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The Thought Police

Iron VIP
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Posts posted by The Thought Police

  1. Honestly, I know you're all friendly and all that to people in WS, but I still feel you're rather hostile and rude when it comes to other situations, so it'll be a -1 from me.

    This is basically what I was going to say. While I've never really spoken much to you properly myself, via BRs, gyazos, and such I've seen you act quite unpleasant towards people. It'd help if you take the friendly and helpful attitude from WS and just keep it in general. -1


    EDIT: And another thing, he did try to (in OOC, not IC) convince someone from House Blake to steal from the rest of the members of the family.

  2. Something like this has happened me to before, except I teleported around more and everyone's models had some weird shapes attached to their back. Changing the render distance to a smaller one helped, and so did just restarting Minecraft. I was told it's something to do with rendering in 1.8.

  3. +1, it's kind of shameful the old app was denied.

    All of the GM apps were denied, and people were told to re-apply if still interested. Anyway, a huge +1 to Zero. He's a great, mature guy that knows his way around the server. I don't doubt he'll have pages upon pages of +1s again soon enough.

  4. Adolf Ruhr Von Manstein is glad there is more Lebensraum, and that his laws are soon to be implemented. He gives a long nod of satisfaction, before turning back to his book.


    Edgar reads over this notice, and hopes that Adolf is not consolidating his power for a future attempt to take over Leuvaarden and turn it into a dictatorship when Guy de Bar dies of old age by making the Amyas Order swear him an oath of loyalty.

  5. +1 Jonas is a very mature and friendly guy, and a good roleplayer with a solid understanding of the lore. I'd put trust in him to show me around a server, and to review any application I personally made. I believe he could do the exact same with any other player on the server without any bias.

  6. ((IGN: )) Intense_Death
    ((Skype, not required but recommended: )) you done have it
    Your professions:
    We wish to help you, so allow us to ask, what is your dream?:
    The document remains unfilled, but Kryllaal stomps up to Mithius in Petrus and demands to know what it says, and if he should eat it or not.
  7. MC Name: Intense_Death
    Forum name: The Thought Police
    Real name: [Not needed] Gary (that's a lie, actually)
    Experience with chess:Played for about 5-ish years, only played it frequently the last 2 though.
    Skype contact name: theeroticgrape
    How confident are you in your abilities? :) : better than heff and shorty (although, I'm usually not as good as online chess, it doesn't feel the same)
  8. What the **** is that golden thing? Bonnie?!


    Probably Golden Freddie.


    And I really think they should wait a while and develop the game more before releasing a THIRD one. It's been 5 months since the first game was released, and 2 months since the second. The developer could probably make it a much better game if he put more time and effort into it.

  9. Are you a guy or a girl? I can't remember.


    What's your opinion of me?


    Will you be my friend with benefits, instead of Mittosaurus'?


    What do you think of Dane? (NordicGod)


    Why do you hate Dane so much?


    Please leave Dane alone.


    What do you feel when you see people making AMAs for less than 3000 posts when you're about to make one for your 3000th post?


    Can I make a Dreadknight pls?

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