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Posts posted by SodaiKamikaze

  1. Dared Starbreaker reads the sign, lifting his helmet to scratch his scraggly white-grey hair. 
    "Hmm.." He quickly scratches a quick note on the corner of a paper, shrugging.

    The note reads: "If you need a necklace or bracelet put together, I would be able to fashion such a object for you, though I would not be able to supply the enchantment needed to fufill your emotion supressing needs.

    As a side note, instead of suppressing your emotions, maybe you should take up a hobby. - Forge Master, Dared Starbreaker."


    ((Application Process))

    MC Name:


    RP Name: Aengoth Starbreaker

    How skilled are you in regards to smithing? Equal tu Farren Starbreaker.

    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice? I've spent maneh years constantleh makin' weapons, albeit I'oim most experienced wif' makin' swords.


    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): Nae reason I s'ould not yet be part ove tah smif'in' guild. I been smif'in' longin' f'en most ove tah dorves 'round f'ese days. I've dedicated me loife tuu constantleh workin' towards perfection in tah craft, f'is will provoide needed extra work so I 'ave ample more toime by a anvil. I see no reason tu explain furf'er, I'oim a bloodeh smif' and f'at is all f'ere is tuu it.

    What Will You Add to the Guild? Me experience, guud looks, and impeccable c'arms.

    How active are you on the server? It varies depending on the workload I have that particular week in university and what my plans are. I'll be on weekly, a good couple of hours on the weekend. However University studies come first so take this with a grain of salt.



    Accepted as Kronetok 



    ((Application Process))

    MC Name: Lefty_Bojengles


    RP Name: Bastion Ireheart

    How skilled are you in regards to smithing?: Completely new to the art, I have a trick or two that was taught to me by my father however that is all.

    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice?: Very skilled with my waraxe, my father taught me alot on the arts of warfare as a young beardling, however I did not wish to pursue that art.


    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): Since I was a young beardling the art of smithing has always fascinated me, although being a mountain dwarf and being skilled in the arts of warfare, I never felt that it was something to pursue, I enjoy watching smiths do their job as I am intrigued by the lengths a smith will go to perfect a piece, I also wish to one day have the skills to supply the entire legion armour and weapons in times of war, as I understand I would gain a lot of respect for doing such a deed.


    What Will You Add to the Guild?: My good work ethic and ability to learn, aswell as my strength in order to protect other smiths from thieves who try to steal pieces of work or ancient smithing relics.


    How active are you on the server?: I'm on every day.


    Accepted as Kadros

  3. "W'ere tae **** did t' poem go? T'at's like, Aegis **** t'ere" said Bowman


    MC Name: Destroyer_Bravo

    RP Name: Bowman

    How skilled are you in regards to smithing? I worked under Arbrek as Forgelord (old rank for second-in-command)

    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice? I can make you a sword with my smithing hammer.

    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): I was once the Forge Lord. Eventually you guys took me off the roster. Now I want back in

    What Will You Add to the Guild? Aegisian Forge Lord

    How active are you on the server? I play my orc more now, but I'm fairly active on him

    Accepted as Blacksmith

    Seeing as I have not personally witnessed your skills, you will be set as a Blacksmith until further notice.


  4. A forgeling runs up to Dared, carrying a letter still closed. 

    "Hm..? Wha's t'is?" He says, taking the letter and quickly reading it. He calls Aengoth and Dizzy over to come read the parchment.

    "Le's see wha' 'e is talkin' abou', Eh?" He states, grinning broadly. 


    "Good day to you, Lark Steelwall of Kralta,


    I have taken note of your request and have decided to accept your proposition of a meeting to discuss the futures of both smithing guilds. I will send another notification when I and my two companions will be able to visit.

    ~Dared Starbreaker. "

  5. (o)Da Bak Kadrel Barimmar(o)



    “A strong sword comes from a tough smith.  A tough smith comes from a strong heart. A strong heart comes from intense training. All you have to do is see it through.” – Dared Starbreaker


    Hail Dwarves of Kingdom of Kal’Ithrun, in the land of Anthos. My name is Dared Starbreaker, descendant of Paragon Gortrek Starbreaker and new Kadrin Kronok of the Dwarves. This is a reissuing of the Dwarvish Smithing Guild to display the current change in leaders, changes in procedure, and to call out to those who wish to learn the craft; we welcome you all with open arms and hope you will take part in our aim, as it has been for quite some time, is to develop our craft further, revitalizing the spirit of Smithing.


    New curriculum for Teaching

    To be a great smith one does not only have to know how to batter a piece of Ferrum into shape. The smith must be strong in body and mind which is best said in the motto of the guild.

