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Posts posted by Rethai

  1. For decades and decades the underground waterways of Atgaard were closed off and silent. That is however until Jacque took charge of the lands. With the hard work and dedication from the citizens of Praedium, the main waterway was excavated from its solitary status to mix and mingle with its fellow water particles.


    Ships and piers begin to sprout from thin air as the once dormant and silent area now bustling with trade. Akovia, now with purpose and now with a better advantage on its economical status.


    "Fellow citizens" Jacque would say.. "The meaning of the sprouting advantage of removing the river walls wasn't to mend relations with One, but to mend with all. Trading is now acceptable by boat and is encouraged to be used by any and all races whom are with good relations towards our Grand Kingdom of Oren".


    "Let the trading, begin."

  2. I do not have you on skype, nor have I played with you on any other server, as far as I'm aware.

    You've mustve forgot then, It was my one and only expierence with you earlier in the year. :) Thank you for your mature responses, it shows that you might've actually changed from what I accused you of earlier. I am up for changing my -1 to a +1 in the near future if I see this continue. :)

  3. Bonjour, Hola, Hello LotC! This is just a little thread I wanted to put together where you type out who your favorite Global Moderator is/was and why. They can be staff members who left.


    Only Mitto is allowed to Meme!




    I'll start : My Favorite staff member was TheHuskyPuppy because we could connect so well. He helped me a lot when I joined and was one of the only people on the server who didnt hate me when I was going through the most toxic tantrum in the history of LotC!




  4. I have never rp'ed with your nor spoken to you ooc'ly, so I am not sure where this opinion has been made from. Even so, thank you for your feedback.

    I don't like calling people a Liar straight up, but you did in fact curse me both on skype and another server which I will not say the name of publicly because you thought I called your friend a "jerk". I still have a strong opinion of you NOT getting the position. Sorry ~

  5. ill probably get shouted at for "bullying" for this but oh well


    you're prone to getting overly stressed and emotional over this server as a simple player, so i really dont think it's in your best interests to take up a volunteer staff position here as i think it'd have a negative impact on you soz

    Completely agree and to add on to what moogle said, I feel you have such a strong attachment to the server that you go overboard with insults and other negative comments towards others who you think either hurt you or your friends when in reality that may not be the case. You are quick to act, which sometimes lead to your defeat. I would wait a few months and try and distance yourself from the server, or better yet just take it as seriously. That was a huge problem I had, which resulted in a TON of negative impact towards me. Just encourage you to do these things because I truly see potential in you. :) Good luck in the future but for now it'll be a -1

  6. I, along with my town Praedium can help you get off the ground from a little village to a population booming environment. We can help supply men, tools, and materials at low costs. We can discuss this further on my skype (JillyFilled). Looking forward to hearing back from you.

  7. I don't understand.. Is it just some bug that lives in the snow?

    The concept behind this is that theres a snow bug in the mountain. This can lead to that the bug is poisonous and will eventually affect Jacque and possibly others. this is a major major major WIP that isn't and will not be done for quite some time. Letting RP take it over and see where it goes.

  8. The common tale of the Lithette was considered a fairy tell.. A story to tell your children and your grandchildren before they close their eyes for them to dwell on.. That is until Jacque was prowling thorugh the dwarvern mountains after the hostile acts against them halted..


    Jacque had always enjoyed the long hikes through the snowy mountains of Kal'Karaad until a blizzard hit and forced him off of his tracks. As he managed to trudge forward in the deep snow, he realized he was moving in the wrong direction and caught himself in the coldest parts of the mountain where only few have survived. Afraid and close to death he fell onto the snow unconsious. After several hours, he awoke and with the last of his might make his way towards the base of the mountain.


    As he crawled down, he began to see little white and grey specks on the snow top and wondered how so many specks could arrive in wuch a short time. He also wondered what they were. As he looked closer he began to see wings and a small but noticeable face.. He jumped back as he looked around, now knowing that he was surrounded by thousands of small seed sized bugs..


    He shook his head a few times, looking back and around several times to conclude that he wasn't in the middle of a blizzard but in the middle of swarm of these tiny creatures. Jacque scooped them along with some snow into a jar that he was carrying. After his short recovery, he looked into the jar to see the melted snow, water, and these bugs floating about. With great curiosity, he drew them and titled the picture "Lithette"





    After he drew the bug, he got up from his bed, looking through his window towards the Kal'Karaad mountains, awaiting his next journey to visit his small insect friends.




    These are bugs which STAY in the mountains of Kal'Karaad. They migrate from the upper part of the mountain when born to the lower parts. However, due to horrid and cold conditions, thousands of these bugs do not make it to the lower parts of the mountain that is more suitable for them.



    Tl;dr ; Non-playable bugs on the Snowy mountain of Kal'kaard.

