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The Thought Police

Iron VIP
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Posts posted by The Thought Police

  1. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: CommissarCream

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: Intense_Death


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes.

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Yes.

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Yes.

    How long have you been on LotC?: Don't know, a year or so.

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: One.

  2. Amount of Minas Donated: Azh.
    [ Alternative ] Material Goods donated: Peeze ob breyd.
    Name of Donor: Kryllaal'Kog'Vanir
    Do you wish to remain Anonymous?: Nub lyke mooze
    Are you now or have you ever been affiliated with any of the following disabled groups? 
    [✓] Speech-fraught Aesterwaldians
    [✓] Whitewashed Orcs
    [✓] Wifebeating Renatians 
    [✓] Actual literal piles of garbage on the street
  3. LM Trials 3.0


    We’ve also recently had another set of trials to fill in the gaps left by Zarsies and Benboboy and thus the results are in. Those successful within the trials were;




    Yes. Thats it unfortunately.

    Yeah, I suppose Birdwhisperer IS pretty terrible.

  4. Icelandic memer that hasn't matured AT ALL since EotA I hate him with all my heart


    +1 pretty builds and he's got better, only issue is if he goes back to how he was like a month or so ago (whenever he got banned) and I don't think he's dumb enough to do that

  5. What is your opinion of me?
    What is your favourite type of dog?
    How many dogs do you own?
    Can I live in your house with you when I move to Norway?
    Is Easter celebrated in Norway?
    If so, how many eggs did you get?
    Have you eaten them all yet?
    Do you know why Stryder added me to the Survivors chat?
    Do you still lift?
    Why do you hate Dane?
    Will you ever leave him alone?
    What is your religion, or do you not have one?
    Do you appreciate the fact that I accidentally deleted these questions three times but I wrote them out again anyway?
    How long have we known each other, and do you remember how we met?
    What is your favourite book series?
    Is ******** torsion still your worst fear?
    Why do you stay on LotC?
    Is your most memorable moment on LotC when Wun shat on the floor in Ark's keep if not, why?
    Who is the crying pansy in the gif in your signature, and how is he related to Sweden?
    Were any of your ancestors Vikings?
    What is your favourite game?
    Do you like being apart of the AT?
    Is your neighbourhood still really spooky?
    What was your reaction when we first met?
    How many languages can you speak, and which?
    Will you teach me to speak Viking?
    Why did you choose your 600th post to make an AMA?
    At what milestone will you make your next AMA?
    Does me asking you so many questions trigger you?
    Can you think of anymore questions I should ask?
    Do you think these are copy + pasted from Jonas' AMA?
  6. This post gave me PTSD

    Why didn't you answer my questions??

    What, in your opinion, does PTSD stand for???

    When you don't answer someone's questions, is that a subtle way of telling them you don't like them????

  7. What is your opinion of me?
    What is your favourite type of dog?
    How many dogs do you own?
    Can I live in your house with you when I move to Norway?
    Is Easter celebrated in Norway?
    If so, how many eggs did you get?
    Have you eaten them all yet?
    Do you know why Stryder added me to the Survivors chat?
    Do you still lift?
    What is your favourite race?
    Why do you hate Dane?
    Will you ever leave him alone?
    What is your religion, or do you not have one?
    Do you appreciate the fact that I accidentally deleted these questions three times but I wrote them out again anyway?
    How long have we known each other, and do you remember how we met?
    What is your favourite book series?
    Is ******** torsion still your worst fear?
    Why do you stay on LotC?
    Is your most memorable moment on LotC when Wun shat on the floor in Ark's keep if not, why?
    Who is the crying pansy in the gif in your signature, and how is he related to Sweden?
    Were any of your ancestors Vikings?
    What is your favourite game?
    Do you like being apart of the AT?
    Is your neighbourhood still really spooky?
    What was your reaction when we first met?
    How many languages can you speak, and which?
    Will you teach me to speak Viking?
    Why did you choose your 600th post to make an AMA?
    At what milestone will you make your next AMA?
    Does me asking you so many questions trigger you?
    Can you think of anymore questions I should ask?
  8. Honestly, I know you're all friendly and all that to people in WS, but I still feel you're rather hostile and rude when it comes to other situations, so it'll be a -1 from me.

    This is basically what I was going to say. While I've never really spoken much to you properly myself, via BRs, gyazos, and such I've seen you act quite unpleasant towards people. It'd help if you take the friendly and helpful attitude from WS and just keep it in general. -1


    EDIT: And another thing, he did try to (in OOC, not IC) convince someone from House Blake to steal from the rest of the members of the family.

  9. Something like this has happened me to before, except I teleported around more and everyone's models had some weird shapes attached to their back. Changing the render distance to a smaller one helped, and so did just restarting Minecraft. I was told it's something to do with rendering in 1.8.

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