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Posts posted by Vesalian

  1. A Thesis on Orcish paganism and culture




    1st of The Amber Cold, 1522


    Geffrois sat within his cramped chamber, having only recently visited one of the most dangerous regions in Vailor. A candle shone a fiery red light upon his desk as he soaked the tip of his pen in azure ink.


    “Today I took on a daring quest towards the Orcish lands, in search of knowledge on their paganistic culture, as little can be found in literature about these savage creatures. With great difficulty, I was able to land on their so-called arid shores.



    Yet little is true about this statement, as only a few feet further, I found myself in a most fertile field.



    Within moments, I could lay eyes upon their barbaric dwellings, a collection of poorly made tents and huts. Even within this distance (which I gladly kept, in fear of being assaulted by these vulgar animals) were by nostrils able to capture the stench of rotten flesh and feces. It is in such moments as these that a man such as myself may feel truly blessed by the Creator, to have been given the mind and body of a man and not that of these green-skinned critters.



    As one may expect, I soon took my leave, in search of signs of paganism.

    Hours of wayfaring through the desert took its toll, but I was successful.



    A shrine of bone and skull lay atop a mountain of fire. A trial of smoke had accumulated above the fire, provoking a moment of coughing.


    It became clear that these vile vagabonds worshipped spirits of some sorts, denying their one and only Creator. In a world of human domination, one would think that animals like these would have long since been converted and civilised. Albeit it is known that the Aengudaemons are servants of the Creator, what are these ‘spirits’ to the Creator? As I see it, they are a lesser sort of Aengudaemons, perhaps even lost ancestors, or simply descendants without form. These beings are worshipped in violent ways, resembling the barbaric nature of the vermin that wanders these dunes.


    It is thus that I conclude that these animals should righteously be converted with an iron fist, eradicating their vile paganism off the face of the realm.


    Bless Daniel II.


    God wills it.


  2. Street Address or Area of Residency -

    First house on the right.

    Full name [MC name in Brackets] - Abdul-Qawi [Aetas]

    Race(Include culture if able) - Farfolk

    Are you the Household owner? - Yes

    If not, who is the Household owner? - Deez nuts

    What faith do you follow? - Xan

    Who else resides within your Home?(Full names & Race [MC names in Brackets]) - No one, I don't even have friends. ;-;

    Do you understand this law, and will ensure to follow it? This also applies to all household members as well. - Yes

  3. “I swear to be true to the Church, God and his realm, to the Archons of our faith, and most bindingly to the Head of the Faith, and not to maintain silence about any evil that I may know or have heard or may hear which is being contemplated against the Church, its realms, the clergymen or the Head of the Faith. I swear also not to eat or drink with heretics, apostates or sinners, and not to have anything in common with them. I shall obey the orders of my bishop and adhere to the tenets of our faith without perversion. On this I kiss the cross.” -Signed, Geffrois de Beauchesne 


    ((OOC: Looking to join as acolyte))

  4. Name: Viaiel Elsinael

    Age: 149

    Experience/Degree: Quite excellent with both blade and bow.

    Occupations and Labour Skills: None.

    How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral?: I possess Silver hair and violet eyes; true signs of purity.

    How long has one resided with his/her people?: For all my life, only recently have I landed in this new Realm, Vailor.

    Will you place the wellbeing of Silver and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own?: Indeed.


    Username: Aetas

    Timezone: GMT+1 (Belgium)

    Skype (can be sent privately if requested): mr.hawtdawg

    Do you have teamspeak ?: Yes, and willing to use it.

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