    “A strong sword comes from a tough smith.  A tough smith comes from a strong heart. A strong heart comes from intense training. All you have to do is see it through.”


    Joint Projects

    Being of the metal working craft, we will be working closely with the all research groups that request our aide to provide innovations and technology for the future. Albeit, some of the research groups will be required to pay a slight expense fee, but we still wish for you all to join us.



    All smiths will now go through trials to advance in their rank. This will normally be a rp event of sorts involving multiple players from the guild, observing and commenting on said RP.


    Succession System

    In the event that the Forge Master dies or advocates because of some unforeseen circumstances, the Council of Smiths will vote to elect on the new leader. The candidates will be selected from Grand Smith and Legendary Smiths. Although if in some circumstances that there is no Grand Smith or Legendary Smiths left, or if these two refuse the position, the Council may choose members from the Guild, voting them into the position.


    Role Calls

    We shall do a role call every week. This will merely be if I or another of the Smithing Council sees you in rp during that week we shall consider you active. You will be considered inactive after 2 weeks, although going inactive without warning will result in a loss of rank, inactivity with a reason is acceptable.


    New Council System

    There will be a council composed of all teachers, Grand Smith, Forge Master and Legendary Smiths. They will be in charge of discussing the matters in the guild and how it should be run, although the Forge Master always has the final say.


    Smithing Requests

    To order from the guild, simply leave a signed book detailing specifications to what it is exactly that you want or send a message.(Forum Message) Contact the Kadrin Kronok or Kadrinbak to discuss payment for said orders


    The Positions/ Ranks


    Kadrin Kronok (Forge Master)

    – The Forge Master is the leader of the Guild. His word is considered law in the guild. He manages the day to day activities of the guild. And makes sure that everything runs smoothly. The Forge Master is in charge of creating laws for the guild. Who to provide and who not to provide.

    ((Nalatac_Aicneta)) Dared Starbreaker


    Kadrinbak (Grand Smith)

    -The second in command of the Smithing Guild. His word is also considered law within the guild. Unless it contradicts the word of the Forge Master. In this case you must obey the Forge Master


    Kadrin Kronos (Legendary Smith)

    – Legendary smith is an extremely difficult position to gain. It is given normally to the old Forge Master’s of the Guild. Although in some cases it can be given to those who have truly mastered their art. And know the knowledge of Golemancy. These individuals have the same authority as a Grand Smith. Although they should receive the same amount of respect that the Forge Master is given.


    Anartos / Akkorum Kadrin (Honoured / Mythical Smith)

    Mythical Smiths is a rank given to those who were once a great leader of the Guild or in some cases a past master smith who has done a great task. Though this rank is normally given to those who were once with us but are now residing within the Khaz’A’Dentrumm, Halls of the Dead. Who’re now forging weapons, tools and armour for the Brathdamordakin.


    Kronetok (Teacher)

    High Smiths who have devoted themselves to teaching the initiates. Due to this rank requiring the player to show a high degree of skill within role-play smithing. This is harder to attain than most ranks. These smiths gain a seat on the smithing council.

    ((_Aengoth_)) Aengoth Starbreaker

    ((joenaj)) Jorik Strongaxe


    Az’Kadrinok (High Smiths)

    Veterans of their craft. These smiths can repair diamond tools and provide great role-play smithing. It is not an easy thing to achieve. These smiths have also mastered the knowledge behind the different types of materials they use. And are normally prime candidates for Teachers.

    ((Generall1)) Hawke


    Kadrinok (Blacksmith)

    The ones who reach this rank are no longer simple learners. Although they are by no means experts. The smiths who attain this rank can repair iron and have a decent knowledge of smithing. As well as decent smithing role-play.

    ((Destroyer_Bravo)) Bowman
    ((NTE_Killer4life)) Belrim Grandaxe

    ((epic_raccoon)) Gin

    ((philip_2011)) Nels Varian

    ((Majoristic)) Oume Starbreaker


    Kadros (Forgeling)

    Everyone at some point starts at this stage. This is a position for those who are beginning to learn this craft. Smiths who can’t yet repair simple chainmail fall into this category, also no knowledge in smithing is required.

    ((Lefty_Bojangles)) Bastion Ireheart 

    ((rmarks1999)) Glaran

    ((Hailstomz)) Hale Grandaxe

    ((aquaticsunnymoss)) Maletone

    ((Soresan)) Dorim Starbreaker

    PLEASE. All current Dwarish Smithing Guild members, msg me your rank on the forums. Thank you.



    ((Application Process))

    MC Name:


    RP Name:

    How skilled are you in regards to smithing?

    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice?


    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph):

    What Will You Add to the Guild?

    How active are you on the server?