  9.    Unlike the popular vote, The Kha as a whole have grown on me and I have become attached with their culture and way of life. I do agree with your views on the appalling neglect that you and the other players face and deal with continuously. Try asking Jacque (Wink wink).. He may just let you have a spot on Praedium or even get a surrounding plot for you. The southern plots open up frequently.. It would be easy for you to occupy one. Not to throw Adam_barnett under the bus, but I offered him TWO different plots, both which were rejected for being "To small". One was a 2 player plot and I agree was small, but the other (I believe n_forestcanyon2) was quite massive.. especially for a small and decreasing player base. Your player base will continue to decrease if you don't get a plot for a home as you said. Best of luck and wishes to you and the rest of our furry friends. Hopefully the Kha can withhold the rest of this map and 5.0


    Jacque Praedium


  10. At least give me the courtesy that I gave you and read through my entire post, what I said is that you aren't being cyber bullied on Lord of the Craft, if what you say is what actually gets sent to you and is through any medium of the server, then by all means send reports to a moderator or admin. If it's through Skype then block their sorry arses and simply take in a deep breath, because what you listed isn't something that only happens to you over Skype and I am not saying that as a "Shut up your worries are meaningless" more so to explain that when the children who said that to you, have said it so many times that it genuinely lost all meaning to them and lets be frank here, people who genuinely mean that **** are just childish and have found comfort in the fact that online anonymity is a thing. 

    Not here to have a discussion, although after reading it I will be clear with anything else I write where I'm being "Attacked". Obviously I didn't write down word for word what is said to me, but in the long run I'd like to gain more supportive comments rather than "Go gas yourself you Flipping Jew." Agreed?

  11. What I have to say may be taken as a sour pill to swallow and believe me when I say that nothing that I say is meant in any way, shape or form as a way to poke fun at you. Trust me when I say that you're not being cyber bullied on Lord of the Craft, what many people here perceive as cyber bullying nowadays is simply just people trying to have a laugh at someone else's expense. Is it a **** thing to do? Yeah, is it cyber bullying? Hardly. The best thing to do in this sort of scenario is simply to laugh it off and keep on walking down the road, will they continue? Not for long if you don't give them a reaction. You do not need to continuously make these threads, because it seems that you are desperately clawing onto the hopes of friendship and if you need to claw for them, they aren't real friends. I am certain you do not need the appraisal or the understanding of a lot of the people on the server, simply put you shouldn't care what these people think of you and only what your closest friends think, they will be brutely honest with you. 


    Most importantly, it's not about what other's think of you that you should be worried about but how you think about yourself.

      Sorry, I stopped reading with the "You aren't being cyber-bullied". Ok Sky.. I'm trying to find words to say this nicely.. Let me just give a list of what is repeated to me on a daily basis, from different people. I'm subbing words so I dont have a bunch of *****


       "Flip flap you. I hate flipping N-Word like yourself. I hope you rot in hell"

      "Go kill yourself.. Nobody Flipping likes you"

    " I hope you burn in hell.. Never come back to Lotc you flipping N-Word"

      "IF you ever come back to Lotc, I will flipping DDOS you flipping N-word"

    Then theres more of the basic Go kill yourself, you're worthless, etc etc etc. Thats being bullied online. Mash those two words together and you get.......








    EDIT : I've made 2 threads about this. Including this one.. Sorry about that. This thread also went in a different path as my other one did.


    To be frank, I hate posts like this. It makes me feel like you're trying to get attention, and seem sympathetic, even after all the stuff you do/did.


    Anyone who says they're going to change after a slip up that ends in a ban, go back to the way they were a few weeks/months later. To use an example, take someone like Space. He said he would be less rude and actually do some good. Well, if you see the way he acts in OOC chat, you get the point of what I am trying to say. 


    I don't hate people on this server, I only have a dislike for people who get on my nerves.


    If you are unbanned again, I am not expecting much, if not, any change whatsoever.

    I would say I am surprised you're not perma-banned, but I forgot this is LoTC, where perma-bans are hardly followed through.


    All in all, like I said i'm not doing this for attention more as explaining my thought process before my potential Unban. I would like to start somewhat fresh.. Sorry you feel I should be Perma Banned. I feel I am bad but not that bad compared to others.


    You've written like ten posts that are similar to this one, we get that you're sorry for being a massive **** but you don't need to write this sorta stuff because it'll just get people that despise you to ****-post.


    Work your way back up solemnly without making it a big ******* deal yeah?


    I wrote one post that was very differnt than this one and it was my side of a story seeing if I was in the wrong. Anyway, thanks for the feedback..

  14. I read the entirety of your post. I am an old player, and just recently came back. From where I stand, you seem honestly apologetic for whatever you must have done and continued doing. What I can say, however, is that trust is earned over time and to get into people's good side takes awhile.


    But this is the internet, things move pretty fast around here. So I can honestly tell you that whatever you must have done will eventually be forgotten or forgiven as many things are. Good luck with the ban appeal.

