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Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Rethai

  1. +/- 0 I personally feel you aren't prepared for this position although you've done it in the past. For the time I've known you, I've seen your attitude been wish wash and your trollyness get the best of you. Give it more time and then I feel you'll make your way back into the team. ;)

  2. What is your Minecraft Account Name?:


    How long have you played on LotC?:


    Year and a half
    How many hours per day/week are you available?:


    Loads. Usually around 5-10 hours a day for the majority of each week.
    What lore do you know best on LotC:


    Racial lore pertaining to Humans, Kha, Orcs, and Dwarves. I'm learning more and more about the Elven culture. I was a student multiple times with Electric Evocation, Fire Evocation, and Water Evoc (for a brief time). I was a dedicant for a month and a half where I picked up a lot on Druidic Lores. All in all, I am very well educated with different types of Lore and am currently learning more and more lore.
    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past:


    Well, I've managed a Faction PVP server which hit 30 players back in 2013 where we stayed a solid 30+ player server for around a year before it died off due to bigger and better servers. I've been a moderator / helper on some small-medium sized Vanilla and Faction/PvP servers in the past as well.
    Do you have a Skype account? You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it.  Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team:


    I do have skype! My skype is JillyFilled


    Have you ever written any lore for LotC? We are looking for LKs who either know a lot, have a lot of ideas— or preferabl both. So lets see what you have done. If you want a part of the app to pay most attention to-- pick this one.


    It's super unfortunate that I haven't written anything worthy of going into the Lore/Wiki section of the server. However, I want to join the LM to educate me on writing lore instead of reading it as well as to prove myself a worth player in general. This is a big step for me as just a short while ago I would never be seeing myself applying for ANY sort of Staff position. If granted, I'd hope to write, verify, read, and learn as much as I could possibly retain
    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, ban or other blacklist if so, please link it:


    It's quite sad to bring up my toxic and rather bad past on this server. I've been banned 3 times. 2 for a no-RP kill w/ hacks and the other for general toxicity. Great track record. I hope that with the progress i've made with the WS chat and my overall chance to the server as a whole that this can be overlooked as much as possible.

  3. Bobo walks to his home with a tear in his eyes. He rummages through his chests, finding a strong rope. He gently slides the rope around a beam in his burrow, knotting it tightly. He then walks to his wardrobe, pulling out his finest clothing. After this he adjusts his chair to his rope, tying it around himself.. " may the halfLings one day have an actual leader " he days before knocking the chair over, swaying in the middle of the burrow. Lifeless.

  4. Eh.. I mean, one server will fail.. That is a no brainer. You can't combine or make two separate servers with the same goal. Either LotC medieval RP will fail or LotC modern RP will fail.. Why risk it? We have a good setup (besides Megu being mod.. that must change).. and we are all fine. If we wanted to progress into the future, that'd be a definite possibility but we'd have to get 51%+ positivity on it. Why stress this now??

  5. There is a configuration of LWC that when activated only locks peoples chests when the player is offline, just throwing that out there.


    Personally I think a 'lockpick' item should be craftable thru some profession that people would need in order to lockpick into chests.

    I like that idea.. Crafting a lockpick first... Otherwise, why did we all donate? o.o

  6. This is fairly simple.. I would like an attractive Caucasian human. Below are the requirments. Name a price if you'd like to do it ~


    Must haves:

    Light green eyes

    Jet Black hair (Needs to be textured hair)

    Nicely toned skin

    Well done outfit. One that is textured and not dirty. (A business outfit that still makes my character look manly).

    Face textures that actually look good!




    A jacket that I can take off and put on at any time I would like.

    Shoes of sorts..



    I can't post a picture of what I want it to look like, so you have creative controls.. Comment if you want to take up the job!

  7. A great RPer and great guy as many have said and I have said in the past. The only flaw with you currently is the fact that you hardly help in the WS chat. That is the only thing I suggest you improve on. Other than that, hope you make it!


  8. About that mixing OOC in RP. That happened once when i misspelled that i want to burn your "tavern" isntead of "house." 

    Also, we talked. I didnt spam you AT ALL. We had a conversation.




    Also, im pretty sure that you just said that because you auctually hate me like hell. And i think i have gained another, bigger level of Roleplay skill since then.




    EDIT: And i dont play to win. I play to have fun and interesting roleplay for me and everyone who i am roleplaying with.

    I'd love to see your proof with me saying that. You've gained a bigger level of Roleplay in 4 days? I really don't think so.. Sorry, my opinion won't change. Wish you luck in the future however. Have a good day.

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