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Posts posted by Wytchrose

  1. Minecraft Account Name(s): 




    littleethan001(I don't use it much sadly)


    How long have you played on LotC?:

    Two and a Half years.


    Time zone and availability: 

    CST, I'm more available Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday and Sunday then other days.


    What subgenre (refer to LM specifications list) are you versed in most?: 

    Evocations, a little bit of dwarven history(I'm getting more in-depth with it as we speak, trying to learn it.)  I'm slowly getting more versed in Ascended history and such(same here, now that I /am/ Ascended it's going better.)) And I know the general world lore, basic server lore is what I'm most versed in, along with Evocations.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC:

    Was(May still be) a Wiki Team Contributor, nobodies talk to me about it in months sooo I really don't know honestly.


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC? (this will not augment your chances at obtaining the position of LM.):

    Nope! I have not written any lore, though I have thought about it quite a bit. But got too scared ;- ; you guys are scary


    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?:

    Blacklist? No. Been banned..Twice? I think? One because of an angsty orc who I accidentally killed, and..No that was actually the only time. It was like a year and a half ago.

    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?:


    ((I'm kidding I luv yah bae))

  2. Jeesh, you guys are brutal. Jistuma is an extremely helpful lad and has a lot of knowledge of the server's lore and he deserves to return, who else am I gonna bother day in and day out about lore? +1!

  3. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Archimedes D. Doomforged, 377


    Character’s Race:

    Ascended, Doomforged.(I'm an Ascended Doomforged..)


    Link to your accepted magic application:

    I'll put it HERE for your convenience!


    What magic(s) do you desire to teach?:

    Fire Evocation


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    Fire Evoction is the art of training your mind to connect with the void, as in any Evoction. With Fire Evoction you must study both the void, and the flame, you're creating a flame within the void and pulling it forth from the void, into the mortal plane. A new Mage would logically merely study deeply into both the void, and also they would study the Flame element, it can take years upon years for them to even grasp the meaning of flame and void, but eventually with a lot more study and practice a novice Fire Evoctionist can pull a flame forth from the void, but with a hefty price. A connection to the void takes your Mana which is the fuel of the Voidal Mage, it replenishes after time, but if a novice pushed themselves too far they may pass out, or, even in very rare exertion situations even die. After years the Mage will begin to grasp more and more of the Void and Flame together, and eventually upon training themselves, it will use less mana to create a flame, though still will have some drawbacks. After several years, decades even, of training the novice Mage will be able to form a decent flame and even begin to form a fireball, with quite a bit of damage behind it. Eventually the Mage will be able to cast a fireball without much of a drawback, and even be able to grow said fireball to a dangerous size, lethal, even. Though the more usage of the void the more drawback there is. Not only will your mama will be drained, but over time the strength of your body will weaken with it, one cannot have physical strength, whilst having the strength of Voidal Magic. After a very long amount of time, the Mage will now be able to cast a fireball and fire without any real drawbacks. A fireball, taking little to no mana, and a simple flame would be almost nothing. At this point the Mage will have lost most of their physical strength, though, which may cause them to be quite defenseless against close-range attacks, as they are merely unlearned in the art of the Blade.


    Fire Evocation is capable of many things, the summoning of a simple flame, the summoning of a fireball, and so forth, despite this magic being quite simple, it takes a very long time to even begin to master it's capabilities, but once one manages to do such, it is a powerful tool to use offensively, most effective against armored figures, and beings with a weakness to fire. 



    Red Lines:

    • Ignoring the fact that a lack of fatigue must be emoted. Even at a high skill level, one must make sure that in most cases they emote a sign of fatigue. The amount they emote depends on their skill level, however it is required else it is considered powergaming.
    • Do not emote controlling real world elements. The casters are only able to control the elements they have drawn from the void.
    • Molding a flame is something that shouldn’t be done until the beginning of tier three has been reached; even if it is just a crude shape.
    • You are unable to control flames to a fine degree, unless you combine this art with the art of primordial conjuration. Otherwise, your shapes will be quite crude.
    • Make sure you roleplay a reasonable casting time; therefore the farther away you are from your target location, the longer it will take to evoke that element. I.E. Don’t emote instantly summoning a flame underneath/atop someone.
    • As per every evocation, you are not able to evoke in areas you cannot see.


    ((this is a slightly edited version of a description I gave a friend, with a better description.))


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):
    Archimedes Doomforged sat before his student, his dark red glowing eyes looking intrigued by his Student's progress. "Rig', today's lesson, ah believe yer ready t'try'n summon yer first flame, as et's been ah decent amount o' time, and yer quite..Learned, in the Void an' Flame at t'is moment, weh've already managed t'form ah connection to t'void, now et's tim' teh create yer flame wit'in t'void, an' summon it forth. Now, ye' mus' mold the flame, focus on..Say, yer right index fingeh, after yeh've made yer connection, begin t'mold ah flame wit'in t'void usin' me' teachin's, after doin' suc', call it forth from t'void onto yer focus point, in t'is case, yer finger. After doin' suc', ye' mus' lose yer focus t'disconnect, w'ic' won' be' 'ard. Bu' eventually, ah'll need t'teac' ye' 'ow t'ignore yer surroundin's an' focus on yer flame." 


