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Posts posted by Wytchrose

  1. Spoiler


    A Sacrifice for Votar


    Deep within the isle of Ceru, in the Mohk'Ilzgul library, sat a young fe-orc by the name of Yel, whom was sent to said library under the guidance of Shagarath, her goal to find a Spirit, and to do such a task to please said Spirit, after two days of consideration and reading, Yel finally decided to create a hunt for Votar, but where would this Sacrifice be sent? Votar had not a shrine within the lands of the Mohk'Ilzgul..something Yel would soon fix. She spent the next two days gathering the necessary supplies for a shrine to Votar, and after she had erected such a shrine, delay the hunt she did not. She immediately grasped the base of her waraxe, threw her sack over her shoulder, and set out towards the north.


    She simply decided to wander until she found suitable hunting grounds, after half a week, she had reached a small nestle of trees and setup her brown tent. She had placed herself in the open quite on purpose, simply not afraid if a beast found her and attacked as it was precisely what she needed, she had made a small hearth for herself, and sat herself beside it, tearing away at the rotten bread she had brought with her, her ear gave a twitch upon the snap of a branch in the bushes to her left, her free hand lowered to the side of the log she had sat upon and grasped the leather-wrapped hilt of her war-axe, her eyes narrowing in the dark as she attempted to find the source, after a few moments another snap was heard to her far right, she was likely being surrounded by a small pack of wolves. 


    Yel rose from her seated position, dropping the rotten bread upon the ground as she glanced from left to right, her now free left hand having grabbed her spare waraxe, now dual-wielding, after several moments of silence, a mangy, black wolf pounced from the bush to her left, and another from the right. Having barely any time to react, Yel swung her right hand in a side-ways arc towards the beast on the right's open jaw, it made contact and a horrific howl of pain emanated from the beast as it was sent flying to the side, a large chunk being taken out of it's jaw, having temporarily forgotten about the beast on her left, it's open maw made contact with her left arm and a small chunk was taken out, Yel let out a shout of pain before swinging her right ax over her head, throwing it downwards as the beast fell, an overhead arch towards it's spinal region, a loud 'Crack' was heard as ax met with bone, a whimper being heard from the beast as it was downed, Yel yanked the ax from it's back and left it to bleed out. Blood now quickly leaving her left injured arm, the beast upon the right of whom's maw was now bleeding and horrifically dismembered had not given up so easily, Yel and the blackened fur-beast began to move in a slow circle around the fire, the beast she had just left to bleed out became motionless as life left it's body, Yel felt her consciousness gradually begin to fade the more she moved and the more blood that left her arm, which began to pale. The beast took this moment of confusion to pounce upon Yel, and she yelled out as she tumbled back with the beast atop her, she had dropped her war-ax's to grip the neck of the beast, holding it back just barely as it snapped it's jaw at her, she tightened her grip as the beast began to become choked, before throwing it off of her to the side, it gave a pained whimper as it was removed from her visage, she gripped the nearest war-ax she could with her right hand and brought it down in an arc towards the beast's neck, another loud 'crack' being heard as the ax and bone met, she placed her foot on it's body and yanked the ax from it's neck, but quickly stumbled back as she lost more blood.


    Yel, blood now pouring from the numerous wounds she'd sustained from the fight, several cuts and scratched scattering her body, ripped a large chunk of her large loincloth off, and quickly wrapped her left arm to ensure she didn't bleed out, with a very pained grunt she tightened the makeshift bandage, and lay in the snowy grass, staring at the night sky, her eyes heavy had proceeded to close upon themselves, consciousness fading from her.


    Yel awoke the next morning, somehow still alive, as she had managed to stop the bleeding, glanced about the forest with a dazed gaze, slowly raising herself, she shook the snow from herself. Crows had begun to feast on the two corpses of the wolves, and she stomped to scare them off. She, after reinforcing her now most definitely infected wounds bandage, went about and removed her tent, placing the pieces back within her bag, she glanced about and looked at the wolves, deciding to only take one..the beast that had injured her. She heaved the rather light wolf over her shoulder, with a low grumble of annoyance, and set off with a heavy limp. 


