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Posts posted by HardstyleRaver2

  1. MC Name: HardstyleRaver2

    Your Full Name: Alakagh Uuthlini

    Your Age: 49

    Your Gender: Male

    Are you moving in alone or with family/friends? (Specify if second option): Alon

    Are you an elf, half elf, or parent of a half elf?: Elf

    Of which subrace(s) are you?: Dark Elf

    What skills do you have?: Swordsmanship and mining

  2. Alakagh Uuthlini, a dark elf, starts to pack his belongings in the former Uuthlini clan home in Ker'lomi. He sighed as he hauled his stuff out of his home. As he exited Ker'lomi for probably the last time, he looked back at the entrance, and his frown increased. Then, he turned away from the entrance and left Annil'sul.

    "Van'ayla, my home." He whispered to himself, melancholy.

  3. OOC:

    I have a suggestion for the ale drinking competition. My dark elf character won the ale drinking contest during the Knoxgiving festival, and I'd found it weird that he beated the halflings and dwarves, who were in the competition. Even though he loved to drink ale, he still should had a hard time beating the dwarves and halflings.

    The game should consist of rounds. Everyone should roll once per round. Once the last participant rolled, the next round starts. Since I like how the threshold decreases over time from the last competition, it will decrease for each round. Of course, the participant will be eliminated if he rolled higher than the threshold. Dwarves and halflings should roll a number lower than 20, so they will have an advantage. For example, /roll 15. Of course, last man standing wins.

    I would think that it'll be better than just spamming /roll 20.

  4. Alakagh, wearing full armor including a helm, picked up one of the flyers on the road just outside of Annil'sul. He squinted at it for a moment and then sighed.

    "This is worse than Yriel's calligraphy."

    He tossed the flyer aside and entered the main square in Annil'sul.


    Alakagh's wearing a helm due to a prank. Anyways, is it an actual flyer for all elves to see? If not, then please delete my post.

  5. Alakagh faces Mizziyrn with a frown."That seems to be too silly of a punishment, Mizziyrn! Also, how can you make a rainbow by branding?"

    Alakagh faces Veldryn. "That punishment will not make the criminal learn his lesson. It needs to be more severe."

    Alakagh faces Dak'ir with a grin. "Let me add more to your suggested punishment. We could cut 3 of their digits off for each crime they did. I believe the branding and cutting the digits will teach them a lesson."

  6. Name: Veldryn Ikur' Uuthlini

    Age: 242

    Skills: The creative use of a Sword

    You must live within the Under City. Do you?: I already do, since so long.

    Do you pledge your life in service to the Mali'ker and the Lord of the Under City? Always

    Skype (Optional): Already added

    Alakagh had just decided to check the drop box for the day. Before he opened it, he sighed. However, a wide grin formed on his face as he saw a single application lied in the box. He quickly snatched the paper from the box and started to read it. Then, his eyes widened. After a few minutes, he went back into the Uuthlini's clan house and entered his bedroom. He sat in his desk, grabbed a quill, dipped it in black ink, and wrote, "Accepted", with a lack of calligraphy. Then, he slipped the application underneath a double door of Veldryn's room.
  7. "We must not forget about Iblees and his minions are out and about. About an elven week, a cultist arrived outside of the gates of Annil'sul, claiming that he is wearing a costume. However, I caught him, pulling hairs from a child Kha, so I and others detained him to one of the cages that was outside of Annil'sul. Then, an undead being arrived, demanding us to release him, and it started to attack us. For some reason, an orc was in the city, attacking us. We'd defeated these two with only one casualty and some wounded." Alakagh takes a deep breath. "Also, I clearly remembered a necromancer invaded us, had killed a citizen, and almost killed one of my men. This happened before the high elves of the Silver Law were overthrown, but I never want to see it happen ever again." Alakagh paused for a moment. "I don't approve on leaving the gates open because I want every citizen to feel safe when walking in these streets."
  8. In Annil'sul, Alakagh stood in front of the notice board, reading the poster. His eyebrows narrowed, and he crosses his arms against his chest after he finished reading it. Hoping for someone to listen to him, he spoke with a tone of disappointment. "We are going to assist the nation who love to see the mali'ker, my kin, suffer? Besides of the threat of Iblees, why should we assist them? This nation loves clip my fellow kin's ears, hang my fellow kin, crucify my fellow kin, and other ways to kill my kin for the reason that we are dark elves. They are far worse than the loyalists of the Silver Law that were overthrown, and I was been told that they harbor these loyalists somewhere in their nation. By my guess, supremacists work well with other supremacists." He filled his lungs with air as he took a deep breath. "In my eyes, Oren is as evil as Iblees, and we should not support them until the nation change their actions against me and my kin and compensate us for their actions. I do not tolerate them murdering the innocent dark elf."

