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Posts posted by Rethai

  1. Fliers are posted throughout the Cloud Temple docks and Oren with attached words


    "Greetings to all of those who inhabit the Holy Empire of Oren! the Merchant family of the Crestans welcomes you to a feast in the Barony of Valrock in a saints week ((Jan. 9th 5:00PM EST))! We surely hope you will attend and eat well! The finest chefs in all of Vailor and sit on the rural lands of ErochLand. We appreciate and thank House Horen for gifting the land upon us within times of insecurity for our family and loved ones. To show this, not only will a feast be held on these grounds but a festival of games and fun for all ages, genders, and background! Festivities will start an hour post-feast!


    "House Crestan"


    The note ends with those two final words.


    ((If you have any questions regarding the feast, attached events, or if you'd like to be apart of the development of said festival please contact me on Skype @ JillyFilled.))

  2. As you walk on the sturdy planks of the Urguan Central docks, you see a new and big boat at the right, next to the high docks.. The sail is short and sweet, just rounding

    the corner of the bay and down the coastline until you see a magnificant stone wall, erecting from the ground. Beyond this wall you see what may be the tallest houses in all of Vailor, towering over the innocent waters. This is Odessa.


    Odessa, a new and bustling port-city welcomes you through the gates. You begin to smell fish by the bay, but then the scent of hay, foods, and metalwork begin to override that as you continue your walk to the town square. A rather large fountain intterupts your thoughts as you see its minerals and jewels scattered below the clear water.


    [ Pictures are coming soon!]


    ((IF you'd like to join the Odessian Clan/City then please add me on skype @ JillyFilled or find me MSG me In Game! You can also leave a comment below and I will get back to you ASAP!

  3. Is this a leaving post or... what?

    This is confusing and awkward and I'm having trouble understanding the narrative. 


    If the point is "School's coming I can't play LotC no more!" well then you're a total meme. If you think you'll be spending literally 24/7 doing schoolwork and nothing but, you're rather silly. You're going to have plenty of leisure time to do whatever you want with. If you don't want to play LotC anymore because you don't want to play LotC anymore, power to you. Kind of a **** meme to basically insult people who play LotC for playing LotC though, which is basically what this thread is doing.

    Holy ****. Your comment made me laugh, a lot. I'm leaving because of school for a few reasons. 1. School 2. Work 3. Three clubs 4. Volunteering. I do all of these things during the school year. The only reason I'm on in the summer is because 1 and 3 are out of the picture. If you think I'll have time to do lotc after all of that and friends the you my friend are silly. How about you get your panties out of a wad before you reply to this comment. How would I even be insulting people who play lotc? I'm simply saying and said clearly that school is calling me and i have to get past it in order to come back. pie, just a suggestion, think things through before you post.. It'll be so much better for you.

  4. The weirdly dressed woman steps onto the stage, looking at the district as she adjusts the microphone..

    tap tap "Ah.. Here we are" She states proudly, looking into the eyes of a few of the onlookers. "The time has come, to select.. One.. young man and woman, for the honor of representing his and her school and to stop playing LotC as much!" She gleefully continues as some of the audience groans with disbelief that summer is over...

    The female walks to the first jar, full of names and plucks one out.. As she reads aloud the name I tune out, not hearing the girl picked for this awful task. I see a thin, pale girl come towards the stage.. It looked like she hasn't been out of her room in ages!

    "Now.. Now.." She goes on "For the boys!" I cower as she goes to the jar, picking a name before dropping it back in, plucking up another. "And the male tribute for this task is.... Rethai!" I blink twice.. Unsure of what to do. I look towards my friend, Andy who gives me nothing but a firm nod, then to Wrynn whom looks at me with a tear dripping from his eye. As I continue, I see Crazyviolinist on the female side, holding out a hand that I am not allowed to grab so I turn away.. Until to see Legocrazy7 biting his lip, proving nothing by not crying. I balance myself with the stairs as I climb them, walking to the Microphone but say nothing. I hear a whistle. Like a mockingjay come from the audience.. As I narrow my eyes for a better look in the sun I see it is the only Nickthered20 and Butterpotato02..

    As the whistle ends, a guard swiftly takes me and the unknown pale girl away.. unable to say goodbye. I assume I must win these games and defeat this task in order to visit my friends again...


    For those of you who aren't as intelligent as others - this is a post saying I'll be on a fraction of the time I was previously on as stated in my " I must win this in order to come back". And to think of this as in insult either means you simply didn't read it or are just being Downright stupid. ( that may be taken offensively..) ;)
  5. Rissihe looks to his fellow brothers, nodding once "The tiwme haws come.. Fellow browthers of lunawr Claw. We hawve been foowls for too long!"


    Rissihe would move down from his platform, staying at the center of the small crowd "Tomoworo, we will leawve our stuwpidity and rewjoin da Lowyalist Khaws in da Cawliphate!"


    As he continues to give his speech, the other Kha begin to chant h name, "Rissihe. Rissihe. Rissihe."




    Early the next morning, the once rouge Kha marched across Vailor to the Caliphate, proposing their conformation.



    (Awaiting Kha leader for response)



    (If you aren't Kha / Member of Caliphate, please don't post

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