    Upon reaching the Mohk'Ilzgul, she moved towards the erected shrine she had made some time ago, and threw the wolf down upon the ground, collapsing onto her knees, she removed her makeshift stone dagger and stared at the shrine. Taking in a deep breath as she gripped the dagger with both hands, and raised it above her head, eyes upon the beast. "Mi hunted diz, in dah naem ub Votar!"  Afterwards, she brought the dagger down in an arc and stabbed the beast, bringing it down as it entered the beasts chest, she yanked it to the side to allow the blood to flow clean, as it stained the white ground, she then yanked the dagger out, dropping the dagger next to her, she shoved her hand inside the beast and dug through the many organs, before grasping it's lifeless heart and yanking it out, she raised the soaking heart above her head and let the beasts blood bath her as she breathed calmly, muttering small worships to Votar as the blood soaked her. After awhile, and with heavy, labored breaths muttered a small sentence. "Iht ib duhn..." She'd state, barely managing to stabilize herself as she arose and descended the mountain.


    ((Bit of a short post, I had very little time today and I just wrote whatever came to mind, I know some aspects don't make sense or are PGey, I apologize.))

  2. 5 hours ago, EdgyMagey said:

    So I am unfit to be in the AT because I like to mess around with my friends? And again, you and I haven't had much other than the incident where I told you that an Ascended could not stay in the Sunless Sanctum forever, and you called me "butthurt" over and over again, so I respectfully doubt that claim's accuracy.

    You're unfit to be on the AT because you regularly use LOOC and openly ruin RP. You don't care about running up to people and randomly spamming the chat with such things like "Say my name" over and over, you're simply unfit because you're rather immature...at all times, accuracy isn't a factor here, have you ever respectfully done anything? No, I didn't think so. You're just unfit to be representing our server, so just..no.

  3. No.


    I don't think at this point it even needs to be explained, the fact that they meme as much as they do, and how they treat fellow members of LOTC as they do, they're very, very...very unfit to be a member of AT, we don't need people like this representing our Server. A big whopping -1 from me.


  4. Au Revoir, llir, you shall be missed amongst the dwarves who considered you a good friend. Thanks for the help you've provided in my time upon the server, I hope you have a very successful time in whatever you decide to delve into with your time, and I wish you many happy returns! 

  5. MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Archimedes Doomforged


    Character’s Race:


    (Previously Doomforged, Dark Dwarf)

    What magic(s) will you be learning?:

    Water Evocation

    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?:



    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?:


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    Fire Evocation, self-taught, and also TA, both approved. Sensory Illusion, was denied, honestly can't fish it out of the abyss known as denied section.

  6. Minecraft name:



    Skype ID:





    (Texas is confusing as heck okay)


    Do you hold any other staff positions?

    Wiki Moderator


    Why do you want to be a builder for the ET?

    I want to help the ET with builds, because building is fun and helping out is even more fun! :D

    ((and I need something to do with my life))


    What are some of your most treasured builds (screenshots if possible)?

    Doomforged Forgery:







    Underground Room Thing:


    ((All of the areas with ironbars were supposed to have Lava in them, but because of single-player worlds that broke fire-spread, I couldn't place the lava.))











    High Elven Clerical Keep:








    ((Interior is still a major WIP.))


    What MMORPG/video games do you play?



    Team Fortress 2

    Star Trek Online

    World of Warcraft

    Star Wars The Old Republic


    Battlefield 3


    DC Universe Online


    Other Games, too many to name


    Pick three of the following building styles, and show us a build, of yours, that corresponds to each choice: terraforming, organic, medieval, high fantasy, underground.












    ((it's aesthetic as F*** okay?))







    ((warning: It's pretty bad, it's my first time using voxel.))






    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?

    I'm fairly independent, I don't really like building with others, but I do appreciate input and advice on building.

    As for handling all aspects, pretty much, I may require help on a few aspects, if I'm ever needed to make a Kitchen I am literally doomed.


    Do you know much about redstone?

    Very little, but I am forcing myself to learn!


    How long does it take for you to complete a build?

    It usually takes me around like, 1-5 days depending on the size, I usually do small builds in either a day or two, and bigger builders take up to 3-5ish, maybe more! I'm a pretty fast builder when I have an idea.


    Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel, World Edit, Craftbook, etc...):

    I am learning how to Voxel, and I know a bit about World Edit, also learning that, but I do know a bit about Craftbook too, I have enough knowledge to function and build. I'm learning more!


    Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads):

    Invisible Walls/Floating Ladders/Torches


    With VoxelSniper:

    - /b s mp
    - /b 0
    - /v 0


    Tell me a joke!

    My existence

    (kill me please)


  7. 2 hours ago, EdgyMagey said:





       Has ignored the lore for the Sunless Sanctum directly, which is about Holy Mages not being able to stay in the Abyss for a long period of time, and has stated that they do not care for it. Has responded to all my warnings about it with "You're butthurt.", "Can you stop being so butthurt? c:" and such. I really do not think this is fitting behaviour for a Lore Team member.