  9. Alakagh with a scowl ripped the poster from a notice board in Annil'sul. He muttered to himself angrily as he furiously crumbled the poster. "I will not let Iblees take our citizens of Annil'sul." Then, he headed to Ker'lomi to dispose of the poster by burning it in an open pit, which was found in the Uuthlini clan's residence.

  10. After no one else responded, Alakagh continued on. "Now, I will talk about the swords and shields we are going to use. I have decided to make the soldier to either carry 2 different one-handed swords with a shield or carry a two-handed sword without a shield. The one-handed swords will be a kalive, a longsword, a short-sword, and a shamshir. Mizziryn's sword will replace the typical longsword and the short-sword if I determine that it's better than them. By the way, soldiers should not dual-wield swords. The two-handed swords will be a kalive, a broadsword, and a scimitar. Of course, all these blades will be made by Dak'ir. That is all I have to say regarding swords for now. Any thoughts?" He waited for any response.

  11. "It's my suggestion that a small knife or two be attached just below the front of the crossbow, in-case a foe gets too close for its own good. Provided it does not interfere with the place which the foot is placed to properly draw the bow."

    Mizziyrn would mok the confidence in tone that make him appear as an expert, yet the contents of his words such as 'that place' indicate otherwise.

    "That's an interesting idea, but I believe that I have a better idea. We should use 2 crossbows that have different situational uses. The first crossbow would be a powerful arbalest with the cranequin mechanism to help with reloading the thing. It would used for long range targets and for piercing plated armor. The problem with this crossbow is the slow reloading speed, so it's not ideal for close ranges that are out of a sword's reach. The second crossbow would be smaller and lighter than a typical crossbow, so I believe it would be called a hand crossbow. Theoretically, it has limited range and can only penetrate through leather armor, but the reload speed will be shorter than the arbalest. Therefore, it can be used as a personal defense weapon and is ideal for close ranges. Each soldier can choose either one."

  12. ​Arveldir steps into the kitchery, dressed in his uniform and hand resting on his hilt absently as he nods to everyone present. He steps over to the table, "I carry three blades with me at all times. A regular long sword," he slides the blade from its sheath and sets it on the table, "a shortsword," he slides the second blade from its smaller sheath and places it next to the first blade, "and a dagger for close encounters." Arveldir places the final, much smaller blade next to the shortsword. All of the blades would be of simple elven make, nothing special. "Each I've placed in a certain part of my belt and I've memorized where they are for quick use. Before you ask, no I don't use two at the same time. That'd be idiotic."

    ((I believe the high elven guards also used to use spears..))

    "Karin'ayla," greeted Alakagh as Arveldir entered the place. After Arveldir spoke and laid the weapons on the table, he narrowed his eyes and leaned over the table to have a better view of Arveldir's weapons. Then, he shifted his eyes over to Athri's sword. After he finished comparing Athri's sword and Arveldir's swords, he sat back.

    "It had been a tradition in my family for century. When a blade stricks the edge of mine, it's to send unnatural vibrations down the sword and arm of the user. It's a tool of defense and a piece of art."

    Mizziyrn touches his shield

    "I prefer my offense to be operated through a powerful defense. If my blade is to remain on my mantel, leave me my shield. "

    "On the matter of bows, our kin have never been renown in its use. Our friends above the city have mastered it, and archery has been engraved in their culture. We are not the wood elves, not many of us pick a bow up regularly. . .and that's a tool that takes a good decade to perfectly master. A crossbow seems to be most effective tool for us."

    "Ah, I can see why you value your blade so much." He paused for a moment. "The blade does have an interesting function, but I want to witness it myself to see how much it affects the opponent. I want to determine if the vibrations are actually useful. I would like to see a demonstration. Anyways, I would consider having shields as part of the official arsenal."

    Dak'ir nods at Mizziyrn's words as he begins to undo the bindings and uncover the weapon.

    "He speaks the truth. Crossbows are also much more accurate and more powerful. We are fighting heavily armed men, not deer in a forest. Among longsword, crossbow, and shield. It has come to my attention that a spear may be quite useful as well. I'll have to forge some cross spears in the coming days. But this..."

    He finally unravels the cloth, uncovering the weapon.