    The Student sat there, listening to Archimedes' words. As Archimedes finished, the student lowered their head and began their connection, focusing upon their right index finger, their eyes shutting. After several moments and a few failed connections, sweat began to pour down their face, 

    the student managed to connect themselves to the Void, and began to mold their flame, as they called it forth, the flame hovered above their right index finger for a few brief moments before vanishing, the connection being  severed due to inexperience, they wiped the sweat from their brow.


    Archimedes' smiled, clapping his hands together at his now exhausted pupil. "Guud jo'! Now, as ye' mig've noticed, t'void takes ah large amoun' o' yer Mana, w'ic' we've alsuh spoken 'bout. Bu' ye' managed t'summon d'flame forth from t'void for ah few moments, guud jo' today." Archimedes smiled with a nod to his pupil.

    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    Nope, never done this.

  4. MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Archimedes Doomforged, 310

    Character’s Race:

    Doomforged(Dark Dwarf)

    What magic(s) will you be learning?:

    Ascended: Silver Sect

    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?:


    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?:


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. Yep, it's happening again.


    If anyone knows me, they know breaks from LOTC aren't all that new. For all you people of whom I've recently met, well, now you know. I'm taking a break, could be anywhere from a few days, to a few weeks, to a few months. I'm not sure I'll even be back. For those of you who actually care, the reasoning is below.


    So. LOTC's reached a new map, normally a good thing! Yet..In my case, no. Not only is decent RP extremely rare on the server at the moment, but IRL I have begun falling behind in school, and the musical I've recently been cast in has been progressively becoming more and more demanding of my time. Honestly, it isn't worth getting on the server to just sit AFk in an empty tavern for hours on end until I go to rehearsal. Who knows when I'll be back, if I get back. I may hop on here and there to see what's changed. Though, at that, it's not likely. Farewell, friendos, and may your adventures on LOTC be more fruitful then mine. 


    Au Revoir, friends.



  6. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Archimedes Doomforged, 307


    Character’s Race:

    Doomforged(Dark Dwarf)


    Link to your accepted magic application:

    I'll put it HERE


    What magic(s) do you desire to teach?:

    Fire Evocation


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    Fire Evoction is the art of training your mind to connect with the void, as in any Evoction. With Fire Evoction you must study both the void, and the flame, you're creating a flame within the void and pulling it forth from the void, into the mortal plane. A new Mage would logically merely study deeply into both the void, and also they would study the Flame element, it can take years upon years for them to even grasp the meaning of flame and void, but eventually with a lot more study and practice a novice Fire Evoctionist can pull a flame forth from the void, but with a hefty price. A connection to the void takes your Mana which is the fuel of the Voidal Mage, it replenishes after time, but if a novice pushed themselves too far they may pass out, or, even in very rare exertion situations even die. After years the Mage will begin to grasp more and more of the Void and Flame together, and eventually upon training themselves, it will use less mana to create a flame, though still will have some drawbacks. After several years, decades even, of training the novice Mage will be able to form a decent flame and even begin to form a fireball, with quite a bit of damage behind it. Eventually the Mage will be able to cast a fireball without much of a drawback, and even be able to grow said fireball to a dangerous size, lethal, even. Though the more usage of the void the more drawback there is. Not only will your mama will be drained, but over time the strength of your body will weaken with it, one cannot have physical strength, whilst having the strength of Voidal Magic. After a very long amount of time, the Mage will now be able to cast a fireball and fire without any real drawbacks. A fireball, taking little to no mana, and a simple flame would be almost nothing. At this point the Mage will have lost most of their physical strength, though, which may cause them to be quite defenseless against close-range attacks, as they are merely unlearned in the art of the Blade.


    Fire Evocation is capable of many things, the summoning of a simple flame, the summoning of a fireball, and so forth, despite this magic being quite simple, it takes a very long time to even begin to master it's capabilities, but once one manages to do such, it is a powerful tool to use offensively, most effective against armored figures, and beings with a weakness to fire. 



    Red Lines:

    • Ignoring the fact that a lack of fatigue must be emoted. Even at a high skill level, one must make sure that in most cases they emote a sign of fatigue. The amount they emote depends on their skill level, however it is required else it is considered powergaming.
    • Do not emote controlling real world elements. The casters are only able to control the elements they have drawn from the void.
    • Molding a flame is something that shouldn’t be done until the beginning of tier three has been reached; even if it is just a crude shape.
    • You are unable to control flames to a fine degree, unless you combine this art with the art of primordial conjuration. Otherwise, your shapes will be quite crude.
    • Make sure you roleplay a reasonable casting time; therefore the farther away you are from your target location, the longer it will take to evoke that element. I.E. Don’t emote instantly summoning a flame underneath/atop someone.
    • As per every evocation, you are not able to evoke in areas you cannot see.


    ((this is a slightly edited version of a description I gave a friend, with a better description.))