    Thank you for your comment. I realise the hard task of earning back the trust of the community and to regain my reputation. :) Have a great day

  15. Before you continue with this post, I'd highly encourage you don't just pop up on here to "**** Post". This is a legitmate thread where I will be explaining my struggles, POV, etc. The reason being for this post is a lot of others who call me toxic ask me to write why I'm so toxic, and I will be! No names will be put out, so do not worry. If you see ##### That is a redacted name. Please read through the entire post before posting, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not post about anything that isn't comments about THIS post or anything having to do WITH this post. Thanks! Enjoy my POV. :)



        Last year, around February I joined LotC! It was the fringe.. and everything was chaotic. I was deemed an impatient player from the beginning by some AT because I wasn't the happiest about getting my application denied a few times. I was brought on here by a player who was known to be a troll and toxic which didn't help my case. From an early playing time on Lotc, I was known as toxic because of being friends with him. I also learned how to RP with him, which just worsened me in the long run. Thankfully a player who was rather good at RP saved me from diving too deep.


      Going into Thales I decided that you could do ANYTHING on the internet, including pissing people off which is exactly what I did! As many of you know, i was banned early Anthos for Toxicity and No-Rp killing SEVERAL people simply for some RP which I lost at. This resulted in the few players that thought I had a chance with the community and my reputation drop and move away from me because to be quite frank, why would anybody want to be friends with me. At this point with Lotc, I am known to be toxic for both legitimate and non-legitimate reasons.


        After I served my time, I came back late late late Thales and kept low. I reunited with the player whom brought me on the server (Big Mistake!) and got worse again.. Early Athera I was banned with him for toxicity. At this point, everybody hates me for the most part. I honestly think that ONE mod still liked me out of the entire server. This is when I began to get the skype messages which ranged from insults to death threats and wishes. I ignored them for the most part until my parents decided to have a custody battle over me.. Again... (fun!). After this court trial ended, I went into complete depression. I stopped eating, I stopped talking and I stopped doing the things I loved for the most part. Through this, I decided to use Mine Craft as my gateway from reality and began Alting.. A lot.. I could've been unbanned but my time was doubled, tripled, etc. I finally however ran out of alts and around earlyDecemeber 2015 I pulled my **** together big time. I threw my chin up and made a new skype along with tried to change for the better on the internet.


       When I was unbanned on January 1st I came on with a smile on my face, although the majority of the server hated me. I helped in WS daily.. No, more like hourly and tried to be the best player I could be when in reality, I didn't exactly want to. I wanted to try to change so I can win back the community that once was so accepting of me in my first week of the server. I went from horribly toxic to a model player. I won the majority of the community back and everything was going fantastic. However, starting late March, I stopped helping as the hate began to come in again. I stopped being friendly but didn't go so far as to be toxic. However, I had occasional Skype outbursts with others whom I didn't like. I became very passive agressive and decided that it was my way or the high way. With that being said, I launched myself into a short-temper life style for the internet. It worked for me until a player trolled in my city and angered me. This was also a time where my father tried to contact me again (fun!) and my Grandmother passed (More fun!).  I screamed at the player both IG and OOCly and eventually Killed her with the bare minimum RP attached. Thus I was banned for a No=Rp kill and for a non-friendly behavior. I was angry with my ban, now I take it as a warning from the admin which banned me who cared about me enough to ban me before I became full on toxic and was Perma-banned. For that I thank you. Although I still have some Skype outbursts, I am doing my best to filter out of the toxic phase.


        Why am I writing this? It just seems like a timeline.. I'm writing this because I want you to know where I stand and where I'm coming from in general on the topic of LotC. I want you all to know why I was acting this way, and why I have random outbursts.. A lot ask if I'm "Bipolar" And "Do you have home issues". Well, the answer is yes (To home issues). I also want to point out that I have been better, and of course I will try to get better as the path of redemption is a long, hard and steep path to walk.


       What am I asking from you? I'm asking for mostly support. My early appeal date is 5/16 and if I get unbanned, I'd like to have a supportive player base. You don't have to welcome me back, and you don't have to be my friend. I would just appreciate the Skype messages to halt, and hear nothing but good things or constructive criticism. What else does this mean? I'd like you to ding me if I screw up. If I have a slip, i want to be notified because I don't want a repeat of the last year. I don't want to be labeled a toxic player, as nobody does. I want an 8th chance, if you will.


         Also, this post was in no way shape or form meaning to offend, call out, or challenge ANYBODY. This again is simply my POV from everything and my side of the many stories.


           I wrote this post due to a recent ban appeal comment that basically said you need to pull your stuff together, even though you are having problems OOC this is a RP server along with my friends which I've made on LotC. I want them, you, God, and everybody to know that I want to change and that sometimes things get in the way of that. (For example, my family problems). I look forward to my return.


    tl;dr : I gucked up bad, I know it.. OOC problems influenced me and I want the support of the community to get me back on track


    As always, have a great day/night LotC.



    EDIT: No, this post was NOT for brownie points with the staff team. I had and have NO intentions on getting anything out of this post but the ability to be supported and not cyber-bullied from now on.


    Jack Mills


    ~ Jacque Praedium ~

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