  6. For me, I research and learn about everything that my character does, trying to get a feel for it so he becomes more real. If you don't know how and what they are doing in their skills, you would easily grow bored of role playing their craft, whatever it is.

    When the character becomes easier to understand and more realistic, you begin to want to learn more about them as you role play, gaining new experiences as you go about, adding more to the feeling of realism. I spent 4-5 hours looking at different types of metals, shields, armors, smithing tools and just everything I personally find cool or interesting to get new ideas of what Dared could possibly create next. 

  7. blacksmith_s_shop_by_zanariya-d6twt7b.pn

    Dared Starbreaker slides iron ore into the forge, tossing in chunks of coal to the flame. He slowly pumps air into the forge through the tuyere, maintaining the needed temperature to create a mound of iron. His arms groan and strain themselves, keeping the fire burning hot as the iron begins to take a red hue in the forge, melting together. He continues pumping, calling over a beardling to check the iron.

    The young one, telling him that it is done, hands Dared his water soaked tongs. Dared wraps thick drenched cloth around the tongs, reaching them inside the flaming forge to retrieve the now long bar of iron, it still a deep red from the intense heat. He gently lays it on the anvil’s face, tossing aside the tongs to the beardling assistant.


    Dared grasps his hand hammer, and quickly pounds the metal, lengthening it while keeping the width the same. He sends sparks showering to the ground, ignoring the sizzling sound coming from the wrought iron. His muscles tense and relax at different moments, utilizing the raw power from arms and shoulders to shape the metal into a flatter shape, working the iron into the a blade-like form.

    Inspecting his flattening work, he again calls for the assistant to bring him bundles of cloth in the corner before the iron losses its heat as he sticks it in the forge again.  He quickly grasps  the unfinished blade, wrapping the soaking wet cloth around it in 3 layers, then binds it with 4 layers of dry cloth. Waiting for it to come to a cooled down temperature, he speaks discusses with the beardling different topics on smithing.

    “Woi did ye wrap ta iron in ta cloth?” the young one asks.

    Chuckling, Dared replies “Oi did i’ ta let i’ cool down enough fer me to touch i’ wit’ moi bare ‘ands so I could groind i’ well.”

    “Bu’ couldn’ ye groind i’ whoile i’ was still hot?”

    “Oi neva though’ abou’ doin’ it loike tha’.” He gets a mysterious glint in his eye as he laughs to himself. “Maybe ye should try an’ do i’ on yer own time den, boyo.

    They continue to talk and chat for hours, waiting for the metal to come down to a bearable temperature.

    Dared stands up, motioning for the unknown assistant to grab the blunt blade. He casually strolls over to the grindstone, taking a seat at a nearby stool. He lightly places a foot on the pedal, awaiting for the beardling to return. Bundle in hand, the  boy rushes back, handing it to the cave dwarf, and Dared quickly removes the cloth, exposing the soft metal. He holds it against the grindstone, slowly pressing his foot against the pedal, moving the stone to scrape the metal. He hums a dwarven tune, a deep rumbling coming from his throat and rising above the sound of the sharpening metal. He drags the blade along the stone, smoothing down the edge to  a thin shining point on one side. Dared flips it around, doing the same dragging motion till both ends form a sharp point at the top of the sword. His deep voice rings out in the smithy, the young dwarf joining in with his higher pitch. The two sing as they work, Dared grinding out the blade, and the assistant making a sketch of the engravings that would go on it. Finishing the grinding, he stands up and slides the blade over to the beardling, he standing ready with his chisel.


    Dared uses a piece of charcoal to mark out Dwarvish runes on the blade after approving the lettering, standing back to watch the young one work. The unknown assistant quickly goes to work hammering out the specific runes for a first time, lightly scratching the surface to make them more visible. He again sets his chisel upon the soft metal, scrapping off bits and pieces of iron, the shavings collecting on the floor. The beardling then stops, grabbing a blend of dyes, smearing them over blade’s markings, then wiping away the excess.

    Dared sighs, going again to the bellows, forcing more air into the forge through the tuyere, bringing the temperature up greatly. The blade goes in with the dyes, turning black as the heat reacts with the chemicals, bonding it to the area outside of the lettering. He grasps his prepped tongs and grabs the blade from the furnace, plunging it into the quenching tank nearby. He winces slightly as the water boils and splashes out onto his arms, but keeps a firm hold on the blade, muttering slow prayer. He calls for the assistant to lower the heat in the forge, himself lightly shaking the excess water off the  sword. He places it into the forge at the lower temperature and places it into the quench tank multiple times, locking in the hardness while keeping it slightly flexible. He slides on a pre-made hilt onto the blade, gazing at his handiwork as he gives the beardling a hearty pat on the back.

    “We did guud, boyo.. We did guud.”



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