       I am aware that the information I give in the screenshots is not perfectly correct. While I was trying to speak to Mephistophelian about it, they have continued to RP, stating once again, that they do not care about the lore. They have invited Farryn (A Lore Master) over, to give false information that confirms that the Ascended can stay in the Abyss with no problem. And after they were presented with the comment of another LM, Mephistophelian, who got word out of Benboy about it in the past. (https://gyazo.com/4a93ae2489afac65e7f8dca556549570) They simply left, after saying "I'm just gonna leave before EdgyMagey calls another GM, butthurt, jesus." or something of the likes. A large -1 from me.

    It's called banter, lass, and I've simply not read over the sunless sanctum lore as of yet. It was cleared up, don't hold grudges, it gets you nowhere. I'm sorry for my actions, truly, but honestly, you were fishing for a reason to use against me, so I appreciate it. I already know I'm going to be denied the position of LT, It was worth a try. Thanks for speedening the process, I appreciate it, again.


    I'm still a rather mature individual if you ever catch me away from my more immature situations, but as every runin with you involves a lot of hate from an unknown source towards me? I simply deal with it the best way I know: Banter. Had I known you'd been fishing for a reason to use against another one of my staff apps(which are always denied anyway) I would've handled it better. I was there for the RP, not the OOC crap-fest that ensued, @Farryn gave the answer she knew of, as did @Tahmas whom you called, they likely didn't know the exact lore as you did, but @Mephistophelian cleared it up on skype as you showed, grudges get you nowhere, my dude. Apologies, lass, and I hope you have a wonderful day my salty child~ :D


    One final thing, if you really wanna escalate the situation unnecessarily, then take this to a BR report on me. It'll be much more effective I think as half the staff team dislikes me anywho for, again, unknown reasons, perhaps I'm that unwanted. Good day.


  8. Spoiler



    Deep within the lands of Lorraine, in the sewers of Chambery, a lifeless Doomforged corpse lay with an arrow sticking out of his chest, his purple robes soaked with crimson blood, the glow within his old eyes having died completely, now staring blankly at the ceiling. His mouth agape, a hand laying on his stomach. Rest in peace, Archimedes Demagol Doomforged.




    This is NOT a PK, it's just a simple announcement that most people will know Archaem to be deceased IRP except for a few people, whom I will be personally messaging. 

  9. Skype or Discord:




    Character name:

    Archimedes D. Doomforged


    Character desc:

    Archimedes Doomforged is a Dark Dwarf, half dark elf half dwarf. He has graying black shaggy hair and a bushy but well-trimmed black beard. His skin is a dark shade of gray, ashen and coal-esque, close to black. He has deep red eyes that glow brightly, and a very slim skinny build for a dwarf due to voidal magic. Upon his face, just over his left eye, is a small scar that has left a pink mark over it, a similar scar on his right cheek reaching back along his cheek-bone beneath his hair. He has two short elven ears pointing out of his shaggy hair, his face otherwise quite clean, he wore a set of purple robes with golden seams criss-crossing it in intricate designs, a purple-gem amulet sitting around his neck, two similar gems on the wrist-guard-thingies. In his left hand was a moderately sized staff, the base made of an aged oak and topped with a rounded piece of iron. 

    ((I hope it was enough, I tried ;- ;))


    Extra picture desc:



    Pose reference(It helps me make it faster):


    Somefin' like that~

    Face reference(If you have something specific in mind):



    Do you love me?:



  10. Words at the bottom of the art (e.g. Dan Silverhair, Fancy Elf of the West):

    Archimedes D. Doomforged

    Position of character:

    Standing, similar to this:

    without the actual pipe, of course. 
    Terrain character is on:

    Grass/Tall Grass


    Items in character's hand(s):

    Round iron-topped staff, left hand.


    Any other details:


    I'd like a red fireball floating above his extended right hand, please.

    Reference pics (If you want your MC skin used as ref, give me just the skin file, not a screenshot):



    Offer in return for the 'art' (If I feel like the offer is not adequate, I'll politely decline)

    200 mina and my never ending love?



  11. Just now, Savage Scooter said:

    Wow, had my comment removed? Welp -1

    I didn't even touch your comment, mate, I don't do that. I don't care if you -1 me.

    Just now, Nugosaurus said:

    ok thanks for being such a help 


    but anyway i was gonna say it seems like you don't really have the experience/knowledge for the position and  you've been pretty unreasonable in l-ooc with me before and i don't think a staff member should act as you did in that situation

    When exactly have I been unreasonable? 

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