    "Is something special I've been working on. I've even had the chance to use it along side Phaedrus against a knight that had harried us for a few days now and it's proven quite effective."


    "While almost as tall as a wood elf, it's quite effective in both offence and defence. A secondary and tertiary grip for stability and control. With a full swing it could cut rather deeply into armored men. Though it is more designed for hacking something to bits than cutting it. So what do you think?"
    Alakagh widened his eyes and left his mouth agaped as he saw Dak'ir revealed the odd weapon. He uttered, "Oh my ancestors..." He paused for quite a bit as he examined the unusual weapon. After Dak'ir finally finished speaking, Alakagh said, "It looks like that an Uruk could wield this magnificient 'weapon.' It's massive, but I would like to use it. What do you call it?" He leaned over and reached his hand over to feel the flat side of the blade and the grips. "How can you carry it when you are not using it during a battle?"

    He sat back after he finished feeling the weapon. "Anyways, I would like to start to talk about what kind of crossbows we should use. Shall I begin?" He looked around the room and waited for any response.

  13. Mizziyrn enters with a Flamberge,shield, and a crossbow.

    "These are the weapons I've carried since I was old enough to fight in the name of the ancestors. They hold a place on my mantel, and I prefer not to part with them for the sake of uniformity. Yet if it's your orders, it will be done"

    "Karin'ayla," greeted Alakagh as Mizziryn entered the place. After Mizziyrn placed the weapons on the table and spoke his mind, Alakagh leaned over the table to examine weapon. He looked back to his own weapons to compare. Then, he laid back, weaving his hands together.

    "What an interesting sword you have there." He paused for a moment as he made eye contact with Mizziyrn. "Who forged the blade? What is the purpose of the wavy design? Anyways, I must let you know of how important uniformity is to me and the guard force. Uniformity assists discipline."

    Avariss walks into the room, carrying two elven carved swords and a long bow.

    "I have only used a sword my entire life, but I think there is room for improvement. I definitely think that we need more organization, we are like clowns on the battlefield. We need more strategies, it will make victory more likely in numerous cases. As well, we lack something that the mali'ame are not lacking... Bows. We need to work more with bows, we may be very incompetent with the art of archery, but it is a good tool to have, and we are at a disadvantage. That is all."

    And with that, he waits to hear what his fellow Mali'ker have to say.

    "Karin'ayla," greeted Alakagh as Athri entered the place. After Athri placed the weapons on table and spoke his mind, Alakagh nodded as he examined the Athri's weapons.

    "I do agree with your point of having bows; however, I do think that it would take us way too long to master the use of longbows and shortbows. Therefore, I do think that we should use crossbows instead, since they are easier to use and much more effective than normal bows. By the way, I also agree with your point about strategy, so I will do research on several strategies."

    Dak'ir hobbles into the bar, limping somewhat with a hand on his side. Under an arm he carries a long and heavy looking item wrapped in cloth. He settles himself into a seat placing the package on the table as he looks around to those who have gathered.

    "Once a few more people arrive, I'll show you something I've been working on. It's proven useful against a rather strange knight that Phaedrus and I have encountered in the city above."

    ((Also, Watyll. The woodies have been the spear users lately. You should see Wardog's hoplite style combat rp.))

    "Karin'ayla, Dak'ir. It's good to see you here." Then, he raised his brow as he saw what Dak'ir was carrying. "What the nether is that?"

    ((I should reward myself for doing all of this with my phone as it is very difficult to do, especially with the font options to make it appealing.))

  14. Alakagh enters in Della's bakery, carrying several pieces of parchment and a pen. He takes a seat at the largest table in the place. He faces at the entrance, waiting for others to come. While he waits, he individually unstraps 3 sheaths that contains a shamshir, an enchanted longsword, and a pesh-kabz and sets them on the table in front of him. He takes them out of their sheaths and organized them in a way that they're neatly beside their sheaths.

  15. yG4gwkG.png

    A letter has been sent to all of the members of eldiv'cruan and Dak'ir Des'Nox.

    It has come to my attention that are no official weapons for eldiv'cruan as of yet. Because of this, every single member could bring their own weapon, which could cause inconsistent fighting styles among our ranks. Also, we appeared to be an unorganized band of mercenaries, so I would like to hold a meeting, which is about choosing which swords, bows, crossbows, and daggers we should use, in Della's bakery. It's an unusual place to meet at, but I can't think anywhere else.

    ~Alakagh Uuthlini, Riv'tahu

    ((This meeting will be only Forum RP))

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