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Posts posted by lawnmowerman

  1. Dragurk The Gobo hangs up posters around Athera's inns and social places, chuckling loudly as he'd whistle a soft tune.


    "Lat peep'n tu sayl da vast oshun? Joyn Dragurk's krew ... Lat kan hab hozh jub, agh lat juzt need tu fill out applikashun!"


    Tons of application formats are in a basket laying next to the poster, along with a quill and ink


    The format would look something like this:


    Latz nayme?:


    Latz race?:


    Latz ayge?:


    Wub is lat guud at?:

  2. Alright, I am very pleased to see so many request! I will do the work in the following order, and say what you might expect as a sketch/skin.


    @Ionmaster, I'll probably do some elvish cloak with a bit of jewelry and such ;)


    @Quavinir, I'll hit you up with a PM :D


    @77minerman, the link doesn't work for me D: maybe try to use gyazo? :I


    @AndrewTech, thank you!


    @Fredfort, you'll probably be expecting a rough facial portrait of Lartius, with his beard an' all! :D


    Expect some of it done today, if not today, tomorrow :D

  3. Alright, long story short, I like drawing, and I'd be willing to do so for you people! It's a very basic sketch, and I'd pretty much decide if I want to draw a full body or just a face. 


    I'd be charging around 40-50 minas per drawing, though if you're not completely happy, just don't pay to be honest :/


    Anyways, what you gotta do is simply write me a basic description of your character, for example: 


    John, 5'9, brown, long hair, big potato nose, has a scar on his right cheek..

    Something like that!



    P.S No coloring included, and I do art trades!



    Lord Nicholas Blackwell: http://i.gyazo.com/1710af9034c6a1dd39dd6a29c3c4622a.png


    Young Mandru: http://i.gyazo.com/ae5282cb565d32d07fdfb725ad88f34d.png


    Lartius: http://i.gyazo.com/0a06c29f442269bd4e60fbba53689ca5.png



    Alright, digital art is a new thing to me, and I'm quite bad at it, so therefore I'd be charging about 90 mina for a piece, it'd be a rough sketch, nothing more, However, I can do some background or such... Down here is some work I've made...and finished requests!


    Evios Hall: http://gyazo.com/bb2ddcbe20f81969835024aa0093cb13




    Draan (my own character): http://gyazo.com/3659abb413344eaf1e59ebd6fd01620d




    Now, for my skin shop!


    My skins are very simple, yet they do look nice (in my opinion, along with others D:) 


    Basically, I pretty much remake the whole skins, I don't really do edits. 

    I'd be willing to do a skin for like, 50 minas, if that's a fair deal? My skins aren't /very/ good but eh, I tried...


    Anyways, just give me a character description, along with a reference picture, it helps greatly c:


    P.S, I'm not very good with armor, I'm good at doing other clothing, just not armor :P


    Here are some examples!


    Aepholath: http://gyazo.com/33d31b3c63cfb9e143bf3d73f111624d


    Aephala: http://gyazo.com/5cb37ef305081a4594cdbe3d8da11f20


    Some Relourian chick: http://gyazo.com/cfa489369cd9bd790ff63aa85648ce36


    Jimbo Buldge: http://gyazo.com/a9680ed6723ea27edec4dfd5abcea00d


    A wood elf: http://gyazo.com/ae51006930dd87d6656df61983064fc1


    Eponine: http://gyazo.com/d1b6020c2b8aaaa8e6e7a32668f1b5f2


    Halfling: http://gyazo.com/1c64383bc380fab9dda61a92f81b2d3b


    James: http://gyazo.com/78f1167d92c82eac0146a10b93670f9e


    Another Halfling!:http://gyazo.com/a2a4795dc1ae88743df0a4e7e396ca8a




    Fedare: http://gyazo.com/701f28dfdfee1cb92d063471f5865971


    Edgy Fedare: http://gyazo.com/48374a52344771f33dc4b949880c82b6


    Uruk Child: http://gyazo.com/ae0cab7d0af249b4441e53897ee3e5f7


    High Elf: http://gyazo.com/2251791eee7dfbbfab88b1a345cf4693


    Southeron Child: http://gyazo.com/0e7c89d002960c12e0be4a086a60be38


    Northerner: http://gyazo.com/cbd436728c9dd07658aed02cf66774ce

  4. Name: Aepholis Celadithel


    Past military endevours: Saint Lucien Order.


    What do you want to get out of your time with us? I'd firstly learn how to fight like a true Northener, like a man should, and secondly, I'd reside in the North, which is a fierce and cold place, something that inspires me greatly. Thirdly, I'd get to meet various fighters, with great skill and power.


    Gender: Male


    Race: Half high elf, half wood elf, though considered as a ''Sun Elf''


    Do you like Ale? Aye, I do.


    Religion: N/A.




    Do you have Skype? Aye, you already have it.


    Name of Skype (Feel free to just add me instead of posting here: jakeyd6)


    Age: 15, turning 16 soon.

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