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):
    Archimedes Doomforged sat before his student, his dark red glowing eyes looking intrigued by his Student's progress. "Rig', today's lesson, ah believe yer ready t'try'n summon yer first flame, as et's been ah decent amount o' time, and yer quite..Learned, in the Void an' Flame at t'is moment, weh've already managed t'form ah connection to t'void, now et's tim' teh create yer flame wit'in t'void, an' summon it forth. Now, ye' mus' mold the flame, focus on..Say, yer right index fingeh, after yeh've made yer connection, begin t'mold ah flame wit'in t'void usin' me' teachin's, after doin' suc', call it forth from t'void onto yer focus point, in t'is case, yer finger. After doin' suc', ye' mus' lose yer focus t'disconnect, w'ic' won' be' 'ard. Bu' eventually, ah'll need t'teac' ye' 'ow t'ignore yer surroundin's an' focus on yer flame." 


    The Student sat there, listening to Archimedes' words. As Archimedes finished, the student lowered their head and began their connection, focusing upon their right index finger, their eyes shutting. After several moments and a few failed connections, sweat began to pour down their face, 

    the student managed to connect themselves to the Void, and began to mold their flame, as they called it forth, the flame hovered above their right index finger for a few brief moments before vanishing, the connection being  severed due to inexperience, they wiped the sweat from their brow.


    Archimedes' smiled, clapping his hands together at his now exhausted pupil. "Guud jo'! Now, as ye' mig've noticed, t'void takes ah large amoun' o' yer Mana, w'ic' we've alsuh spoken 'bout. Bu' ye' managed t'summon d'flame forth from t'void for ah few moments, guud jo' today." Archimedes smiled with a nod to his pupil.

    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    Nope, never done this.


  7. MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Archimedes Doomforged, 307

    Character’s Race:

    Doomforged(Dark Dwarf)

    What magic(s) will you be learning?:


    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?:
    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?:
    Gredge Hevstil
    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:
    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    I have, but nothing has been 'denied' yet. One is pending.



    ((Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username))

    Name ((OOC Name)): Archaem Doomforged (Asimulum)

    Surname/House: Doomforged

    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)): N/A

    Gender: Male

    Race: Doomforged (Dark Dwarf)

    Citizenship Class (A or B): B


    Physical Description


    Height: 5f5'

    Weight: N/A

    Eye Color: Deep red

    Hair Color: Black

    Skin Color/Shade: Gray

    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: N/A


    Personal Information


    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): 2 Glover Street

    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): 

    Profession/Occupation: Enchanter, Blacksmith

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!): 

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))



    Oath(s) of Loyalty


    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):


    "I, Archimedes Doomforged, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  9. Greetings! My names Asimulum, thanks for stopping by! I recently got together with ImCookiie about recording some footage of Vailor! This is the first video of many, after I create the individual videos I will be mashing them up into a giant one! Anywho, beforehand, It isn't the greatest video on earth, I am nowhere near a professional recorder, nor a professional editor! So please excuse any lag, choppiness, screw ups, etcetera! This first video is of The Docks, I hope you enjoy!



  10. MC name:



    Forum name:



    Skype Name:

    It shall be PM'd, if needed.


    What is your timezone?



    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Media, proof checking, writing, etc):

    Media, writing, proof checking, whatever's needed really.


    Have you worked on the, or any wiki before?:

    On the Wiki itself? No, I was apart of the team for awhile, but nobody tasked me with anything.


    Which lore are you most familiar with?

    Basic lore, honestly, most all important past events, some magic-related stuff, mostly on Evocations, and some other small lore's.


    Please showcase your abilities with either:

    Fire Evocaiton:

     Fire Evoction is the art of training your mind to connect with the void, as in any Evoction. With fire Evoction you must study both the void, and the flame, you're creating a flame within the void and pulling it forth from the real world. A new Mage would logically merely study deeply into both the void, and also they would study the flame element, it can take years for them to even grasp the meaning of flame and void, but eventually with a lot more study and practice a novice fire evoctionist can pull a flame forth from the void, but with a hefty price. A connection to the void takes your Mana which is the fuel of the voidal Mage, it replenishes after sleep but if a novice pushed themselves too far they may pass out or even in very rare exertion situations even die. After years the Mage will begin to grasp more and more of the void and flame together, and eventually upon training themselves, it will use less mana to create a flame, though still will have some drawbacks. After several years, decades even, of training the novice Mage will be able to form a decent flame and even begin to form a fireball, with quite a bit of damage behind it. Eventually the Mage will be able to cast a fireball without much of a drawback, and even be able to grow said fireball to a dangerous size, lethal, even. Though the more usage of the void the more drawback there is. Not only will your mama will be drained, but over time the strength of your body will weaken with it, one cannot have physical strength, whilst having the strength of Voidal Magic. After a very long amount of time, the Mage will now be able to cast a fireball and fire without any real drawbacks. A fireball, taking little to no mana, and a simple flame would be almost nothing. At this point the Mage will have lost most of their physical strength. 

    (This was something I wrote out for a friend, as they needed my help for their MA.)


    Some art of mine, and a few skins for no apparent reason.


    Le Art







    Le Skins



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