could have ever asked for.

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      Me too Lima, Me too. (*Tear of bittersweet joy*)

    2. Demotheus


      The elves are jerks who won't let my edgelady in their city. :c

  4. tumblr_lrmgd0zvJf1qd1ct1o1_500.jpg



      grinding brothers

    2. JuliusAakerlund


      To Grind or not to Grind IS most definately not the question!

  5. Plane bring back boat.

  6. This just basically nerfed blacksmithing unnecessarily to the point of it being close to unprofitable.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Travista


      Aside from the previous debuff in breeding which heavily regulated stable sizes horses are useless. You cannot wear iron armour on horses and arrow damage is reduced.

    3. DrakeHaze.


      A chisel is suggested, and a sledgehammer is used.

  7. Dear god the angry messages I got about my thread lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Kettle: "Hello Pot how are you?" Pot: "I'm great, I'd just like to say that you are black."

    3. Nekkore


      Pssh. I'll just shoot you mages with an arrow and everything will be k

    4. Lima


      Don't get me started on people walking around with strung bows 24/7

  8. Okay, im alive, got a little too close there :L

  9. Thats no longer technically true after 501's lore.
  10. We have a very clear objective set IC, at least within certain communities of Runesmiths. The issue we faced for the most part was... well, our ill reputation with the Grand Kingdom after a certain series of tragedies. The Runesmiths (atleast the Oathcast affiliated) had very set in stone beliefs they were components of a ''clean world'' where no aenguldaemonic presence was truly meant to be there. They strove to achieve such, and in general our interactions with such groups often pressed a deal with debilitating their presence. (Note: Our last interaction with the clerics saw us making tricky bargaining and information searching that left the Caliphate Clergy of clerics in a very awkward spot.) In general we lost a lot of purpose after the murder and discontinuation of all dwarven lore events and the like at the end of Athera. When the magic was last produced we saw ourselves again with a Pyrrhic victory because in reality we had no implementation event and the Hall of Urguan was never going to be completed. We would never find the history of the Empire of Khorvad (It had been lost OOC aparrently, I was in a chat with a few LT consulting me on how the dwarves even existed at the time because they didn't know and I only knew from lore books.) Regardless; as a rune smith you can maintain a very active role. Apart from the ability to produce feats of architecture (though thats in the ropes because we're still trying to understand if the construct dialect was voided by the LT.) You may have remembered my dwarf's very active role in Haelun'or utilising Anbella contract runes. The magic's interesting and can provide a large array of utility for those that seek to use it effectively, plenty capable of many many feats and doing so in a active manner and not just a ''I produce shiny items here you go see you next month for a MAT discussion about how you're using it.'' It ultimately isn't to be paired with void magic, or indeed any other type of magic. It had never intended to be so to any extent, and I can see producing some incredibly over powered characters if a caster is able to pair it with other magics and repeatedly utilise runes on the fly for themselves. The magic had been written to orientate towards dwarves; who traditionally shy away from voidal in all but one clan. This is also paired that we thought this was a factual basis that people knew, and should have known and set in stone. We've never said that someone can use void magic (or any other type of caster magic) with our magic before. As for the Yemekar rune, its only fair to place it on hammers. Trust me, putting it on a sword makes the sword a bit stupidly good. We had considered this a OOC convention because most of runesmithing is based on OOC convention for power discussion between us as a fair and friendly group co-operating as a community of magic users; since this may not be the case any more we're going to need to restrict ourselves more heavily in a stronger and more formal manner as we had done so before in a informal manner through skype chats.
  11. Not really. I don't mind him having the magic at all. I was about to teach Mordew. I do care about void magics being paired with it.
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