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The Thought Police

Iron VIP
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Posts posted by The Thought Police

  1. I've known Ark for well over 6 months now. I can definitely say that over the time I've known him, he's grown to be a decent guy, that is mature and responsible with staff positions. This +1 isn't just because "hes my carrion friend and i need alts accepted!!! xd xd", or anything like that. I genuinely feel that Ark would do well in this position, and pretty much most other staff positions there are.


    A definite +1, and I hope he gets the job. (I'd also like to add that he goes out of his way to help new players. He helped me get into LotC, and if he hadn't given me a place to Karovia I doubt I would have stayed around much longer. He's an incredibly helpful guy, and very friendly.)

  2. Could you make firm villain rules, so we know exactly what and what not to do?


    "Role-Play Quality" is and always will be subjective, which means these "bad eggs" could easily fall to the mercy of players who never liked them in the first place and will almost inevitably complain that they're "bad villains", regardless of what they do. 


    I suppose this is a moot point if the blacklists only apply to breaking server rules, but eh... Better to have villain rules back anyway.

    +1 to this. I think there should be guidelines about what will actually get you blacklisted, and what sort of RP is considered suitable for villainous activities. Other than that, I really like this idea, and I hope it works well.

  3.  ((This is good! I'll put this out here now; the reason why I don't RP the response of the spiders is because I will not be there to RP the spider for you xD. You get one of the five, small spiders, as I guess you wanted that?))


    ((Nah, the original spider I was after was "A small-medium spider, with golden-banded legs and a cold blue shape, like a sword, upon its back. It has a Bird of prey's skull." I quoted it in my original post, but forgot to for the repeat one.))

  4. Edgar Carrington:


    * Name (MC as well): Intense_Death

    * Race: Human

    * Reason for wanting to join the Stag: I wish to join the Stag to fight alongside brothers, and I see no dishonour in choosing the White Stag.

    *Years enlisting: 5 [ ] 10 [ ] 15 [ ] 20 [ *]




    * Name (MC as well): Intense_Death

    * Race: Uruk

    * Reason for wanting to join the Stag: Mi wuhnt tu klomp zkah, bud dah War Uzg iz nub klomping anehazh. Zu mi am juhnehn diz tu klomp ztuff.

    *Years enlisting: 5 [ *] 10 [ ] 15 [ ] 20 [ ]

  5. I'm going to sleep now. Will check this tomorrow! If you want me to remember, please quote one of my posts on this topic, as my update bar will notify me xD Night!))



    Kryllaal stomps into San'Vitar, not noticing Wun having fun with his own giant spider. He grunts when he reaches his cave, pulling a handful of warm fish out of a sack and dropping them into a pile of other rotting foodstuffs. He frowns as he does so, noticing that the pile is wriggling more than usual, even though there aren't many maggots. He snorts, and pushes the top half of the pile over, and rotting food spills across the cave floor. Kryllaal blinks several times, taken aback by the spider underneath quickly retreating into the skull of an eagle. Next to it lays a raw, partially eaten, fish. He scratches a tusk, with an amused smile on his face, and leans down to pick up a fresh piece of meat from the counter. He sits on the floor, and pokes at the skull with the steak, grumbling happily as the spider slowly crawls out and begins to eat the meat. After finishing this, the spider crawls part-way up Kryllaal, and then onto the counter to carry on eating the steak that's there. It appears that Kryllaal had made a new friend.

  6. A small-medium spider, with golden-banded legs and a cold blue shape, like a sword, upon its back. It has a Bird of prey's skull.


    Kryllaal stomps into San'Vitar, not noticing Wun having fun with his own giant spider. He grunts when he reaches his cave, pulling a handful of warm fish out of a sack and dropping them into a pile of other rotting foodstuffs. He frowns as he does so, noticing that the pile is wriggling more than usual, even though there aren't many maggots. He snorts, and pushes the top half of the pile over, and rotting food spills across the cave floor. Kryllaal blinks several times, taken aback by the spider underneath quickly retreating into the skull of an eagle. Next to it lays a raw, partially eaten, fish. He scratches a tusk, with an amused smile on his face, and leans down to pick up a fresh piece of meat from the counter. He sits on the floor, and pokes at the skull with the steak, grumbling happily as the spider slowly crawls out and begins to eat the meat. After finishing this, the spider crawls part-way up Kryllaal, and then onto the counter to carry on eating the steak that's there. It appears that Kryllaal had made a new friend.

  7. ((I'm interested in getting one of these, but I don't know how the RP of gaining it's trust and loyalty would work. What exactly would a character have to do? Just feed it and look after it? Also, I assume that if someone picks the smaller spiders, they will eventually grow into large spiders. Am I correct about that?))

  8. It's not against the rules to express your opinions, lol. Unless you're breaking other rules by doing so.


    That's strange. I'm pretty sure Eyad's picture didn't break any rules at all, he was just making his opinion clear. And if you find the way he did it offensive, well, I've seen much more offensive ones on here.




    -1 I believe Cappy is not level headed enough for the position, and is the center of nearly all criticism for the GM team.



    My thoughts exactly, I really don't agree with the promotion, and I hope this post isn't deleted, as I've seen others deleted before. When tons of the playerbase describe a GM as 'ban happy' (even the ones that like the GM), then it is not a person you want to be an admin, or even a staff member. A staff member should be reluctant to ban players in most cases, just because there is a large playerbase does not mean this should change.

  10. Bannerman




    ((Kryllaal just says this to Vasil, because he can't read or write.))


    Name: Mi am Kryllaal'Kog

    Age: Mi nub gruk, ahurhurhurhur.

    Race: Mi am Uruk

    ​What skills do you practice?: Mi am hozh cheff

    Why do you wish to serve House Vanir?: Mi nub gruk, releh, juzt klomp wid Vay-zilleh.




    Skype name: theeroticgrape

    Do you have TS, or will you be willing to get TS?: Yes.

  11. ((I'd just like to say, I fully support this decision Shackles. When I first made my Orc (my first character), I completely stayed away from Orcs, because I couldn't speak, and didn't understand, the Blah. After a while I met a whitwash Orc I met taught me quite a bit in OOC, and after a few days of trying to speak it properly around humans that wouldn't lynch me was a whitewash for not speaking fluent Blah, I was confident enough to go to San'Vitar and start RPing with them properly, and I've never looked back since.

    I feel that this'll be a real bonus to the new players ( http://gyazo.com/4da94ea8ac46ca7a821d5e1c97b56141 ), since they'll be able to start RPing with Orcs from day one, as they don't have to learn the Blah first, and then they can pick up the Blah themselves, which is a much quicker process than the one I went through. I do, however, understand why people are saying Shackles is 'destroying tradition'. I don't mean any disrespect to you, but I really don't think this is true. He's not abolishing the Blah completely, he's making fluent Blah Optional. The emphasis there being on 'fluent' and 'optional'. And, I've got to say, there's not much point having everyone speak fluent Blah if there's barely anyone to speak it. Besides, like I've seen said previously in this thread, Blah can sometimes make it very hard to take Orcs seriously, even if people who play Orcs (or RP with them a lot) will take it seriously.

    As for those people saying things like "Is this an attempt to please your inner human player?"; "Please stop trying to ruin the orc's unique culture and turning them into green humans"; "Kevin P at it again, how is your nation of green humans doing?". Perhaps I'm simply interpreting these incorrectly, but these seem to have the purpose of antagonising. You've not given an argument, or any reason for your opinion, you've just stated it in a rather rude way that doesn't help anyone. I don't want to cause offense, but I'd just recommend giving clear feedback for your dislike, so something can actually be done about. Because I see what HappyShackles is trying to do here, and that's to try and generate RP for the Orcs (none of which I've really seen going on lately) and attract new players to learn about the culture and fun of RPing as one. So, I'll say it again, I fully support Shackles' decision in this.



    EDIT: I've just read Ballnazor's new message, and I'd just like to say that I was proclaimed a whitewash for not knowing the language. Shackes isn't abandoning the language at all, he's making it optional so more people will feel inclined to get involved with Orc RP. This isn't destroying Orc culture, it's allowing more to experience it with easy.))

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